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SAVE Stargate Atlantis!

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    If you are a Stargate Atlantis fan and would like for your voice to be heard, please call in to "THE DANGER REPORT" today at 4:00PM (Saturday), an internet radio show devoted to television and SF topics, and let your dissatisfaction with the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis be known.

    I believe the show airs at 4:00 EST. The call in number is listed on the proceeding URL, but here it is also:

    (646) 200- 0925

    Chris Danger's show on blogtalkradio:

    Please call Chris Danger's show TODAY at 4:00PM EST and let your thoughts be known; be sure to mention our ongoing efforts with the Save Stargate Atlantis project, and let them know that the fans are stronger than ever.

    Yesterday, two Stargate Atlantis fans called in to the blogtalkradio show TV TALK, hosted by Shaun Daily, and it was an immense success. Almost the entire second half of Shaun Daily's show yesterday was devoted to discussion of the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis. Towards the end, Sgafan4life called in and used the opportunity to publicize the Save Stargate Atlantis Campaign, which is shown below in my sig. The first caller was a good friend of mine, he managed to get thru on the phone lines and report the current state of affairs with the fans and the fight for Atlantis.

    It's worth a listen, I will be posting an MP3 link of Shaun's show yesterday for your convenience later.


    Long Live Atlantis!

    Are you an SGA fan who wants to make a difference in saving Stargate Atlantis? Make your voice known now! Contribute to the following Save Atlantis forums: Save SGA thread Save SGA thread
    IMPORTANT: Visit the "Save SGA Campaign" to see what you can do(courtesy SGAFan4life)


      Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
      I'm tempted not to watch SG Universe just because they cancelled a good show so it could take Atlantis's place...
      Right now I agree with you 100%. If the ratings are poor for the show, they are not going to keep it going and realize that they made a huge mistake. Like another poster, 1 more season to wrap up a majority of the storylines should have been done. they really screwed their fan base.


        Originally posted by Eldric View Post
        If you are a Stargate Atlantis fan and would like for your voice to be heard, please call in to "THE DANGER REPORT" today at 4:00PM (Saturday), an internet radio show devoted to television and SF topics, and let your dissatisfaction with the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis be known.

        I believe the show airs at 4:00 EST. The call in number is listed on the proceeding URL, but here it is also:

        (646) 200- 0925

        Chris Danger's show on blogtalkradio:

        Please call Chris Danger's show TODAY at 4:00PM EST and let your thoughts be known; be sure to mention our ongoing efforts with the Save Stargate Atlantis project, and let them know that the fans are stronger than ever.

        Yesterday, two Stargate Atlantis fans called in to the blogtalkradio show TV TALK, hosted by Shaun Daily, and it was an immense success. Almost the entire second half of Shaun Daily's show yesterday was devoted to discussion of the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis. Towards the end, Sgafan4life called in and used the opportunity to publicize the Save Stargate Atlantis Campaign, which is shown below in my sig. The first caller was a good friend of mine, he managed to get thru on the phone lines and report the current state of affairs with the fans and the fight for Atlantis.

        It's worth a listen, I will be posting an MP3 link of Shaun's show yesterday for your convenience later.


        Long Live Atlantis!
        Damn I would do this but I'm going into work at 3. Good idea


          Originally posted by donutman925 View Post
          Damn I would do this but I'm going into work at 3. Good idea
          Both John Stahl and Chris Danger voiced their support for Stargate Atlantis, they are both fans as we are. John Stahl in particular demonstrated his affection for Atlantis on the TVTALK blogradio show.

          If you'd like to express your appreciation to John Stahl for his support of Stargate Atlantis, please visit his latest article on Atlantis (Jan 8th, concerning the Finale), and leave your comments and thoughts there concerning your feelings on the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis.

          John Stahl's URL:

          Are you an SGA fan who wants to make a difference in saving Stargate Atlantis? Make your voice known now! Contribute to the following Save Atlantis forums:
 Save SGA thread
 Save SGA thread
          IMPORTANT: Visit the "Save SGA Campaign" to see what you can do(courtesy SGAFan4life)


            If you are a Stargate Atlantis fan and would like for your voice to be heard, (and you can't call in to the Danger Report today) please call in to "THE TWO DOCTORS", Monday Jan 12th at 12:00AM, an internet radio show devoted *exclusively* to television SF topics, and let your dissatisfaction with the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis be known.

            Two Doctors Call-in Number: (718) 664-9807



            When you call in, if you would make sure that the Save Stargate Atlantis campaign (listed below in my sig) gets some exposure, that would be a tremendous help.


