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The Dresden Files

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    Originally posted by jmoz View Post
    Ok don't know why I didn't think of this one right away. Nathan Fillion as Dresden. Guessing you guys saw Buffy and Angel, right? And Firefly? Right? I saw Dr. Horrible too. Was surprisingly good and short.

    lol you've done that, haven't you geekywraith. People stared.

    Yea, humor is great. Don't like all dark and bleary. Mac's and Bob's stories- I would read them. Heck, maybe they even have history together somehow.
    Yes I've seen Buffy and Angel but I've only seen the Serenity movie and not the Firefly series. Never saw Dr. Horrible. Nathan Fillion could be a candidate to play Dresden. He seems capable of being a smartssed guy.

    If a TV series or a book series takes it selves too serious then I loose interest. I don't like it when it's all serious and about doom and gloom like certain popular TV shows. Humor balances things.

    Perhaps someday JB will write a short story that features Mac or Bob like he did with Thomas in the short story Backup.

    Indeed I have. I've read the books in public and got weird stares sometimes because I was smiling and laughing. I don't mind.

    * 9 more days until the release of Changes *
    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
    Nina: Everything else was taken.


      You really must see Firefly. It basically deified his character, Mal. You'll be reminded a lot of Harry and Spike by his character. Both Firefly and Dr. Horrible are short. Firefly was axed by morons after 14 episodes, or 15 forget. Dr. Horrible is a musical about hour and half. You can skip Dr. Horrible but Firefly is a must. I know you watched Farscape (which was awesome), just believe me when I say Firefly is good.

      I started watching the Dresden TV series (just half of the first episode) and immediately saw what was wrong with it. There's no humor in it so far. It's far too serious and a grim mood and tone. Granted I could overlook some of the changes, but to make it that serious and about relationship stuff? The humor was the best part of the books.

      Can't wait for Changes.


        I’ll make plans to see Firefly. It's unfortunate when a good show is cancelled.

        Nooooo you started watching the Dresden TV series? I’m glad you feel that something is wrong with it. Indeed it takes it self too serious. Even when they try some humor its not that amusing.

        I completely agree the best part of the books is the humor. And of course Dresden's wit. What do you think about TV Harry’s hockey stick instead of his wizard staff? After episode one there are some inconsistencies. Susan, the cat disappears like they never existed and there are other tiny changes. Like they decided to make changes...
        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
        Nina: Everything else was taken.


          lol, just to see the magic and things. I like seeing the visuals of any written work despite how badly done. I finished Storm Front again and some things off the bat. The magic world was eased into in the book, but in the show it was Wham Bam. Yea, Murphy and all the other characters added are somewhat bleh. It's too serious. The books are light and funny even in the most dire of scenes. Well except the child's death that crimelord guy was partially responsible.

          He looks ridiculous with the stick. It stands out too much. Granted a staff would too but it could be passed off as a walking stick. Bob is really weird in that he has somewhat of a conscious. But his lust and humor are totally gone. That was the best part. But do like some aspects of him.

          At least he narrates somewhat well. I was hooked with the humor with the books. Don't like too much seriousness, they opted for relationship drama instead? Haven't even finished the first episode so will see. Sci-fi's become too generic in terms of the shows they are making now. By generic, I mean focusing on the elements that the big channels focus on.


            TV is all about "eye candy" and action. They seem to follow a recipe…
            TV Bob is indeed very different and so are the other characters. The staff would have been a better choice but for some reason the decided to use the stick. The actor who plays Dresden is good and narrates well. It’s too bad that the show wasn’t more faithful on the books. It could’ve been a better series. TV Dresden is pretty much harmless, doesn’t destroy buildings and there are no memorable lines.
            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
            Nina: Everything else was taken.


              Flipping a car......epic!

              and Sue epicest, yes i know that's not a word.

              Hmmm, what would be Harry's greatest moments anyways? Besides Sue and the car which would have been awesome to see. I've lost count of the number of buildings he's destroyed by now.


                In Dead Beat when Dresden flipped a car on Cowl that was impressive. It’s too bad that we won’t see some Sue action in another book. That’s a memorable moment.

                Dresden could make a lot of money if he was hired as a demolition expert on buildings since he has plenty of experience. I bet no insurance company wants anything to do with him since he's a wizard. I think that in almost every book he damages a building.
                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                Nina: Everything else was taken.


                  LOL, a lot. What irony and he's so strapped for cash in the beginning, didn't see much of that in the show.

                  Mini-Chicago was great.
                  Werewolf Harry was ok.
                  Hmm, oh yea, Ortega duel was awesome.
                  Oh definitely Ivy defending herself and kicking vampire butt.
                  Kincaid definitely.
                  That uh train with the I think second Gruff brother was fantastic.


                    Yeah those are great moments.

                    I like it when he uses his wit to insult his adversaries. It's always funny.
                    Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                    Nina: Everything else was taken.


