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Dresden Files (spoilers for all episodes)

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    Still gonna hang in with the Dresden Files after the second episode. Lets see what episode three brings.


      I had no idea it was based on a series of books, I'll have to check them out when I get some spare cash.

      As to the show, I like it. It isn't going to get any rave reviews from me, at least not so far, but I like the characters and it has potential, so I am giving it a chance. Not all shows that I love now were faves at first, so I am hoping this is one of those.

      My one major quibble is, if that bracelet provides such powerful protection for him, then why the heck is it strung on a feeble old string, rather than some good strong wire or, better, completely out of sight & touch?!?!


        i think i lost interest after last ep ... no real substance there ...
        too bad, it could have been good show.


          Originally posted by silence View Post
          i think i lost interest after last ep ... no real substance there ...
          too bad, it could have been good show.
          I agree, IMO the acting is decent, but the Writing of each episode script wise just really stinks.

          I kinda feel bad because I had hope for the show. I'm giving tomorrows episode a chance. If it's as bad as the rest I'm done with it for good.
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            I still think DF is an okay show, but it isn't exactly engaging, either. They need to kick this show up a few notches and stop with the whole Dresden mooning over every female he rescues. An old-fashioned sense of chivalry is one thing, but that doesn't mean he's gotta kiss all the girls.

            Would have been nice if they'd explained the hockey stick, but since they haven't bothered to air the pilot ep yet, I guess we're gonna have to wait. *sigh*


              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
              I still think DF is an okay show, but it isn't exactly engaging, either.
              Sadly, I agree. I'm still getting a strong "meh" from this show and I don't know if there's really an excuse for that considering the books pacing is perpetually high off adrenocrome. But yes, this is the tv series, not the books and I know I shouldn't compare them as that's not really fair, but... stories about werewolves, generally, shouldn't be so boring.

              As for tv-Harry's kirking, I don't mind it just as long as they sell it. However, I didn't really buy Harry's attachment to Heather Redshirt and her werewolf angst. Technically, I could buy it as book-Harry does have that massive damsels-in-distress obsession, but the suddeness and strength of it in the ep struck me all kinds of weird. I realize a woman had just died, but, come on. He just met this girl and because she cried a little on a park bench, he's suddenly running his hands through her hair (I mean, seriously, he was mauling the woman's hair in a few scenes) and obliterating any sense of personal space. Speaking only for myself, but I think the zero to 60 mack would have worked better if Heather had been a friend or acquiantance of Harry's. As they did it, it came off very anvilicious and tacked-on. More like they were telling us Harry has this obsessive chivalry complex rather than actually showing it.

              But! Since I'm shallow and Paul Blackthorne makes for a crazy hot Harry, I'll give the series a few more tries. That and I really want it to be good as the books have spared me the boredom of many a dull plane ride. As of now, the show itself isn't doing anything for me.


                I really liked the show again this week. Yay for seeing more magic I liked the guest stars as well and thought they brought a lot to the show this week. I also really like the way Bob's character is emerging. Thumb's up in my opinion. I think the show keeps getting better and better. I'm very excited for next week
                "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


                  Well, at least someone's happy with the show.

                  I'll probably tune in out of reflex, but the show is kinda... dull, IMO. The stories aren't well-structured, there's no sense of threat, the dialogue is weak and the whole thing feels inconsistent. The White Council who would have turned Harry into paste a few weeks ago if they'd learned of him using a voodoo doll are now suddenly okay with a devil equivalent buying souls?! Um, prioritize much?? And the whole deadpan dead guy thing from Bob grates every time I see it. Ye gods how I loathe that stereotype.

                  It just irks me that with all the potential this show has they've chosen to squander it like this. Yeesh.

                  And while I know the show doesn't have to accurately reflect the books, Morgan? Helpful?! Morgan not trying to kill Harry? Morgan not seething with hatred at Harry's very existence? That's just wrong. And I'm not too keen on the actor, either. His eyes are weird.


                    I've only seen the first episode so far and have never read any of the books.. I quite enjoyed the first ep but it wasn't any great shakes. I'm willing to stick with it and hope it finds its feet and develops well.

                    It was an interesting enough concept though I wasn't entirely sure I found the guy in the lead role convincing.. my main quibble with the ep however was that I found it way too predictable. I mean, seriously. Now whether this is because I watch faaar too much genre TV and have become jaded or whether the writing was just a tad clichéd, I don't know but I called every single plot point before it happened - and I mean *all*.. from the schoolteacher being the bad guy, to the Raven guy being there to protect, not harm, the kid, to Melinda lying about the record check results, to the schoolteacher/skinwalker not being able to enter the house, to the skinned body being the real schoolteacher, to the kid having latent magic ability, to the uncle not being dead and the skinwalker working for him. Every damn thing.

                    Hopefully once the show has settled in and doesn't have as much scene-setting to do, it will improve.


                      I just found this thread. It pays to explore "GateWorld" a little bit beyond StarGate - Anyway - I caught this show and I had never heard of the books it's based on. I do like the Ghost but would have to keep him in his skull when he started to annoy me! I'd like to know more about Harry's mother and more about how he got to be where he is now. What does he live on? What's up with the Raven guys and lots more. He meets lots of woman but never ends up in a relationship with any of them..reminds me of shows from the 70's.

                      I'll continue to watch it and hope it gains some ground.

                      Is it me, or does the lead resemble "Billy Bob Thornton"?
                      Atlantis Girl

                      Go to this link to help us keep the wraith on Atlantis -

                      please sign the save Elizabeth petition to keep her on Atlantis to!


                        I actually liked this episode more than I have the previous three. I think it did a better job at capturing the essence of what makes the books so entertaining. More humor and snark especially with Bob, between Bob/Harry and even a bit between Harry/Murphy. A nasty incubus (well played by Kim Coates) throwing around a little fire and brimstone (but, ugh, this show really needed a bigger sfx budget. Some of the fx in the ep came off mid-90s and back then they looked cheap and terrible). Even some "warm and fuzzy" and gasps it wasn't Casanova tv!Harry with the mack on for once. The chivalry complex actually made him come off incompetent in places, which is very Book!Harry. There are still problems undoubtedly, but, to me, they weren't as noticeable here as they were in the other eps.

                        I don't mind the changes in Morgan, but then I admit I never really liked stringent company man Book!Morgan all that much. At least not how he was at the beginning of the series. I don't really mind seeing some of that Harry rage and prejudice toned down some what (or a lot). Doesn't hurt either Conrad Coates is one beautiful man who acts well off (and looks great aside) Paul Blackthorne. Shallow = me. I'm willing to let the changes slide.

                        Oh well, the show is probably going to get cancelled regardless as it's ratings aren't good. I have my doubts it will last past midseason. Too bad considering last night's ep actually makes me a bit sorry to see it go.


                          I watched it last night after skipping it for a few weeks, and found it just as awful as the first few episodes. I love Paul Blackthorne but even he can't save this train wreck. As someone on LJ said, "It's just the male version of Charmed" (which I sat through twice before gagging).

                          *scratches off viewing list*

                          When all else fails, change channels.


                            Egad, that's a disturbingly apt comparison.

                            I snagged three massive compilation volumes off eBay. I'm midway through Dead Beat and have Proven Guilty on order from Amazon. *happy sigh* Great little series and I like how loose threads tie together in later books. I figure out a lot of things, but there are still some that surprise me.


                              Nuts, I missed this past weeks episode. I got engrossed with The State Within
                              on BBC America.


                                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                                I got engrossed with The State Within
                                on BBC America.
                                I just saw the previews for that a few minutes ago....Was it any good? I hear the conclusion is saturday at 9
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