            Are you an SGA fan who wants to make a difference in saving Stargate Atlantis? Make your voice known now! Contribute to the following Save Atlantis forums:
   Save SGA thread
   Save SGA thread
            IMPORTANT: Visit the "Save SGA Campaign" to see what you can do(courtesy SGAFan4life)


              It's me Eldric
              Glad to see you with us.
              Originally posted by Eldric View Post
              The great thing is that you are here and making your voice known. Stay with us as we continue to bind together, and we can make a difference for our Atlantis actors and their superb show.
              The story was that Brad Wright did not want to be working on two series simultaneously, as he stated in his question/answer session on Joe Mallozzi's blog that he had done that before and it was too stressful.
              Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't. The real question is why, with him as one of the ones primarily in charge, that he did not fight for the Team Sheppard actors and their jobs. Why now, when the SGA ratings are at their best, would he decide to fire everyone and bring in a new crew that nobody gives a rat's red butt about as a bait and switch tactic?

              I understand that this is a standard tactic used by networks in order to try to beancounter-boost their bottom line with a franchise; in this case, the Stargate franchise. What I don't understand is Brad Wright's apathy and lack of fight with regard to the Atlantis actor's jobs. Where was the battle to save Atlantis? That is, if BW's concerns were truly for the fanbase?

              Turning your back and running away is not in any way the same as staying and fighting on behalf of your friends/fans/coworkers. I don't care what anybody says.
              from Joe Mallozzi 's blogQ/A
              “The Cancellation: I thought the first rule of business was “give the people what they want”. Did you even consider what the fans might want when you ended Stargate Atlantis? Were you taken by surprise just how vehemently the cancellation has been opposed?”
              BW: Folks, if Atlantis was performing brilliantly in the ratings, it would still be on the air.
              Have you seen low rates?
              “Do you still maintain that Stargate Atlantis was not canceled in favor of Stargate Universe?”
              BW: My preference would have been another season of Atlantis, alongside two new movies, then Universe. I wholeheartedly admit that I had no desire to make two series at once again. Twice I’ve launched a new series while running another, and I won’t do that again. It’s been the case for five of the last fifteen years of my career, which has amounted to over four hundred hours of television in that time including the Outer Limits.
              “Were you surprised by the reaction of fans to the announcement of the cancellation of SGA and the start-up of SGU?”
              BW: No. You guys are actually pretty predictable (take no offense, most fan groups are). Unfortunately, you represent a very small portion of the actual viewing audience we need for financial success.
              Are you so sure about this? We represent a small portion????
              Alexandria writes: “SGA is a fabulous show that has a worldwide fanbase. This season has some of the best ratings yet and the show even won a People’s Choice Award because the people love the show. Joe was truly kind enough to post several vague ideas for episodes if the show had continued on to a 6th season. I personally would love to see those shows come to fruition. The more of season 5 that I see, the more I want to see Sheppard, McKay, Teyla, Ronon, and Jen next year for another season. Thousands of fans agree with me, and I’ve even convinced new viewers to agree as well. If you are in any doubt, please check out the hey nielsen site.”
              BW: Unfortunately, we need millions, not thousands.
              It seems we are more than 2.2 million each friday
              It seems it's more a question of budget. MGM cut off this one and give him choice, keep Atlantis or launch the new spin-off. Mr. B. Wright seems to want to preserve the Atlantis' quality. He prefered cancelling Atlantis than loosing the quality of the show and preserving the Franchise.
              Some people received this odd reply from MGM "Thank you for your email. We too were upset with the decision to end Stargate Atlantis, but it is out of our hands. Thank you for your comments." The decision is not theirs but they got the budget.
              You can go to this link. It was my opinion about the Q/A.

              You entirely are right about the actors. It's them who lost the most. To their great job, the studio thanks them like this.
              ...,with him as one of the ones primarily in charge, that he did not fight for the Team Sheppard actors and their jobs.Why now, when the SGA ratings are at their best, would he decide to fire everyone and bring in a new crew.
              What I don't understand is Brad Wright's apathy and lack of fight with regard to the Atlantis actor's jobs.
              I can't say better.
              I love this sentence too: We don't leave our men behind, do we?
              Last edited by domdom; 12 January 2009, 08:48 AM.

              Made by Csom
              visit campaign site for 6th season.
              Save Atlantis forum
              SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

              LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                Originally posted by domdom View Post
                It's me Eldric
                Glad to see you with us.

                from Joe Mallozzi 's blogQ/A

                It seems it's more a question of budget. MGM cut off this one and give him choice, keep Atlantis or launch the new spin-off. Mr. B. Wright seems to want to preserve the Atlantis' quality. He prefered cancelling Atlantis than loosing the quality of the show and preserving the Franchise.
                Some people received this odd reply from MGM "Thank you for your email. We too were upset with the decision to end Stargate Atlantis, but it is out of our hands. Thank you for your comments." The decision is not theirs but they got the budget.
                You can go to this link. It was my opinion about the Q/A.

                You entirely are right about the actors. It's them who lost the most. To their great job, the studio thanks them like this.

                I can't say better.
                I love this sentence too: We don't leave our men behind, do we?

                Hi there! I agree with you as always.
                People we can't give up!! They need to know what mistake they are doing. And that is it. Universe! No Sheppard, no Rodney, No watching!


                  In case any of you are new to the forums, here are the detail on the mailing campaign to Save SGA. Hope you will join us! ~ SGAfan4life

                  Details on the Mailing Campaign to save SGA (aka The Last Penny Campaign)

                  Phase 1:
                  Mail letters and postcards to Charles Cohen at MGM
                  from Monday, January 5th to Friday, January 16th.

                  There will be a next phase to the campaign -- so if you want to get updates, join the mailing list, go to go to the join us page to sign up. Or keep checking back at the website or here on sci-fi forums.

                  To get updates by email on the save SGA campaign,
                  join the mailing list at

                  If you don't have the time right now to check out all the details, but want to mail in some postcards or letters, go to photobucket first. There is a document titled Message/info. That has the instructions. The postcards have the rest -- including the address and 2 pre-written messages, or even a blank if you prefer. There are single postcards and 4 to a page options. Front and back of 4 to a page are aligned for printing purposes. Use upside-down version fro printing. There is also stationary you can print and then hand write a message.

                  To view the postcards and to join in the fight immediately,
                  go to

                  Here are the two versions of the letters that are included on postcards -- although you can write your own note or some combination of these message too. Please just keep the language polite -- no matter how justified your anger is smile.gif

                  Each letter or postcard should have a penny (real or fake or photos,...) Here are the 2 versions of the notes for the postcards:

                  Note 1:
                  Dear ____________,
                  When I first learned that SGA was canceled, I was stunned and so was every friend I told. No one said they saw it coming. No one said it's just as well. Every single person was shocked and upset, to the point of being speechless. Atlantis Fans are loyal and passionate to a degree that I think you have underestimated. I ask that you reverse your decision. And I ask that you at least give us a sixth season where writers can plan the story lines that will both wrap up the weekly TV series portion of Atlantis while leaving enough story open so that subsequent movies are an exciting continuation of the story, not a quick two hour wrap up to appease or pacify upset fans.

                  Even now, after the 100th episode having aired, I find myself still reeling from and still in disbelief of the cancellation. Here was a chance to celebrate, and instead we all feel loss. I am sure you expected us fans to have come to terms with it by now and to have embraced the idea of Stargate Universe. But I have not. And I will not. Nothing can replace Atlantis.

                  I have really had to think long and hard about whether I have already spent my last penny on the Stargate franchise. That is how upset I am by SGA's cancellation. That is how loyal I am to Atlantis. That is how much I want at least one more season of Atlantis.

                  Note 2:
                  Dear ___________,
                  I am deeply upset by the cancellation of Stargate Atlantis. I am writing this letter to express my disappointment in the creative call to cancel Stargate Atlantis as a weekly TV series and "promote" it to movie format. A movie is not what the fans want. We want SGA to continue on as a weekly TV series!

                  I feel that the show had not yet reached its full potential and we fans would certainly support further seasons of the SGA series. The decision and manner in which the show was canceled has shaken my faith in the future of the franchise.

                  I hope that MGM will find a way to bring back Stargate Atlantis as a weekly television series.

                  Here are all the sites that are part of this campaign:

                  The website for the Save SGA penny mailing campaign:

                  Photobucket account with the postcards I created:

                  To keep track of the numbers, please visit:
                  and enter the total number of packages and postcards you intend to send.

                  Photobucket group account for everyone else to put their postcards:

                  And also another group account for Save SGA banners that you'd like to share:



                  For more info on how to save a TV show, here is a link that ed263 passed on to me.

                  newly revised version of The Last Penny mailing campaign post // on forums
                  Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
                  Save Atlantis Campaign Website
                  Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

                  And join the discussion here:
                  NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
         Save SGA thread
         Save SGA thread


                    I just read the last 3 pages of posts, and I just want to offer some encouragement to those of you that are upset by the cancellation. Whatever you do, don't just throw up your hands and do nothing at all. Mailing in postcards is simple. There are notes already composed for you -- just print them. Sign them. Mail them.

                    And then after you do that, keep involved in the fight! You can join the email list for updates on the next or newest part of the campaign. Go to the wix address above, and click on the link to the join us page -- sorry, I don't have a direct link to it.

                    But whatever you do, don't think it's hopeless. Other shows with far worse ratings and smaller fan bases have been brought back. Atlantis can come back too! But it will only happen if you get involved. Tell everyone you know too.

                    If there are millions of viewers (and there are) then this should be no problem, once everyone gets involved. Just keep picturing TPTB being neck deep in mail. If they keep getting tons (yes, literally) of mail, they will have to do something to stop it! Get involved, and save Atlantis.
                    Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
                    Save Atlantis Campaign Website
                    Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

                    And join the discussion here:
                    NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
           Save SGA thread
           Save SGA thread


                      SGAFan --

                      The link for the Restore Show wiki isn't working in this post, so I put the correct link below --

                      Originally posted by SGAfan4life View Post
                      In case any of you are new to the forums, here are the detail on the mailing campaign to Save SGA. Hope you will join us! ~ SGAfan4life


                      For more info on how to save a TV show, here is a link that ed263 passed on to me.
                      Correct URL for above link:


                      Thanks for your preserverence and focus, SGAFan.

                      LLA -- Long Live Atlantis!

                      Are you an SGA fan who wants to make a difference in saving Stargate Atlantis? Make your voice known now! Contribute to the following Save Atlantis forums:
             Save SGA thread
             Save SGA thread
                      IMPORTANT: Visit the "Save SGA Campaign" to see what you can do(courtesy SGAFan4life)


                        Originally posted by globex View Post
                        Can we have a petition or email Robert 50 billion times to renew the series?

                        Please I don't want SGA to finish...its too early...
                        I thing,too but we can't do anything unfortunately


                          Originally posted by elizabethtorri View Post
                          I thing,too but we can't do anything unfortunately
                          That's absurd, and it's quitter talk. There's a billion things you can do, and they are plastered all over this thread, all you have to do is read them. You can start by going to the Save Atlantis campaign listed below and get involved with that.

                          Keep your chin up and let's get to the fight.

                          Are you an SGA fan who wants to make a difference in saving Stargate Atlantis? Make your voice known now! Contribute to the following Save Atlantis forums:
                 Save SGA thread
                 Save SGA thread
                          IMPORTANT: Visit the "Save SGA Campaign" to see what you can do(courtesy SGAFan4life)


                            No offence, but you people are pulling at things that won't work. Atlantis is still alive, just as films now, rather than episodic content. Which may work better, as less filler episodes like that Brain storm.
                            They won't bring back Atlantis, they were certain over its cancellation. I don't mean to be a downer, I just don't want to see you people five years down the line, still praying for Atlantis to return to the TV screen.


                              it seems we must wait for them to make a decidion. atlantis is back home on earth now, stargate universe is about to start soon, and the pegasus galaxy is still crowding with wraith! i say to MGM that they need to make yust one more movie about stargate atlantis. let the priors of the ori enter that city, fill it with power, drones, repair it, new weapons, adjust some more things, fly it back to pegasus to pick up those asgards and make end with the wraith, so the pegasus galaxy would be saved first time in 10.000 years. the issue of wraith must be closed with a movie, as it was closed with the ori. i doubt that in stargate universe that team will travel to pegasus galaxy... the tokra could help powering that city either... its yust the imagination they need to use!
                              have fun though, stargate atlantis was a good show, i gonna miss those guys...


                                I've not the feelings that Atlantis must finish like this. I saw the last episode and, in it, there is the proof this episode didn't have to be the last as Joe Mallozzi said in his blog. Many special effects, many actions, less plays between the characters without any humor. They try to finish many plots so quickly. They botched the finale. Characters loosen in the story lines. Too many plots ending in a short time as if these plots would have to continue in the future. This show would have deserved a better ending, a better respect a better work from the writers and producers who abandonned the show and we offered us a sad finale and who failed. We could hope from them a better work and a better respect. It's a sad day. Sad because it was the last episode of season 5. Sad because seeing the way used to finish the show. The last episode deserves a better respect of the show and viewers in front of the last 5 years of quality. They got rid of the last episode.
                                I hope change my mind about this "EATG" but now i know where are or who arethe "EATG" are in the studio and with the producers.
                                It's obvious to me Atlantis must have 6th season that this season was planned. It's obvious they change the screenplay to fix it at the last moment. How concentrate one complete season in one episode?
                                This is doesn't diminish my admiration toward the show, the actors and their great and amazing work. They are not reponsible of this. And my comment is directly related to my love and admiration toward the show and actors. I feel again betrayed by the TPTB.

                                Here, this is the thread to save Atlantis not to give up. So to everyone who want to preserve hope, is very welcome here. We know it's a very long shot but we continue to believe this show deserves this and a better conclusion. We learnt to me when I begin a work or job I must finish it correctly.
                                So I continue to fight and to have faith.
                                Last edited by domdom; 11 January 2009, 02:10 PM.

                                Made by Csom
                                visit campaign site for 6th season.
                                Save Atlantis forum
                                SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                                LONG LIVE ATLANTIS