                      Wonder who'd win: Willow or Harry.

                      Minor questions- Harry can call things from the nevernever. Can he summon bigger and badder things? And is nevernever the only place where he can summon things or does nevernever include all other uh realities/dimensions of existence?

                      Think Harry will ever fly? Not like cause something throws him in the air or off a building but really fly. He hasn't been making too many potions lately. There has to be some pretty elaborate and useful potions out there thathe has yet to try. Bob seems to be only useful for memory recall it seems but not suggestions.
                      Last edited by jmoz; 29 March 2010, 12:14 AM. Reason: added some


                        Harry would win. He’s sarcastic and very funny.

                        Yes Harry can summon things for the Nevernever but they must be contained within a circle for his own protection. Calling bigger and badder things is very dangerous, so probably not a very good idea. But I think that he could because he’s strong enough now. I think the Nevernever includes all other dimensions since it’s a big a dangerous place. Outsiders are maybe from another place than the Nevernever. I’m not sure.

                        Harry flying? I don’t know. Better not be on a broom stick. He could summon strong winds to ease his fall if something happened to him. Not call some eagles to catch him (like Gandalf in LOTR)

                        I miss him making potions with Bob. Bob is like an encyclopedia of information. He’s a being of knowledge and his personality is influenced by whoever posses him. He can be scary (Kemmlar and the sorcerer who adopted Harry) and neutral with Dresden.

                        Not so sure about Bob’s not being able to give out suggestions. Bob did warn Harry about little Chicago being a dangerous spell and didn’t want to remember Kemmlar’s knowledge. They make a nice team. I also miss Bob going on mission in Mister and going places he's not supposed to.
                        Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                        Nina: Everything else was taken.


                          How was Victor Sells able to control that toad creature outside of a circle? And he was far less stronger than Harry. Harry was able to summon the Elfking, although not control I think. Just would be nice to see Harry do something crazy of that nature.

                          No way. No broomsticks. Maybe a hockey stick, nah kidding. Has he fought a flying being yet? For some odd reason, I want to see Harry flip a tank, lol. LOL going places he's not supposed to.

                          Bob's not evil much, just depends on his current owner. With Mouse, he's able to detect good and evil. Is he going to tag along with Harry to South America?


                            I don’t remember sorry. He was using black magic with other members. Victor was an amateur and not a wizard. So what he did was really dangerous and did in a way backfire on him. Dresden always draws a circle to contain something or to protect himself in one. Yeah it would be very interesting if Harry did something really crazy.

                            Oh course no broomsticks. Definitely not a hockey stick. Well Harry did battle the shape shifter in Turn Coat and it could fly. It was really scary for him since its so powerful eats up magic. Oooo flipping a tank. Perhaps on a foe? Now I want to see that.

                            Well Bob is malleable so that can make him dangerous. Mouse is a baddie detector and I hope that we'll see him with Harry in Changes. He could prove very useful. Bob will definitely be there.

                            *One more week before Changes*
                            Last edited by geekywraith; 30 March 2010, 02:19 PM.
                            Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                            Nina: Everything else was taken.


                              Ok, here's a crazy idea. Don't know if you've played Ocarina of Time with shadow Link but what if Harry has a shadow version of himself. Like his dark portions. Harry without the moral constraints and other things holding him back. Now that would be a crazy villain and epic to see. Harry unleashed.

                              Tank flipping might be as epic as Sue, nah below that. But would be nuts. Oh yea, tv Harry doesn't screw up electronics? Saw the first two episodes and very little in terms of humor. But Bob seems really mysterious and epic. The flashbacks are good insight but no humor. And Murphy has a kid? Weird. The magic is limited. It's like some superhero kind thing where the superhero just has a little power. Not very great although the Harry character is pretty spot on despite lack of humor.


                                No I haven’t. That would be scary. Because the White Council makes us think that Harry was destined to be a warlock and scary. Since he’s the only one that survived and defeated an encounter with the “he how walks behind” and is the most powerful wizard of his generation. Perhaps in some parallel dimension Harry realized his full dark potential never having meet McCoy and being guided to become a good person. He would be a villain and a scary one.

                                Well TV Dresden does on some occasion screw up electronics. There’s an episode with Claudia Black where we see a mishap with a radio. The TV series is mostly humorless and a bit too serious. Harry’s character is not too bad but Murphy is quite different. I think that you will like the episode What about Bob. It’s about Bob and JB is an extra in the background. Despite having nothing to do with the books and the big changes it’s a good ep. The magic is limited and Harry is almost powerless. Almost like a damsel in distress in some episodes. It’s an ok series but I’d rather read the books.

                                Squeeeeee!!! My order for the book Changes was shipped today from Amazon.
                                Crowley: ‘Give Me Coffee or Give Me Death.’ It’s a funny name for a coffee shop.
                                Nina: Everything else was taken.

