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Teyla Emmagan/Ronon Dex Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
    You want to write an AU-fic? That would be good! The first AU fic starring Ronon/Teyla!! You might be onto something there It sounds like a fabulous idea. Go for GOLD GIRL!!
    Okay! I think i will do it! haHA!
    Last edited by LadyBozi; 09 December 2005, 10:42 PM.

    icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


      They've got an AU like that in LJ called Shermer High


        Originally posted by xkawaiix
        They've got an AU like that in LJ called Shermer High

        aww... Well... I read the lil summary..and Im still going to go on with my story..because my story is gonna be very SHippy HaHa! and my story is way different... I hope.... ...welll except for mah idea of making the
        The Genii a Gang..and then they have problems with them hah

        Im still gonna go through with it.. lol....
        Last edited by LadyBozi; 10 December 2005, 04:30 PM.

        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


          Yay! Post the linkage when it's done!


            Ok guys i have a fic rec for you.....But be warned, its


            No credit to me, i just passed it along

            Lovebar made by natz099
            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


              Originally posted by LadyBozi
              Hey Guys!
              I have an idea about a fanfic and I need your opinions. Okay, I've had this idea for a while and I know it sounds stupid, but I think it would be pretty fun to read!
              okay, I've read a couple of stories on FAnFiction about other shows and some fanfictions will completley change the whole Universe all the characters you know and love in like a WILD Wild WEST story! that type of stuff...well.. I was wondering what do you guys think about a HIgh SChool FAnfic!? I know i know..sounds stupid..but hear me might be pretty Funny to read it! I was thinking of making Sheppard a Popular Football player, and Weir the student body president! >_< Stuff like that....what do you guys think? I would make it a RONON/TEYLA and SHEPP/WEiR! Ofcourse the others would get some loving too!! HAHA..soo?

              Hey Lady, my sister and I had this idea a loooooong time ago but it didn't go anywhere, but we still had some great ideas. If you send me an e-mail I'll send you the ideas we came up with.

              I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                Hey ya'll I found the new opening credits for season 2 just thought you guys might want to see them

                I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                  Originally posted by Nerwen Aldarion
                  Hey ya'll I found the new opening credits for season 2 just thought you guys might want to see them

                  Yeah I noticed the new intro on the eps...I like it

                  Lovebar made by natz099
                  My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                    Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so absent. I've got finals so life has been nuts. But I do get a month off of school so I can't wait to get all caught up! Not to mention S2 picks up here in the States again in a few weeks!


                      Originally posted by LadyBozi
                      Hey Guys!
                      I have an idea about a fanfic and I need your opinions. Okay, I've had this idea for a while and I know it sounds stupid, but I think it would be pretty fun to read!
                      okay, I've read a couple of stories on FAnFiction about other shows and some fanfictions will completley change the whole Universe all the characters you know and love in like a WILD Wild WEST story! that type of stuff...well.. I was wondering what do you guys think about a HIgh SChool FAnfic!? I know i know..sounds stupid..but hear me might be pretty Funny to read it! I was thinking of making Sheppard a Popular Football player, and Weir the student body president! >_< Stuff like that....what do you guys think? I would make it a RONON/TEYLA and SHEPP/WEiR! Ofcourse the others would get some loving too!! HAHA..soo?
                      So a side idea that I had about this. I thought you could somehow write in the wraith as like an opposing/rival school or maybe being the guys in college that are bullies? Something like that. We all know that in life, there are those guys that just can't ever get it through their head to just shut up and leave well enough alone.

                      They're just meant to be.
                      My Ronon/Teyla Video Called Something There
                      Broken Video


                        Originally posted by lickazacious
                        So a side idea that I had about this. I thought you could somehow write in the wraith as like an opposing/rival school or maybe being the guys in college that are bullies? Something like that. We all know that in life, there are those guys that just can't ever get it through their head to just shut up and leave well enough alone.
                        Yeah I said Earlier that I would make the genii and opposing Gang and the Wraith would be another gang! Dont worry people! I have you covered! HAHA

                        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                          Originally posted by Cathain Nottingham
                          Hi everyone! Sorry I've been so absent. I've got finals so life has been nuts. But I do get a month off of school so I can't wait to get all caught up! Not to mention S2 picks up here in the States again in a few weeks!
                          Only 26 more days!!!!!

                          And Lady, I agree, I always thought the Wraith would be the name of a gang. One of the ideas my sister and I came up with was John having to take Martial Arts with Teyla and she kicks his butt, that is until the new guy Ronon comes a long.

                          My sister and I had a lot of ideas like that.

                          I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                            Originally posted by Nerwen Aldarion
                            Only 26 more days!!!!!

                            And Lady, I agree, I always thought the Wraith would be the name of a gang. One of the ideas my sister and I came up with was John having to take Martial Arts with Teyla and she kicks his butt, that is until the new guy Ronon comes a long.

                            My sister and I had a lot of ideas like that.
                            THAt sounds like a GReat IdEA! I would love to add that to my Story....if thats okay? Except I would change it to P.E. cLass I mean it is High School! HAHA GREAT IDEA

                            icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                              TimE for WALLPAPER! Enjoy


                              icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                                I love it Lady!

