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Elizabeth Weir/John Sheppard Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Whistler84
    Wow. Miss a day on this forum, and look what you have to catch up on.
    Yeah, no kidding. I think this is one day I'm glad I was away from the computer for half the day, even if it was for unimportant stuff like sleeping and working.

    To tack on to what Mel said about Weir's actions in 'Inferno' vs. 'Lost Boys':
    'Inferno' lasted about a day, maybe. 'The Lost Boys' streched for at least a week. I know I harp on that point, but I do think it gets overlooked a lot. Weir had been cut off from her people with absolutely no idea what could have happened to them. In 'Inferno', not only did she have other things to focus her attention on, but she was also able to quickly get a definitive answer on what had happened to Sheppard and his team.

    Best. Sparky. Pic. Ever.

    a time to mourn


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Completely off-topic, but Caz, Kirsten and others who are interested in saving marine life, a guy I know has set up a website
      It's in response to the Japanese whale cull that's underway in Antarctica (Greenpeace and Sea Shepherd are trying to do everything they can to stop the whalers)
      Anyway, you can sign a petition on this site.
      It has a pretty cute game too, where the whales sink ships!
      The Japanese have long held huge whale hunts, more recently in the name of "science." Some of the video I've seen of the brutality of those hunts made me almost throw up. If you are curious, I have the link to a site with the video, but it is VERY graphic, so I hesitate to post the link here. If anyone wants to see, please PM me and I will give it to you. It is VERY eye opening, showing just how incredibly brutal the drive fisheries are, and as I said, it is very graphic.

      Anyone up for a "whales" thread over in Off Topic?

      And once again trying to make this post legit:
      "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
      My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


        Originally posted by LurkerLa
        Just watched Inferno, and with my shippy glasses firmly in place I just have to comment on one thing:

        So when the Stargate falls and is all molteny and covered, and John says that Elizabeth will try to dial them back and then send the Daedalus... is it overly insane of me to see that as shippy? 'Cause he doesn't say "When it cuts off they'll try to dial us, and then they'll send the Daedalus," he says "Elizabeth." Specifically her. He's got such faith in her! And that whole psychic connection thing. I just love how much faith it seems he had in her. (Yes, I might be reading into this too much.)

        Yes, my shippy glasses are glued in front of my eyes. Or maybe I just really like hearing him say "Elizabeth."

        Rambling now. Will stop.
        LOL need to stop I picked up on that as well...ohh the subtle sparky byplay !! It`s good and tell you what... the TPTB is so screwing our sparky minds with it. Uh ..indeed Hopefully S3 will be filled with it and I`m sure Joe & Torri will play along


        “I know how Sheppard can be,” “He’s an incredibly strong man,” “and Elizabeth is his weakness. He doesn’t know how to handle that.”
        - Rodney to AU Elizabeth : quote from PeanutButterer`s The Other Side


          Ok according to USAF regulations, fraternisation between ANY team members is agasint regulations weather they are officers or not - basically if you are both on the payroll ot stops at the eyesex - my question is, would this be in effect on Atlantis? Because if it was, John/Liz Rodeny/Katie Carson/Cadman(i think it is the same for Marines) and any other pairings would not allowed.....

          Sorry if this has been answered I am just curious...
          ***THIS SPACE FOR RENT***


            Do not ever mix sports enthusiasm, Stargate, and Photoshop.

            John: Liz, you do know that the Seahawks are gonna win the Super Bowl, right?
            "Sometimes we reach what's realest by making believe..."
            My LiveJournal - My Photography - My Art


              Originally posted by Presley_Carter
              Ok according to USAF regulations, fraternisation between ANY team members is agasint regulations weather they are officers or not - basically if you are both on the payroll ot stops at the eyesex - my question is, would this be in effect on Atlantis? Because if it was, John/Liz Rodeny/Katie Carson/Cadman(i think it is the same for Marines) and any other pairings would not allowed.....

              Sorry if this has been answered I am just curious...
              Just a general question to anyone: Is everyone actually on the payroll of the US military though? The USAF specifically? That would be rather expensive. I think its more of a joint effort of all the countries involved. And I'm willing to bet that some of the countries represented only sent scientists Therefore, in my shippy mind, the US military regs don't apply. Afterall, the rules have to be uniform for everyone on the expedition I'm thinking that the scientists wouldn't particularly like following US frat regs. And that far away from an actual court? I think anyone would be pretty safe from a court martial

              We really have no idea what regulations (or mixture of) they are following do we? We were just assuming it was based on the US?

              ....I really have no idea where I was going with shippy mind just kind of latched onto anything and then flittered off on its own

              Lovebar made by natz099
              My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                Yesterday, I watched « Inferno » and I like it. Sorry for my english. I don't know if you will arrive to understand me *blush*
                I like very much Elizabeth in mission, to negociate. I love diplomat Elizabeth. I love too the office’s scene between John and Elizabeth.
                John is a charmer but I think that if he have a relation with Elizabeth, he will not be it anymore. But at the present time, John and Elizabeth aren’t “real” relation.
                I noted that John is different charmer with Elizabeth. Because his feelings are real, true. I think when they will be together, John will be more “calm”


                  Originally posted by EnfantTV
                  Yesterday, I watched « Inferno » and I like it. Sorry for my english. I don't know if you will arrive to understand me *blush*
                  I like very much Elizabeth in mission, to negociate. I love diplomat Elizabeth. I love too the office’s scene between John and Elizabeth.
                  John is a charmer but I think that if he have a relation with Elizabeth, he will not be it anymore. But at the present time, John and Elizabeth aren’t “real” relation.
                  I noted that John is different charmer with Elizabeth. Because his feelings are real, true. I think when they will be together, John will be more “calm”
                  I understood you fine

                  And I agree with what you said about John. He is a charmer, thats part of his appeal, but with Elizabeth he seems to be more serious in his approach to her. He turns on the charm in a 'different' way to how he does it to anyone else. I think that this is telling with regard to his deeper emotions that are subconsciously manifesting themselves in mannerisms, behaviour etc.

                  Lovebar made by natz099
                  My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                    I heard someone said that two military people can't get together if one is the commandig officer - aka Jack and Sam. If the rumors are true and Sam and Jack are together, then we will know that relationship between two military people is possible; because, as far as I know, he's still a general.

                    Now Elizabeth is the expedition leader, but she is not from the military... sooo....... think there is a rule which states that a leader can't get together with a military guy she's working with? I don't know if there is, but I have a feeling a thing like that works on logic

                    correct me if I'm wrong I don't know a thing about the military. All I heard were rumors

                    Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                    ....I really have no idea where I was going with shippy mind just kind of latched onto anything and then flittered off on its own
                    I know! .......they have to make *cough* babies *cough*
                    and I love your sig

                    OMG I could never ever bring myself to watching a video like that


                      *steals Sal's thunder for a moment*

                      I just read this rather nice little fic by Denaliyasha entitled Time Is Relative

                      ^ Spoilers for Epiphany

                      *hands back thunder*

                      Lovebar made by natz099
                      My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                        Originally posted by Erised
                        I know! .......they have to make *cough* babies *cough*
                        and I love your sig
                        Thanks! Its a rotating sig, so it should change each time I post.

                        Lovebar made by natz099
                        My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets


                          Originally posted by SapphireJewelledQueen
                          I understood you fine

                          And I agree with what you said about John. He is a charmer, thats part of his appeal, but with Elizabeth he seems to be more serious in his approach to her. He turns on the charm in a 'different' way to how he does it to anyone else. I think that this is telling with regard to his deeper emotions that are subconsciously manifesting themselves in mannerisms, behaviour etc.
                          You explain it better me
                          I love your sign


                            Sapph, *thud* that fic was amazing
                            I saw "Face that launched a thousand gates" it's sooo cute! And just love the quote Can I use it in my LJ?


                              Hello everybody.

                              I'm a newbie and I do not speak English well, sorry.

                              I just meant that I am 100 % to shweir!!!!

                              I like this couple, I find that they are really together well!!!!
                              I am completely under the charm of the season 2, where I find their really beautiful relation.
                              And I hope that will continue in the season 3.
                              IL FAUT TOUJOURS CROIRE AU POUVOIR DE L'AMOUR.



                                Originally posted by DarkLady
                                Hello everybody.

                                I'm a newbie and I do not speak English well, sorry.

                                I just meant that I am 100 % to shweir!!!!

                                I like this couple, I find that they are really together well!!!!
                                I am completely under the charm of the season 2, where I find their really beautiful relation.
                                And I hope that will continue in the season 3.
                                Welcome DarkLady! I love your name, even though it probably has nothing to do with mine?

                                You speak English fine I'm sure it will continue in Season 3...there is potential for ship in anything if you just look a certain way

                                Lovebar made by natz099
                                My LJ * Forgotten-Secrets

