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The Dresden Files

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    Finished the resolution. Comments that are spoilers so don't read until after you're read all of Changes.

    It was pretty good, not as good as Dead Beat, in my opinion. Just lots of epicness. Murhpy blew me away. That was kinda gut wrenching for Harry to kill Susan and give away his child. I was sooo excited that Murphy and Harry were finally going to be together then bam. I didn't really like the cliff hanger. Too contrived and some other word I can't think of now but probably will later. He'll live obviously but it's the how that matters. Can't believe he took Mab's offer. I think that Harry will die for a bit then come back and get out of being Mab's knight because the power goes back to Mab when he dies right? Or he might be saved by Mab or Lea. Wow some of my predictions and wants came true sort of. Semi-flying, government finally stepping in and accepting supernatural events sort of, Molly growing (somehow I think Jim is planning for them to be together because Molly will live as long as Harry, I don't really like this at all), dark Harry sort of when he kills the guy cold blood. McCoy was ffin awesome, sorry have to curse. What he did was just awesome. Dude is superpowerful. I sort of didn't get the hints of the future with the whole V-named god guy and what he was doing participating in the fight. Can't think of anymore to discuss but I'm sure I'll think of more stuff later.

    HURRY UP and finish the book!! lol


      I just finished the book...

      It’s was very good. Really epic. Molly still has a thing for Dresden.*sighs* Well at least she proved useful in battle and did help. Mouse was totally amazing. Glowing blue sparks or something like that. I knew that he was a supernatural dog and very smart. Lea did call him a demon. And he actually talks. Harry just has to know how to listen and that he did choose Harry (book Blood Rites).

      Murphy and the sword Fidelacchius (faith) just wow. Sanya is just so funny and great. Butters, I was worried about him… Susan ended the Red forever. It was a noble sacrifice. Martin that evil half-vamp. Should have suspected him… Dresden has more family than he thought... I never thought Ebenezar McCoy was related to him.

      Poor Dresden! So many changes in his life! He lost almost everything: His office, his home, his car, his duster (falls apart), Mister is still missing, and Mouse and his kid (won’t be seeing them), his freedom becoming the Winter Knight etc.

      Many funny movie references: many LOTR, Star Wars, Wizard of Oz...

      Toot Toot! “Hail the Pizza Lord”

      Mouse’s line to Lea: “Restore them before I rip you (bleep) off”

      Dresden: “I don’t do hats”

      The pentacle necklace: A five pointed star representing the four elements and spirit bound within a circle of mortal control, will and compassion. p.202

      About the ending of Changes… Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
      Last edited by geekywraith; 04 April 2010, 08:33 PM.
      Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
      Nina: Everything else was taken.


        Yea, forgot how epic Mouse was. And he cursed lol was awesome. Wow he's just awesome. I was wondering where Susan was for a while and I was like there she is. Ok one question of clarification, did Martin expect Susan to be sacrificed? Harry did soulgaze him so was that sort of a plan made by him?

        Lea was kinda surprising. She helped and did that sort of instant teleportation thing, did she? I forget with McCoy and grey council?

        Just imagine Harry's rep now. He destroyed the Red Court, while the White Council sat around twiddling their thumbs. That's awesome.

        So with the coming short stories, are they going to deal with events after Harry gets shot or just some supporting character adventures?

        True, there were sooo many Lord of the Rings references and Star Wars, some of which I didn't get.

        It was epic. Did you think it was better than Dead Beat? I know that it was more epic.


          Mouse is simply an amazing character. Susan disappeared for a while and I wondered were she was. Dresden did think Martin planed for Susan to be sacrificed. She’s was briefly the youngest vampire and her blood was a blood curse that ended the Red Vampires forever and cured the half-vampires.

          Lea was helpful and not that insane. I was surprised and happy to see the Grey Council helping team Dresden. She had a green gem and lightning made them appear.

          Eb did say that the new guy at the White Council is an idiot and probably not part of the Black Council. Harry’s reputation will go in the history books White Council and the supernatural community. Better not mess with him.

          The upcoming book “Side Jobs” compilation of short stories will probably not deal with the events of Changes. A lot of the stories are already available in a few books. The compilation will have a few new ones.

          Such torture making the fans wait a year to see what happens of that ending! Poor Murphy she'll be worried when she arrives at the scene and see's the blood and a missing Harry.

          There are some movie references that I also didn’t get. I’m not a fan of Star Wars but I understood some. Talking Ewok is an easy one.

          Well to be honest I prefer Deat Beat because of so many things. Mavra blackmailing Dresden over Murphy, Lasciel, zombies, Butters and of course Sue. Changes is a close second. I really liked the story. Some amazing moments and characters. Mouse is just awesome. Not happy about the ending but it was expected...

          Thomas as Legolas
          Sanya as Aragorn
          Martin as Boromir - Gimli
          Dresden as Sam
          Lea as Gandalf
          (Dresden see’s himself as Gollum because of his bad choice in becoming the Winter Knight)
          Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
          Nina: Everything else was taken.


            Sucked that Bob was sidelined for a while and a question about that. Did Bob actually go into Murphy and kept her somehow protected in that end fight? Murphy had a freaking halo, that was soooo awesome.

            What a killing stroke, the entire Red Court. I am Harry Dresden, hear me roar. Such awesomeness.

            Yea, I didn't get a lot of the cultural references, eh. But it was great. Yep, torture, simple torture. Wonder how things turn out. Does he have a title for the next one? Any hints or anything about the next one? Can't wait.

            Yea, gotta agree with you, preferred Dead Beat, this one was just epic. Wonder how the epicness will be topped in the next one. I hope he gets that White Knight status removed. Did you see my previous post? Posted twice in a row in different posts about some speculation, what do you think?


              Yes I did. Good posts. I also hope that his Winter Knight deal gets revoked. Perhaps Lea can help or some other Fae. He still owns a favor to Mab but he’s her Winter Knight now. I don’t know how Dresden will deal with the death of Susan at his hands and having to part with his kid.

              Tilly of the FBI seemed more reasonnable than the other police guy Murphy and Dresden arch enemy since Fool Moon. Parachute potion (semi-flying).Now I really liked that one. I really hope the Molly doesn’t end up with Harry. Even if they have things in common… Being wizards.

              Dresden did make tough choices in Changes. Killing Lloyd the former Winter Knight (even if it was a mercy kill) and sacrificing Susan for the greater good. Like blackstaff Eb McCoy he took some lives. Hopefully he will be able to live with that.

              The V something guy helped Dresden. He knew where Maggie was. He seemed mysterious and powerful. He trained the Merlin. We saw him at the end of the book leaving after battle

              I agree! Bob was really sidelined. I was disappointed that Bob was stashed away in Lea’s weido garden and almost up to the end of the book did get to help. He did help Murphy be free as the restraints of the Red King power will. Like a halo of gold around her head. Murphy must have looked like an angel with the halo and the sword.

              Dresden is the coolest under dog and such language. (I don’t mind)

              For a Wizard Dresden sure knows cultural references. It’s not important to get everything but when you do it make you smile even more. There was a Little Riding Hood reference. I don’t think that he has a title for the next one yet or even hint. Not to worry we’ll have some clues soon. Can’t wait either.
              Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
              Nina: Everything else was taken.


                lol, yea, when does he watch tv? and movies? lol.

                I think Jim Butcher got some funding or something from like burger king and coke maybe, he mentions them often.

                Is it just me or is Toot-toot getting bigger?

                The V guy is like the head of all the norse gods? Over Thor even? Dang have to look it up. Seems like he's organizing and preparing for the apocalypse. Very mysterious and intriguing plot.

                lol can't think now will think of other stuff probably in the next few days. It was pretty epic, surprised how fast it went.


                  Well some of the references can come from books before they’re movies. According to Dresden anything post WWII doesn’t work well around wizards. Indeed how does he do it?

                  Well I wonder that as well. Lol. Dresden advertises that he drinks Coke, enjoys burger king and other stuff.

                  I don’t know if Toot-toot got any bigger. He eats a lot! Harry did say that Toot- Toot ate a slice of pizza that was the equivalent of a human eating a car and his stomach was back to normal.

                  I don’t know about the V guy. Not sure what he is. Perhaps he’s some Norse god and there’s a storm on the horizon.

                  I agree that there is much to think about the book. It was intense. There’s so much going on and that happened. You seem to be able to read really fast. It took me 3 days to read. It was so good that I’ll read the book again but slower since when you start reading a new book it’s almost impossible to stop. You just have to find out what happens next.
                  Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                  Nina: Everything else was taken.


                    lol Spoiler thread again, yep read sorta fast depending on how good it is to me. Others drag on.

                    He's Vadderung, think he's Odin himself. Said Father of Thunder i think, guessing father of Thor. lol and his home Asgard, lol reminded me of SG1 when I read. Wondered if he watched stargate, Mr. Butcher that is.

                    Maaan, that blows, all his trademark stuff gone, his duster, car, basement, his cat's missing, you said it. That sucks for Harry. I like Mister as much as Mouse. Got a little flair and spunk and lots of attitude. Remember when he ate from Mouse's bowl then nonchalantly knocked over his bowl, hilarious.

                    Somehow I think Harry is only growing in power still discovering his new powers. I sorta didn't like the whole Harry summoning in his head from a church. That was weird and just unexpected. Made all the summoning circles he made before and all the work he put into it moot. He can talk to an archangel? Soooo uh convenient. Just weird. Guessing Harry plays a big part in the coming apocalypse of some kind.

                    Oh yeah, totally forgot. He goes to the Erlking's place. Wow so many epic moments. Erlking is pretty damn formal. Can't believe he got away.

                    Did you notice how easy Harry's battle with Arianna was? He killed her just like that. I think he had harder battles than that. The will thing is new. Just lots of new and crazy things happening at once.

                    Poor Susan, felt bad for her. Poor Harry, such a tragic underdog hero.


                      Indeed the spoiler thread again lol. Perhaps for a little while in case fans of the books haven’t read Changes and stumble on major spoilers here.

                      Vadderung is Odin... That means he’s powerful. Thor...SG-1 mixted with Dresdenverse. Well perhaps he did watch the show and it's a clue/joke for the fans. Like the "talking stones" that he used to talk to Eb from far away. But Stargate does borrow stuff. SGU kinos looks like the LOTR seeing stones.

                      I was disappointed when his house burned, his car got destroyed and his trademark duster no longer exists. He lost everything that represents him. I liked Mister. But it's all about Changes. Who he is as a person and as a wizard. Perhaps Harry will play an important part in the future in an apocalyse of some kind.

                      Mister did have quite an attitude with Mouse. Mister is just a cat right? Not some supernatural animal. He’s a big cat that wasn’t afraid of Mouse a demon supernatural temple dog.

                      Yes I agree. Harry is growing in power. Like when he was talking to the archangel Uriel in his mind in a circle. Then with Mab. Objects help a wizard focus but he doesn’t need them. That was impressive. Uriel is the one that gave him soulfire in Small Favor. Yes it was kind of conveniant. He asked him to heal him because his back was broken. He made the deal with Mab because Uriel couldn’t.

                      Erlking is the king of the Goblins and it was great seeing him again. It was funny on how they crashed into his place and the duel was impressive.

                      Yes I did notice. He did battle stronger foes. He killed her easily after a few tries. They both used magic. He used a new power as the Winter Knight ice to pierce her body. The will thing is new and so are other things. The Red King was the first old vamp and his will was super powerful. Dresden is growing as a wizard and it’s interesting.

                      Dresden is indeed a tragic underdog hero. But a very cool one.

                      I’m still iritated with the ending after everything he's been through. Mab’s probably the one who said "Hush now" at the “die alone” in the darkness (curse of one of Dresden dead enemies)
                      Last edited by geekywraith; 05 April 2010, 12:08 AM. Reason: added more
                      Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                      Nina: Everything else was taken.


                        LOL don't let Mister hear you saying that. "just a cat" lol.

                        lol SGU was such a far down priority for me. Did you like Space? I thought it was horrible, so contrived. Sorry not the place.

                        Yea, changes. I hope not though cause taking away his trademark distinctions.

                        Ahh, I forgot that. Those things are just for focus. He got his grandfather's staff though. And daaaaaaaang Blackstaff just killed 100 people just like that. I was soooo blown away.

                        And by Murphy, she just cut a path to one of the lords and just cut his head of like it was nothing. Bob wasn't the halo was he? when he was with her. He was just helping to keep her safe from the will thing right?

                        Yea, Erlking was great. I was hoping for some kind of insight into the possible deal Thomas might have made.

                        Yea the ending kind of sucked. But the wording was great left you curious for a while. Why did I wear a shirt with a hole? Why is there red paint? Was very dubious.


                          spoilers for Changes

                          geeky: Oh no… Sorry Mister you’re not just a cat. You’re a super cat! (runs)

                          Mister: *Meows like a mountain lion*

                          Well SGU is not my taste... but I still watch it.

                          I do hope that Harry gets a new duster and some of his trademark distinctions. And that Mister and Mouse go back and live with him. I will miss those because it's part of what I like about the character. He will have to start from the beginning: A new home, a lab containing a summoning circle, a car, a new duster with protective spells the list goes on. But first he has to get out of whatever mess happened to him. Mab and Lea won't be happy if they weren't the ones involved.

                          At least Eb did lend him his staff. I don’t really mind about his car but it was also a part of him. I didn’t really like it when Lea changed his duster for a protective armor. But it did save his life since his duster disintegrated at noon because it was so badly damaged. Eb is really amazing and powerful. Since he’s the White Council’s executioner he’s allowed to break the laws of magic and kill. I was impressed on how powerful he was in battle and kind of scary.

                          Oh yeah Bob was helping Murphy be free of the Red’s will and do battle. Bob was the halo. The archangel in Murphy’s sword was giving power “controlling her*. The words she spoke weren’t hers. She handled the sword beautifully plus it was giving light.

                          I thought Erkling was really interesting and just loved his attitude. He let go Harry because he said that he would hunt him some day. Dresden won the duel fairly and I was glad that the two vamps got eaten by the goblins because they lost. I too wonder about Thomas’s possible deal with him in Dead Beat.

                          The ending is a bit of a shock. I’m still thinking about it. *growls* There is no closure to the epic adventure or satisfaction for the hero. The wording was great and ended with some humor. It makes you question what’s going on. He seems oddly detached of himself. The familiar voice I wonder who it might be. I can’t wait to have clues on the next book.

                          I hope that it wasn’t Kincaid that did that. He did say that Dresden wouldn’t hear or feel a thing.
                          Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                          Nina: Everything else was taken.


                            The official release date for CHANGES is April 6th.
                            You must buy it now...

                            Spoilers should be used to discuss this book to let fans that don’t have to book yet not be spoiled by accident... At least for a week after April 6th. After that we could discuss the book without the spoilers.
                            Last edited by geekywraith; 05 April 2010, 06:32 PM.
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              crap pressed backspace and everything got erased. Well gonna retype what I can think of.
                              Agreed with the above post. Or borrow from your friend who's back home for Easter and didn't know that his book came in. Sucker.

                              LOL I can see Mister coming to your dinner table and eating it then knocking it down and walking away.

                              Yea, definitely not to my taste either. You really must watch Firefly, it is great and won't disappoint.

                              Yea, poor Harry and his things, and he had such few things.

                              I really hope it doesn't get too epic. Epic is cool and all but humor dies down with epic storylines. Remember in Atlantis, the first two seasons were awesome. Then it got epic and the humor sorta got cut down. Good thing Todd showed up and added some.

                              Yea, Murphy and McCoy were just astounding and scary. Murphy was being guided by an angel but I wonder who, Gabriel? Michael? I think the voice might be one of the fae or maybe Susan from her afterlife. Yea, Kincaid did say that but I think when he said that, I think he meant a more sudden death, so a head shot. He seems to be that kind of a guy and not a chest shot. But I don't know, we'll see.


                                That can happen

                                Mister would probably do that. He’s got such a character and I do hope that will see him again.

                                I received season 1 and Serenity of Firefly from Amazon last week. Since I liked Serenity I’m sure that I’ll enjoy the series.

                                Indeed poor Harry! At least he still has Bob, his friends and Eb.

                                Well I have faith in the author. He knows what he’s doing and with that disturbing ending I don’t think that it will become too epic. Humor has always been an important part of the books and of the character’s personality. Making it too “doom&gloom” and serious would be a mistake. What I like most about the books are a combination of things. Humor is an important part. I agree with your comments on Atlantis. Todd was a great character.

                                I don’t remember which archangel was in Murphy’s head and controlling her when she held the sword of Hope. She didn’t like it and didn’t want the sword at the end. Perhaps she’ll want it now since something happened to Dresden.

                                About the voice. I don’t think that he’s really dying even with what happened to him. Perhaps it’s Susan through her sacrifice has become an angel. But that would be predictable or simpler it’s Mab coming for him like she said she would. Perhaps it was a planed hit and someone opened in the Nevernever to get to him before Mab. Its an unnerving ending. You’re right Kincaid is a head kind of guy. It was messy.

                                Bob won’t even realize what happened since he asked Harry for a few days to recover. I do hope that Murphy does everything in her power to find out what happened and help Harry.
                                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                                Nina: Everything else was taken.

