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Chaya Sar Thunk

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    Originally posted by sarge
    uh oh, not you too!
    but hey, ya gotta get it where you can


      I briefly considered giving Droops "green" for that hissing cat. Then thought better of it.

      Time to go view some Browder pics (with lots of leather). .*hopping over to thunk threads*

      When all else fails, change channels.


        Originally posted by Droops


        cool pic


          Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
          I actually think she is much prettier IRL than she was in SGA. TPTB seem to like doing that with their female characters.

          Dumb question of the day. .for the guys. . when you are attracted to a stunning gal, who is extremely thin. . do you mind her being so skinny? I used to work with a guy who hated hugging a gal and feeling nothing but bones. My hubby seems to like a tad of extra padding as well (thankfully)

          Seriously. . I wouldn't want to hug a guy who was all skin and bones.
          ohh...loaded question...

          Points to pictures of Leonor, see I don't think she is too skinny (or Lexa Doig either for that matter whom has been said by some that she is too skiny). But there is a point when someone is just too tiny. I have a very good friend and a cousin who both are just too tiny. Especially my friend who is just scary small. And it's not cause she doesn't eat or anything (I used to go out with her a lot and she eats).

          I mean I guess it is what is you consider skinny...healthy skinny I like....scary skinny I don't....

          ....ehhh....I should have probably just stayed quiet on this
          The Lexa Doig Escape

          Cause Lexa Doig rocks!


            Originally posted by AshViper
            I mean I guess it is what is you consider skinny...healthy skinny I like....scary skinny I don't....

            ....ehhh....I should have probably just stayed quiet on this
            No no, posting is a good thing.

            I think the point being made is that too many 'supermodels' today are scary skinny. Some are doing everything that they can, including popping laxitives like candy, to try and stay thin. That's unhealthy.

            Curves are a good thing, IMO. Being so thin that you can see bones coming through the skin isn't. There's an 'Osiris Thunk Thread' floating around where I mentioned that the actress who played that part seemed too thin to me . . .scary skinny to use the term you posted (good term btw).

            Lexa doesn't seem scary skinny to me, as far as I can tell. I've watched Andromeda and like her character fine, as well as the overall healthy look to her figure.


              Leonor doesn't seem too skinny, nor does Lexa. Its when you can see every bone when they wear tank tops or bathing suits - such has collarbones very prominent. Some gals have a "Death Camp" appearance that just isn't attractive.

              Of course, I usually don't find myself attracted to other women. But I do appreciate a woman with a healthy bod.

              When all else fails, change channels.


                Originally posted by Droops
                No no, posting is a good thing.
                Curves are a good thing, IMO.
                well said, droops


                  Originally posted by Droops
                  I think the point being made is that too many 'supermodels' today are scary skinny. Some are doing everything that they can, including popping laxitives like candy, to try and stay thin. That's unhealthy.

                  Curves are a good thing, IMO. Being so thin that you can see bones coming through the skin isn't. There's an 'Osiris Thunk Thread' floating around where I mentioned that the actress who played that part seemed too thin to me . . .scary skinny to use the term you posted (good term btw).
                  Yup curves are a good thing

                  I do get what you're saying about supermodel skinny.

                  There is also muscular that comes to mind is probaby Keira Knightley...whose abs are, she also has very muscualar arms and legs bit still very skinny (though I do like her...). Jessica Biel is another example of having great curves, but since doing Blade Trinity she has maintained a very muscular look and it suits her frame.

                  Osiris....having a hard time thinking of who she is...unless she is the red head, lol (that does it right there for me I'm a complete sucker for a red head)....

                  Glad you liked the term scary skinny, wish I could take credit for it but I believe I picked that up from a friend of mine.
                  The Lexa Doig Escape

                  Cause Lexa Doig rocks!


                    My first preference is for brunettes, but redheads are a close second. They are quite nice.

                    And yea, there is a difference between someone who is skinny and healthy, and someone who isn't. I think that a lot of people felt that Torri Higginson was too skinny (almost scary skinny) when SGA started. A little bit of flesh on the bones is much better.


                      Originally posted by sarge
                      well said, droops
                      Purses are also good things.


                        Originally posted by Droops
                        Purses are also good things.


                          Originally posted by sarge
                          cause I don't generaly cringe at the thought of hugging a super model
                          I'd die if I could be within 5 feet of Tyra Banks (she's plus-sized? ).
                          To me Jessica Alba in the FIRST season of Dark Angel was PERFECT. But in S2 she either lost weight or her bones got longer. Either way she's now down to "NASA clean room" perfect instead of "HURRY SEAL HER DNA UP IN A CANASTER BEFORE IT MUTATES AND THE MOST PERFECT THING TO EVER EXIST IS LOST FOREVER!" perfect. So i'm not into "crack whore chiek (sp?)" either. (Oh Leonor is not too ANYTHING. Even though she's no S1 Jessica Alba.)


                            "Love is not for life, it's for one week only" Wass

                            “You have to stay in shape. My grandmother, she started walking five miles a day when she was 60. She's 97 today and we don't know where the hell she is.” Ellen DeGeners

                            “You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is 'never try'.” Homer Simpson

                            “It took me fifteen years to discover I had no talent for writing, but I couldn't give it up, because by that time I was too famous.” Robert Benchley

                            “What is it with McDonald's staff who pretend they don't understand you unless you insert the 'Mc' before the item you're ordering? It has to be a McChicken burger...a chicken burger gets blank looks. Well, I'll have a McStraw and jam it into your McEyes, you f**cking Mc******!” Billy Connolly

                            “Before you judge a man, walk a mile in his shoes. After that, who cares? ...He's a mile away and you've got his shoes.” Billy Connolly


                              ahhhhh, now my day is complete


                                Originally posted by sarge
                                ahhhhh, now my day is complete
                                Yep, add those pics to the mushroom/rubber band/pink sandal game, and who wouldn't have a great day, right?

