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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
    Do you want some chicken soup, copter? Or a nice hot herbal tea? *sends virtual goodies*

    Zodiac/ it!
    oh thank you so much! hubby stood in the doorway and didn't know what to do


      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
      oh thank you so much! hubby stood in the doorway and didn't know what to do
      It would be better if they were real. The usual recommendations: plenty of rest, fluids and take your time.

      It's a male thing: wonderwoman is sick...????When is the zombie apocalypse?
      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


        Challenge #2

        originally posted Sept 2, 2013

        The art challenge this week should you choose to accept: This week we will expand our skills!! We are going to make an alphabet set of icons! {Don’t panic!} Make a set of 26 icons, each one representing a letter of the alphabet. There must be an overall theme such as SGA, Weather, Flowers, etc. {Again, don’t panic!} If 26 icons seems like too much, or you get stuck on letters, cut the amount in half! Do 13 icons, and only do the letters you like. The letter must be on the icon somewhere.
        If you still feel you cannot do that challenge, or you finish it and want *more*, then dragongirl has suggested a bonus/alternate challenge. Make art [icon and/or sig] that focuses on animals, real or imaginary. No people allowed!!
        If writing interests you, we will keep the same challenge as last week: Write a drabble no less than 100 words and no more than 500, any topic

        Here are the results for challenge 2:

        This week we had a fic entry!

        Under the Dome/Fringe crossover by starg8fans
        Walter Under The Dome

        One after the other the four youngsters laid their left hands against the the dome, closing their eyes in concentration. When they opened them again they saw two figures approaching. One of them was an old man in a lab coat with a melancholic, craggy face. The other was a younger man, tall with curly brown hair.

        Fascinated, the four kids watched as the strangers halted just outside the dome. Apparently they had not noticed the barrier, because the old man also raised his left hand as if in greeting, smiled and said something. Angie pointed at her ear, shaking her head to indicate that they couldn’t hear them. The two men exchanged puzzled glances. Then the younger one seemed to notice the glow around the teens’ hands, and he stepped closer to examine the effect. When he tapped against the barrier - an outline of a shiny handprint appeared.

        The four inside exchanged puzzled glances. “What the heck?” Norrie said.

        Joe shrugged.. “Maybe the four of us are enough for the mini dome, but not for the big one?”

        “But they’re outside,” Junior pointed out.

        “And why them? Never saw them before,” Angie added.

        The old man appeared fascinated by what he had just witnessed, and although his companion tried to stop him he poked the surface of the dome with his finger. At the exact spot, another glowing handprint appeared.

        A lively discussion ensued outside. Obviously the lab-coated man wanted them to put their hands on the spots, while the tall one was against it.

        “Oh come on, the dome wants you to. Do it!” Joe muttered. The others joined in. “Do it! Do it!” they chanted.

        The two men got the message. The older one resolutely indicated the handprints, and the younger one finally agreed with an eye roll. They put their palms against the indicated spots.

        There was a loud crack - then the two men materialized between the four youngsters.

        “Ouch! Dammit, why do I always get zapped?” the younger man complained, shaking his hand.

        “First teleportation, and now we permeated a solid barrier. How extraordinary,” the other one exclaimed. Then he turned to the four kids. “May we introduce ourselves - my name is Dr. Walter Bishop, and this is my son Peter. I assume you brought us here?”

        Joe introduced himself and his friends. “No, sir, it must have been the dome that brought you. I guess it... needs you.”

        “Dome?” Peter cast a dubious look around. “You mean we’re now trapped in this fishbowl?”

        Angie nodded. “The whole town is, It came down about ten days ago. Nobody knows why or how. It’s really weird.”

        Walter beamed at the girl. “That explains our presence. Weird is our specialty, isn’t it, Peter?”

        “You can say that again,” Peter sighed. “Okay, how about we go somewhere more comfortable and you tell us all you know? Then we’ll see what we can do about this thing.”


          Almost all the art is thumbnails because the sheer volume and size exceeded GW limits, so click for bigger please!!


          Little Creek

          Jaded Wraith











            Rodney is Godney



            Last edited by mrscopterdoc; 12 September 2013, 10:27 AM. Reason: Forgot some entries!! :eek:


              And here it is my rainbow entry...

