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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Nici
    Kavan and The Name Game...
    He talks about Marcus, Nicholas and *shudders* Spansky ...
    Nici, you are really spoiling us!

    Thanks for all the links

    I would green you but it wont let me


      We could always send the Spansky idea to Matt Lucas and David Walliams and see what they come up with *Evil grin* I always said he sounded like a character from Little Britian


        Anyone up for a bit of whumping?

        Runner was sooooo good!


          Originally posted by purpletoo1
          good grief! I'm sorry he had to see that!
          LMAO!! Glad he hates it as much as we do...*wipe brow in relief!* We have gotten through it seems. I certainly hope they don't give him Nick, the slash name

          WE WANT MARC!!!

          thanks Nici!
          ya sometimes slash works but this time it so does not and i don't even like the name lol Marcus is one of my favourite names


            Originally posted by purpletoo1
            Sweet! Thanks Nici... I'm sad he didn't get the role Of Marcus cuz I love him all evil and that would have been great work...LOL I love him more snarky though...but I love him the most sweet and funny and a little naughty! Like sugar and spice!
            i belive he didn't get the role because of hes not the right 'size' sometimes when they are filming scenes and having people act them a smaller build person or different facial features can really make the difference


              The coolest thing I learned, however, is when talking to Kavan he said he didn't have to audition for the role of Alex. I asked him why, because they saw him on Stargate or some other show? And he said no, because he had auditioned for the role of Marcus!! Obviously he didn't get it, but the producers still had his audition on tape, so that's what they used to pick out who was going to play Alex. Also, he said that Jessica Gower was one of the sweetest, nicest people he's ever met IN HIS WHOLE LIFE. Wow!
              that is so totally awesome hehe now that i've seen picies i can't imagine Alex being played by anybody else, too bad it cuts out any further chance of him getting in you can only hope that one day soon a GOOD show will pick up Kavan as a MAIN character in the show


                LMFAO I can't believe the "Spansky" thing went so far that Kavan heard about it!!!

                "Spansky? What the hell is that?"

                *is from the Sony board*

                My LiveJournal

                Steve the Wraith's Adventures




                    Yummy lissa!

                    Originally posted by Lysia
                    LMFAO I can't believe the "Spansky" thing went so far that Kavan heard about it!!!

                    "Spansky? What the hell is that?"

                    *is from the Sony board*
                    I know, I can't believe it either! LOL ..except that he has people reading the internet for him so they saw it...The Age Of The Internet


                      The Other Mother....




                            If Kavan had landed the role of Marcus Van Sciver, methinks the character would have been a bit different. On the one hand it's a shame he didn't get it but on the other it means more Lorne.


                              And everybody knows that more Lorne is always a good thing.... In fact, I can think of few things better...

                              Banners by Luciana, Nici and myself.


                                Can someone post a pic of Kavan as Agent Gerrity, I'm listing the sexiest guys in 4400 on another site but couldn't find and pics on IMdB or in my collection

