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Favorite SGA Quotes

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    McKay: I think I chipped a tooth. Did I chip a tooth? Am I bleeding? Because I am at high risk of enterocarditis.


    McKay: So... just to confirm, we're all still... definitely not dead.


    [after being beamed aboard form the maximum limit of the beaming technology]
    Weir: Are you all right?

    Sheppard: Two arms, ten fingers... I'll check the rest later.
    My tumblr


      Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
      McKay: I think I chipped a tooth. Did I chip a tooth? Am I bleeding? Because I am at high risk of enterocarditis.


      McKay: So... just to confirm, we're all still... definitely not dead.


      [after being beamed aboard form the maximum limit of the beaming technology]
      Weir: Are you all right?

      Sheppard: Two arms, ten fingers... I'll check the rest later.
      These are great!! Thanks


        Teldy: Where's Porter
        Beckett: We don't know
        Sheppard: That's great! All we need now is for the Prom Queen and the kid in the wheelchair to wander off and we're all set


          Originally posted by kusanagi View Post
          These are great!! Thanks
          Haha no prob!

          Sheppard: Without inertial dampening, we'd be hit by so many g's, our eyes would pop, our skin would pull away from our faces, our brains would squish up to the back our skulls, and our internal organs would be crushed into these chairs. What about that sandwich?


          Weir: We're heading towards a food shortage.

          McKay: [Mouth full] I know, it's getting desperate. I'm almost out of coffee.

          Sheppard: Well, maybe you should stop drinking eleven cups a day.

          McKay: I'm just making sure I'm getting my fair share before it's all gone.

          Ford: Sounds fair.


          Weir: The city can handle that?

          McKay: Yes. Theoretically.

          Sheppard: Like "dinosaurs turned into birds" theoretically or "theory of relativity" theoretically?

          McKay: [looks confused] What? Um, somewhere between.
          My tumblr


            Teyla: It is the gift of the Shrine, and from all of us who risked great danger to bring you here. One last chance to be with those you love
            McKay: And then what? I die?
            Ronon: With honour
            Teyla: And dignity
            McKay: Yeah, well screw that! I'll just stay here


              The Daedalus Variations

              McKay: Oh, OW! OW!! OWW!!! (ducks in cover) I GOT SHOT!!! Ow...
              Ronon: Thought we got them all! (fires weapon)
              Sheppard: Apparently not! (fires weapon)


                Weir: "Tell him the power loop interface isn't jiving with your walkabout!"
                Watching now: Doctor Who Series 3/29 (rewatch) - The X-Files Season 2 (rewatch) - Pushing Daisies Season 1 - Torchwood Series 1 - Red Dwarf Series 8 - Battlestar Galactica Season 2 (rewatch) - Northern Exposure Season 3 (rewatch)


                  Hi guys! Just spent the past I-dont-know-how-long reading through all these quotes. Fell off my chair a few times, I was laughing so hard...I really need to do an SGA marathon. Anyways, thought I'd add a few quotes from the top of my head into the mix

                  Sheppard: Just out of a political curiosity, how much trouble is it gonna cause you if I knock this Woolsey guy in the head?
                  Weir: May I ask why you'd like to do that?
                  Sheppard: It's just an impulse I had, I suspect I'm gonna have again the next time I see him. He may not even have to say anything!
                  Weir: I've never seen you like this. What did Woolsey say to you?
                  Sheppard: Besides judging every d*** decision you've ever made!?
                  Weir: (leans back in chair) John Sheppard, are you defending my honor?
                  Sheppard: (pause) And, judging me for agreeing with you!
                  Weir: Well, don't be too hard on him. I think of all the circling wolves, he's the least likely to actually bite. In fact, he might even convince the others to leave us alone.
                  Sheppard: (trying to come to terms with it) Alright, head knocking.
                  Weir: It's the thought that counts.

                  Rodney: Well, a man wonders how he would choose to go out, given such dire circumstances. Now I know.
                  Old Weir: Trying to save the lives of others.
                  Sheppard: But ultimately failing! (gives a look)
                  Rodney: I'm sure if I had a few more seconds...!
                  -Before I Sleep

                  Rodney: Ha! Ahh, the bitter taste of ultimate failure, hmm?
                  Sheppard: Well, if you had just figured out how to fix the d*** shield in the *first* place! None of us would have died.
                  Rodney: I did everything I could, including valiantly attempting to save your sorry...
                  Weir: Gentlemen! Focus!
                  -Before I Sleep

                  Rodney: And that's what happens when you back a brilliant scientist into a corner!
                  -The Hive
                  "Operation this-will-most-likely-end-badly is a go" ~Lt Col John Sheppard


                    [Ronon draws his gun]

                    Teyla: What is it?

                    Ronon: I saw something.

                    Rodney: Well, what? Person? Animal? How many syllables?


                    Beckett: Rodney.

                    McKay: Hmm?

                    Beckett: Have you experienced anything yet?

                    McKay: No. Everyone's brain chemistry is different. Maybe some people are more susceptable than others. Look, I toked pot once in college. Didn't feel a thing.

                    Beckett: Really?

                    McKay: Mm. Well, aside from itchy. And the overpowering urge to eat an entire loaf of white bread.
                    My tumblr


                      McKay: I just never feel safe in these things underwater.

                      Sheppard: In space you're okay?

                      McKay: Yeah, I am. Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?


                        McKay: I got a little... [referring to energy spike]

                        Ford: [jokingly] A little what? McKay! You got a little what? [Sheppard looks at Ford disapprovingly] What? Oh, it's okay when you guys make fun of me then, huh?


                          Shepard: You want to hide?

                          McKay: We can call it 'strategic concealment'.


                            Sheppard: Hmm. Fruit bowl, nice touch.

                            Todd: Well, we picked them up on our travels. I thought it would make our discussions more comfortable. I hope they prove as delicious as the farmers who grew them


                              Sheppard: What else can you do besides telekinesis?

                              McKay: Well, super-hearing for one. And I'm not sure, but I think I may actually be getting smarter. It's hard to say for sure. Because I was pretty smart to start with, but, um, recently, I've been having some ideas that I don't think even I would have thought of before.

                              Sheppard: Does superego count as a power?

                              McKay: [Food arrives] Oh, finally. Look! Keep it coming.

                              Sheppard: We could also be dealing with a super-appetite, although it's hard to tell because he ate so much before.


                                Woolsey: I've never met an Asgard.
                                Weir: You, I think, will love them. They have a wonderful sense of humor.
                                Woolsey: Really?
                                Weir: No.