              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                I am going to be late posting today, I am really sorry about that. I will get to it as soon as I can, and it will be today, just later. If others could please let the other threads know, Sheppy Thunk, Ronon Thunk, Flyboy thread, Doc thread and Jensen Ackles Thread just to let them know I will be slow. Thanks! Be back soon!
                Copter wanted me to pass this on


                  Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
                  Copter wanted me to pass this on
                  Thanks, DG!
                  Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                  Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                    Challenge #3

                    The 2 choices are: Make art that includes a rainbow, or is related to the zodiac. Simple!

                    Writing challenge is the same. Include a rainbow or the zodiac in your story, and keep it 750 words or less.

                    Here are the entries:

                    starg8fans with a fic entry that continues from last week:

                    Dusk was falling by the time the four youngsters had finished their tale. They had brought the Bishops back to Joe's and Angie's house, where they were now all sitting around the living room table. Walter was nibbling on a cookie, staring into space. Peter nodded at the kids approvingly.

                    "Hats off to you, you've really been busy and found out a lot that can be useful."

                    "Yes, but what does it all mean?" Norrie asked.

                    "That's the million dollar question, isn't it?" Peter cast her one of his megawatt smiles, and the girl blushed under his attention.

                    Walter had finished his cookie, washing the rest of the crumbs down with a gulp of orange juice. Then he stood up. "I would like to see this mini dome now," he announced.

                    "Absolutely," Peter agreed. "Nothing but a new pair of eyes to see if any clue has been overlooked."

                    The black egg was still flashing pink stars. Peter knelt in the straw surrounding it, careful not to touch the surface. He paid particular attention to the monarch chrysalis hanging from its inside wall.

                    "Amazing," he said. Then he turned to Walter. "What do you think? Accident or design?"

                    "I don't have enough information at present to answer that question," Walter replied loftily. Then he motioned to Joe. "Show me where you put your hands."

                    The four kids stepped up to the sphere and put their hands on the surface. Once again pink dots of light filled the air over their heads, forming themselves into slowly revolving constellations. Suddenly Peter had an idea.

                    "When are your birthdays?" he asked the group of four.

                    "April 19," Angie said.

                    "January 20," Joe chimed in.

                    "October 30," Norrie volunteered.

                    "June 21," Junior replied. "Why is that important?"

                    "Peter, that's brilliant!" Walter exclaimed.

                    "Hang on..." Joe was quick on the uptake as usual. "You think our zodiac signs have something to do with this?"

                    "I believe they do." Peter rose from his crouch and stood between Joe and Angie. "It can't be a coincidence that your birthdays are all three months apart. And if I'm not mistaken..." He looked up at the glowing pink dots over their heads, then nodded. "Yup. You're all standing right under the constellations that correspond to your individual signs."

                    "But what about the butterfly?" Norrie looked at the chrysalis that was closest to her own hand. "There is no Zodiak sign that's called Butterfly or Monarch or something."

                    "Yeah, that's a bit of a puzzle," Peter admitted.

                    "Nonsense, son, it makes perfect sense." Walter now also stepped closer and stood next to Norrie. "Belly and I were dabbling in astronomy, back in the 70s. It was all the rage back then." He started humming a few bars of 'Aquarius', until a stern look from Peter brought him back on track. "Anyway, we found out that the sun spends a lot more time in the constellation of Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer than in the adjacent one of Scorpio. We therefore drew up a new calendar with thirteen zodiac signs, including that of the Serpent. And that is precisely where the chrysalis is located."

                    Peter looked a bit skeptical. "You really think this arrangement has something to do with a possibly - or should I say probably - drug-induced theory you and your lab partner came up with over thirty years ago?"

                    "Yes," Walter confirmed. "And if you require further proof, these kids' birthdays correspond to their particular signs under both the traditional calendar and the new one Bellie and I created. Of course, accommodating thirteen signs instead of twelve moved the dates around quite significantly. Sometimes they only overlap a few days. But they all fit."

                    "Well, that answers one question," Peter agreed. "That butterfly is there by design. And I bet something interesting will happen when it hatches."

                    Another AN: The theory of the 13 zodiak signs is not mine, I found it on a blog by Astro Bob. PM me if you'd like the URL, I can't post it here.

                    FlyBoyFanGirl also had a fic entry this week:


                    Dean had never come up against a demon like this one. He fought as hard as ever, but it wasn’t enough. He slashed downward with his knife intending to split his opponent open from neck to groin.

                    Tired of toying with the mortal, the demon sent Dean flying through the air to slam into the warehouse wall, the knife spinning into the darkness. “A twinge told him he'd bruised a rib, and wet warmth flowed down the side of his head. But he wasn't given a moment to wonder how bad it was or if he'd make it out. The vessel of the demon calling himself 'Billy' smirked as he circled Dean. “On your feet, human!”

