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Harry Potter Discussion and Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
    I loved Book 6...although it did take me about a week until I finished it completely....but oh well, I love reading the HP books slow.

    What REALLY suprised me was the fact that
    Snape was the HBP and how is a lot like Voldemort in SO many ways. So, he truly is not a Pureblood but a Half-blood like the Dark Lord himself. And all this time I thought he was a Pureblood.
    I think that is the thing that causes so much insecurity among the Death Eaters (and other followers).

    I do wonder how many of Voldie's followers aren't pure-blood.


      A lady friend of mine - one KittyB by name - suggested that, given the amount of polyjuice potion lying around in HBP, certain important people might not be who they appear to be...
      Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
      To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

      Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
      And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


        Originally posted by Amon_Ra
        Ok, bought the book earlier and decided to read the entire thing in one sitting. Loved it.

        And i was so sure that Snape was acting and wasn't evil, but it did seem a bit like he wanted Harry harmed as little as possible at the end. So i suppose it's possible Dumbledore wanted him to do it, we know he's certainly not one to be afraid to die for the cause.
        I dont think Dumbledore would ever ask someone to commit murder, even if he's talking about himself.
        btw, Snape and Dumbledore were argueing about something earlier on in the book, does anyone know why?

        Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
        Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


          Originally posted by BruTak
          A lady friend of mine - one KittyB by name - suggested that, given the amount of polyjuice potion lying around in HBP, certain important people might not be who they appear to be...
          Thats a good theory and could explain quite a lot about Snape, but whoever kidnapped Snape would have to be a very good wizard, and Snape is very powerful.

          Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
          Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


            Originally posted by McKay's girl
            I dont think Dumbledore would ever ask someone to commit murder, even if he's talking about himself.
            btw, Snape and Dumbledore were argueing about something earlier on in the book, does anyone know why?
            Could have been about whether or not Dumbledore explains to Harry why he trusts Snape. Maybe Snape wanted Harry to know why... not sure if that would fit him, could it be the other way round, Dumbledore wanted to tell Harry but Snape didn't want Harry knowing and so Harry never gets told because he respects Snapes wishes? Or I'd like to go for they were arguing over why Snape should kill Dumbledore when the time come. I still think Dumbledore begging wasn't for mercy as in don't kill me but in the opposite because it was necessary. I think it fits that he'd want Draco protected and it's clear either Draco or Snape had to kill him.



              Dear God! Such a powerful book, I can only remember one book touching me to this extent before, and that one lead to a revolutionary turn about in my life that actually is responsible for who i am now.

              I could not put this book down, It was just incredible beyond all believe Snape being the half blood prince, I did not see, and the tension with the battle in hogwarts, omg... i felt there, i felt totally emotionally attatched. AD's death was totally unexpected for me as well, and, like Harry, I still felt it hard to believe he was gone at first.

              And now Harry is embarking on a quest to destroy Voldemort. A quest that no doubt will be fantastic! I cannot wait till the final installment, I will definitely be one of the first to buy.

              The entire journey of all the characters has been so significent, and I was amazed to find myself shipping for Harry and Ginny.

              "Five Rounds Rapid"



                Originally posted by Purpleyin
                Could have been about whether or not Dumbledore explains to Harry why he trusts Snape. Maybe Snape wanted Harry to know why... not sure if that would fit him, could it be the other way round, Dumbledore wanted to tell Harry but Snape didn't want Harry knowing and so Harry never gets told because he respects Snapes wishes? Or I'd like to go for they were arguing over why Snape should kill Dumbledore when the time come. I still think Dumbledore begging wasn't for mercy as in don't kill me but in the opposite because it was necessary. I think it fits that he'd want Draco protected and it's clear either Draco or Snape had to kill him.
                I was thinking that too, but I dont understand why Dumbledore would protect Snape after making that unbreakable promise. I'm suprised he wasnt the least bit suspicious too. And as for Snape killing him, Harry already doesnt trust Snape and this will only increase his distrust and hatered towards Snape to the point where he wants to kill him. Wouldn't Dumbledore want them to work together instead of Harry wanting to kill Snape?

                Gate City - My humorous Stargate site made when I was young, enjoy!
                Previously known as False hope who was previously known as McKay's girl


                  Happy Birthday Harry!

                  I loved HBP, though not my favourite of the series. Can't wait for the final book. How long do we have to wait, 1 or 2 years? Anyway, like JKR, I'll be saddened when I finally finish reading the 7th book.

                  Now my thoughts.....
                  Not that surprised to learn that it wad Dumbledore that died in this book, but was very saddened to know that he did. Like many, I felt heart wrenched at the way he had to go, but it the end, I guess Harry alone would have to face Voldemort in the final battle to the death. Of, course, he would need his 2 best friends to help him get there. I just hope none of them will have to die in order for Harry to reach his goal in killing Voldemort. And I really hope he survives the battle.

                  As for Snape and Draco, there is quite a lot of speculation and theories floating around, but I will try my hardest to reserve my final judgement of them, especially Snape until I finish reading the 7th book. At this point in time, I think I will percieve him as still sitting on the fence of either being Voldemort's man or Dumbledore's man, even after knowing it was him who perform the act of killing Dumbledore. The reason will most likely be explained in the first few chapters of the 7th book. I did have my reservations after he took the Unbreakable Vow, but again, specualtion arises that he may have done that to protect Draco, either at Dumbledore's request or of his own doing. Either way, it leaves a lot of unanswered questions behind. Was surprised though about Snape being the HBP, but it makes sense now why he is, after all he was the Potions teacher since he started working at Hogwarts before this book, though am wondering why nothing nasty happened to him, since the DADA position is supposedly cursed and every other teacher has drawbacks after taking up the position.

                  As for the ships in the book, I wasn't surprise at the amount of "puberty" hormones running amok, they are after all, teenagers, and I'm sure we all went through that at some point in our lives, and perhaps a few here are now living it Although I was a bit surprised about the Harry/Ginny pairing I guess it was meant to happen eventually after book 2, and I was expecting the Hermoine/Ron pairing eventually happening, but they're taking their sweet time making it official. As for Tonks/Lupin, I'm happy they got together, and Bill /Fleur, well I guess in this case, circumtances and love truly just happen out of the blue no matter how unusual the pairing can be.

                  Finally, love the whole plot on the Horcruxes. It now gives Harry a real clear purpose on what he must do next in order to finally defeat Voldemort. Kinda like a quest he needs to fulfil along the way before he gets to the final battle. As for who RAB is? Again, I will try to ignore as much of the speculations and theories as to who this is. If I indulge on them, I think I'll get a permanent headache until I find out for sure who this person is, and 2 years is a long time

                  All in all, a great read in my honest opinion, and can't wait how this book will be portrayed in the movie.
                  Proud Thunker of Carson Beckett and John Sheppard
                  and Captain Jack Harkness
                  Creator of The Rockett - Rodney & Beckett Thread
                  Priestess of the Lab Coat Love Association
                  Proud owner of the chant *sigh..swoon..faint..Thunk!*
                  I live here.....Calling All Australians?
                  My other home...Stargate Down Under
                  My Life on LiveJournal


                    Originally posted by Celestial
                    I loved HBP, though not my favourite of the series. Can't wait for the final book. How long do we have to wait, 1 or 2 years? Anyway, like JKR, I'll be saddened when I finally finish reading the 7th book.
                    I think it's 2 years, but I'm not entirely sure.


                      I've finished HBP yesterday and what can I say about it ? Hmmm, well it's good but not the best. I had to get to the last 100 pages to really get in this book. By getting in the book, I mean not wanting to put it down before having read another chapter.

                      (Don't know if I have to put spoiler tags since it's only my feelings about this book, but I'm still going to put them)
                      I think
                      there's a bit too much ship (but I suppose it was to be expected since they're all teenagers...) and not enough action. I've read in this thread (or was it elsewhere ?) that someone thought it was a big setup for the last book of the series. I totally agree with that and now I can't wait for the last book !
                      Another thing, about the characters. In HBP, I was more and more annoyed and angry about Harry. He always thinks he's right, he doesn't even listen to his friends. I was already feeling that in 'Order of the Phoenix' but in HBP it's even worse...
                      IMO we didn't see Hermione enough in HBP. And when we were seeing her, she was angry or jealous about Ron... Okay, maybe she's in love but she's also a brilliant student and Harry's friend too ! We didn't really get to see that in HBP and I miss this side of her... What I would like to see in the next (and last ) book, is Hermione saying to Harry "Now you see. That's what I was telling you from the beginning"
                      Now about Snape... I don't think he's evil. IMO there was a good reason why he has to kill Dumbledore (who seemed to beg him to do it actually...) I think we'll find in the last book what was his real goal and why Dumbledore trusted him so much.
                      Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


                        I have to ask, having read HBP I returned to reading older HP books, and I've just finished Order of the Phoenix again. However, I am now once more remarkably confused regarding the Veil that Sirius falls into. What IS that thing? IS it in the room of Death that Dumbledore refers to as holding the Death Eaters? When I first read OoTP I didn't question Sirus' death, I accepted it... but now... for some reason.. I wonder what was behind the veil and if the hex on him actually killed him, or if the veil killed him, of if hes alive back there.... WHY was Hermione scare of it?

                        Any answers out there?

                        "Five Rounds Rapid"



                          Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett
                          I have to ask, having read HBP I returned to reading older HP books, and I've just finished Order of the Phoenix again. However, I am now once more remarkably confused regarding the Veil that Sirius falls into. What IS that thing? IS it in the room of Death that Dumbledore refers to as holding the Death Eaters? When I first read OoTP I didn't question Sirus' death, I accepted it... but now... for some reason.. I wonder what was behind the veil and if the hex on him actually killed him, or if the veil killed him, of if hes alive back there.... WHY was Hermione scare of it?

                          Any answers out there?
                          A very good question...

                          Doesn't JKR have family in Scotland? I think she does. One of those polite euphamisms you sometimes get in Scottish households, when someone dies, it's referred to as "passing beyond the veil". Similarly one of my mother's favourite expressions (usually aimed at me) is "going to the bad fires", which is just a genteel way of saying I'll end up in hell. Cheers mum!
                          Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                          To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                          Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                          And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                            I finished reading the fifth book yesterday and I have to ask...

                            766 - WHY???

                            It seemed very slow to me... That professer Umbridge was a real b!tch (which was the whole point...) and I LOVE Neville!

                            I admit, through the last 160 some odd pages I was doing a little skimming and probably missed little bits, but I get the point

                            *shall have to ask her friend to bring her the third one to read*

                            Mwhahaha! Reasing them in reverse order rocks!

                            Note: User's posts are rarely serious.
                            Member of the F.O.R.D. || Martouf Marty's Webpage || (LJ)


                              Anyone read book 6 yet, cos i have an observation.

                              i don't think dumbledore is really dead. here's what i think happened...

                              he froze harry so although harry could see, he couldn't help or interfere in anyway.

                              he knew he would die if draco attacked, but he managed to stall draco until snape got there

                              snape and dumbledore had already worked this out in advance. snape faked killing dumbledore..who went over the tower, where nobody could get to his body for some time.

                              he used fawkes as his horcrux ..placing his soul in fawkes, so that he lived on, even though his body was dead. why do i think this? at the funeral, harry thinks he sees, only for a second, a phoenix in the flames as dumbledore's body burnt.

                              I don't believe dumbledore was dead, and i don't beloeve snape turned evil

                              well, that's my theory. i also think it has a great closing line.
                              Michelle's Fanfic Here My Original Fic


                                Originally posted by michelleb
                                Anyone read book 6 yet, cos i have an observation.

                                i don't think dumbledore is really dead. here's what i think happened...

                                he froze harry so although harry could see, he couldn't help or interfere in anyway.

                                he knew he would die if draco attacked, but he managed to stall draco until snape got there

                                snape and dumbledore had already worked this out in advance. snape faked killing dumbledore..who went over the tower, where nobody could get to his body for some time.

                                he used fawkes as his horcrux ..placing his soul in fawkes, so that he lived on, even though his body was dead. why do i think this? at the funeral, harry thinks he sees, only for a second, a phoenix in the flames as dumbledore's body burnt.

                                I don't believe dumbledore was dead, and i don't beloeve snape turned evil

                                well, that's my theory. i also think it has a great closing line.
                                Michell, LOVE your Theory... I also have a feeling of what you had said before, but still trying to figure out how to work it out.... so love your observation

                                Martouf, Stephen King wrote a HP review for Book 5, he said that Umbridge was the most fearfull bad guy ever written after Hanibal Lecter... and I agree with him

                                Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                                Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                                Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild

