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The 10th Doctor Whump Thread

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    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post
    Yargh. On first glance, it doesn't appear to be particularly well-written. Three mistakes in the first paragraph alone. That kinda thing really puts me off a fic...
    Whoa, I didn't even notice anything. Eagle eyes! Well, I did read it at 2 AM... Now that you mention it, it does sound a bit awkward. You're ruining my fun!

    Haha, kidding.

    "Why exactly are you smiling?"
    "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


      I'm not sure unslinky has a beta and she definitely is writing this stuff FAST I mean - over 100,000 words in a month? *boogles*

      But the story telling is there, and whenever you get to the medical bits you can tell that she really knows her stuff. She yeah, normally the typos would throw me off, but in this rare case I make exception.


        Originally posted by ClocketPatch View Post
        I'm not sure unslinky has a beta and she definitely is writing this stuff FAST I mean - over 100,000 words in a month? *boogles*

        But the story telling is there, and whenever you get to the medical bits you can tell that she really knows her stuff. She yeah, normally the typos would throw me off, but in this rare case I make exception.
        It's not just typos though... it's grammar mistakes and homonyms. I know I am a grammar nitpicker but to me that kind of stuff is off-putting and indicates a lack of care taken in the writing.. and perhaps a certain lack of skill. Aside from that, I found the phrasing just kinda clunky here and there... it just didn't flow. I dunno, the whole thing just gave me an overall impression of a writer with some good ideas and pretty good writing skills but needing a bit more attention to detail and a little polish.

        Unfortunately, I'm not one who can read a fic for the idea alone... the execution of the idea has to be good too.


          Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

          Unfortunately, I'm not one who can read a fic for the idea alone... the execution of the idea has to be good too.
          Fair enough. If I saw the same mistakes going down in a novel I wouldn't buy/read it. With fic I'm more lax.


            Originally posted by alyssa_ View Post
            ^Well, I have yet another fic rec for you to catch up on!

            Degeneration by unslinky. I tried reading Broken Angel (linked by reddwarfaddict a little further up the page) but it got way too long and I lost interest since I have the attention span of a peanut. There's so many fics I haven't read (or at least read partially) just for that reason!
            Yeah I stopped reading halfway through Broken Angel too, it just got really predictable and took ages to get to the point.

            Degeneration is great, but it's also taking ages to get to the point too. Unslinky is a crazy mofo writer too. She writes like the speed of light and has all the medical stuff hands down.

            As for typos... I think everyone who writes here is guilty of a typo or two I've seen a typo in one of the Doctor Who novels but it's not really an issue with me if the story's good.

            As for whump in SJA...

            Or maybe LACK OF whump. Thoguh there was some IMPLIED, when they got put into the pocket of time they all fell unconscious, so I like to assume the Doctor did too, but he just woke up quicker


              There was some pretty intense Clyde!whump, but that jus made me sad, because I love Clyde to bits and don't want him whumped *wraps Clyde in a blanket of hugs* ...I was kind of sad too because I wasn't paying attention during the previews and thought the Doctor was the one getting zapped. Alas.


                I'd bet a fair amount of money that there's going to be whump in tonight's episode.

                "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"



                  [Spoilers for The Waters of Mars]
                  No real physical whump - other than being thrown forward by the explosion - but oh my, plenty of angst!


                    An hour is not long enough! And now we have to wait until Xmas for more! Though I suppose it's a shorter wait than last time.

                    Originally posted by Alipeeps View Post

                    [Spoilers for The Waters of Mars]
                    No real physical whump - other than being thrown forward by the explosion - but oh my, plenty of angst!
                    More spoilers for TWoM:

                    He seemed so dazed after that explosion, I had my fingers crossed! And then nothing. Hopefully there will be fics galore...surely it was just the adrenalin that stopped him from hurting? I mean, his helmet was smashed (again!), I refuse to believe he walked away unscathed!


                      After he got taken down by the explosion I seriously thought he was down for a bit until he got up

                      Angst and physical whump just aren't the same thing!


                        Okay, so I would've lost money on that bet but THAT was satisfying in it's own right.

                        Power-hungry Doctor kicks ass.

                        "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                        "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


                          So, I was looking for any hints of whump in the End of Time trailer...

                          What's up with the Doctor's suit here? Looks like he got shot in the chest or something. (char marks?) That'd fit well with the set reports stating that the Doctor was seen clutching his chest.

                          Maybe he got nailed in the chest by one of those massive laser things...

                          "Why exactly are you smiling?"
                          "The worse it gets, the more I love it!"


                            Originally posted by reddwarfaddict View Post
                            After he got taken down by the explosion I seriously thought he was down for a bit until he got up

                            Angst and physical whump just aren't the same thing!
                            Too true. We have been sorely lacking in physical whump since around Season 3 really. Dayum but that was a good season for 10th whump!


                              Originally posted by alyssa_ View Post
                              So, I was looking for any hints of whump in the End of Time trailer...

                              What's up with the Doctor's suit here? Looks like he got shot in the chest or something. (char marks?) That'd fit well with the set reports stating that the Doctor was seen clutching his chest.

                              Maybe he got nailed in the chest by one of those massive laser things...
                              I'd heard somewhere or other (possible when the Matt set pictures started coming out, that the Doctor's suit had been 'compromised' I'm thinking just charred hole across the chest counts as compromised.

                              (And then it apparently went missing?)


                                So, while we all wait for the final episodes featuring ten (I will sob like a baby when it happens), I bring you whump!fic:

                                Detox by TheSoliloquy. It's a 'Unicorn and Wasp' AU extra scene. This author is a fan of Doctor Who but hasn't written any other fics for it....yet. It is *delicious*, but I must admit, I did feel rather sorry for the poor Doctor by the end.
                                Last edited by Libre; 02 December 2009, 12:59 AM.

