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Ronon Dex/Jason Momoa Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
    Why is it whenever you post m in capitals I think of chocolate? it's's like flash straight up in front of my mind lol doesn't happen with little m though
    No idea. It's the same for me, but it reminds me off a chocolate commercial that used to play in Finland years ago. And now I want chocolate!!!
    Awesome sig by Laura
    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

    The randomess that is me
    Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


      Originally posted by Salamas View Post
      No idea. It's the same for me, but it reminds me off a chocolate commercial that used to play in Finland years ago. And now I want chocolate!!!
      I wonder if Mum will let me have a cornetto after tea...though it is mothers day...maybe Dad & Sam (who are doing tea) are gonna make some fancy desert like they normally do on these type of days...heres hoping lol
      "Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand!" Mark Twain (1835-1910)
      "But you see, just because we've been dealt a certain hand doesn't mean we can't choose to rise above it. To conquer the boundaries of a destiny none of us wanted. To try and retain whatever essential humanity we can." ~Edward from Twilight
      Historic Connections Ancient history resources business my Dad runs...go check it out


        Originally posted by telpethoniel View Post
        I wonder if Mum will let me have a cornetto after tea...though it is mothers day...maybe Dad & Sam (who are doing tea) are gonna make some fancy desert like they normally do on these type of days...heres hoping lol
        *fingers crossed*
        I hope so too!
        Awesome sig by Laura
        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

        The randomess that is me
        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


          Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
          Yeah, they were actually I had to slow playback down to like 1% or 2% to catch them.
          Hey thanks for the welcome Tanis.

          I have a new link for the file because yousendit is evil.

          Thank you for the link, I love behind the scenes stuff! But I do try to stay completely away from spoilers and so do a lot of us. That wasn't too much spoiling though...Thanks for spoiling all your S4 comments too!


            Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
            LOL!! I didn't know you could slow playback down. I thought maybe you just capped really really fast! LOL!!

            I registered for the same reason. **Doggy and Sal are sad together LOL**

            And since you stole my thunder with the pink cadillac pics, bam... here ya go! LOL!!

            Great caps! LOL on the capping really fast


              Originally posted by Salamas View Post
              For me it depends on how strong the smell is, because sometimes it's just nasty like they havent showered.

              You have a Ronon Action figure? ENVY! Except if I got one, my friends would cart me off to a mental institution...

              But now the question is, do I want to make them into thumbnails?

              Are the rotating sigs taking over!
              oh my, on the "haven't showerd" smell, ew...that's why I said "freshly sweaty" smell, LMAO!!

              OK, I need to clarify on the action figure, it is a puter figure but still action figure like. It is a collectable and that's what you would tell your friends, heee...I have a Stargate/Farscape corner in my bedroom. Wait till hubs gets back from Iraq and see it, LOL

              I like the rotating sigs but then it takes longer to identify people


                Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                Thanks for the welcome and thanks for the help with thumbnails, I'll give it a shot.

                Yikes, if that were the case my nose would eventually be permanently fused to my screen. I'd have to get a screen-ectomy or something.

                Weee!!!!! Thumbnails! Hee hee how sad that this makes me so happy.
                It's fun to learn something new. I think Doggy is the one who told me about the thumbnails but I'm old now and don't remember ...You're welcome for any help you need, just ask.


                  Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                  Okay that one was pretty silly, how about these two?

                  Amanda Tapping said something about everyone losing their memory in this episode, I wonder if Ronon will forget what an intense warrior his is and end up being all sweet and nice and soft and............ oh my, I better stop.
                  Coolness...thanks for the goodies


                    Originally posted by earndoggy View Post
                    Yes Purple I can help with the rotating sigs!! And Sal, you only have one sig, since when has that been a problem with Doggy and Purple around? Let me know what some of your favorite pics are, post 'em or e-mail 'em or yahoo 'em or PM the links or something and I'll make you some sigs. What are your favorite colors and are there any special effects you like? I will let you know if I can't do something and I'm sure somebody here will be able to. And I'll help you with your rotating sig too!! LOL!!
                    Thanks doggy devil! I don't think I'm ready for that bit of technology yet, LOL But when I am, I'll ask you for tutoring

                    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOTHERS IN HERE!! Hope you get treated nice today!


                      Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                      Thank you for the link, I love behind the scenes stuff! But I do try to stay completely away from spoilers and so do a lot of us. That wasn't too much spoiling though...Thanks for spoiling all your S4 comments too!
                      You know I didn't even think about that, my brain must have shut down, I was more concerned with whether or not posting the link would be trouble. Thank goodness it wasn't too massive spoiler wise, I try to stay away from them too. I will have to refrain from posting until I am certain my brain is warmed up.

                      Inside Voice -- My Rant Region


                        Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                        You know I didn't even think about that, my brain must have shut down, I was more concerned with whether or not posting the link would be trouble. Thank goodness it wasn't too massive spoiler wise, I try to stay away from them too. I will have to refrain from posting until I am certain my brain is warmed up.
                        I'm one of those people who wants to avoid spoilers, but when I see the spoiler tag I just end up clicking it! It's a baaad habit for me. I need to get rid of it. But it just bothers me not knowing stuff.
                        Awesome sig by Laura
                        "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                        The randomess that is me
                        Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                          Originally posted by Neelan_Liquor View Post
                          GREAT caps, Doggy! *throws cookie to Doggy*
                          **Catches cookie, gobbles it in one gulp and wags tail at Neelan**

                          Originally posted by ladyshae View Post
                          Yeah I learned that getting all cheezed off trying to cap Sateda. It's much easier when you slow it to a snail's pace. Your caps are great!

                          ROTFL Slapping the Donald? Where the heck are you? Wait, maybe I don't wanna know.
                          I'm gonna have to look for the slowdown button on my player... I don't even know if it has one? What player do you use and how do you slow it down?

                          Originally posted by Salamas View Post
                          But I didnt mean to steal your thunder... But hurrah for us! We are devoted or utterly insane! WHEEE!!!

                          And someone tell me why am I awake at 9.30 am on a Sunday when I went to bed at 2am...
                          We are both devoted AND utterly insane and you're awake on 9:30 am on a Sunday because Jason/Ronon/Frankie is way to hot to spend much time away from!

                          Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                          Great caps! LOL on the capping really fast
                          LOL Thanks! LOL I'm still a capping newbie, learning more today!

                          Originally posted by purpletoo1 View Post
                          It's fun to learn something new. I think Doggy is the one who told me about the thumbnails but I'm old now and don't remember ...You're welcome for any help you need, just ask.
                          Ya, that was me. The mods got after me for posting too many pics so after some discussion we settled on links or thumbnails and I passed the message on!


                            I'm bored and Ronon looks bored too.

                            Well in the first and second it's more like Me Angry now- faces.

                            LOOK THUMBNAILS!!!
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty



