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    Thank goodness it's not up to him..
    Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
    - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


      Well, I daresay it doesn't really matter as he knows the reaction to these statement of his and that's the sole reason he makes them... I daresay none of his "suggestions" was said in earnest...
      Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
      Yes, I am!
      Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
      Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
      Peter Pan R.I.P



        Top TV SHows of 2008


        “Supernatural,” the CW/“Torchwood,” BBC America/“Doctor Who,” Sci Fi: Don’t make me pick just one genre favorite! The unheralded but excellent “Supernatural” is by far the most consistent of the three, packing meaty thrills, dude-tastic humor and solid storytelling into each episode. “Torchwood” is by far the cheekiest and sexiest of the trio, and despite some sigh-inspiring wobbles, it was even more satisfying in its frequently imaginative and compelling second season. “Doctor Who” was the most maddeningly inconsistent of the three, but when it worked, its mixture of wicked humor, slightly skewed sci-fi storytelling and poignant relationship drama was satisfying indeed. And David Tennant was simply brilliant as the Doctor; he’ll be missed when he exits the role after a series of 2009 specials.


          The Next Doctor Press Launch

          This years' Doctor Who Christmas Special, The Next Doctor, had it's press launch today.
          Unfortunately due to the fact that he still recovering from his operation David was unable to attend, however Russell T Davies said he was confident that David will be fit enough to return to filming for the show on 19th January.

          He said "We will be very careful with him. The problem has been fixed but I don't think we'll be swinging him on a wire on his first day back."

          He also confirmed that the first of next years specials will be filmed abroad saying:
          "It's going to be quite exotic, I can't tell you where, but we've got four days filming abroad, to give it a bit of size and a new feel to it."

          Russell said each special would feature a different companion and that he would write David's two final stories as the Doctor which will be broadcast "toward the end of next year". Adding "The big climax is mine, all mine."


            LOL, I do love RTD He's such a character.

            I also agree a lesser known actor is a better choice - I really would prefer to be seeing "the Dr".
            I'm a bit worried i'm gonna be thinking "Begbie" for SGU! Altho hopefully a good actor will make you forget those other roles and make you believe the one they are right then.

            So, no more rumours that it's David Hewlett? *ducks to avoid eggs*


              Davies: 'The Doctor could be a woman'
              Thursday, December 18 2008, 18:00 GMT

              By Lara Martin

              Doctor Who writer Russell T. Davies has suggested that the title character could eventually be played by a woman.

              The Doctor has been played by a male actor since 1963 but Davies admitted that a female could take over the iconic part if people supported the idea.

              "I think the more it's talked about, the more likely it is to happen," he said at a press conference to promote the upcoming Christmas special The Next Doctor.

              When asked which actresses he would like to see in the role, he answered: "Lesley Sharp or Catherine Zeta Jones."

              Current Doctor David Tennant is bowing out from the show next year after five years in the role, but Davies warned that replacing him could be a lengthy progress.

              "It's a big deal to set up," he said. "Whoever becomes the Doctor has got to take on a whole life. It's a lot of soul-searching to do."

              Last month David Morrissey revealed that he would "jump" at the chance to portray the Time Lord, fuelling speculation that he had been shortlisted for the part.


              Davies: 'Zeta-Jones could be Doctor'

              Friday, December 19 2008, 06:49 GMT

              By Michael Thornton

              Russell T. Davies has put forward Catherine Zeta-Jones as a possible future Doctor.

              The Doctor Who showrunner, who hands over the reigns to Steven Moffat for the next full series, revealed that he would like to see the Entrapment actress take on the iconic role.

              "I think the more [a female Doctor] is talked about, the more likely it is to happen," he said, adding that he would cast Zeta-Jones or Lesley Sharp.

              However, Davies admitted that he has no say in who gets to play the character's next incarnation after David Tennant's departure, adding: "It's a big deal to set up. Whoever becomes the Doctor has got to take on a whole life. It's a lot of soul-searching to do."

              The writer will remain in charge of the show for four specials in 2009, including Tennant's final scenes. "The big climax is mine, all mine," he said.




                Dec 20 2008

                Doctor Who: Top 10 actors tipped to replace David Tennant - see our gallery and vote


                With Catherine Zeta Jones and Clocking Off star Lesley Sharp named as possible successors to David Tennant, speculation as to who will be the next Doctor Who has reached fever pitch.

                With excitement growing over the cyberman-filled Christmas special - on at 6pm on 25 December - speculation has swelled still further over who will play the 11th timelord.

                David Morrissey is often named and even stars alongside Tennant in next week's festive episode, called tantalisingly The Next Doctor.

                Bookies Paddy Power have named Paterson Joseph as the favourite to take over the role, offering odds of 3-1 on him becoming the first black doctor.
                He has already appeared in two episodes of the show playing Roderick alongside previous doctor, Christopher Eccleston.

                Life on Mars star John Simm meanwhile is given odds of 8-1to pick up the keys to the Tardis - unlikely, as he's already starred in the show at the Doctor's arch enemy The Master.

