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    Dr. Heightmeyer: Now based on what's been described to me, the personification of Colonel Sheppard in everyone's dreams, is behaving much like a sociopath.

    Sheppard: Did I have a goatee


      Woolsey: I've never met an Asgard.
      Dr. Weir: You, I think, will love them. They have a wonderful sense of humor.
      [Woolsey looks at her hopefully]
      Woolsey: Really?
      Dr. Weir: No.
      The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


        Teyla: You have not been practicing.
        Sheppard: Yes I have.
        Teyla: If this was really a fight -
        Sheppard: If this was really a fight, I would have shot you by now


          [Larrin walks into Sheppard's cell]
          Sheppard: What's going on?
          [Larrin punches him]
          Sheppard: Ow! What was that for?
          [Larrin punches him again]
          Sheppard: Stop that!
          Larrin: I'll stop, if you'll stop lying! You broadcasted a signal, didn't you?
          Sheppard: Yes.
          [Larrin punches him again]
          Sheppard: You said you'd stop!
          The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


            Teyla: I purchased the pendant from an artisan in Croya, the village we are about to visit. Among the Athosians, it's quite common to present such gifts as expressions of admiration and respect.

            Ronon: [to McKay] Hey. Maybe I'll pick you something up while we're there.

            Dr. McKay: Really?

            Ronon: No.


              Rodney: Teyla had a nightmare and you were in it
              Teyla: Rodney...
              Sheppard: Was I the dashing hero who saved you from the big bad monster?
              Ronon: Actually you were the big bad monster


                Michael: "Good luck."
                Sheppard: "Thanks, it'll be a walk in the park. A very scary park. With monsters that are trying to kill me."
                Michael: "I don't understand."
                Sheppard: "Nevermind. Operation 'This-will-likely-end-badly' is a go!"
                It was Arrested Development


                  (Lorne and McKay are kept in an other part of the collapsed compound)
                  Dr. McKay: Still no signal. There's too much interference.
                  Maj. Lorne: Pretty sure my leg´s broken.
                  Dr. McKay: I think I'm remarkably fine.
                  Maj. Lorne: [sarcastically] Well, isn't that wonderful? That brings me great comfort. Thank you.
                  The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                    anything that came out of mckays mouth basically except the boob line from trio that was rusbish


                      McKay:You're right. If only we had a magical tool that could slow down time. I foolishly left mine on Earth - did you bring yours?


                        Sheppard: Hmm. Fruit bowl, nice touch.
                        Todd: Well, we picked them up on our travels. I thought it would make our discussions more comfortable. I hope they prove as delicious as the farmers who grew them.
                        The great ones dare to believe in the unbelievable...


                          Colonel Samantha Carter: [genuinely welcoming] Hey, Rodney, come on in.
                          Dr. Rodney McKay: Ah. I brought you a
                          [pointing to flowers in his hand]
                          Dr. Rodney McKay: little something to spruce up the place.
                          Colonel Samantha Carter: Well thank you, that's very sweet. There's a... a vase right there.
                          Dr. Rodney McKay: Hmm.
                          [watches her walk off, then turns and sees the fruit basket he was going to give her]
                          Colonel Samantha Carter: [sees he is looking at the fruit basket and points to it] Oh, uh, Col. Sheppard dropped that off.
                          [as she unpacks further]
                          Colonel Samantha Carter: Apparently, it's a sampling of fruit from the home worlds of our various trading partners.
                          Dr. Rodney McKay: [looking somewhat confused] Hm.
                          Colonel Samantha Carter: I thought it was a really thoughtful gesture.
                          Dr. Rodney McKay: [under his breath] Son of a...


                            Ronon: Sheppard's on the list; McKay is on the list. Why aren't Teyla and me?
                            Dr. Weir: What, you're feeling left out?
                            Ronon I just wanna know who thinks I'm not a threat and give 'em a chance to change their mind


                              McKay: Explosives expert, huh?
                              Cadman: High temperature and energetic materials technology. And I can tap dance, too.


                                McKay: You can't kill an unarmed, upside down

