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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    *comes dancing into the forum*

    *singing* "Superfreak! Superfreak! She's super freaky now!"

    Sing Crunchie!!

    **She's been like this since she got home from work.**

    "She's a very kinky girl! The kind you don't bring home to mother."

    *grabs Crunchie's arm and twirls him around"
    Come on Crunchie! Shake your money maker!!

    **My what? Bunny? What is she talking about?**

    "Woo!!! Superfreak! Superfreak!!"

    *dances over to her clone* Dip me Crunchie Dip me!!




    *groan* I have fallen and I can't get up.

    Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
      Crunchie! I have a new respect for you!
      Now, can I have a beer?
      **You got I.D.?**

      What are you now? The playground bouncer?

      Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
      Sorry, Shae - you know I said I had a headache? Well, I all of a sudden felt really, really sick and shaky (as in 'within half an hour') and so went straight to bed. I've been up half the night with it (not going to work today as I'm still feeling very heady, quite queasy - got that horrible 'there's a lump in my throat and it has nothing to do with emotions' feeling - and incredibly tired) not sure what has brought it on. Usually headaches are due to the weather (changing airpressure can give me migraines), but I don't usually feel sick like this...

      Still, seeing you and Crunchie interacting has made me feel better! He's sooooo adorable!

      *sigh* Okay, you're adorable too...
      Oh that sounds awful. I hope you are feeling better now. Apparently we are having tornadoes and stuff here. (Well not right here, but in the adjacent counties) And where am I? On the computer. Even tornadoes can't keep me away from the thunk! Mwhaahaahaa! To tell the truth the sun is shining and it is yet again, hotter than hell here. I am seriously considering getting naked. Naked thunking!!

      See? Even Crunchie thinks it's a good idea!

      I am glad we could cheer you up.

      Weary you ARE adorable, even if you would rather the world fear you, I think I am getting wise to you too. Come to think of it, we never actually finished that little discussion about that something you were going to model for me..........

      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


        Warning! Warning!
        Silly Clone Banter born of ultimate boredom ahead:

        You people really shouldn't leave me alone here.


        **You okay now Shae?**

        Yeah, I think so, I asked you to dip me, not drop me!

        **I'm sorry, I don't know how to dip.**

        Yeah, I got that impression.
        Are we here alone again?

        **It's kinda scary here all alone at night.**

        Do you think it's scarier here like this or here when Weary is here?
        Can I have a beer this time?

        **Why do you think Weary is scary? He's my best friend.**

        He's always so mean all the time, he's never friendly. He told you all those silly things and made up lies to torment you. Why do you like him so much?

        **He's not mean, he's tough. He was my friend when no one else would be. He did those things to make me tough like him. Do you have the comics section?**

        Uh, yeah, here.
        Crunchie I don't want you to be like Weary, I want you to be yourself. That's why I got rid of the zat gun and I don't tie you to the water heater anymore.

        **You think I'm stupid.**

        Aw, Crunchie. I don't think that. Well, not anymore anyhow. I know you are not stupid. After all this time we spend together. I know how smart you really are. You're not stupid, pet, you are my hero. *wink*


        Big, bad, strong man.
        Now, How about that beer?

        **(sly grin) You got I.D.?**

        *giggle* Crunchieeeeeee!

        Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


          Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
          Last screen wrecker before I go, LOL....careful clicking the button, those green eyes will take your breath away...

          Is it just me or does he look slightly stoned? tee hee
          "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
          "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
          Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


            Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
            *dropping in from the lurk room*
            I read that, hold on to HIS seat! heeheehee
            NOTHING spoiled about THAT seat!!!
            *climbing back up to lurk room*
            So that's what it takes to get you out! LOL glad you liked it.


              Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
              "Mr A" as in Andy? 'Cause I know... I get his emails, too
              And the Angels and Devils game is a video slot machine with overly romanticized angles and devils. But the bonus round is pretty funny, with a baby devil and a baby angel, and you have to choose sides (I chose the devil first, naturally ) and they shoot arrows at each other and hit numbers. The total of all the numbers is your bonus total, which wasn't bad when I played it. My favorite new game is Wolf Run (hehehehe) 'cause it payed out very well... like $90 profit. And I never even got a bonus round outta that one!

              GROWLY WOLF!!! *huggles the wolf to ease the grrrrr*
              funny game and fitting too. Dex did get shot with an arrow in Sateda...


                Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
                LMAO!!!!!!!!!! Is it edible???

                **Opens mouth for spoon** LOL!! Thanks for the link! I didn't remember there being a site like that! **head over to check out the yummies**
                lol, it is little known I guess *puts spoon in doggy's mouth*


                  Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                  I was told that I was missing out by not coming to this thread so I came to check things out. Excuse me while I go creat a new PB folder just for all the lovelies I will be collecting from here! YUMMY!

                  Here is one from my limited collection. A little arm porn . . .

                  gee, I wonder who told you that. *pounce* SHIPPY!! Welcome to the Playground babe, we are Dex devils and angels. I think you are a devil, I'm an angel Make sure you go back a few pages for pics....


                    Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                    Is it just me or does he look slightly stoned? tee hee
                    NO!! bad Tel, he looks intense and mean, just like we like him, heee

                    had to post the last one for the laugh factor, LOL!!


                      Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                      So that's what it takes to get you out! LOL glad you liked it.
                      LOL wish it were THAT simple
                      Getting online more often would do it
                      TOO much r/l and not enough FUN FUN FUN


                        Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                        NO!! bad Tel, he looks intense and mean, just like we like him, heee

                        had to post the last one for the laugh factor, LOL!!


                        LOL! Could be a sexy kind of stoned?
                        "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
                        "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
                        Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


                          Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                          LOL! Could be a sexy kind of stoned?
                          I know I'm new here, but is there anything this man does that is not sexy?


                            Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                            I was told that I was missing out by not coming to this thread so I came to check things out. Excuse me while I go creat a new PB folder just for all the lovelies I will be collecting from here! YUMMY!
                            WOOHOOO! Shippy's here! Watch it, guys... Shippy's a bit mad about her thunks.
                            Spoken as if she's the only one.

                            Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                            OK Jason fans, Ronon needs your help. He is last place in the Favorite Atlantis Team Member Game. Just click on the link and qoute the last post and post your favorite pic of Jason and update the count. Thanks!
                            Oh jeez... sucked into another "favorites" thread!
                            Thanks a LOT, Shippy! Voted... and he's just now ahead of Radek

                            Originally posted by ShippyChick View Post
                            I know I'm new here, but is there anything this man does that is not sexy?


                            Not really... you saw my photo ops with him, right? Playful yet still sexy as all get-out!

                            An "over the shoulder" glance for Shippy:

                            Hey, none of you guys were "reded" in here today, were ya? Some troll was wandering around handing out red for people who were actually having FUN!


                              Originally posted by raduzhok View Post
                              LOL wish it were THAT simple
                              Getting online more often would do it
                              TOO much r/l and not enough FUN FUN FUN
                              Aw, poor girl Fun is a part of any daily dietary supliment Just drop in when you can.


                                Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
                                LOL! Could be a sexy kind of stoned?
                                you never give up. lol It is still a sexy glare!

