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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    But he's sho cute... *makes kitty calling noises* Come here! Come here, random clone! Come to Bunny!

    Wha........... HEY! I saw him first!!!

    Err, yeah I mean, yeah Bunny, you go girl........ (is he still glaring at me?)

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    Sacrifice Weary?!?

    *drags Weary to her and clutches him to matronly bosom*

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    How dare you make such a suggestion! Do you realise how much work goes into creating a clone with screwed up?!


    Anyone got a towel?

    **You can use mine Miss Bunny.**

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    (And it's Medieval...)
    Stupid messed up words. Who would spell it like that??

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    Awwwww... Crunchie is getting possessive. How cute!
    I am truly frightened, and excited at the same time I'm fri-cited.

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    *ruffles random clones dreadlocks*

    He's so adorable! And so... untainted. And malleable. So...ripe...

    Not friendly, Weary...

    (Awww, nothing like a bit of jealousy from your mentally unhinged clone to make you feel all fuzzy inside...
    Is that what that is? I thought it was gas.

    Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
    *hands a bottle to Shae*

    Just remember - 3 drops is enough. Half a bottle and they get... annoyed when they wake up... *whistles innocently*
    **stashes bottle in pack** Right, 3 drops, gotcha.

    Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      *sobs some more*

      Yup he was. But now he's on Criminal Minds. And the show has this adorable geeky guy who knows a lot and he's just funny. Not in the same way as David Hewlett, but he's just so akward. It's very aaawwww!
      Holy crap, I can't keep up!!!!

      I knew I recognized him.

      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
        Well, thanks Crunchie - I'll be sure to send him your way when he's hideously drunk so YOU can take care of him!


        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
        You are showing amazing restraint these days.
        *proudly* I know!

        I think they're being sarcastic, stupido...

        ... oh....

        Nevermind! *£$%^ *£$^*"@~ #£$^&$$!!!!!!!!

        Cor! You picked up those Satedan curses really quickly!

        *proudly* I know!!

        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
        Wonders why all the clones like Sal. Or more particularly why the don't like Shae.
        Well, she's young and pretty and blonde... and she has clone nip

        (It's okay, they hate me more than you! *continues to make 'encourage the kitty' noises to random clone*)

        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        Y'all are just jealous that I got a good clone! *sobs in a corner* What have I done to deserve this?! *wails*
        I think it's called 'abject jealousy...

        I mean, what have I done to deserve Weary?!


        Oh, yeah, heheheheheh. I suppose that does explain a lot...

        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        It took you a weekend to cook for your husband?
        Believe me, sometimes it feels like that...

        And I was only away for an hour!

        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        Ditto! Except for me it's Ronon and my imagination. That's where all the best stories are. XD
        Correction. It's where all the BANNED stories are!

        Originally posted by Salamas View Post
        It's got a hottie in it. Go to google and look up Shemar Moore. Or wait lemme do it for you:
        Awww, he's a cutie! A bit clean cut, but a cutie nonetheless!

        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
        Press the red one!!!!!
        Go on... press it... you know you want to... goooo oooooonnn....
        I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

        I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
        Deviant Art Fanfiction


          Purple's Biggest Fan
          A Purple Creation

          Atlantis Dex Style

          Dex Devil


            Purple's Biggest Fan
            A Purple Creation

            Atlantis Dex Style

            Dex Devil


              Originally posted by Snowy View Post
              War you say?
              I believe I said HUG WAR, not stick out your tongue rubber face war!!!


              Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                Originally posted by Snowy View Post

                Maybe a tall slender Screaming Ronongasms well make it go away?!
                Well hell, it's worth a shot in the dark.

                OMG I kill me

                Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                  Purple's Biggest Fan
                  A Purple Creation

                  Atlantis Dex Style

                  Dex Devil


                    Originally posted by Blue007 View Post
                    Ah!! A nice friendly place!!! Hello Angels and Devils, sorry I've been gone so long!!!

                    peace offering lol!!!

                    Yeah............... peace................ what................... who?

                    Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      She does, doesnt she? I'm proud of my wittle Bunnykins!

                      *Yells to Weary* They're not being sarcastic! NER NER TO YOU!!!

                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      You know what? When you figure it out tell me! And why does it only attract clones? I want to attract my crush!
                      You need to exchange that clone nip for crush nip! (Awww, only joking... *hugs*)

                      Originally posted by Snowy View Post
                      *cough* What do you think that I imagening when I write those?
                      I can tell you as much that it isn't Weir....
                      Atta girl! Now dump Weir entirely...

