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SAVE Stargate Atlantis!

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    I've updated my blog, just a few hours ago. Not much news, but I am still going to hold the ad contest...details should be up within a few days. I'm sorry that I've been so absent; I had exams and school was just awful

    But I love all of your ideas...and I agree w/ Eden...don't bash SGU in the letters. I've ranted about it several times, but never to the execs I've written to. I think the penny campaign is genius (I've mentioned in my blog today), and I also think the thing with "The View" is a pretty good idea too. I know we are pressed for time, but people have saved shows before AFTER they've stopped airing all of their eps. So there is always hope

    (BTW, everyone ask Santa to save SGA for Christmas. LOL. But no, really. Might actually work XD)
    Sig by ME!!!



      Sig by ME!!!


        Thought I would post this here again (?). Anyway, there may be some new fans here wanting to help bring SGA back.

        NBC Universal has a feedback site:

        "Hello There! We would like to invite you to tell us what you think about your favorite TV programs. The best way to give us feedback is to become an TV Panel member. We'd love to hear your comments."

        Consider going over and leaving your comments.


        sig by Varda


          Originally posted by Mimzy View Post


          Have you seen the new SGAfan4live's idea?

          Made by Csom
          visit campaign site for 6th season.
          Save Atlantis forum
          SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis



            From SGAfan4life:

            I opened up a photobucket account with all the postcards:

            ANd here is a group account I made for everyone else to put their postcards:

            ANd also another group account for banners that you'd like to share:

            For both of the group accounts I made it so I'd approve it before it goes up, just in case. It will also allow me to double check the size of postcard to make sure they are the same size as the back of the postcards. I've made all of mine 4.25 by 6 inches, mainly because that is the largest size allowable for a postcard stamp in the States. It is pretty easy to resize items with photo editing program on photobucket, in case you need it a different size for printing.

            Please check out the postcards -- there are many new ones. ANd also please post your own too! Hopefully this will allow us to have everything in one place.
            Wow! SGAfan4life, you have done an AWESOME job of this!! Thanks!!

            In addition to the penny pictures, there are also the back of the postcards available with the letter already written out for you or if you would perfer, there are blank ones so that you can write what you feel. Go over, take a look around!

            If anyone can create some more Penny Postcards...please consider doing so and submitting them to photobucket.

            sig by Varda


              Thanks for posting the info here ed263 And thanks for the compliment!

              IF anyone wants to get more involved with the Penny campaign, we need your help!
              I still think having someone posting a signup list of sorts for calling might be helpful -- maybe a new thread? It can be part of the Save SGA campaign as a whole.

              Also, if anyone could write a script for those phone calls it would be really helpful. The two messages for the postcards are compilations of things that others (including cimmer and ed263) wrote -- they were part of letters already mailed in.

              I know it might seem a little strange to write out what we would be saying -- but I think it helps people get over the initial nervousness of the whole thing. Cold calling isn't that easy, but with a script, it would be better. Maybe from one of you that has called -- take people through the process. Thanks

              Also, I've been reading here and there that many folks think that Wright or was it Cooper that was primarily responsible. What do y'all think?

              If we think that is true, should be be targeting him/them with the mail -- either in January or at least as the next mailing?

              It seems like we so many more people to help with this -- from people mailing and calling to helping behind-the-scenes so to speak for this to work. Man, I wish we could contact that petition list -- I've emailed the site twice -- too bad it wasn't through youchoose -- because we could have contacted people about what they could do to help save SGA.

              Does anyone know what the mail handling is like on a smaller studio? Just wondering if the signing for a package would work in that situation. Also wondering that it might make a bigger difference where they don't have the size or staff of MGM studios.

              Well, I better get back to finishing up the last little bits on the website -- I'm testing each link to make sure they all work properly.
              Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
              Save Atlantis Campaign Website
              Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

              And join the discussion here:
              NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
     Save SGA thread
     Save SGA thread


                Originally posted by domdom View Post
                Someone who was an actor on SG1 and Atlantis too and producer of SG1. I'm suggesting to you RD Anderson.
                Maybe it's a stupid or bad idea but It seems he has been disappointed by the cancellation announcement.
                You know what, that is exactly who I was thinking of when I wrote that -- and I doubt there would be any problem contract speaking with him -- after all he was an original producer for SG1. Does anyone know how to contact him? Or any of them for that matter.

                Okay -- one more thing, I didn't get to read all the comments on LJ about the super young cast on SGU -- but all I can say is yuck! I'm not that old, but I don't want to watch a show aimed at the 12-17 set. If I wanted to do that, I could watch Gossip Girl or 90210. It just isn't what I'm interested in watching. The cast of SGA is perfect where age is concerned -- they have broad appeal --- as my parents who are in their 60's watch SGA too. I am certain that my parents won't care to watch about a super young cast on SGU. And many of my friends aren't interested in watching a super young cast either. Maybe it'll be great. But I just don't think that I'll ever be able to watch SGU and not think about SGA's demise. I hate that that is how it is -- but it is.
                Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
                Save Atlantis Campaign Website
                Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

                And join the discussion here:
                NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
       Save SGA thread
       Save SGA thread


                  Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                  Thought I would post this here again (?). Anyway, there may be some new fans here wanting to help bring SGA back.

                  NBC Universal has a feedback site:

                  "Hello There! We would like to invite you to tell us what you think about your favorite TV programs. The best way to give us feedback is to become an TV Panel member. We'd love to hear your comments."


                  Consider going over and leaving your comments.


                  Originally posted by domdom View Post
                  Have you seen the new SGAfan4live's idea?
                  Booo the page is down; they're doing "site maintenance"!

                  But anyway, SGfan4life, I love the stuff you've posted here anyway
                  "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                  Sig by ME!!!


                    Originally posted by SGAfan4life View Post
                    You know what, that is exactly who I was thinking of when I wrote that -- and I doubt there would be any problem contract speaking with him -- after all he was an original producer for SG1. Does anyone know how to contact him? Or any of them for that matter.
                    maybe using his official site

                    Originally posted by SGAfan4life View Post
                    Okay -- one more thing, I didn't get to read all the comments on LJ about the super young cast on SGU -- but all I can say is yuck! I'm not that old, but I don't want to watch a show aimed at the 12-17 set. If I wanted to do that, I could watch Gossip Girl or 90210. It just isn't what I'm interested in watching. The cast of SGA is perfect where age is concerned -- they have broad appeal --- as my parents who are in their 60's watch SGA too. I am certain that my parents won't care to watch about a super young cast on SGU. And many of my friends aren't interested in watching a super young cast either. Maybe it'll be great. But I just don't think that I'll ever be able to watch SGU and not think about SGA's demise. I hate that that is how it is -- but it is
                    I'm not belong to this age bracket. It seems to it's a youth programming. that's all. All the elder or older viewers don't belong to their goal.
                    They got rid of us too. It seems they don't want anymore the same audience.
                    That means it will not the same spirit less adult, less family program.
                    It's obvious these 2 shows will be different and will not have the same viewers. These 2 programs can run alongside.

                    Made by Csom
                    visit campaign site for 6th season.
                    Save Atlantis forum
                    SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                    LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                      Originally posted by domdom View Post
                      I'm not belong to this age bracket. It seems to it's a youth programming. that's all. All the elder or older viewers don't belong to their goal.
                      They got rid of us too. It seems they don't want anymore the same audience.
                      That means it will not the same spirit less adult, less family program.
                      It's obvious these 2 shows will be different and will not have the same viewers. These 2 programs can run alongside.
                      It would have been a great idea to have both of the show run back to back. That way SciFi could have gotten both the younger and the older viewers. The best of both worlds.

                      sig by Varda


                        Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                        It would have been a great idea to have both of the show run back to back. That way SciFi could have gotten both the younger and the older viewers. The best of both worlds.
                        totally agree.
                        2 age brackets.
                        Last edited by domdom; 17 December 2008, 10:23 AM.

                        Made by Csom
                        visit campaign site for 6th season.
                        Save Atlantis forum
                        SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                        LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                          Yeah, this is what I thought would be a GREAT Friday schedule:

                          8 PM-SGA
                          9 PM-SGU
                          10 PM-Sanctuary

                          Would that not have made the most money?? I mean, it's 2 straight hours of Stargate followed by Amanda Tapping. If they roped in the Stargate fans w/ SGA at 8, then they'd have them sitting down watching their channel for 3 whole hours b/c it's basically a Stargate fest.

                          But anyway, that's just common sense to do something like that, and people in executive positions hardly ever tend to do anything that makes sense...

                 other news, I updated the deadlines for the Ad design contest...clicky on link to OL in the sig
                          "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                          Sig by ME!!!


                            Hey to everyone

                            Sorry i've been away sooooo long been really really hectic in my life over the past few mouths haven't even had time. To watch the show i missed like the last four episodes but i'll see them just you wait i'll buy the whole series on DVD. And also its been a while now since the news of the show getting axed come out or to say when i heared about it getting axed.

                            I'm still angry and upset that Atlantis will be no more in the new year...but i've accpeted that fact now and i'm moving on. But as a last stand let theses words speak out to all who....(choose to read them)

                            Atlantis may be lost yet again but as long as we keep Atlantis and all of its personal in our hearts and in our memorys (and buy the DvDs ) Atlantis will live on. When Stargate Voyager has faded away and turned to dust Atlantis will still be alive and kicking Wraith butt

                            Thank you for your time
                            System Lord Remus
                            System Lord Remus


                              To SGAfan4live
                              Originally posted by ed263 View Post
                              It would have been a great idea to have both of the show run back to back. That way SciFi could have gotten both the younger and the older viewers. The best of both worlds.
                              Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                              Yeah, this is what I thought would be a GREAT Friday schedule:

                              8 PM-SGA
                              9 PM-SGU
                              10 PM-Sanctuary

                              Would that not have made the most money?? I mean, it's 2 straight hours of Stargate followed by Amanda Tapping. If they roped in the Stargate fans w/ SGA at 8, then they'd have them sitting down watching their channel for 3 whole hours b/c it's basically a Stargate fest.

                              But anyway, that's just common sense to do something like that, and people in executive positions hardly ever tend to do anything that makes sense...

                     other news, I updated the deadlines for the Ad design contest...clicky on link to OL in the sig
                              Just one thing, I 'd put the youth programming in first. Don't forget The show is for young viewers.

                              What do you think about contacting the advertisers who support currently the show? Why do not explain them they will not have the same audience with the new show so the same consumers?
                              Minzy and ed263 tried to explain there will be different age brackets so it will not the same goal. These 2 shows would be differents reaching 2 different age brackets so they could run alongside.

                              from chief86buq Sci-fi forum
                              Cable networks are having a difficult time grabbing an audience....
                              Although I agree that laying the blame on Dr. Keller for the cancellation of the show is absurd, I think it's equally ridiculous to expect those "pencil pushers" and advertisers to continue to spend (thousands of dollars) to promote a show that's draining money out of their pockets. Their investment has not paid off and they're loosing money. It's unrealistic to expect them to continue financing the show.
                              In fact, now that we're faced with dismal economic news, I feel that these investors are doing the exact same thing that everyone else is doing. They're keeping their purses close to their vests, rather than frivolously spending large amounts of money on big budget productions.
                              According to chief86buq those ones who make the production budget are the advertisers.
                              Can we explain them what they could loose?

                              Made by Csom
                              visit campaign site for 6th season.
                              Save Atlantis forum
                              SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                              LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                                From SGAfan4live

                                Well, here it is -- the website -- I has of yet to link it to another domain name, but I figure I might as well put it on here for all you regulars on here to see.

                                Check it out at:


                                Hope y'all like it

                                Made by Csom
                                visit campaign site for 6th season.
                                Save Atlantis forum
                                SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                                LONG LIVE ATLANTIS

