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Major Lorne/Kavan Smith Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
    I feel better though:

    I also know that I'm spending too much time missing my 'baby'(summer job's machine) as the other day I caught myself talking to my dad about it, and well he asked some question and I was all "the ladder side"(instead of the right side) and he did much the same thing(right when you are looking at it or from inside) and I just was all *face palm* as it doesn't move. Of course this leads to me confusing my lefts and rights more than normal

    Btw my baby in case you are wondering:


    Sweet, btw - what is it - some type of harvester unit?
    sigpic myLornefanfic


      Originally posted by lunnybunny View Post

      Was attempting to write but was getting waylaid my random thoughts. Needed the inspiration and the focus (and focusing in him his just so hard )
      sigpic myLornefanfic


        Evening all

        I've no excuses for not popping in lately...well not any that would stand up in court

        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        *hugs Kethry* we can share Dr. Lorne

        ok, this is random/sounds kinda weird but there's a casting call for Satan for the show Supernatural and obviously there's a lot of specualtion, but I think that Kavan could make a pretty good Satan; he could do the masterful evil part. What do other people think?
        now that would be that show and those Winchester boys but hang on a mo...he's already been in it and killed off..still with make up and the like..Hmm wouldn't be the same though ...I like to see his face. He has the voice for it yep I'm for it

        Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham View Post
        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
        Originally posted by Elizabeth Bartlett View Post
        Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
        Okay, quick question --- HIS left or MY left?
        Nice to see that's it's still a bit bonkers in here

        As long as he doesn't look right and left at the same time I'm easy
        Last edited by LizzieAnne; 15 June 2009, 11:03 AM.



          Last edited by lunnybunny; 15 June 2009, 11:14 AM.


            Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
            Sweet, btw - what is it - some type of harvester unit?
            It is a
            Pod-Stripping Combine(PSC) for harvesting Peas.

            Lizzie!!! great to see you popping by for a visit!

            I'm a 60%'er


              *hugs everybody back*

              Still coughing, I'm afraid.
              Doc asked me today if anyone around me was smoking. No one does and I have never smoked, either. So my current proneness to respiratory infections is a bit puzzling. She thinks I should test my house for mold spores. They might be hiding, but would still be able to mess me up. Since the process is pretty costly, I'll be thinking about it. First measure is to get my best friend in and move furniture with her, so we might be able to spot moldy spots. *fingers crossed* I hope there aren't any. Getting rid of them is VERY costly.

              Can I have some more Doc Lorne, please? I am perfectly willing to share. The man is man enough to deal with more than one of us.

              I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                Originally posted by mackenziesmomma View Post
                It is a
                Pod-Stripping Combine(PSC) for harvesting Peas.

                Lizzie!!! great to see you popping by for a visit!

                looked like a combine-type head, just wasnt sure about the back - not quite like ours around here. You guys have a canning factory there? We have a couple around here.

                Hey Lizzie!!

                well -
                trying to get things done today and tomorrow - we pull out to the races Wed. Already have set up to get together with one of the drivers for Thur. Now I have to find some 'good' clothes -- cant be seen with the guys wife in a t-shirt and jeans! Gotta pick out some good jewelry, too! (can we say vain!!)
                sigpic myLornefanfic


                  Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                  *hugs everybody back*

                  Still coughing, I'm afraid.
                  Doc asked me today if anyone around me was smoking. No one does and I have never smoked, either. So my current proneness to respiratory infections is a bit puzzling. She thinks I should test my house for mold spores. They might be hiding, but would still be able to mess me up. Since the process is pretty costly, I'll be thinking about it. First measure is to get my best friend in and move furniture with her, so we might be able to spot moldy spots. *fingers crossed* I hope there aren't any. Getting rid of them is VERY costly.

                  Can I have some more Doc Lorne, please? I am perfectly willing to share. The man is man enough to deal with more than one of us.

                  Hey kethry -- sorry your still not doing great.

                  yes mold is a not-so-nice thing. I am allergic to like 6 different ones -- all no doubt living in my barn and the basement and walls of this 100+ year old log house with stone basement that is usually damp. good luck.

                  oh and here---

                  sigpic myLornefanfic


                    Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                    Hey kethry -- sorry your still not doing great.

                    yes mold is a not-so-nice thing. I am allergic to like 6 different ones -- all no doubt living in my barn and the basement and walls of this 100+ year old log house with stone basement that is usually damp. good luck.

                    oh and here---

                    Oh...sweet. Thanks, SF. I really don't need to add mold to my allergies.

