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Teyla Emmagan/Ronon Dex Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by lickazacious
    I'm sorry to double post like this, I don't usually do it. But I got a little excited cuz I just got permission to post this vid. Now a little forewarning, I've downloaded it and it's more of a ronon vid than a ronon/teyla vid, but wait until the second half, it'll get better. All due credit must go to the user sache8 over at livejournal. Here's a link to her journal:

    And here's the link to the actual video:
    That vid was fantastic, thanks for giving me the link

    I definatley think the chemistry between Teyla and ROnon is more than friendship, come on Solen, Ronon's friend from Trinity, agrees with me. Remember what he said.

    I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


      Originally posted by Nerwen Aldarion
      That vid was fantastic, thanks for giving me the link

      I definatley think the chemistry between Teyla and ROnon is more than friendship, come on Solen, Ronon's friend from Trinity, agrees with me. Remember what he said.
      And that was only after seeing them together for what? a minute. We've seen a whole lot more.

      And that's my two cents...
      My LiveJournal
      ^_^ ~ DANIquinn ~ ^_^


        Originally posted by Nerwen Aldarion
        That vid was fantastic, thanks for giving me the link

        I definatley think the chemistry between Teyla and ROnon is more than friendship, come on Solen, Ronon's friend from Trinity, agrees with me. Remember what he said.
        Hey! I agree with you too! haha

        icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


          Originally posted by DANIquinn
          And that was only after seeing them together for what? a minute. We've seen a whole lot more.
          lol!!! Ditto!


            Actually when I saw this commercial, when The Inturder first aired, you know it's that commercial that goes, "You are watching Stargate: Atlantis on SciFi." Anyways, my sister was still trying to find Sheyla and she was kind of ticked because Simon just broke up with Elizabeth, and I was being proved right about Shweir. This commerical showed a shot of Teyla and Ronon and I turned to my sister and said, "Hey, they make a cute couple." She got a little mad at me, but the next week when The Runner premiered, she started getting really excited about Teyla and Ronon. We still laugh about this a lot. So basically I saw the chemistry in just a five second commercial

            SHWEIR EPISODES: 38 Minutes, The Storm, The Eye, Hot Zone, Seige Part 1,2 and 3, The Intruder, Conversion, The Lost Boys, The Hive, The Long Goodbye, Coup D'Etat, No Man's Land,The Misbegotten, Irresistable, Progeny, The Real World, Common Ground, The Return Part 1, Echoes, Tao of Rodney and many more to come!!!

            Oh yeah, Shweir rules!:


              Originally posted by Tinuviel Undomiel
              Actually when I saw this commercial, when The Inturder first aired, you know it's that commercial that goes, "You are watching Stargate: Atlantis on SciFi." Anyways, my sister was still trying to find Sheyla and she was kind of ticked because Simon just broke up with Elizabeth, and I was being proved right about Shweir. This commerical showed a shot of Teyla and Ronon and I turned to my sister and said, "Hey, they make a cute couple." She got a little mad at me, but the next week when The Runner premiered, she started getting really excited about Teyla and Ronon. We still laugh about this a lot. So basically I saw the chemistry in just a five second commercial
              Damn! That beats my "omg..two people in a cave (+ comic relief )....SO SHIPPY!!"

              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Wow, five seconds? I think that's got to be some sort of new record on shippiness. And ohh, on another note: We are so much closer to January now. I just can't wait for the next season.

                They're just meant to be.
                My Ronon/Teyla Video Called Something There
                Broken Video


                  To be honest, I saw the Ronon/Teyla chemistry within the first episode they played together ...For Shep/Weir I needed 6 episodes (o.k I have seen "38min" only after "Home" but it would've been 3 episodes anyway!)... and I'm really a big Shep/Weir shipper now!

                  I love Ronon and Teylas interactions, and they loook very cute together!


                    Originally posted by Dorka
                    To be honest, I saw the Ronon/Teyla chemistry within the first episode they played together ...For Shep/Weir I needed 6 episodes (o.k I have seen "38min" only after "Home" but it would've been 3 episodes anyway!)... and I'm really a big Shep/Weir shipper now!

                    I love Ronon and Teylas interactions, and they loook very cute together!
                    Well, beautiful people make beautiful couples.


                      Originally posted by Dorka
                      To be honest, I saw the Ronon/Teyla chemistry within the first episode they played together ...For Shep/Weir I needed 6 episodes (o.k I have seen "38min" only after "Home" but it would've been 3 episodes anyway!)... and I'm really a big Shep/Weir shipper now!

                      I love Ronon and Teylas interactions, and they loook very cute together!
                      The exact same thing happened to me.

                      I live in a world that is filled with constant fanfiction, its OK I like it here.


                        Originally posted by maxbo
                        I agree that Teyla and Ronon have great natural on-screen chemistry. IMO, it's debatable whether it's friendship chemistry or sexual chemistry, but it's there.

                        I suppose it's a bit early to say but the body language speaks volume and the eye contact is kind of slightly sexual IMO more from Ronon I think ...but Teyla will come round to it ...She may need the attention that Ronon is giving her and she may really enjoy it too There is a possibility of a great ship between those 2 ..I hope Tptb won't mess it up and I'm glad Teyla may have found her mate because I wondered what she was really doing in Atlantis last year other than fight the wraiths ..It's good to give her a bit of love to think about in between chasing the Wraiths She needs to work on her feelings a bit more because she was a bit cold last year her a ship with Ronon may make her a bit warmer to watch on screen too ..specially with Sexy Ronon



                          Originally posted by Catysg1
                          I suppose it's a bit early to say but the body language speaks volume and the eye contact is kind of slightly sexual IMO more from Ronon I think ...but Teyla will come round to it ...She may need the attention that Ronon is giving her and she may really enjoy it too There is a possibility of a great ship between those 2 ..I hope Tptb won't mess it up and I'm glad Teyla may have found her mate because I wondered what she was really doing in Atlantis last year other than fight the wraiths ..It's good to give her a bit of love to think about in between chasing the Wraiths She needs to work on her feelings a bit more because she was a bit cold last year her a ship with Ronon may make her a bit warmer to watch on screen too ..specially with Sexy Ronon

                          Yes...very sexy RONON!

                          icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                            Hi everyone! There is now a Top 25 Males on Stargate Poll. Go vote!! Linkage here:

                            Lovebar made by natz099
                            My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                              Hey Guys!
                              I have an idea about a fanfic and I need your opinions. Okay, I've had this idea for a while and I know it sounds stupid, but I think it would be pretty fun to read!
                              okay, I've read a couple of stories on FAnFiction about other shows and some fanfictions will completley change the whole Universe all the characters you know and love in like a WILD Wild WEST story! that type of stuff...well.. I was wondering what do you guys think about a HIgh SChool FAnfic!? I know i know..sounds stupid..but hear me might be pretty Funny to read it! I was thinking of making Sheppard a Popular Football player, and Weir the student body president! >_< Stuff like that....what do you guys think? I would make it a RONON/TEYLA and SHEPP/WEiR! Ofcourse the others would get some loving too!! HAHA..soo?

                              icon pic thanks Cathain Nottingham


                                Originally posted by LadyBozi
                                Hey Guys!
                                I have an idea about a fanfic and I need your opinions. Okay, I've had this idea for a while and I know it sounds stupid, but I think it would be pretty fun to read!
                                okay, I've read a couple of stories on FAnFiction about other shows and some fanfictions will completley change the whole Universe all the characters you know and love in like a WILD Wild WEST story! that type of stuff...well.. I was wondering what do you guys think about a HIgh SChool FAnfic!? I know i know..sounds stupid..but hear me might be pretty Funny to read it! I was thinking of making Sheppard a Popular Football player, and Weir the student body president! >_< Stuff like that....what do you guys think? I would make it a RONON/TEYLA and SHEPP/WEiR! Ofcourse the others would get some loving too!! HAHA..soo?

                                You want to write an AU-fic? That would be good! The first AU fic starring Ronon/Teyla!! You might be onto something there It sounds like a fabulous idea. Go for GOLD GIRL!!

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

