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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
    Wait! Jason was drinking?!
    Just kidding! I don't think he'd be able to do conventions without some liquid courage, poor boy.
    Was Julie [Caitlin Brown] with him the whole time? I get the feeling she doesn't like to let him out of her sight... especially when he's drinking and around fans.
    Welcome home, QH!
    *gets up form pillows and blankets, crashtacklehuggles Nee*
    Awesome sig by Laura
    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

    The randomess that is me
    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      *gets up from pillows and blankets, crashtacklehuggles Nee*
      Geez, woman! *wipes off dirt* Give a girl a warning. *rolls her eyes, giggles* No con pix yet?


        Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
        Geez, woman! *wipes off dirt* Give a girl a warning. *rolls her eyes, giggles* No con pix yet?
        Nope, none yet. I guess we might have to wait till Tuesday, depends how long everyone needs to recover.


        I got Nibbles to keep me company.
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
          Nope, none yet. I guess we might have to wait till Tuesday, depends how long everyone needs to recover.

          I got Nibbles to keep me company.
          Ah! *kisses Nibbles* You must be glad to have this one home finally, huh?


            Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
            Ah! *kisses Nibbles* You must be glad to have this one home finally, huh?

            *kisses* Definitely. *smirks* She's not allowed week long trips ever again.

            He's even coming to Korea with me this summer.
            Last edited by Salamas; 22 February 2009, 03:59 PM.
            Awesome sig by Laura
            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

            The randomess that is me
            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              *kisses* Definitely. *smirks* She's not allowed week long trips ever again.

              He's even coming to Korea with me this summer.
              Awe, isn't that sweet? *hugs each* I gotta run... there's some catching up to do in the Furnace and then with Cub, so.... *waves, beams home*


                I didn't get any good jason ones but I will get my photo op scanned in later for you...!!! I was soooo nervous! And you can tell too!

                Ok some Jason stuff now, whilst stalking, I mean, lurking, no actually I was 'trying to get a signal on my phone' I bumped into Jason taking photos at the River. I offered to take some for him with him in it as he was doing the whole hold them away from your face type thing but he said 'No I'm doing them like this on purpose but thankyou though!'

                I have no idea how I managed to walk after that!


                  Home So much to tell... so many cuddles, drinks reception, guest encounter, photos, talks... I took over 400 photos of Jason... there will be much editing, but first I need sleep. For now, I've very quickly resized and slapped a watermark on this one for Sal *huggles* It's not the best photo, but it has other features you might appreciate



                    Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                    Home So much to tell... so many cuddles, drinks reception, guest encounter, photos, talks... I took over 400 photos of Jason... there will be much editing, but first I need sleep. For now, I've very quickly resized and slapped a watermark on this one for Sal *huggles* It's not the best photo, but it has other features you might appreciate

                    YEA!! *snurches* What? Sal's still asleep! Even slept through me screaming YEA in here. Can't wait to snurch some more. I saw that he took off his hat and you know how I luuuuurve his hair.


                      Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                      YEA!! *snurches* What? Sal's still asleep! Even slept through me screaming YEA in here. Can't wait to snurch some more. I saw that he took off his hat and you know how I luuuuurve his hair.
                      He wore it during all the talks except for when he slipped it off quickly to run his fingers through his hair (I think I got a couple of shots). He had it off for the last (?) photo shoot though. Yes, I got extra photo shoots, but the hatless one was with other people (Stars and Bee from the other site) so I'll need to crop or get their permission to post those ones.

                      Did I mention I saw his armpits?


                        Hi Lah!!! *huggles* YUM! Thanks for the pic and can't wait to see the rest and hear more stories!


                          I really should be sleeping, but my head is spinning and my emotions are all over the place So I grabbed some hatless shots for Nee

                          These aren't the best either because he moved so fast every time he took the blasted hat off! LOL!


                            Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                            Home So much to tell... so many cuddles, drinks reception, guest encounter, photos, talks... I took over 400 photos of Jason... there will be much editing, but first I need sleep. For now, I've very quickly resized and slapped a watermark on this one for Sal *huggles* It's not the best photo, but it has other features you might appreciate

                            *desperately needs a bucket, whimpers*
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                              Originally posted by Lahela View Post
                              Home So much to tell... so many cuddles, drinks reception, guest encounter, photos, talks... I took over 400 photos of Jason... there will be much editing, but first I need sleep. For now, I've very quickly resized and slapped a watermark on this one for Sal *huggles* It's not the best photo, but it has other features you might appreciate

                              I have a photo similar to this but haven't been able to put my pics up yet! It's so good to see it up close... Not that I wasn't close enough in the guest encounter

                              He's such a great guy Guest encounter was amazing. I was in the first one on the saturday and you could really tell that he was so nervous.

                              I'll admit, I wouldn't have gone to the con if Joe hadn't been there but - BUT - I was totally swept away by Jason; he's very shy but also very energetic. The talks with him and Joe were absolutely hilarious! He was posing and stuff for the cameras... The bit about the tattoo of Joe on his leg, too. But, that's for another time.

                              I'll post a full report on my LJ, link it prob in the Chevron thread... There will be pics!
                              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                                A couple of pics... I was quite far away but got some good ones Here's one or two


                                It's very strange; I was never that into Ronon but Jason is... well, something else.

                                (is repeating self that's how much the man affected moi, lol)
                                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                                facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal

