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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by EricaShadows View Post
    Trinity is one of my favorite episodes of Season Two so far, so thanks for the thunking. I think it's absolutely hilarious in the beginning how he reacts when Teyla tells him he can come along. He acts like a giddy teenager. JM is an AWESOME actor because I don't know of many people his age who have his skill level.

    Elizabeth (EricaShadows)
    *gets giddy just thinkin' 'bout him*


      **Hi thunkers! Shhhh. Shae and I are playing chase. Pretend you didn't see me!**

      **Shae Dashes into the playground brandishing a super-soaker**
      Have any of you seen Crunchie?

      (stifled snickers)

      Crunchiiiieeee, I am going to fiiiiiiiiind youuuuuuuuu!

      **No you woooonnnn't.**

      LOL, I'm gonna get you!! Slippery monkey!!!

      I'll be right back.
      **Runs after her clone belting out a battle cry**

      Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
      Bleurgh... I feel sick (and very sorry for myself) - need yummies to make myself feel better...
      Aww Bunny, you are still not feeling good? *pout*

      I hope you feel better soon!

      Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
      Much better...

      Okay, so the head is still pounding and the queasy feeling is still there, but hey, I feel as content as I think I'm gonna at the moment!
      Now that's my kinda medicine!!!

      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


        Hey, Shae! Hey, Crunchie!


          *pant pant*
          Oi, that boy can hide! I think I lost him.

          *in a loud voice* Well, I guess I have to give up..... I just can't seem to catch that clone of mine.

          *looks toward trees* I sure hope I haven't lost him forever.

          *snicker snicker*

          *eyeroll* Well, I guess I will just sit here on this couch and cry. I have lost my Crunchie. Boo Hoo


          *louder* Oh what will I ever do without my dear clone?

          **Heh, heh. (sneaks closer)**

          Perhaps I shall have to adopt another, Oh well, easy come easy...........

          **Shae!! You said you would never replace me!!!**

          Ah-ha!!! Gotcha!!! *nails Crunchie with the super-soaker*

          **Ahhh NO FAIR!!! You're cheating!!!**


          Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            Hey, Shae! Hey, Crunchie!
            Hey Neelan how are you?

            Uhh Crunchie's drying off. LOL

            Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


              Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
              Hey Neelan how are you?

              Uhh Crunchie's drying off. LOL
              So I see *hands Crunchie dry clothes* For later, hon... take your time and dry off every inch


                Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                So I see *hands Crunchie dry clothes* For later, hon... take your time and dry off every inch
                **Thanks Neelan, have a beer.**


                BRB gotta check on dinner.

                Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                  I hope it's water in that Super Soaker. *looks outside, then at the thermometer* I think it's time to go run in the sprinkler. It's too hot here. I think my brain fried.

                  Still, just looking at these pictures will fry my brain.

                  Elizabeth (EricaShadows)

                  P.S. My very first clone now has a name. *sniff* We decided on Loki. I was going to go with another name, but he said he wanted to save it for . . . . something special and, yes, it is a normal, everyday name that ISN'T to be used in the Gutter without his express permission.


                    Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                    **Thanks Neelan, have a beer.**


                    BRB gotta check on dinner.
                    MMmmmm... *sips cold beer* Shae? How's dinner? It's been an hour since you left

                    Originally posted by EricaShadows View Post
                    P.S. My very first clone now has a name. *sniff* We decided on Loki. I was going to go with another name, but he said he wanted to save it for . . . . something special and, yes, it is a normal, everyday name that ISN'T to be used in the Gutter without his express permission.
                    So, the "normal" name can't be used in the gutter (or on the Playground ) or Loki can't be used in the gutter?


                      Time for another episode of "Quiet Time" starring LadyShae and Crunchie T. Biscuit.

                      *Shae Wanders over to the couch and spies a frantically quaking box beside her clone, desperate scratching, screeching noises coming from inside*

                      Crunchie? Is that the gremlin you caught yesterday?

                      **Uh huh.**

                      Are you ever gonna let that poor beast go?

                      **I haven't decided yet.**

                      You can't keep him locked up in there forever.

                      **He shouldn't have stolen my cookie.**

                      This is bordering on the cruel and unusual. Crunchie, how would you feel if someone locked you in a cage for days and.............

                      Oh........yeah..........Ummmm whatcha reading there?

                      **Garfield. Yesterday he mailed this little kitten to Abu Dhabi and ate an entire pan of lasagna all by himself. He's cool.

                      Where is Abu Dhabi?**

                      Abu Dhabi is where all the cute kittens go. *giggle*

                      Actually it is in the United Arab Emirates near the Persian Gulf.
                      I sure hope Bunny's okay. I am kinda worried about her.

                      **She'll be fine, she's got Weary to take care of her.

                      Where is the Persian Gulf?**

                      Do you have a head injury? This IS Weary we are talking about here.

                      The Persian Gulf is near Saudi Arabia. Um, it's far far away Crunchie.

                      **Oh, Weary loves Bunny, he just doesn't like to admit it, he says he's got a reputation to protect.

                      That's where Shrek lives, far far away land.**

                      Rrrrriiiight. Shrek.

