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Harry Potter Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    True. But . . .

    What about Lupin and Tonks?

    Most plots thrive on romance at some point.
    "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

    "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


      Originally posted by MasySyma
      True. But . . .

      What about Lupin and Tonks?

      Most plots thrive on romance at some point.
      Ooh yeah! I have to say, I'm dissapointed in myself for not seeing that coming. When I reread their scenes from OotP, they were so obvious!


        Originally posted by Hywel
        Ooh yeah! I have to say, I'm dissapointed in myself for not seeing that coming. When I reread their scenes from OotP, they were so obvious!

        I didn't see it either.
        "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

        "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


          I's weird...the fifth book made me cry when Sirius died (highlight to read, but beware; it's a spoiler) but when Dumbledore died (go ahead, highlight. But 1 word: spoiler!) all I did was keep turning the pages and absorbing words....maybe it's my unconcious's way of saying "Pfft! Dumbledore, the only one Voldemort ever feared, dead? Yeah Right!!" (highlight at your own risk--tis another spoiler).

          Anywho, I liked the sixth much better than the fifth. The fifth was, like, DROWNING in depression. Name 1 part where people WEREN'T writing lines with their own blood, dying, getting into fights/arguments, or starting a relationship that can't be forever. (yuss, tis another spoiler)
          - Miz

          Proud Samandan (blue jello all the way!! )

          Proud Anti-S9 Forumer (Pro-Original SG-1)

          Not your average world-saving squad!!


            To the n00bs in the crowd, I suggest you either look at my sig or read the FAQ so you can figure out how to do REAL spoiler tags. Turning the text white is all well and good, but if your intention is to KEEP the info hidden, then you should know that when your posts get quoted, your white text is going to show up on a light blue background, like this:

            Voldemort lives!
            Maybe not easy to read, but still very definitely read-able.

            As for Tonks, I was supremely disappointed by her role in this book. I LOVED her in the last one and she wasn't any fun at all in this one. Her reasoning is also a bit silly. I know that she's young, but it was still disappointing. I'd have preferred either a good reason for her behavior or better yet, just include her a bit more and show more of how it's affecting her. Or something. Blah. I Dunno. I just didn't much like her in this book.

            As for the Hermione/Sam comparison, I agree with Hywel about JK having an excuse to write hormonal teenagers, but I also think that this book was a lot more centered on Harry and less on the other characters. NONE of them were really given anything interesting or central or even very inclusive this time around. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but other than some hints of stuff about Draco and some hints of stuff about Dumbledore and some random stuff about Snape, a lot of the secondary/tertiary storylines seemed kinda fluffy.

            Or maybe I'm just remembering ALL the books wrong and this is the way it's always been.


              But if you'll remember Snape is a fantastic occulement?
              I have to agree here.
              It seemed to me that Dumbledore knew he was dying of the poison he'd already drunk, didn't want ANY child responsible for killing him (no matter whose) and communicated this to Snape. I can't think of Snape as a truly bad guy.


                Originally posted by ShadowMaat
                To the n00bs in the crowd, I suggest you either look at my sig or read the FAQ so you can figure out how to do REAL spoiler tags. Turning the text white is all well and good, but if your intention is to KEEP the info hidden, then you should know that when your posts get quoted, your white text is going to show up on a light blue background, like this:

                Maybe not easy to read, but still very definitely read-able.

                As for Tonks, I was supremely disappointed by her role in this book. I LOVED her in the last one and she wasn't any fun at all in this one. Her reasoning is also a bit silly. I know that she's young, but it was still disappointing. I'd have preferred either a good reason for her behavior or better yet, just include her a bit more and show more of how it's affecting her. Or something. Blah. I Dunno. I just didn't much like her in this book.

                As for the Hermione/Sam comparison, I agree with Hywel about JK having an excuse to write hormonal teenagers, but I also think that this book was a lot more centered on Harry and less on the other characters. NONE of them were really given anything interesting or central or even very inclusive this time around. Maybe I'm remembering it wrong, but other than some hints of stuff about Draco and some hints of stuff about Dumbledore and some random stuff about Snape, a lot of the secondary/tertiary storylines seemed kinda fluffy.

                Or maybe I'm just remembering ALL the books wrong and this is the way it's always been.
                Nah you are pretty much right it was centered on Harry and not so much on the others this time, other then snape. im so excited about the 7th book now. I personally dont think we have heard the last from Dumbledore, and as for the Tonk/Lupin it could have been played up a little more but not much, Tonks was great in OoTP, she was a bit depressing to me at times in HBP. ok enough of my rant got to finish my bed room before the bf shows up!


                  There's sumthing funny
                  There is sumthing weird about the whole snape being evil and dumbledore dying situation. I can't put my finger on it but dumbledore, one of the greatest wizards ever being killed by snape just doesn't add up, even without his wand he shuld've had sum powers, it seems like a plot to me. Also as Snape was in combat with harry he kept shouting no at him, why? Why wuld snape be shouting no at harry? Well maybe it is a plan that snape and dumbledore came up with for snape to get away and truly be trusted by Voldemort, snape wuld be shoutin no at harry because he cant kill harry, harry is the guy whose gonna kill voldemort. Can I just add I hate J K Rowling for making Snape the half-blood prince (that woz crap) and for killing Dumbledore (it was too predictable)


                    Ladies an' gents, since I won't be on line on Sunday (the 31st of July), I'd just like to take this opportunity to wish Harry a very happy 25th birthday.
                    Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                    To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                    Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                    And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                      Originally posted by memnarch
                      I think I know who the R.A.B. is that is spoken of in the fake Horcrux. It's Regulus A. Black, Sirius Black's brother who became a Death Eater, but tried to leave and was killed by Voldemort. Take a look back at book five, in the chapter called Noble House of Black

                      So, what do you think?
                      Interesting. Sounds like it fits and would be interesting and
                      I was still waiting to see where those mirrors of Sirius' might come in, maybe they don't come in it at all or maybe they are relevant next book when Harry is trying to locate the locket horcrux that RAB took.

                      Anyway, I read it finally, took me 10 hours over the course of 3 days. Was hard to stop each time, infact I read the last 4 hours worth from 11pm til 3am in the morning, just intending to pick up the book and a read a chapter or two.

                      Overall thoughts
                      Not my favourite book but still really enjoyed it, found the second half to be better, as the action and detail picked up.

                      As someone who had been not too into Ron/Hermione nor Harry/Ginny I found I didn't mind them too much at all as Rowling wrote it. Some people complained it was hormone overdose in the book but I didn't feel it was. I was quite amused at Fleur/Bill, which I loved that bit at the end about "Why wouldn't Bill love me now?" and quite happy to see Lupin/Tonks because I had a sneaking suspicion her new patronus wasn't like padfoot but might well be a werewolf, which si a rather more interesting pairing, not to mention it'd be odd to have Sirius/tonks if they were cousins.

                      I really felt for Draco in this book, pleased to see he got used well and figured that boy crying etc would be him. Curious just how much Myrtle said Draco had said was true i.e. about being bullied etc. And I really can't wait to see the bathroom scene with Draco in the movie, should give the actors a nice challenge.

                      Also adored the going to find the horcrux parts - so eery, distrubing with the Inferi and heartwrenching with Dumbledore having to drink every drop.

                      I did wonder if Snape might be the HBP when it came to him finding Harry and Draco but didn't actually truly suspect, so was a nice surprise to find out Snape was him and Harry had built up such an affinity for the then boy, only to have it shattered and be ignored when he discovered it was Snape. It did nicely show Snape's darkness and I also loved that Snape in escaping was using legilemcy (sp?) against Harry. Still I don't believe Snape was evil, I rather got the impression Dumbledore had been teaching Harry over the year to prepare him because he knew no matter what Draco or Snape would have to kill him, just that he wanted Snape to to save Draco from the fate, hence asknig Harry to get Severus and pleading with Severus would be so Snape would kill him instead of Draco and to do it quickly. Maybe it was even related to the fact that Dumbledore knew he couldn't be saved after drinking that potion. I took Snape's actions as fulfilling what they both had known would be needed when the day came and that Snape's "It's over" didn't just equate to get out of here because it's done but also that it stopped the Death Eaters from sticking around and hurting more students - minimalising damage. Also wonder if Snape went back to Voldemort or into hiding, which would be better and could he justify hiding himself and Draco as prudent and still get away with coming off as a loyal DE, even if he would be doing it to protect Draco and himself.

                      And it being a two man job I wonder how RAB got the horcrux first or got over the drinking the potion part. Did he et the horcrux but die because of that, having hidden it at grimmauld place or somewhere else even?

                      I'm also curious about why Snape is trusted, about Slughorn making references to Harry's brilliant potions skill being like his mothers and Snape calling Lily a mudblood in the book 5 flashback where James and Sirius use Levicorpus on Snape when it was Snape's spell, yet no one knew where the spell was from. I'm hopnig that Dumbledore's portrait might be used next book to explain something of why he trusted Snape perhaps, since Rowling mentioned it's appearance.

                      Could it be Lily was friends or even just an acquantance or study partner with Snape, either that he made the notes in the book from her observations or that he shared the notes he made with her, then that she betrayed him somehow, letting a spell slip like leviscorpus that then got used on him. I'm still half-sure that relationship of some sort between Lily and Severus is in there (and not necessarily romantic of course) somewhere, waiting to be explained next book. The fact Snape reported the prophecy that led to her death, before he knew who it applied to would fit in somewhere though many people had already suggested that could be a factor in Snape turning himself over to the right side.

                      I loved the horcrux's (at one point thought it meant the founders items) and all the pensieve parts about Meriope and the young Riddle. Though the thought corssed my mind that killing Lily was an act of cruelty and it'd be an irony if Harry himself was a Horcrux (intentional or otherwise, meaning it'd be odd if he'd split himself further than he knew), but it's probably way too obvious and doesn't fit with the prophecy as far as I can see.

                      I can't say I was surprised Dumbledore died, even though I hadn't been spoiled. I almost cried when it was apparent at the foot of the tower that he was infact dead. The funeral was touching but I get the feeling Harry's going alone and leaving Hogwarts plan isn't actually that good and that in the end he'll need Hogwarts and his friends to survive.

                      I also got this horrible chill reading that line about Bill and Fleur's wedding day being the last happy day because I get the feeling it won't be, that something awful will ruin it, be it Bill suddenly having some changes due to the werewolf wounds or DE's showing up or what not.

                      I'm surprised no more has come of the giants or the dementors this book, just vague references. Anyway, I think like book4 I'll probably thoroughly enjoy a film of this - the cavern lake scenes with the inferi particularly but also for all the great character moments that shall give the actors a chance to shine. Looking forward to book 7, hate the wait but hopefully it'll be well worth it. Hope we find out much more on Snape and Draco then too.

                      My last thought was what if RAB was related to Amelia Bones who was mentioned as killed right at the beginning and came up a few more times. I jsut wonder if any seemingly innocous details from the start actually will turn out to be important next book much like someof Draco's behaviours (sneaking around near Slughorn's party) turned out to explain things (like the poisoned mead).


                        Happy Birthday, Harry! Loved HBP!

                        Atlantis Base offers greetings from the Pegasus Galaxy
                        "Just when you think you're not in Kansas anymore, it turns out you are."



                          Ooh, I finished reading the forth book the other day.

                          Really liked it.

                          I love Voldemort!

                          Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                          Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                            Does anyone else wonder what Harry and co will look like when they're grown up?

                            I used to have a cartoon of Harry, Ron and Hermione at age 18, drawn in the style of MTV animation Daria, but I lost it when my laptop went belly up last Christmas and I had to get a new harddrive - can't remember the name of the website I found it on either...
                            Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                            To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                            Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                            And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                              I loved Book 6...although it did take me about a week until I finished it completely....but oh well, I love reading the HP books slow.

                              What REALLY suprised me was the fact that
                              Snape was the HBP and how is a lot like Voldemort in SO many ways. So, he truly is not a Pureblood but a Half-blood like the Dark Lord himself. And all this time I thought he was a Pureblood.


                       <<<<------ new ficcy, sequal to the one i linked in the past. check it out... its good so far