                    Doctor Lorne ... would you like to listen to me breathe? What should I take off?

                    As for the not yet feeling as well as I had hoped. My doc says a chest infection takes time to heal, about 2-3 weeks, so I am supposed to be patient. Admittedly, I am much better than 2 weeks ago. I can breathe.

                    Something nice to look at.


                    I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                      Hey Mac,

                      interesting "baby" that you got there.

                      Those are the things I really detest. They are so big they hardly leave room for a car to pass by. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... We have all too many of them around here in August and September.

                      Let's go for something nice:

                      I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                        Heading off to bed now. It's been a long day and I didn't have time for a nap.

                        Night all.
                        I'm a 60%er. - Kethry's fanfiction


                          Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                          Hey Mac,

                          interesting "baby" that you got there.

                          Those are the things I really detest. They are so big they hardly leave room for a car to pass by. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... We have all too many of them around here in August and September.

                          We have alot of them here, too... just not quite like that. But our 'parade' usually starts in May and runs thru Oct -- I love hauling 6 ton of silage down the road and making people line up behind me and then have to stop before I can make a left turn across the other lane. Did that a few years ago and just 'hoped' some idiot would try and pass and run head-long into a full 12,000lb chopperbox! I guess being a farmer makes me intolerant to citypeople who complain about farm equiptment on the road in a farming community - or heaven forbid the smell of fresh manure when the farm has been there like 60 years before the idiot was even born!!! It's kinda like the person who builds a house next to an established airport and then has the nerve to complain about the airplanes!!!!!

                          Okay, I'll stop ranting! Sorry.
                          sigpic myLornefanfic


                            Originally posted by kethryveris View Post
                            *hugs everybody back*

                            Still coughing, I'm afraid.
                            Doc asked me today if anyone around me was smoking. No one does and I have never smoked, either. So my current proneness to respiratory infections is a bit puzzling. She thinks I should test my house for mold spores. They might be hiding, but would still be able to mess me up. Since the process is pretty costly, I'll be thinking about it. First measure is to get my best friend in and move furniture with her, so we might be able to spot moldy spots. *fingers crossed* I hope there aren't any. Getting rid of them is VERY costly.

                            Can I have some more Doc Lorne, please? I am perfectly willing to share. The man is man enough to deal with more than one of us.


                            I know i dont exactly know you but it does sound like mold to me. When we moved into our house i kept getting really bad chest problems (i ignored it cos i dont like doctors at all).When we ripped the kitchen out to replace it we found mold all along one wall. Depending on the mold and depending on the walls depends on the course of action. I was lucky cos we have a friend who is in the trade and knows about it. We had to hack off all the plaster treat the brickwork then when it was replastered as a precaution we treated the plaster aswell before putting in the kitchen.

                            Depending on the type depends on how serious it can beand what kiind of affects it can have on you.


                              Originally posted by SciFiSGFan View Post
                              We have alot of them here, too... just not quite like that. But our 'parade' usually starts in May and runs thru Oct -- I love hauling 6 ton of silage down the road and making people line up behind me and then have to stop before I can make a left turn across the other lane. Did that a few years ago and just 'hoped' some idiot would try and pass and run head-long into a full 12,000lb chopperbox! I guess being a farmer makes me intolerant to citypeople who complain about farm equiptment on the road in a farming community - or heaven forbid the smell of fresh manure when the farm has been there like 60 years before the idiot was even born!!! It's kinda like the person who builds a house next to an established airport and then has the nerve to complain about the airplanes!!!!!

                              Okay, I'll stop ranting! Sorry.

                              i like that its funny true but funny

                              im used to all that what with the farmers around me and a lifetime of passing through farmland to get to the coast. All but one driver has been polite and that one i had some nut papping away behind him for about half an hour. Near me now though its mainly jus the tractors since the majority are selling off land to developers/local goverment.


                                mmm yummy piccies.. *thud*