                      Shrek......... lives..... in............ Abu Dhabi?............ What?

                      Crunchie you are confusing.

                      *vicious scratching and screeching as the box bounces across the floor*

                      All right that's about all I can take. I am letting it go.
                      Not only is this cruel but it is annoying the hell outta me.

                      *stoops down towards the box and opens the lock*

                      Now let this be a lesson foul little beast. No more cookie stealing! You hear me?

                      *hiss, spit, claw, growl, scurries away*

                      Hey! Furry little freak! Next time I will leave you in there!

                      **Next time I will just blast him. Can you get me another beer?**

                      *evil grin* You got I.D.? *snicker snort*

                      **And now a word from our sponsors.**

                      Tune in next time for another action-less packed episode of "Quiet Time"
                      Thank you and Goodnight!

                      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                        Originally posted by EricaShadows View Post
                        I hope it's water in that Super Soaker. *looks outside, then at the thermometer* I think it's time to go run in the sprinkler. It's too hot here. I think my brain fried.

                        Still, just looking at these pictures will fry my brain.

                        Elizabeth (EricaShadows)
                        Yup, water.
                        Oh man, it's finally cooled off here, I thought I was gonna melt the last few days.

                        Originally posted by EricaShadows View Post
                        P.S. My very first clone now has a name. *sniff* We decided on Loki. I was going to go with another name, but he said he wanted to save it for . . . . something special and, yes, it is a normal, everyday name that ISN'T to be used in the Gutter without his express permission.
                        What? Iz confused.
                        Isn't Loki the god of mischief?

                        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                        MMmmmm... *sips cold beer* Shae? How's dinner? It's been an hour since you left
                        Oh dinner is long done and eaten. I thought you were gone so I amused myself, yet again.

                        Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                          Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                          What? Iz confused.
                          Isn't Loki the god of mischief?

                          Oh dinner is long done and eaten. I thought you were gone so I amused myself, yet again.
                          Loki is indeed the name of the Norse god of mischief... also an Asgard

                          Oh, I come and go Can't sit on the Playground all by my lonesome... 'specially when I'm at work Had to drive the boys home (the Cub and Cam go with me to work every day, the other two clones stay home... or venture out on their own... they don't like my work... but I need Cam and Ronon to keep the kids in line ) and make dinner for 'em, too. Havin' a rum and Diet Coke right now... *sips* MMMMMmmmmmm.

                          And I'm drinking the last of the keg!
                          Uhhh, you cleared that with Cam right?

                          *pokes clone* Right? Uh-oh.... back in a bit!


                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                            Loki is indeed the name of the Norse god of mischief... also an Asgard
                            Right! I forgot that! I can't keep all the Asgard straight. That's the one that cloned O'Neill right?

                            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post

                            Oh, I come and go Can't sit on the Playground all by my lonesome... 'specially when I'm at work Had to drive the boys home (the Cub and Cam go with me to work every day, the other two clones stay home... or venture out on their own... they don't like my work... but I need Cam and Ronon to keep the kids in line ) and make dinner for 'em, too. Havin' a rum and Diet Coke right now... *sips* MMMMMmmmmmm.


                            And I'm drinking the last of the keg!
                            Uhhh, you cleared that with Cam right?


                            *pokes clone* Right? Uh-oh.... back in a bit!

                            Crunchie stays home all day, he amuses himself watching soap operas. I will let you know when I start getting concerned.
                            He works out, helps the neighbors with various tasks.

                            **Not the crazy lady though. She throws cats at me.**

                            **You scared her off her scooter that day and stole her cane, remember?**

                            I couldn't take him to work he would just distract me all day asking questions.

                            Must cost you a fortune keeping all those clones supplied with beer.

                            Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                              Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                              Right! I forgot that! I can't keep all the Asgard straight. That's the one that cloned O'Neill right?

                              Must cost you a fortune keeping all those clones supplied with beer.
                              Yup... cloned O'Niell

                              And not really... John doesn't drink much beer and Daniel avoids it like the plague. Only ones I gotta be concerned about are Cam and Ronon... you know how those "warrior-types" like to cut loose? Cam's pretty flexable though (in more ways than one ) so he's got a rum and Coke right now and doesn't care one bit that the Cub's drinking the "dregs" of the beer Boys!

                              HA! I got the last of the pub mix, too!
                              Oh jeez!

                              Mmmm... salty.
                              Great! Now you're starting to sound like Crunchie!


                                These little snacks really are great, ya know?
                                Hmmmm... *calls to Cam* Didn't John mention something about the alcohol content of the bottom of the barrel?
                                Cam: How should I know? I'm not the egghead!
                                Oh, right... damn! Daniel's out.

                                *cracking up*
                                Did someone say something funny?
                                *tries to catch breath* Someties-- I just-- think....
                                Okay, that's it.... Sorry, Shae... taking this one to bed now. And I won't be surprised if he's asleep before 7!
                                *grabs NL* I'll take YOU to bed!
                                Sure, you will.... G'night.

