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The 10th Doctor Whump Thread

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    Originally posted by Libre View Post
    So, while we all wait for the final episodes featuring ten (I will sob like a baby when it happens), I bring you whump!fic:

    Detox by TheSoliloquy. It's a 'Unicorn and Wasp' AU extra scene. This author is a fan of Doctor Who but hasn't written any other fics for it....yet. It is *delicious*, but I must admit, I did feel rather sorry for the poor Doctor by the end.
    Damn. I had such high hopes. It's been ages since I read a really good 10th whump fic but, sadly, this wasn't it. The writing needs work (she's got the basics of a good writer, but I think just needs more practice) but the medical innacuracies completely took me out of the story - pulmonary embolism does not equal coughing up blood.


      Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
      Damn. I had such high hopes. It's been ages since I read a really good 10th whump fic but, sadly, this wasn't it. The writing needs work (she's got the basics of a good writer, but I think just needs more practice) but the medical innacuracies completely took me out of the story - pulmonary embolism does not equal coughing up blood.
      That's what I thought, but then (as Twilight as it sounds), I thought of DT's pouty lips slightly tinged with crimson...?
      However, I agree with the lack of plentiful and quality whump fic! I think I've re-read Learning to the point where I almost know it off by heart!


        Originally posted by ClocketPatch View Post
        I'd heard somewhere or other (possible when the Matt set pictures started coming out, that the Doctor's suit had been 'compromised' I'm thinking just charred hole across the chest counts as compromised.

        (And then it apparently went missing?)
        Yep. And it was actually before Matt's set pictures that they said his suit would be compromised. The set pictures just confirmed it. BUT, in the set pictures, he's wearing a different suit. So, I guess that, combined with the hole-in-chest thing suggest that his suit gets compromised twice? Dang.

        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
        Damn. I had such high hopes. It's been ages since I read a really good 10th whump fic but, sadly, this wasn't it. The writing needs work (she's got the basics of a good writer, but I think just needs more practice) but the medical innacuracies completely took me out of the story - pulmonary embolism does not equal coughing up blood.
        I noticed that too but I just read on, regardless. I'm starting to get less and less picky when it comes to whump. It must be recent dry spell.

        "Why exactly are you smiling?"
        "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


          BBCA recently broadcast the U.S. premiere of The Next Doctor, which Ive just seen for the first time... anybody else like it?


            Originally posted by Turricsirraby View Post
            BBCA recently broadcast the U.S. premiere of The Next Doctor, which Ive just seen for the first time... anybody else like it?
            It was okay. Not one of my favourites and a bit too much focus, for me, on David Morrissey rather than David Tennant but overall a good episode.


              I've got a Ten & Donna WIP going that's a bit whumpy at the beginning; not sure if it will continue in that vein, but:


                Originally posted by ClocketPatch View Post
                I've got a Ten & Donna WIP going that's a bit whumpy at the beginning; not sure if it will continue in that vein, but:
                Can't view it hon, brings up a message saying the story has not been validated by the administrators of the site.


                  Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                  Can't view it hon, brings up a message saying the story has not been validated by the administrators of the site.
                  It should be up now. Sorry. I keep forgetting about the validation time on the spoon.


                    Read it and liked it, cheers!

                    Here's a bit of a whumpy (and very spoilery) clip from EoT Pt 1, for those of you interested.


                    "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                    "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


                      Originally posted by alyssa_ View Post
                      Read it and liked it, cheers!

                      Here's a bit of a whumpy (and very spoilery) clip from EoT Pt 1, for those of you interested.

                      Gah! *flails* Awesome!!

                      There was a very little snippet of that in the EoT Pt 1 trailer I saw the other day but this fuller clip... wow! The way
                      10th staggers and falls to his knees! *swoons*


                        Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                        Gah! *flails* Awesome!!

                        There was a very little snippet of that in the EoT Pt 1 trailer I saw the other day but this fuller clip... wow! The way
                        10th staggers and falls to his knees! *swoons*

                        There's actually a slightly more extended version out now. It aired on "Something For The Weekend". And, since I got the iPlayer working from the US I've decided to celebrate by capping it like mad, lol.


                        Last edited by alyssa_; 21 December 2009, 04:21 AM.

                        "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                        "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


                          Wow. So. EoT Part I!

                          Spoilers for EoT Part I:
                          Some whump and some nice angst there! The dr nearly burst into tears with Wilfred in the cafe and my heart just about broke! And then getting zapped by the Master and falling to his knees and then to the floor and struggling to get up and obviously unable to and in pain. Lovely whump! And for some reason I am loving the Master kinda mind-melding with the Doctor when the Doctor is kind of too weak to resist.

                          And then the helicopter attack and the doctor getting shot at and then knocked unconscious. For a moment there on watching it I actually wondered (hoped!!) if he'd been shot as it didn't really show what happened there, just a "thud" noise and him reacting to an impact and falling... and then us seeing him collapsed on the ground unconscious - that was a lovely image.

                          From watching Doctor Who Confidential though I think he was just hit in the back/back of the head by one of the commando types, and thereby knocked out. Was a bit gutted though that they didn't follow through on it at all - next time we see the Doctor, he's striding out of the TARDIS, not a mark on him, a fresh suit replacing the one burned by the Master's attack, showing no after-effects at all from what happened. In Doctor Who Confidential showing them filming that scene, I think I saw them filming a scene of the Doctor struggling to his feet and climbing/staggering to the spot where the Master was taken by the commandos and looking around. That didn't make it to the episode though. I suppose it's a fab missing scene tag waiting to be written though!

                          Mind you, signs of whump to come in the second part - there was a clip in there of the Doctor with his face all cut and bruised!

                          Ack! Only one more 10th ep to go! *sob*


                            Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
                            Wow. So. EoT Part I!

                            Spoilers for EoT Part I:
                            Some whump and some nice angst there! The dr nearly burst into tears with Wilfred in the cafe and my heart just about broke! And then getting zapped by the Master and falling to his knees and then to the floor and struggling to get up and obviously unable to and in pain. Lovely whump! And for some reason I am loving the Master kinda mind-melding with the Doctor when the Doctor is kind of too weak to resist.

                            And then the helicopter attack and the doctor getting shot at and then knocked unconscious. For a moment there on watching it I actually wondered (hoped!!) if he'd been shot as it didn't really show what happened there, just a "thud" noise and him reacting to an impact and falling... and then us seeing him collapsed on the ground unconscious - that was a lovely image.

                            From watching Doctor Who Confidential though I think he was just hit in the back/back of the head by one of the commando types, and thereby knocked out. Was a bit gutted though that they didn't follow through on it at all - next time we see the Doctor, he's striding out of the TARDIS, not a mark on him, a fresh suit replacing the one burned by the Master's attack, showing no after-effects at all from what happened. In Doctor Who Confidential showing them filming that scene, I think I saw them filming a scene of the Doctor struggling to his feet and climbing/staggering to the spot where the Master was taken by the commandos and looking around. That didn't make it to the episode though. I suppose it's a fab missing scene tag waiting to be written though!

                            Mind you, signs of whump to come in the second part - there was a clip in there of the Doctor with his face all cut and bruised!

                            Ack! Only one more 10th ep to go! *sob*
                            Yep, you've pretty much echoed what I was going to say. The plot was a bit meh but hey I loved the whump.

                            And caps!:
                            You mean, these clips?

                            There's something really hot about beat-up Ten holding a gun.

                            And two from the confidential:

                            Last edited by alyssa_; 25 December 2009, 11:43 PM.

                            "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                            "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


                              Oooh bless you for those caps!


                                ten got Whump pretty badly in the end of time .... nice change

