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Alias Discussion and Appreciation Thread (Spoilers all Episodes)

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    Originally posted by Darren
    Did you catch the 2-hour season premiere on Wednesday? What did you think?

    Beware of SPOILERS in this thread!
    Hey, I was hoping someone would start this thread. It was pretty good, though the new beginning music was a bit weird. I liked the old beat. The new pictures of Syd in action were fine but the beat sounded a little too techno for me.

    I couldnt believe they keep trying to paint Irina as the bad guy! I mean, sure, they say that she pulled the hit on Syd, but really, In Alias land, nothing is truley as it appears. I still have faith in good 'ol Ms. Derevko, and I believe the freaky Asian guy (I forgot his name) probably only had half the story (as usual.)

    I love the somewhat predictable loopholes and that samurai sword robbery scene was great. Of course Syd had to go and be stupid and get the sword, but that just adds to the suspense. I wonder what's up with Jack.

    In the meantime, Irina's not really dead, right? She's gotta come back and give her kid the creaming of her life.

    ... and Vaughn too.


      Originally posted by DownFallAngel
      I rarely watched the first three season of ALIAS. I found it over rated. This 2-hour premiere was nothing more than that. So she globe trots with her friends to do some government work. Is anything else new in that aspect of the spy game?

      So her arch nemesis becomes her boss, by buying out the government. I think I've seen that one before.

      The only good part in my opinion was the torture method that the Japanese dude used on her. Water mask. Some-what original. Not expected at all.

      And her sister: Nadia, hot.

      I didn't expect much out of this show, so I didn't feel disappointed. Atleast they are off all that Rombaldy mumbo jumbo.

      Anyone else have a different opinion?
      You betcha. If you don't like it, go watch James bond or Atlantis or something boring like that.

      People watch it just because it is lovably predictable and cliched, with original surprises within. The whole train scene was straight outta mission impossible, but it was still cool.

      I mostly watch to see how Syd gets in trouble or does something grandly stupid then tries to look proffesional. Hilarious!

      My favorite characters are actually Sloane and Irina Derevko. They have more character juice and kinda of force one to root for the antagonistic protagonist.

      Just IMO.


        I was happy to hear J.J. Abrams was concentrating more on Alias this year and going to make some changes. I settled in to watch the two-hour premiere with the hope that it was going to blow me away!

        Well it didn't blow me away but it was fun. Always good to see Sydney in action, the disguises, the plans, the heists, etc. It was also nice to see some of the angst removed from Syd's relationship with Vaughan and to just see them on some missions without the soapy stuff that plagued the show last year.

        I don't know, though. It just felt like they were trying too hard to recapture the dynamics and magic of what made the show great in the first two seasons. And it felt a little forced and contrived that everyone's all back together working for Sloane. And that Jack and Sydney are once again at odds. And I really don't care much for Nadia.

        I really, really miss Irina Derevko but am afraid her death will be permanent. They've tried every which way to get Lena Olin back and haven't succeeded. I suspect the storyline of Jack killing off Irina was to eliminate any expectations in that regard.

        I'll probably keep watching it - it follows "Lost" and I'm totally hooked on that show. Hopefully they'll build on the good elements that were in the premiere and it will be an entertaining show. I just don't know if it's ever going to be "must-see" TV again - at least for me.
        Last edited by keshou; 06 January 2005, 05:18 PM.
        Life is hard...and it's harder if you're stupid


          Yeah, Kes really put her finger on what was bugging me as I watched it last night. It was like they were trying to push the rewind button. I really can't believe that they would put Sloane in charge of anything. I know about keeping your enemy in plain sight but that's just silly. I too am glad that we seem fairly angst-less thus far (which the exception of the Syd and Jack estrangement which I don't think will last long). I like Nadia a lot. Another kick ass girl is a good thing in my book. I'm really not surprised that they killed off Irina. Disapointed but not surprised. As Kes pointed out they've been doing everything in their power to get Lena Olin back on the show and she's made it pretty clear that she won't so, unless they planned to replace her with another actress (which would have been just plain dumb), they pretty much had to kill her off. It still sucks though. But I really do think that this season will be superior to season 3 in every way. And that's really not that hard.

          It was, is, and always will be GREEN


            Heh, at least they finally changed the boring ass opening credits! Which imo, is alot better than boring letters spelling Alias. I also agree that they tried a bit too hard to 'recapture' the first season, they even said it on the show about how its their very own SD6, i laughed a bit. They kept on saying Irena was dying, and i'm like, huh? It took me a while that they actually killed her, although i'm not in total shock... One thing though that i couldn't remember, did the director Chase say in front of Sloane that 'all of them' would be running AOP? I was a bit puzzled how the 'checks and balances' work if the people who are supposed to be checking up on Sloan are gonna check on him if they are being bossed around.

            I'm a bit mad Weiss wasn't included with the others... !!!

            Also, who liked that little scene when they recruited Marshell, and he whispers to Sydney that Sloan's there, hahaha, that was a little funny . One last thing, when Sydney was on the phone, and it said 'hello sydney', did anyone have a Scream (1, 2, 3) moment? Haha...
            Amanda, "Wallow Central."


              I can't wait to watch the Season Premiere. The summary I read sounded a little similar to the first season, but that's not a problem. The first season was awesome. I like the APO stuff. Is it true it's based in a Subway station?


                i tuned in for a few minits, but soon lost all intrest.

                This is a sig, have a nice day.


                  I watched it with a bunch of my compadres in the dorm. We had a good time. We girls enjoyed the action and the guys drooled over Jennifer Garner, per usual.

                  It was better than Season 3, and I don't really mind the whole "reset" deal. But I feel REALLY bad for Weiss. I mean, they recruit the whole ALIAS squad into APO except for him! I'm sure this has to do with The Catch, but still, ARRGH. He's probably figured out the banker thing is a cover, though.

                  The best lines were when Vaughn said, "Last year sucked!" and the Marshallisms in general. "Am I dead?" and about losing the whole Alias family except for Sark. LOL.


                    Well I loved the opening sequence. The rest was okay. Guess I had my hopes set to high. I was getting confused about the whole Syd/Jack at odds thing because I really don’t recall much from last season (and I was trying to watch another show at the same time), but then finally somewhere in there they said what had happened. Pity, I always liked Lena Olin’s character and always wished she would come back.

                    I don’t care too much for Nadia, either. And now she is going to have some kind of vendetta with Jack. I do hope they find some way to incorporate Weiss into the show more. I like him. Wow! Michael having enough (fill in your own word cause I can’t think of the right one I want to use) to burn down his house because of last season. Guess I would do the same after that whole fiasco.

                    After they revealed how the new season was going to run with the whole APO situation, I kind of lost interest. Sloan in charge again? How’s that remotely possible? I actually had wanted to watch this show on PBS, “Do You Speak American?”, and can kick myself for not taping it. So, I was flipping back and forth between the two. The PBS show was actually more interesting since it covered two states I’m from, but I missed most of it thinking it will be on again eventually. Now when I’d rather watch something on PBS then one of the shows that I used to consider one of my very few favorite shows on TV that’s saying something for me at least. I still have hopes for this season and will continue to watch it because well there is nothing else on Wednesday nights except for LOST.

                    Originally posted by D.C.
                    Is it true it's based in a Subway station?
                    Yes. Behind one of those "Authorized Personnel Only" doors, hence the APO.

                    Originally posted by aeromathlete
                    The best lines were when Vaughn said, "Last year sucked!" and the Marshallisms in general. "Am I dead?" and about losing the whole Alias family except for Sark. LOL.
                    That was funny. And poor Marshall going to visit Sark just to see a familiar face.
                    IMO always implied.


                      Although my big(or maybe just annoyance) hatred over the 'Sloane being boss' i think i'll still go watch the season. Because well yah, i have read some interesting things that may happen this year, and i wanna watch !
                      Amanda, "Wallow Central."


                        I do have a question. If you havent seen any episodes from Season 3 could I watch what has been shown in Season 4 so far? I'm a bit concerned about being spoiled on Season 3.


                          Originally posted by Filipino
                          I do have a question. If you havent seen any episodes from Season 3 could I watch what has been shown in Season 4 so far? I'm a bit concerned about being spoiled on Season 3.
                          I didn't watch 3 either. I tuned in for a bit, but it was so wrapped up in the Rumbalidi stuff, so I turned it off. Right now, all I know is that Sloane is in charge of this new non-government governed faction known as APO, and that his team consists of Syd, Jack, Vaughn, Marshall, and that tech dude.

                          There are alot of peices missing in my opinion, not having watched season 3. Maybe someone could help you out. Or try TVTOME. here is the link:

                          It might help, it might not.

                          I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                          [Revelations 22:13]


                            Is 'Alias' fantasy/sci-fi ... I would class it as drama due to its format.

                            Sci-Fi ... obvious.
                            Fantasy .. Xena, D&D, Reality TV, NBC line-up, ESPN Tom Arnold shows.
                            The very young, do not always do what they are told.

                            "To me, my board" - Silver Surfer


                              It's action-adventure-drama with a distinctly sci-fi twist. Some plot elements (especially most of Rambaldi) require the same suspension of disbelief that sci-fi does.
                              GateWorld Podcast - Info - iTunes - Google
                              The Stargate Omnipedia -
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                                The entire Rambaldi (thank you for spelling it correctly Darren, as I probably spelt it wrong 100 times) storyline was pure scifi.

                                I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
                                [Revelations 22:13]

