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Rodney McKay/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post

    They do i wounder how many alternate realities they are married in or engaged or even have kid's ?

    Those would be some SMART kids!


      Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
      Those would be some SMART kids!
      ROFL I wonder what would happen if the kids were really smart, but more in a philosophical/literary sense as opposed to a science/math sense. Rodney would probably freak

      Theoretical parent-teacher conference:

      Teacher: Your son/daughter is doing very well this quarter. He/she is showing quite an aptitude for English, actually

      Sig by ME!!!


        Seriously though...we know Rodney had issues with his parents, and that he wanted to play piano... someone should do a fic or something...
        Come to think of it there should be more Sam/Rodney baby and child fics


          HI EVERYONE!!(WAVES)

          Originally Posted by Conn8d
          Seriously though...we know Rodney had issues with his parents, and that he wanted to play piano... someone should do a fic or something...
          Come to think of it there should be more Sam/Rodney baby and child fics
          That would be great to read jr jr I wounder what they'd name there kid's and how many would they have ?

          Sam and Rodney Quiz

          1.where would Rodney take Sam out for a romantic evening if they were back on earth ?
          2.what would be your favorite Sam and Rodney moment in season 4 ?
          3.what would you like to see happen between Sam and Rodney in season 5 ?
 your favorite shippy moment between Sam and Rodney from any season in a pic ,wallpaper , vid etc ?

          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


            I'm writing a babyfic now!!

            But it's not done yet

            Also, I have a bunch of plotbunnies involving Rodney & the piano and Rodney's and Sam's childhood. Plus, there are a bunch of fics out there on and lj that are centered Rodney/piano/childhood/etc. There's some good babyfics on lj too

            And the Rodney/Sam QUIZ! Omg, what a GREAT idea!! I LOVE it. We should keep this going!

            Here are my answers:

            1. A really nice Italian restaurant with a dance floor and musicians that serenade individual tables and play request songs (LOL that was really specific--but I like to imagine them dancing together *SQUEE*), and then later on a walk in the park on a nice summer night when the fireflies are out (so pretty!) Or maybe stargazing, too

            2. Hmmm...I find it hard to decide b/t the hug in TLM and Rodney's refusal to leave Sam behind in "Trio."

            3. They actually KISS--FOR REAL!!! Or almost-kiss for real...that would be interesting (hehe)

            4. Look at my S/R banner in my sig. Several nice moments there. It rotates every few minutes
            "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
            Sig by ME!!!


              Found some Sam/Rodney babyfic...

              Title: Yes Sir, That's My Baby
              Fandom: SG1/SGA
              Pairing: Sam/Rodney
              Rating: teen
              Words: 6313
              Spoilers: No spoilers past the end of season three Atlantis, season ten SG1. Specific references to events in 'The Road Not Taken' and 'Unending'.
              Notes: Babyfic. Slightly crackish. Extremely fluffy.
              Summary: She's pregnant, and it's complicated.



                Omg, I read that fic and I LOVED IT!!

                FOR NARNIA, and FOR ASLAAAAANNN!!!!!!!!!!
                Sorry, I HAD to do that. I'm obsessed.

                But, back on topic, I found a great youtube vid about Sam It includes Sam/Jack, Sam/Cam, AND Sam/McKay, but I love it, it's so cute ^_^
                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                Sig by ME!!!


                  HI EVERYONE !

                  WOW ! that's a great music vid you found Mimzy and i love the story you found conn8d

                  Sam and Rodney baby Quiz

                  1. If Sam and Rodney had a child together what would they name he/she?
                  2. How many children would they have ?
                  3. What do you think Rodney's reaction would be to finding out about Sam being pregnant with there child ?
                  4. Where would they raise there child on Earth or on Atlantis ?
                  5. who do you think there child would most likely take after Sam or Rodney ?

                  (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen



                    1. If Sam and Rodney had a child together what would they name he/she?

                    Um I think Rodney would be fine with anything other than Meredith! Maybe Carson if Season 4 of Atlantis hadn't happened? Or the cliche Janet or Jacob?

                    2. How many children would they have ?

                    Probably only one or at the most two, Neither of them could cope well with a full house I don't think...