                      Originally posted by ladyshae View Post

                      Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Ronon shaped chocolate cookies.

                      **hands Bunny much cookie goodness**
                      WHEEEEE! Ronon shaped cookie goodness! Bye Bye diet, hello chocolate heaven...

                      Thanks, Shae! *munches upon cookies*

                      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                      Uhhh, they come in extra large? **painfully resisted nasty accidentally on purpose typo there**
                      Only if you are a good girl. Or a bad one. I forget how it works...


                      Originally posted by Snowy View Post

                      Maybe a tall slender Screaming Ronongasms well make it go away?!
                      Of course that'll make it go away! Do you want one on the rocks or just straight up?

                      *tries to maintain a straight face but fails miserably...*
                      I curse the sun so I can howl at the moon...

                      I want to live, I want to experience the universe and I want to eat pie.
                      Deviant Art Fanfiction


                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        Wha........... HEY! I saw him first!!!


                        Err, yeah I mean, yeah Bunny, you go girl........ (is he still glaring at me?)
                        Eehmmm, excuse me? Who brought him over here? That's right I did. So if anyone should get him it's me!
                        And did Crunchie just say 'you go girl'?

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        Arent we all?

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        I think Crunchie is a real flirt.

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        Stupid messed up words. Who would spell it like that??
                        Stupid people who want to make life hard? They're ebil...

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        I am truly frightened, and excited at the same time I'm fri-cited.

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        **stashes bottle in pack** Right, 3 drops, gotcha.
                        Trust me. clone nip works better. They're medicated and nice!

                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        Holy crap, I can't keep up!!!!

                        I knew I recognized him.
                        It's hard, but come on you gotta keep up.

                        I never watched Young and the Restless, but man he's yummy!
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Purple's Biggest Fan
                          A Purple Creation

                          Atlantis Dex Style

                          Dex Devil


                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Well, thanks Crunchie - I'll be sure to send him your way when he's hideously drunk so YOU can take care of him!
                            Drunk clones are funny man! They talk about random stuff, in Satedan. It's funny

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Well, she's young and pretty and blonde... and she has clone nip
                            Okay you got the you and blonde down, and I'll admit to the clone nip. But pretty? Bunny, me thinks you need glasses.

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            I think it's called 'abject jealousy...

                            I mean, what have I done to deserve Weary?!


                            Oh, yeah, heheheheheh. I suppose that does explain a lot...
                            You answered your own question
                            What''s abject jealousy?

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Believe me, sometimes it feels like that...

                            And I was only away for an hour!
                            I'm talking about the time I spent an entire weekend waiting for my Hard Screw Against the Wall!

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Correction. It's where all the BANNED stories are!
                            They're all just jealous of my imagination. XD

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Awww, he's a cutie! A bit clean cut, but a cutie nonetheless!
                            He is a cutie, and he has a nice voice too. And the eyes!

                            Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                            Go on... press it... you know you want to... goooo oooooonnn....
                            But there is no red button!
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                              Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                              I believe I said HUG WAR, not stick out your tongue rubber face war!!!

                              Opss.... sorry, I'm so slow sometimes...

                              Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                              Well hell, it's worth a shot in the dark.

                              OMG I kill me
                              Your cute!


                                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                                Well, thanks Crunchie - I'll be sure to send him your way when he's hideously drunk so YOU can take care of him!


                                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                                *proudly* I know!

                                I think they're being sarcastic, stupido...

                                ... oh....

                                Nevermind! *£$%^ *£$^*"@~ #£$^&$$!!!!!!!!

                                Cor! You picked up those Satedan curses really quickly!

                                *proudly* I know!!
                                Is that what those words are?

                                Crunchie T. Biscuit!!! You told me that was a love poem!!!

                                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                                Well, she's young and pretty and blonde... and she has clone nip

                                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                                (It's okay, they hate me more than you! *continues to make 'encourage the kitty' noises to random clone*)
                                **Begins whistling lightly.** Pssst, Hey, wanna cookie?

                                Originally posted by Gatebunny View Post
                                Go on... press it... you know you want to... goooo oooooonnn....

                                Presssssssss the button.......................................

                                Inside Voice -- My Rant Region

