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Rodney McKay/Samantha Carter Discussion/Ship/Appreciation

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    fic Leliana i loved it great work
    (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


      Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
      fic Leliana i loved it great work
      Thanks Helenmagnus!

      Here is chapter 2:

      And bad new folks...about the Last Man
      Rodney does indeed kiss someone but it is not Sam. He kisses Keller!! I didn't think the writers would continue what happen in Trio.
      Now if Sheppard comes back from the future before it happens this could be forgotten like the Danel/Vala scene in Unending. Let's see what happens next week.

      The Last Man trailers:
      -SciFi channel:


        Awsome fic Leliana i cant wait for chapter 3

        I love time travel and i cant wait to see THE LAST MAN
        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


          Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
          Awsome fic Leliana i cant wait for chapter 3

          I love time travel and i cant wait to see THE LAST MAN
          Thanks Helenmagnus!!

          About TLM.
          Andreas has been posting a few dialogue excerpts for the episode and one is Sam/Rodney. It is cute and worth reading. It might make up for the bad news I announced a bit earlier...

          Before you read: it reveals a major plot of the episode!
          McKay: All right everything checks out. Weapons, shields, long-range sensors, all in the green. She's good to go.
          Carter: Great work, Rodney. Now I want you, Radek, and your team to head back to Atlantis and take a couple of days off. When you're good and rested, get to work on the city's shields.
          Carter (cont'd): Do anything you can to maximize efficiency. You're going to need them.
          McKay: Well, what about you?
          Carter: I'm going to take her out. For the time being, Major Lorne is in command of Atlantis.
          McKay: You need to take some time. You're as exhausted as we are.
          Carter: Intel suggests that Michael's about to move against several human worlds. We have to get out there... now.
          McKay: So let someone else go. Right.
          Carter: Hey...
          McKay: Hmm? Uh, good luck?
          Carter: Thanks, Rodney. For everything.


            Originally posted by Leliana McKay
            About TLM.
            Andreas has been posting a few dialogue excerpts for the episode and one is Sam/Rodney. It is cute and worth reading. It might make up for the bad news I announced a bit earlier...

            Before you read: it reveals a major plot of the episode!
            McKay: All right everything checks out. Weapons, shields, long-range sensors, all in the green. She's good to go.
            Carter: Great work, Rodney. Now I want you, Radek, and your team to head back to Atlantis and take a couple of days off. When you're good and rested, get to work on the city's shields.
            Carter (cont'd): Do anything you can to maximize efficiency. You're going to need them.
            McKay: Well, what about you?
            Carter: I'm going to take her out. For the time being, Major Lorne is in command of Atlantis.
            McKay: You need to take some time. You're as exhausted as we are.
            Carter: Intel suggests that Michael's about to move against several human worlds. We have to get out there... now.
            McKay: So let someone else go. Right.
            Carter: Hey...
            McKay: Hmm? Uh, good luck?
            Carter: Thanks, Rodney. For everything.
            Thanks Leliana

            Oh Today i watched GRACE UNDER PRESSURE & THE PEGUSIS PROJECT I love watching those two Sam and Rodney are great together i hope at the beging of season 5 we get see them share a little kiss that would be nice THE LAST MAN look's so cool and a little sad at the sametime .
            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


              Originally posted by Leliana McKay View Post
              Thanks Helenmagnus!

              Here is chapter 2:

              And bad new folks...about the Last Man
              Rodney does indeed kiss someone but it is not Sam. He kisses Keller!! I didn't think the writers would continue what happen in Trio.
              Now if Sheppard comes back from the future before it happens this could be forgotten like the Danel/Vala scene in Unending. Let's see what happens next week.

              The Last Man trailers:
              -SciFi channel:
              Great fic, Leliana! I can't wait for more

              OMG I read about that R/K thing, and it makes me SO MAD!!! I'm off to shoot TPTB now...bye-bye...

              How COULD they?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
              I AM GOING TO KILL THEM!!!
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                *storms into thread*

                *sits angrily in the corner*

                *pours a stiff drink*

                elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                  So we did have a nice scene in The Last Man!!

                  Sam hugged Rodney! That was so cute and she gave him that cute squee worthy look it can forgive what happens between him and Keller. I mean Sam dies! So after he lost all his friends on Atlantis he turns to the last person he knows.
                  I actually think Rodney/Jennifer were cute together and very natural.
                  Of course she is not the great Samantha Carter!
                  Rodney was so uncomfortable when Sam hugged him! He is clueless sometimes. They worked together to build the Phoenix and got closer. Sam seems to have developped a bit of a crush here!
                  It's also really sad because it is a goodbye and Rodney doesn't seem to understand that. I think he is in denial.
                  Anyway very cute scene. Worthy of shippy vids, walls and more!