                    Panting, Dean got his hands under his shoulders and pushed onto his knees. “What? Not gonna kick me while I’m down?”

                    Crouching in front of Dean, Billy rested his forearms on his knees. “That would be cheating.”

                    Head hanging down, the blood dripping from the cut on his head made a pool on the worn paint of the filthy concrete floor. The same dirt adhered to Dean’s torn and bloody clothing, hands and face. He laughed as he sat on his knees. “Demons always cheat. It’s in their job description.”

                    Billy poked Dean’s chest. “And yet you still expect a fair fight.”

                    He stood, forcing Dean to tilt his head back to keep eye contact. Dean put his right foot flat on the floor with the knee up and pushed to his feet, wiping away some of the blood now running down his face. “Yeah. I’m stupid that way. Tell me something, Billy.”

                    Crossing his arms, Billy waited impatiently for Dean to continue. “Just hurry it up, human. I got souls to steal, lives to ruin, people to kill.”

                    “Fine.” Groaning, Dean stumbled to the side, catching himself by grabbing the edge of the workbench. “Did you know that humans…”

                    Billy’s bark of laughter stopped Dean from finishing his sentence. “I know everything I need to about your kind. You’re pathetic and feeble. Unworthy to associate with your betters.”

                    Shrugging, the hunter scrunched up his face, bending at his waist and moaning in pain. “Have you forgotten Meg?”

                    Snorting, Billy, said, “I was there when Crowley supposedly killed her. That sonofa**** faked it. And when you’re dead, for real, I’m having a party where I’ll dance on your grave.”

                    “Before sendin’ out invitations to your little soirée, there’s somethin’ you should know about my kind.”

                    Billy sighed heavily, rolling his eyes toward the ceiling giving Dean the opening he’d been waiting for. He dived into a shoulder roll, scooping up the knife. It had a curved, serrated- blade with ancient symbols etched into metal. The weak light glinted from the blade as he put all his strength into an upward strike. “We cheat too.”

                    Billy turned to the side at the last possible second, the sharp tip leaving a long scratch across his ribs. The demon screamed in agony, grabbed Dean’s outstretched arm, twisting him around and into a headlock. Billy proceeded to choke the life out of the eldest Winchester.

                    Dean twisted, his vision blacking out, as he broke free with the knife still in his hand. For several seconds, man and demon vied for control, Dean trying to stab Billy and Billy evading every attempt. Finally, Billy brought an elbow down on Dean's tired wrist. The hunter lost his grip on the knife and it clattered to the floor just as he heard running footsteps coming toward them, recognizing them as Sam’s.


                    From the corner of his eye, Dean saw Sam pick up the knife, moving this way and that looking for an opening. “Now, Sammy! Do it, now!” yelled Dean, his voice raspy from the pounding his body had taken.

                    Dean swung Billy around just as Sam stepped into a hard thrust, the knife penetrating Billy’s stomach up to the hilt. Sam leaned into it, giving it a twist. “Die, you black-eyed sonofa****!”

                    An unearthly scream erupted from Billy’s mouth as he collapsed. Dean, unable to hold the other man’s weight, fell backward with Billy on top then rolling to the side. Billy’s back arched, his jaw dropping open. Smoke burst out from his mouth, swirling and eddying up to the ceiling.

                    The brothers watched in horrid fascination. The smoke wasn’t black but every color under the sun as it billowed and curled in on itself then finally dissipated. “Whoa! Taste the rainbow!”

                    The End

                    I just want to add that I was sick and/or out of most of last week and this weekend so I {copter} have no entries this week. *sigh*


                      Little Creek


                      Jaded Wraith






                        all thumbnails are clickable for bigger



                          Challenge #4

                          We are going really simple [but really fun] for this challenge. This idea was from dragongirl because my brain was just not working this week

                          Make art with your favorite cartoons form the '80's and '90's!! You can just use the cartoons, throw in some text from your fave shows/movies for a little crossover, what ever you want to do, the main focus should just be cartoons from the 1980's and 1990's.

                          For fic challenge, 500-1000 words and it must include cartoons from those two decades as well.

                          Remember GW image limits. If you do a wallpaper or any size bigger than a sig, please send me the thumbnail image of that please. Due date is next Sunday 23rd. PM's to copter!


                            Hi all...this thread has been let slip....can't let that go on.
                            Come on guys, help me make it pretty!

                            (I don't have many pics of this guy...that I can find!)


                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                I like that he likes hats.

