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Terminator TV Show - "The Sarah Connor Chronicles" - "SPOILERS FOR ALL EPISODES"

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    The TV Addict talks with Josh Freidman, creator of the Sarah Connor Chronicles.

    5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


      Originally posted by vaberella View Post

      Way OT:
      They're both good guys, just mortal enemies. Bruce Banner likes going crazy a few times a year up in Canada, and Alpha Flight or Nick Fury (mainly Nicky) likes calling poor Wolvie out to do a bit of clean up. Unfortunately it didn't go well.

      Superglue put Wolvie together again. Actually he just found his legs and attached it, last I remember, but I could be wrong it. He can't die that way, it's hard to kill him.

      Yeah, Wolverine always had his healing powers and it's not immortality---it's his healing powers that allows him to age extremely slow. He was born with two things, the claws and the healing powers. Apparently as a child he was extremely sick. He was weak and sickly, near death a lot of time. Puberty hit and he went through some drama and then his body regulated but his aging process slowed down considerably. Sabretooth has the same condition, hence Sabretooth has been Wolvie's dad, brother, or son, or family of some sort in the past comics nad world timelines. The only thing that sets them apart is the second thing that Wolvie is born with, his claws. Those are part of who he is and his bone claws come out. Hence the reason when he breaks them they get denser, stronger, and sharper. He had these two things before the metal was forged into his bones.

      Here's a picture of the scene I was telling you about:

      Hey sorry for going OT but the volvie thing always fascinates me. And I have heard of that happening with the Hulk but never seen the picture, so thankyou.

      One last point then back to TSCC ....

      Reminds me of Claire from Heroes, well sort of. Volvie's blood vessels and nevers and bones must have figured how to rejoin when he reattached his lower half..... but then again gross lol.......

      Now back to TSCC and Summer Glau worship...
      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


        Originally Posted by vaberella
        How sad are you, you can't get a real get a robot.

        Originally posted by pbellosom View Post
        I've personally always assumed that this is the reason why Cameron was only programmed to obey adult John and not teenage John whereas the Terminator in T2 was programmed to obey young John.

        I actually think this is correct.... Despite older John sending Cameron and trusting her he knew what a teenage John might do with her so put that kind of restriction into her orders/programming whatever and it makes sense to do that..

        However she does listen to him to a degree. What if she develops "human like" feelings down the road overcomes her programming? She does seem to learn and all and is unpredictable and all.
        Go home aliens, go home!!!!


          Originally posted by Bey0nd View Post
          Brian Austin Green is back says Josh Friedman

          Summer Glau got
          TERMINATED !!
          Summer's not returning? Really? Not even to do a voice over? I mean c'mon it was only an explosion - hardly something to hold a terminator back...

          EDIT: Oh wait, the creator of TSCC says otherwise, thank god.

          'Along with today’s pick-up announcement, it was also announced that Brian Austin Green is joining the cast as a series regular, what other changes might fans expect in season two?

          We’re getting rid of Summer Glau [Editor’s Note: That noise you heard, the TV Addict fainting]. Just kidding. In case anyone’s worried that we blew her up [in the first season finale], she’s coming back. In full force.'
          I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

          Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


            ^^ Mapp....I can't believe you fell for that.
            Click statement above to read article.




              Anyone else feel Summer approaching?
              I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

              Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                If only.


                  Originally posted by jenks View Post
                  If only.
                  Seriously, its been sunny here for like two days straight. Thats a good sign in merry old england.
                  I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                  Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                    Hey...wanted to inform those who don't know....

                    Cam's class number [no model number] and info has come out in the Starlog magazine...she's a TOK715.

                    I didn't get the Starlog mag. Although I heard about the class title, I didn't know the details and all, but this poster really gave a good outline of her. Not only that, I like that the poster mentioned about her change. But I rationalized her change, since I noticed it as something more akin to keeping people off guard. In ep 8, the small scene while at the museum with the professor, Cam was able to switch from being a weird robo girl (very reminiscint of Arnie) to being very human. So I think she likes playing with the's an interesting feature of hers. It keeps the Connors on guard of her if she appears more robotic and less dependent and they won't confuse her as human. But then with other's she's like totally human unless she wants to freak someone out.

                    The quote below was taken from the FOX messageboards for TTSCC.

                    Originally posted by DOCALLENX
                    In answer to your question Cameron is a prototype advanced model, this is what the producers stated in an interview in Starlog magazine. In the first episode when John says to her that she doesn't seem like the other terminators she smiles at him and eats a chip and says that she is not. In the first episode she comes across as extremely human like and the show deviated from this by making her more machine like and socially awkward. Personally I thnk they should get back to her original personality really quick in the second season. She is also smarter, faster, stronger, and far more durable than T-850/888 models. It also appears that her skin rejuvenates at a very quick rate, notice the damage to her skin in numerous episodes only to have it usually healed by the next day.
                    She even has a nice little wiki just all her own...

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      And of course the official Summer Glau website..


                      Even has plans for a model of Serenity you can build yourself
                      Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                        Originally posted by mappalazarou View Post
                        Seriously, its been sunny here for like two days straight. Thats a good sign in merry old england.
                        To be fair, I wasn't talking about the season


                          ^^ Poor's just not been his week here.

                          It's totally OT but I've done it for Mapp at his fanclub and felt he needed a pick me up. For Mapp, cause I like him so much, Keira at her best or....whatever you'd like:


                          Take and run before the mods get here...I'd totally love to see Cameron in that get up...I'm sure John would too. Hahahahaha!!!
                          Last edited by vaberella; 24 April 2008, 03:53 PM.
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                            ^^ Poor's just not been his week here.

                            It's totally OT but I've done it for Mapp at his fanclub and felt he needed a pick me up. For Mapp, cause I like him so much, Keira at her best or....whatever you'd like:


                            Take and run before the mods get here...I'd totally love to see Cameron in that get up...I'm sure John would too. Hahahahaha!!!

                            Thanks for the beautiful picture. Where did you find it.. BTW my name's John too..

                            If only I had mind control I would love to have Kiera Knightly as my mind control wife

                            Followed soon after by my mind control divorce then Summer Glau
                            Go home aliens, go home!!!!


                              Originally posted by vaberella View Post
                              ^^ Poor's just not been his week here.

                              It's totally OT but I've done it for Mapp at his fanclub and felt he needed a pick me up. For Mapp, cause I like him so much, Keira at her best or....whatever you'd like:


                              Take and run before the mods get here...I'd totally love to see Cameron in that get up...I'm sure John would too. Hahahahaha!!!
                              Love yooooou.
                              I write articles/features/reviews for I'm With now. Check out our stuff if you get a minute!

                              Click on sig to check out my fanfic gallery too!


                                NP Mapp...I aim to please.

                                So guys, baring in mind that the second season is on the way, what would you guys want to see...

                                My biggest demand that may never ever ever come to fruitition but is something I would kill for and do anything for is to see Nick Stahl reprise the role of the older/future John Connor. I'll explain why.

                                When I see Thomas Dekker at times I have to do a double take because he seems a perfectly younger Nick Stahl, if anyone has seen, or know of Nick Stahl in Disturbing Behaviour, you'll know what I mean. Plus he has green eyes. I hated T3 with a passion but one thing it had going for it was the perfect John Connor. It would be cool for them to sort of meet up...


                                2. Second thing I would like to see and this is the talk about all over the boards...the bringing in of a female Resistance fighter. Most who know what a womanist activist I am, will know I'm all for it in spades. So I would love a really cool kick ass femme girl to aid would be rad if the "LOOK-OUT GIRL" would be the resistance fighter they could use. I just liked her a lot.

                                3. I would also like to see the prom night and Cameron trying to boogie without it being ballet. I could so see her breaking it down to..."Check it out now..the funk so brother..."
                                Click statement above to read article.

