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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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      I just watched the sence w/ Woosley regarding Ronons mission reports. HE HE!!!
      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


        Originally posted by 666startover View Post
        I really think that he is perfect.

        *begs for more pretty pics*

        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
        Warning: today, more than ever, I am in spelling horrendus mode..all you purists out there:sorry.

        Yeah, I've been reading it...a more appropriate title sould be how characters start so interesting and full of promise and then they fall flat 'cause some of the writers seeem to have a type of attention deficit disorder...

        Thanks, you're very kind.
        technology: it's been driving me crazy.
        And yeah, I love fridays cause they are so full of promises.

        Agreed.I love that ep and those Teyla/ Rononscenes. They had a cool brother/sister relationship. Thanks Doggy!
        You're welcome. I agree, I really liked their relationship. Ronon was definitely like a big protective caring brother.

        Originally posted by dragongirl View Post
        **double yays**

        Originally posted by Lahela View Post
        *plays catch-up*

        Doggy - give Junebug a scratch on the tummy for me

        JW - absolutely loved the Cure run

        Six - He is perfect

        DG, Michelle, c.c.... anybody else I've missed - *huggles*
        **gives Junebug a tummy rub** And La, that spam is SO way better than the kind in the can!

        Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
        Hey Lah *huggles back*

        Congrats Doggy, your dog is so clever, unlike my lump! He's currently sprawled out on my lap after going for a run with the hubby

        Love wednesdays pic Jade mental green
        Thank you! She is clever! She's the bestest doggie in the whole wide world! I'm so proud of her!











                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                *mutters about forgetting helmet after banging noggin yet again on the computer desk* Ya could've given some warning Queen about your fave Ronon pic. hehe Congrats on the anniversary sweetie!! hehee }:O
                Hehe, that's my favourite of Hermiiod's jazzed up Ronon pics. My very favourite Ronon pic... I'll post that in a minute!!

                And thanks, it was a quick year! *huggles*

                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                Hello ....longtime lurker, but haven't posted in a while.

                *sigh*....such a beautiful man.


                *blinks* cc?? *handcuffs self to cc in the hope she'll stay* Not that I've been here much myself lately! But hope you keep de-lurking hun!! *squishiehuggles*

                Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                *squishiehugs back* I didn't get to see them again but they apparently had fun in the duty free.... will tell u bout it laters
                I can imagine!!

                Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                Favorite Ronon shot?? I always thought this was it.......

                Hold crap!! Warn me woman, that gave me chest pains... of the best kind!! *huggles*

                Originally posted by michellec24_7 View Post
                Congratulations btw

                Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                *luffs her fellow Ronon peeps* Ya guys have such great taste in men!! *suffers massive drool loss over the pretty* Right. I'll be in my bunk...with Carson and Ronon and Radek. hehehe What? Their quarters flooded and it was cold. My excuse. Sticking to it. hehehe }:O
                *luffs Raven* You're not having Carson though, his cuddles are reserved for moi!!

                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                RL comment:
                Someone please keep away from electronic devices: first my laptop fell into a coma and during the weekend my modem was experiencing technical problems...

                Anyhoo, this was more appropriate for Fridays but as all sorts of tech glitches prevented me from posting it here last friday, here it goes:

                <regretfully snipped>
                Oh no, not again JW *huggles*

                Love those... inspirational!!

                Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                Just a thread you all might be interested in: Was Ronon a pointless character?
                You'll be pleased to know I've been posting in there! Thanks for the link Rac, and for the Ronon green too!

                *waggles finger in ear* What's that noise? Oh *facepalm* it's Lah's squeeing!!

                Originally posted by 666startover View Post
                I really think that he is perfect.

                *begs for more pretty pics*
                ^^ We all agree with you!!

                Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                Lips!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

                OK, I promised my favourite pic... this for me has to be it. It takes my breath away every time. Spoilered for size, and pure lip and eye p0rn!!

                And even though she's not got access to the net atm, I want to dedicate this to Stars, as well as all of our enjoyment!




                  Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                  Warning: today, more than ever, I am in spelling horrendus mode..all you purists out there:sorry.

                  Yeah, I've been reading it...a more appropriate title sould be how characters start so interesting and full of promise and then they fall flat 'cause some of the writers seeem to have a type of attention deficit disorder...

                  Thanks, you're very kind.
                  technology: it's been driving me crazy.
                  And yeah, I love fridays cause they are so full of promises.

                  Agreed.I love that ep and those Teyla/ Rononscenes. They had a cool brother/sister relationship. Thanks Doggy!
                  Don't worry, I won't notice!! (coughmyspellingsuxinanylanguagecough)
                  Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                    *squishy hugs everyone just cause* I've got leg cramps from Lah's spam. *writes down Gatorade and helmet for things to drink/wear before coming to this thread* hehe Hmmm...I may have to challenge you Queen with regards to Carson. hehe En garde!! hehe Another tummy rub for your pooch earndoggy!! Wooohoooo!!! hehe *glares at Queen for making my head go boom with her fave Ronon pic* Lovely choice though...very stimulating. Wooohoooo!! }:O


                      Goodnight thunkers! I'll share this song with you that I just heard for the first time (I'm sure many of you know it). It goes well with these pictures I think. Sweet dreams everyone.

                      (Lahela, I hope its okay that I snurched the above picture. I figured it was okay since you did not say otherwise (I guess that's usually what people do). If not, let me know.)



                        Originally posted by Crimsonravenwolf View Post
                        *squishy hugs everyone just cause* I've got leg cramps from Lah's spam. *writes down Gatorade and helmet for things to drink/wear before coming to this thread* hehe Hmmm...I may have to challenge you Queen with regards to Carson. hehe En garde!! hehe Another tummy rub for your pooch earndoggy!! Wooohoooo!!! hehe *glares at Queen for making my head go boom with her fave Ronon pic* Lovely choice though...very stimulating. Wooohoooo!! }:O
                        LOL, I'd fight tooth and nail to protect to my little man *luffs Carson* Although seeing as I don't actually thunk him I guess I have no grounds to argue... tell you what, I'll borrow him for cuddles!!

                        Morning Playground *huggles* *pours coffee*



                          Morning Playground

                          Some smiles to get the day started



                            Morning Lah *huggles*

                            Such a lovely smile Jason too!



                              *huggles QH*