                    OMGZ! I call for an immediate screencap!

                    elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                    HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                    NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                    HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                    Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                      THE LAST MAN
                      I've seen the pic's for the scene between Sam and Rodney and it is so sweet and so sad at the same time , he cares about her so much yet he doesnt realy know how to express it , it's going to be hard watching it i still cant belive what happen's to Sam

                      TRUE LOVE
                      (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                        If you want big screencaps go here:

                        I reduced some of them under here

                        Working hard? Nah!!

                        Aren't they cute?
                        I love Sam's eyes. So much expression in them. And Rodney not wanting to face the truth... *sighs*

                        If you haven't read it: chapter 3 of my fic Two of you and one me!



                          OMG!! Those pics are SOOOOOOOOOOOO cute...must go watch ep NOW

                          She DOES like him! hahaha *evil laugh*

                          And I agree about her eyes *sigh* so cute, those 2
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            I love your fic Leliana it's great i cant wait for the next chapter

                            The pic's of Sam and Rodney from TLM they are so cute togther
                            It's a great scene between them but at the same time it's so sad he doesnt want to say goodbye to her .
                            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                              OMGOSH THAT WAS SOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!

                              *does shippy happy dance*

                              That's how they should have been playing Carter all year. She's a soldier - and it suits her. Also, the hug was gorgeous, very honest. I want season five - like now...

                              elly: "Look dude, talk to the host 'cause the goa'uld ain't listening!"

                              HELEN: "Do NOT walk blood through my house!"

                              NIKOLA: "How am I supposed to get to the infirmary then?"

                              HELEN: "I don't care if you sprout wings and flap there Nikola, as long as you don't wreck my good carpet."

                              Earth: "S**t happens" BSG: "Pencils break"


                                HI EVERYONE !(WAVES)

                                I have written a little storie it's to do with TLM it's Sam and McKay manly with a bit of Sam and Jack

                                TLM , fic
                                One afternoon McKay was beamed onto the pheonix Sam was already onboard she greeted him on the bridge ,McKay had his computer ready Sam showed McKay to the engineroom and to the systems that hr needed to check , while McKay checked the systems Sam checked the crystals
                                Sam the ship has been checked and we are ready to go
                                Go ahead get into position i'll join you shortly
                                Will do goodluck Sam
                                Goodluck John ,Good luck Ronan ,Todd
                                Thankyou colonel
                                The ships went into hyperspace Sam and McKay finished there system checks Sam closed the crystal pannel she stood up Mckay looked at her , they looked at each other just then
                                Colonel we have recived word from colonel Sheppered they are in position and awaiting your order 's
                                Thankyou loutenant
                                So i guess we should head back to Atlantis
                                Rodney you are going back to Atlantis they need you there
                                But Sam
                                Your place is there mine is out there
                                Sam your tiered you need rest
                                That can wait this is our only chance at stopping Micheal , we cant let him get a hold on this galaxy
                                I know that but we need you on Atlantis Sam
                                You will be fine Rodney ,Major Lorne will be in command in my absence
                                Great mr dependable! Sam please come back with me ?
                                My place is here fighting alongside everyone else
                                Sam saw hurt and sadness in McKay's eye's he went to leave Sam grabbed his arm McKay stopped he turned and faced her he tolk her hand's in his
                                Sam saw the sadness in his eye's McKay looked at there hands then he looked at Sam again
                                Colonel the enemy hives are almost in positon
                                Tell our people to arm weapons
                                Yes ma'm
                                Before Sam and McKay left the engineroom Sam leand forward and kissed Rodney sensuly and lovingly he kissed her back as they kissed Sam sliped something into his hand soon they stopped they looked into eachother's eye's
                                Tell me this isnt goodbye Sam
                                It's not goodbye Rodney it's goodluck
                                Sam let go of his hands they left the engineroom they went to the bridege they said there goodbye's and goodluck on there misson's then McKay hugged Sam she hugged him back after McKay was beamed back into Atlantis he stood in the controlroom in his hand he held a letter he looked at the letter she had slipped him it was adressed to
                                General Jack O'Neaill
                                (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen

