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SAVE Stargate Atlantis!

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    Originally posted by Pictwolf View Post
    A good friend of mine predicted that SGA would be cancelled a year before it actually happened.
    She pointed out that 100 episodes was considered the ideal number for syndication and with talk of a new series getting stronger, the 5th season was almost certainly going to be the last
    . When it was cancelled so early in the new season I knew she had been right.

    It seems to me that SGA had more fans based outside the U.S. than within it. The download statistics mentioned recently tend to support this idea. Unfortunately only U.S. based fans actually count, since only they contribute to the ratings. I think part of the problem is that SGA was a show with a truly international feel to it. The characters were of all races, ages and conditions. You saw the flags of many countries displayed on the shoulder patches of soldiers and civilians alike.
    TPTB probably believe they will get more U.S. fans if the characters are a group of good looking, "all American" kids. Hiring Robert Carlyle is just a ploy to have a 'named' actor on the cast list, basically SGU is going to be an American show made for and tailored towards a 'younger' U.S. based audience.
    If it was the case why J.Mallozzi would have developped 20 plots for 6th season and the writers new enemies, new plots in 5th season.
    Why did M. Gero announce 6th season or one movie during the san diego comiccon?
    What is these new rules that manage this "ideal number for syndication" when SG1 had 10 season then 200 episodes?
    In my opinion, only the success should manage the renewal. Plus the rates continue to be good only in US. Who can tell how the rates or quality would have been to the 6th season? These powers are so wise who can predict the success or not!!
    The new show didn't exist yet and they don't test the waters. They are not any guaranties about success. It's a bad start, they threw away a big part of their audience.
    It's a pity to see how they loose a franchise or viewers. I thought they wanted to make more money. The show became international so the viewers are international too. They have a short sight. The business is to sale DVDs and download the show. The world is not only US. The business is worldwide. To survive we need the others. the crisis is worldwide.
    Do you really believe the viewers follow this named actor? I don't know. I don't know him, plus he is scottish not american.
    I fed up of all these shows for young audience with young american looking.
    The audience are not so stupid.
    In my opinion, they are going to fail miserably. It's a pity for the Franchise, for the Atlantis cast, for Atlantis show. They drow the quality down.
    Last edited by domdom; 31 December 2008, 03:46 AM.

    Made by Csom
    visit campaign site for 6th season.
    Save Atlantis forum
    SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis



      Gilbert Mitchell:
      I support this petition. As an upcoming sci writer,I think that it is more than a crying shame that a story line with such great foundations in every element was allowed to waste away. At some point in the future I will be approaching the Sci Fi PTB (powers that be) with powerful compelling new ideas and storylines that will re-energize the series. With so much bad tv on the airwaves I truly hope that the board room memebers of the Sci Fi channel might re-evaluate their decision on the cancelation of such a promising universe. Shepperd and co have so much potetial. DO NOT let this chance slide. I look forward to our meeting in the future. Yours repectfully and sincerely. Gilbert Mitchell. Author of the forthcoming Dark Blood Ties Series
      Luke Haines:
      I support this petition. If sci-fi have lost the balls to make more episodes i'm a script writer. I have followed stargate series and movies since the original movie all the way up to continum and Stargate atlantis season 5 enemy at the gate. I have the mind to create heaps more scripts without going off track. The stargate universe series you wish to make will be no different than star trek. Don't waste time Stargate Atlantis still has great potential. Back when SG-1 was airing i had written a script for an introduction to the race of aliens known as the Furlings. And to have them incorporated into Atlantis. Sorry SCI-FI i am a heap of episodes ahead. I live in Australia so our sci-fi channel is different from the american one. Looking at your ratings after you cancelled SG-1 that should of told you something, cancel atlantis and you might as well cancel the sci-fi channel because i have been reading all the forums and you will lose over 90% of the fan base. Last time i checked -90% is not good business.... Don't cancel Atlantis it is better to have a 45 min episode every few months than make a lousy 2 hour movie once a year.
      I picked up these 2 comments on the petition.

      Made by Csom
      visit campaign site for 6th season.
      Save Atlantis forum
      SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis



        Originally posted by domdom View Post
        You're right Joe Flanigan has been the only one who cared about the fans. He seemed so embarrassed searching his words.
        And you're right about the feeling of disrespect. They've lied to us since the beginning.
        They don't want anymore of the viewers belonging to middle age bracket. I feel thrown away and betrayed as the actors had to feel after the announcement.
        I already said before what I think about the reasons and the money. it seems the new toy would cost more than Atlantis. I have nothing against this actor choosen but he is not a cheap actor( 47 old and 20 years of acting, means It cost a lot)
        If you're so sad you can fight to attempt to save Atlantis. There is a campaign beguin the january 5th.
        You can download the cards on this link.
        you can find some informations about this campaign on this other link.
        you can sign the petition too.
        Over 30680 people have already signed it.
        You can write letters or card to the studio or producers guilty of the cancellation.
        you can find the addresses here.
        and here too
        Thanks for joining us.

        Hi Domdom,

        Thank you very much for the information. I will do wherever I can Someone in the forum said about doing advertising on tv. It is a good idea. Someone that lives in NY able to be in the front of any studio??

        We should add strategic signs in NY, CA, etc… where people pass by, special people from MGM and sci-fi. Someone has any idea? I know it sounds crazy, but despaired times, requires despaired actions.

        We can’t give up. We are the power of the TV shows…without fans, there is not show. We can’t be disrespected like that.

        So, I believe we should start something new this year. They make TV series to the fans not to the producers. We need to act.


          How about we get together a mailgroup of everyone that would like to save Atlantis, and then a secondary list of say 10 emails of people we need to contact(some people in MGM etc, and then Steve Jobs - get atlantis on for another season on itunes)

          Then we decide a day(final airing) where we all send a standard email along the lines of "help us to save atlantis"...

          Think we could get enough people to do it all at one for people to sit up and take notice(the ones who really matter I mean)


            Hi all,

            Heres a thought...

            A gather a list of everyones emails who want to HELP save atlantis....

            B get a list of 10 people that may actually be able to help us(folk at MGM... who knows what about even steve jobs to get it continuing on itunes, or richard Branson - Virgin1)

            C Create a generic email message for everyone to use, and say on the day of the "supposed finale airing" we all forward these emails to the main people that oculd possibly help us out?

            What do you think of that for an idea?

            Best way to possibly do A I reckon would be to setup a website to coordinate/let everyone know when to do it, and keep people up to date???


              Originally posted by domdom View Post
              Gilbert Mitchell:

              Luke Haines:
              I picked up these 2 comments on the petition.
              Whoever those people are, I giveth them big hugs. If I wasn't just a mere college student, I'd probably already be writing stuff now and would've said the same thing. There are plenty of people out there who are willing to pitch new stuff for the show and not just useless crap like they show on the big networks...and SGU would cost more, so now I really don't get why they would've canceled SGA for "financial reasons". I mean, I love Robert Carlyle, don't get me wrong, but when I saw he was going to be on SGU, my immediate reaction was "wtf" and "isn't he this big-name British guy, how are they going to pay for that?" I mean, ...are studios really getting this stupid (don't even get me started on Disney or I will begin a totally off-topic rant about how they randomly abandoned Narnia just because the second movie didn't make as much as they expected. )?!

              I wish there was something enormous we could do that could really grab people's attention...I'm thinking of coming up with a magazine ad that we could all use (since the contest idea epically failed).
              "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
              Sig by ME!!!


                Originally posted by DireEmblem View Post
                Hi all,

                Heres a thought...

                A gather a list of everyones emails who want to HELP save atlantis....

                B get a list of 10 people that may actually be able to help us(folk at MGM... who knows what about even steve jobs to get it continuing on itunes, or richard Branson - Virgin1)

                Create a generic email message for everyone to use, and say on the day of the "supposed finale airing" we all forward these emails to the main people that oculd possibly help us out?
                What do you think of that for an idea?

                Best way to possibly do A I reckon would be to setup a website to coordinate/let everyone know when to do it, and keep people up to date???
                Originally posted by DireEmblem View Post
                How about we get together a mailgroup of everyone that would like to save Atlantis, and then a secondary list of say 10 emails of people we need to contact(some people in MGM etc, and then Steve Jobs - get atlantis on for another season on itunes)

                Then we decide a day(final airing) where we all send a standard email along the lines of "help us to save atlantis"...

                Think we could get enough people to do it all at one for people to sit up and take notice(the ones who really matter I mean)
                First you can join the penny campaign. We need everyone.
                2nd You can suggest mail idea to SGAfan4live on his site.
                thread contact us.
                I think it's a good idea, sending the same mail together to many targets.
                Read my previous post(9480108) and you'd get all informations about the campaign and the different links.

                Made by Csom
                visit campaign site for 6th season.
                Save Atlantis forum
                SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                  Originally posted by domdom View Post
                  First you can join the penny campaign. We need everyone.
                  2nd You can suggest mail idea to SGAfan4live on his site.
                  thread contact us.
                  I think it's a good idea, sending the same mail together to many targets.
                  Read my previous post(9480108) and you'd get all informations about the campaign and the different links.

                  The penny campaign is great. If everyone could do it, we will be heard. I believe we should try advertise the campaign in the news papers as well. I have sent some emails to NY times about it. More emails will be good. We need to bother as much people as we can. Is this penny campaign on the YouTube??


                    I think the penny idea is great. How about sending in some lemon drops too? I was reading about the Jericho campaign and how they hooked up with a distributor for the nuts. They had over 4,000 orders and sent in over 20 tons of nuts. This distributor ( also sells lemon drops - how weird is that? If even half the people who have signed the petition participate we could well exceed the amount of nuts that Jericho sent in and gain some attention for our cause.


                      Hi -- I made a mailing list on the website (see below)-- click on "Join Us" and if you want to get invovled more -- help out or head up other parts of this campaign, email me through the contact us -- or post on the penny campaign thread on Sci-fi forums ( ). This forum wouldn't let me start a new thread for the campaign -- but maiybe a link to the mailing list/join us might work. I'll get that up tomorrow -- It's too late right now to do that -- if it's to be understandable. I need to go get some sleep

                      PS -- Very encouraged by the new support! Post the idea where ever you can and email it to friends too. Never know who might want to join us!

                      Here are all the links/addresses:
                      The website for the Save SGA penny mailing campaign

                      I opened up a photobucket account with all the postcards:

                      And here is a group account I made for everyone else to put their postcards:

                      And also another group account for banners that you'd like to share:

                      To keep track of the numbers, please visit:
                      and enter the total number of packages and postcards you intend to send.
                      Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
                      Save Atlantis Campaign Website
                      Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

                      And join the discussion here:
                      NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
             Save SGA thread
             Save SGA thread


                        Originally posted by sykotic1 View Post
                        I think the penny idea is great. How about sending in some lemon drops too? I was reading about the Jericho campaign and how they hooked up with a distributor for the nuts. They had over 4,000 orders and sent in over 20 tons of nuts. This distributor ( also sells lemon drops - how weird is that? If even half the people who have signed the petition participate we could well exceed the amount of nuts that Jericho sent in and gain some attention for our cause.
                        That is a clever idea! I really like that. How many of you are in for the longer haul -- meaning past the mailing in a weeks time (Jan 5ht - 16th) Wouldn't it be great to send the pennys and the lemon drops to B. Wright?

                        Are any of you able to email the petitiononline folks and ask again about contacting the people on the petition. I tried twice -- but only got an automated response. I also emailed the person that started the petition and he said that when he started the petition he could contact people on it, but he couldn't any more. (It's a shame it's through that site, because on Youchoose, we could have contacted everyone!) Anyhow, maybe someone else might have some success at contacting them and finding a way to contact people on the petition. (I made it clear I did not want theior addresses but that I wanted to mail them about the campaign.)

                        Okay -- now I really need to get going! I'll come back "tomorrow" and finish reading all of the great new ideas/comments on here.
                        Are you a Stargate Atlantis fan who wants to save Stargate Atlantis? Join the campaign to save Atlantis!
                        Save Atlantis Campaign Website
                        Campaign Materials (flyers, postcards, etc.,.)

                        And join the discussion here:
                        NEW!! Save Atlantis Campaign Forum
               Save SGA thread
               Save SGA thread


                          Originally posted by domdom View Post
                          If it was the case why J.Mallozzi would have developped 20 plots for 6th season and the writers new enemies, new plots in 5th season.
                          It is my understanding that Joe Mallozi discussed outlines of episodes that had been considered for use in previous seasons but discarded, not episodes written specifically for a sixth season. As for the new plotlines and enemies that appeared in the fifth season, they are going to go to waste unless they intend to put them into the DVD movies. However, at the rate of one movie a year if we are lucky, nothing is going to amount to much.

                          What is these new rules that manage this "ideal number for syndication" when SG1 had 10 season then 200 episodes?
                          I believe the people who buy TV series for syndication favour 100 episodes, I don't know why. And SG1 only lasted for 200 episodes because it moved to Sci-Fi from somewhere else and effectively had a second life.

                          In my opinion, only the success should manage the renewal. Plus the rates continue to be good only in US. Who can tell how the rates or quality would have been to the 6th season? These powers are so wise who can predict the success or not!!
                          The new show didn't exist yet and they don't test the waters. They are not any guaranties about success. It's a bad start, they threw away a big part of their audience.
                          I agree entirely.

                          It's a pity to see how they loose a franchise or viewers. I thought they wanted to make more money. The show became international so the viewers are international too. They have a short sight. The business is to sale DVDs and download the show. The world is not only US. The business is worldwide. To survive we need the others. the crisis is worldwide.
                          The television/film industry based in the US doesn't care about anywhere or anyone outside the US. It is like we are second class citizens in the entertainment world, we don't exist unless they are trying to sell us something.

                          Do you really believe the viewers follow this named actor? I don't know. I don't know him, plus he is scottish not american.
                          I fed up of all these shows for young audience with young american looking.
                          The audience are not so stupid.
                          In my opinion, they are going to fail miserably. It's a pity for the Franchise, for the Atlantis cast, for Atlantis show. They draw the quality down.

                          Robert Carlyle is a good actor although I never really liked him. From the description of his character they are trying to recapture the 'MacKay Magic' but I doubt that they will. That was a one off combination of the right actor and excellent writing combining to produce a truly three dimensional and unique character. Carlyle's character is probably going to end up as the curmudgeonly 'older' mentor figure to the pretty kids that make up most of the cast.

                          And a lot of us are fed up with shows specifically aimed at younger audiences. It is like telling the middle-aged/old that they can get lost because good fantasy/sci-fi is strictly for the benefit of the young.

                          On a more cheerful note, Happy New Year!



                            Originally posted by RFPegasus View Post
                            The penny campaign is great. If everyone could do it, we will be heard. I believe we should try advertise the campaign in the news papers as well. I have sent some emails to NY times about it. More emails will be good. We need to bother as much people as we can. Is this penny campaign on the YouTube??
                            I don't think so. I watched some vids about the cancellation not about this campaign. so why not!
                            you can ask to SGAfan4live on the site through contact us.

                            Made by Csom
                            visit campaign site for 6th season.
                            Save Atlantis forum
                            SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                            LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                              You're right, you're not very encouraging.
                              From Pictwolf
                              It is my understanding that Joe Mallozi discussed outlines of episodes that had been considered for use in previous seasons but discarded, not episodes written specifically for a sixth season. As for the new plotlines and enemies that appeared in the fifth season, they are going to go to waste unless they intend to put them into the DVD movies. However, at the rate of one movie a year if we are lucky, nothing is going to amount to much.
                              I don't understand that when I read his comment on his blog. It was the preparation of the following season, only the main plots of each episode. In fact It'd seem they'd use the 2 first episodes (6th season first episode)for the hypothetical movie. I didn't heard any information about hypothetical contract with the main cast for this hypothetical movie. It seems they have some delay with the screenplay. Don't forget It took 2 years to create the SG1 first movie. In my opinion It's more a bone thrown to us to calm us down. In fact I don't believe at all in this.

                              I believe the people who buy TV series for syndication favour 100 episodes, I don't know why. And SG1 only lasted for 200 episodes because it moved to Sci-Fi from somewhere else and effectively had a second life.
                              So Move to another channel. The first time it was Showtime to SCI-FI.

                              The television/film industry based in the US doesn't care about anywhere or anyone outside the US. It is like we are second class citizens in the entertainment world, we don't exist unless they are trying to sell us something.
                              First the serie has been made in Canada.
                              2nd, The people who belong to SGC, SG1 and Atlantis team come from different coutries Europe, Australia, Russia. They seem to represent the world. So they attempt to appeal the worldwide audience.Why the show became popular around the world because it represent many countries.
                              And if it was the case, why would they cast a scottish actor?

                              Carlyle's character is probably going to end up as the curmudgeonly 'older' mentor figure to the pretty kids that make up most of the cast.
                              It seems to me his character will be a school teacher with his students, a bunch of sexy people American type like in Beverly Hills 90120. But the reality is totally different. We're not all sexy hot young people.

                              I repeat myself.
                              The show became international so the viewers are international too. They have a short sight. The business is to sale DVDs and download the show. The world is not only US. The business is worldwide. To survive we need the others. the crisis is worldwide.
                              I would like ending this bad year with hope.
                              Happy new year's eve.
                              Last edited by domdom; 31 December 2008, 03:39 PM.

                              Made by Csom
                              visit campaign site for 6th season.
                              Save Atlantis forum
                              SCI-FI thread save stargate Atlantis

                              LONG LIVE ATLANTIS


                                Originally posted by domdom View Post
                                You're right, you're not very encouraging.
                                From Pictwolf

                                I don't understand that when I read his comment on his blog. It was the preparation of the following season, only the main plots of each episode. In fact It'd seem they'd use the 2 first episodes (6th season first episode)for the hypothetical movie. I didn't heard any information about hypothetical contract with the main cast for this hypothetical movie. It seems they have some delay with the screenplay. Don't forget It took 2 years to create the SG1 first movie. In my opinion It's more a bone thrown to us to calm us down. In fact I don't believe at all in this.

                                So Move to another channel. The first time it was Showtime to SCI-FI.

                                First the serie has been made in Canada.
                                2nd, The people who belong to SGC, SG1 and Atlantis team come from different coutries Europe, Australia, Russia. They seem to represent the world. So they attempt to appeal the worldwide audience.Why the show became popular around the world because it represent many coutries.
                                And if it was the case, why would they cast a scottish actor?

                                It seems to me his character will be a school teacher with his students, a bunch of sexy people American type like in Beverly Hills 90120. But the reality is totally different. We're not all sexy hot young people.

                                I repeat myself.
                                The show became international so the viewers are international too. They have a short sight. The business is to sale DVDs and download the show. The world is not only US. The business is worldwide. To survive we need the others. the crisis is worldwide.
                                I would like ending this bad year with hope.
                                Happy new year's eve.
                                I completely agree with you. I know a guy from Germany who watches this show...and I just met him randomly because he happens to be an exchange student at my school. A bunch of people at the rally in Vancouver were from places like France and Japan. I mean, they actually TRAVELED there just to support the show.

                                Oh, and one more thing. I am not a dog. I do not take bones thrown at me.
                                "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                                Sig by ME!!!

