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Sci-Fi/Fantasy Book Discussion/Appreciation Anyone..??

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    Anything by RA Salvatore - Legend of Drizz't series being a personal favorite.

    Currently reading the Sword of Treuth series by Terry Goodkind, it's pretty good. The show "Legend of the Seeker" is based on these books, but not exactly the same.

    I've read the "Base" Dragonlance trilogies "Chronicles Trilogy" "The One about The Twins" and both are excellent but I really haven't ready many more from that series.


      Haha, I read a couple of Salvatore's series. Think the intial Drizzt series. It was pretty good. But then it tried to become this philosophical life advice thingie so I stopped.

      Heard really bad things about Terry Goodkind's series. Didn't try. Plus they're too long. Still have to finish the first one of Malazaan.

      Never read Dragonlance or Pern series. etc.


        James Clemens Wit'ch books are good, i dont remember much romance involved in them. Kate Forsyth's the Witches of Eileanan series of books are pretty good too buts there are some romantic elements in it.


          I don't know, I don't mind romance really but it's just the fantasy genre lately hasn't been my interest. It's usually exiled prince has to defeat darkness and get throne back leading a revolution and meets princess along the way. Blah blah, etc etc.


            Originally posted by jmoz View Post
            I don't know, I don't mind romance really but it's just the fantasy genre lately hasn't been my interest. It's usually exiled prince has to defeat darkness and get throne back leading a revolution and meets princess along the way. Blah blah, etc etc.
            That seems to be a plot thread in a lot of books lately not just fantasy lol


              Originally posted by jmoz View Post
              Haha, I read a couple of Salvatore's series. Think the intial Drizzt series. It was pretty good. But then it tried to become this philosophical life advice thingie so I stopped.

              Heard really bad things about Terry Goodkind's series. Didn't try. Plus they're too long. Still have to finish the first one of Malazaan.

              Never read Dragonlance or Pern series. etc.
              RA Salvatore - I'm just a fan of his writing style, first 6 are awesome, then it weakens and then it gets awesome again!

              Terry Goodkind - I'm on book 5 and its only OK, but I heard they get good again after this one.

              Dragonlance core novels are some of the best I've read.

              Also, the 1st Elminster book is a short great read - I haven't read the sequels but never heard anything good.


                lol, I'm writing something along those lines but not a prince, just street urchin and his brother. And since I don't like dark, too much seriousness to the point of silliness, I'm focusing on humor.

                But yeah, I can generalize fantasy sort of sometimes and hate to do that cause there are some really good ones out there. Sanderson is really decent, clever magic systems and whatnot. Dresden files are surprisingly good despite a sort of too cool of a main character. It infuses the fantasy elements of wizardry in modern times, sometimes to unbelievable levels.


                I sorta stopped after the first two, Iceland and the one about how he initially came to the top. Those were good.


                  Originally posted by jmoz View Post
                  lol, I'm writing something along those lines but not a prince, just street urchin and his brother. And since I don't like dark, too much seriousness to the point of silliness, I'm focusing on humor.

                  But yeah, I can generalize fantasy sort of sometimes and hate to do that cause there are some really good ones out there. Sanderson is really decent, clever magic systems and whatnot. Dresden files are surprisingly good despite a sort of too cool of a main character. It infuses the fantasy elements of wizardry in modern times, sometimes to unbelievable levels.


                  I sorta stopped after the first two, Iceland and the one about how he initially came to the top. Those were good.
                  I usually dont like earth based books with secret society of wizards/faries, but some are really good. My favorite one of those is Sister to the Rain by Melisa Michaels. The Artemis Fowl books arent bad either.


                    A great series is The Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix. It's another kids' series, but it's really unique and I've never read anything like it before. It's sort of a steampunk fantasy kind of story
                    "YOU'RE EASIER THAN THE U.S. CONGRESS."~Nikola
                    Sig by ME!!!


                      Originally posted by Mimzy View Post
                      A great series is The Keys to the Kingdom by Garth Nix. It's another kids' series, but it's really unique and I've never read anything like it before. It's sort of a steampunk fantasy kind of story
                      The Abhorsen books by Garth Nix are pretty good too


                        What's steampunk mean?


                          books that mix steam age fantasy societies with some advanced sci-fi technology, or something like that.


                            Ahh, ok.

                            I should probably go finish Graveyard Book....


                              The funny thing is, I love Sci-fi TV and movies, but I pretty much exclusively read Fantasy. I think a big part of that is, with a few exceptions (LOTR), film and TV never really do fantasy as well as they do Sci-Fi


                                This thread is great, finding out about so many books and series I've never heard of. Building up my to-read list right now.