                    3. What do you think Rodney's reaction would be to finding out about Sam being pregnant with there child ?

                    Surprised, bumbling, unsure, smug...typical Rodney

                    4. Where would they raise there child on Earth or on Atlantis ?

                    Earth, but the kid would be familiar with Atlantis

                    5. who do you think there child would most likely take after Sam or Rodney ?

                    Probably the best qualities of both, but appearing more like Sam which would appear to knock Rodney's pride down a few pegs, but secretly make him really happy
                    Last edited by Conn8d; 24 May 2008, 09:53 AM. Reason: fixed format


                      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                      HI EVERYONE !

                      WOW ! that's a great music vid you found Mimzy and i love the story you found conn8d

                      Sam and Rodney baby Quiz

                      1. If Sam and Rodney had a child together what would they name he/she?
                      2. How many children would they have ?
                      3. What do you think Rodney's reaction would be to finding out about Sam being pregnant with there child ?
                      4. Where would they raise there child on Earth or on Atlantis ?
                      5. who do you think there child would most likely take after Sam or Rodney ?

                      YAY! More Sam/Rodney quizzes!

                      1. Oh, I planned this out while doing our "baby project" in psychology class. I made them have twins, one a boy, and the other a girl. The boy's name would be Jacob Rodney Carter-McKay, and the girl's would be Michelle Janet Carter-McKay.

                      2. Hmm...probably two. Or maybe three. But It would be hilarious to see Rodney running around with a whole bunch...preferably 12...rofl

                      3. : Rodney, will you shut up and listen to me? I'm PREGNANT!
                      : Okay! Fine! I'll--you're WHAT?!! *passes out from manly shock*

                      4. Hmm...hard to say depending on what will happen to Sam in S5. If she goes back to earth, probably earth. If not, Atlantis. But the kids would probably have experience living in both places.

                      5. Probably both, with Rodney's temper and Sam's rationality. But maybe a bit more like Sam, which, like Conn8d said, would make Rodney secretly happy
                      "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                      Sig by ME!!!


                        OMGZ LOVE QUIZZES!!!

                        1.where would Rodney take Sam out for a romantic evening if they were back on earth ?

                        The Naquada generator room in Sam's Lab in the SGC (because you know you'd never get her out of it).

                        2.what would be your favorite Sam and Rodney moment in season 4 ?

                        The hug in the last man - come on - SQUEE.

                        3.what would you like to see happen between Sam and Rodney in season 5 ?

                        A real hug and kiss that actually gets to happen. or, some really cute banter like we used to get in sg1 eps with rodney.

               your favorite shippy moment between Sam and Rodney from any season in a pic ,wallpaper , vid etc ?

                        *no pics on this computer*

                        elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                        HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                        NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                        HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                        Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                          I just saw a pic from "Search and Rescue" of Sam and Keller...I wonder if there's any of Sam and Rodney...
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Hi all I've just made Sam/Rodney wallp and want to share with you. It's simple one, from BAMSR hope you like it
                            (click to enlarge)
                            sig thanks to Luci


                              Just a friendly announcement...

                              David Hewlett will be appearing at the Shore Leave Con in Baltimore, Maryland on
                              July 11 - 13, 2008.

                              Here's the link to GWs convention announcement page.



                                Originally posted by Achaja View Post
                                Hi all I've just made Sam/Rodney wallp and want to share with you. It's simple one, from BAMSR hope you like it
                                (click to enlarge)
                                OMGZ that is so CUTE!!

                                Originally posted by nell View Post
                                Just a friendly announcement...

                                David Hewlett will be appearing at the Shore Leave Con in Baltimore, Maryland on
                                July 11 - 13, 2008.

                                Here's the link to GWs convention announcement page.

                                WHAT?!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG I just went running upstairs jumping up and down annoying my dad excitedly when I saw that...O M G!!!!!!!! I LIVE IN MARYLAND!! OMG! Like, less than an hour away from Baltimore? I HAVE to go to that...I HAVE to...thank you for bringing it up!! *hyperventilates* I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEE DAVID HEWLETT!!
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