                REST AT LINK ABOVE


                  Ten hints about 'The Next Doctor'
                  Thursday, December 18 2008, 15:54 GMT

                  By Neil Wilkes, Editor

                  With much excitement, I toddled along to the press screening of the much-anticipated Doctor Who Christmas special this morning. There are a million and one questions surrounding 'The Next Doctor' - "is David Morrissey the successor of David Tennant?" being the chief curiosity - but in keeping with the spirit of things I'll leave that one firmly unanswered. Instead I offer you these ten tantalising teasers:

                  1. The mysterious Cybershades can jump quite high.

                  2. Neither the Doctor nor the Other Doctor recognise each other. But the latter doesn't remember much anyway.

                  3. There are two words that the Doctor never refuses.

                  4. The Other Doctor has a TARDIS - and it's magnificent.

                  5. For a while Rosita becomes the Doctor's companion (but then you'll know that already if you've read our interview with the lovely Velile Tshabalala).

                  6. The script includes the customary line "what about the children?"

                  7. At least one previous incarnation of the Doctor makes an appearance.

                  8. Miss Hartigan (Dervla Kirwan) is a very special lady.

                  9. The Other Doctor's fobwatch is a very important clue.

                  10. "I suppose ** *** ***, **** ***** ** *****."



                    Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                    Ten hints about 'The Next Doctor'
                    Thursday, December 18 2008, 15:54 GMT

                    By Neil Wilkes, Editor

                    With much excitement, I toddled along to the press screening of the much-anticipated Doctor Who Christmas special this morning. There are a million and one questions surrounding 'The Next Doctor' - "is David Morrissey the successor of David Tennant?" being the chief curiosity - but in keeping with the spirit of things I'll leave that one firmly unanswered. Instead I offer you these ten tantalising teasers:

                    1. The mysterious Cybershades can jump quite high.

                    2. Neither the Doctor nor the Other Doctor recognise each other. But the latter doesn't remember much anyway.

                    3. There are two words that the Doctor never refuses.

                    4. The Other Doctor has a TARDIS - and it's magnificent.

                    5. For a while Rosita becomes the Doctor's companion (but then you'll know that already if you've read our interview with the lovely Velile Tshabalala).

                    6. The script includes the customary line "what about the children?"

                    7. At least one previous incarnation of the Doctor makes an appearance.

                    8. Miss Hartigan (Dervla Kirwan) is a very special lady.

                    9. The Other Doctor's fobwatch is a very important clue.

                    10. "I suppose ** *** ***, **** ***** ** *****."

                    Ooh, ooh (My opinions only of course)

                    1. The mysterious Cybershades can jump quite high. - Really

                    2. Neither the Doctor nor the Other Doctor recognise each other. But the latter doesn't remember much anyway. - Regeneration number 12 or 13 maybe

                    3. There are two words that the Doctor never refuses. - Right

                    4. The Other Doctor has a TARDIS - and it's magnificent. - A newer one maybe

                    5. For a while Rosita becomes the Doctor's companion (but then you'll know that already if you've read our interview with the lovely Velile Tshabalala). - She looks ok in the trailers

                    6. The script includes the customary line "what about the children?" Of course

                    7. At least one previous incarnation of the Doctor makes an appearance. - This we've heard

                    8. Miss Hartigan (Dervla Kirwan) is a very special lady. - Dare I say the R word, Rani

                    9. The Other Doctor's fobwatch is a very important clue. - Ah, the old I-am-a-timelord-but-I've-been-hidden-from-our-enemies bit

                    10. "I suppose ** *** ***, **** ***** ** *****." Huh???


                      Originally posted by Madwelshboy View Post
                      Davies: 'The Doctor could be a woman'
                      Thursday, December 18 2008, 18:00 GMT

                      By Lara Martin

                      Doctor Who writer Russell T. Davies has suggested that the title character could eventually be played by a woman.

                      The Doctor has been played by a male actor since 1963 but Davies admitted that a female could take over the iconic part if people supported the idea.

                      "I think the more it's talked about, the more likely it is to happen," he said at a press conference to promote the upcoming Christmas special The Next Doctor.
                      Hang on. He is the same guy who openly dismissed the idea a few years back!

                      I guess it is not surprising given he is leaving, that now, now it makes no difference what he thinks, that he would consider it possible to do.

                      It has always been possible, you just need to write it that way! Fandom will always find a reason to complain about any casting decisions, but if the scripts are good and the acting is great, it can work.

                      Also why do they need to call the Christmas companion Rosita? It is far too close to Rose. OR is that a pointer to something?


                        Oh #3 has totally got to be
                        help me

                        Am unsure how I feel about cybermen, but will happily wait and see - 5 sleeps!


                          There's a new preview clip up on the BBC Dr. Who website.
                          Long before you and I were born, others beat these benches with their empty cups,
                          To the night and its stars, to the here and now with who we are.

                          Another sunrise with my sad captains, with who I choose to lose my mind,
                          And if it's all we only pass this way but once, what a perfect waste of time.


                            RTD doesn't like stargate



                              Oh nice!
                              I love how he managed to completely insult all the poor guys associated with the casting in '04 "Oh, but now they're talking about proper actors" .
                              He such a sarcastic don't-care-what-you-think kinda guy, and in some ways you gotta admire that.


                                'Dr Who' boss discusses new companions
                                Monday, December 22 2008, 07:10 GMT

                                By Ben Rawson-Jones, Cult Editor

                                Doctor Who showrunner Russell T. Davies has dropped a few hints about the Time Lord's sidekicks in the 2009 adventures.

                                "What everyone’s missing is that there will be a new companion," Davies told The Times, referring to the intense speculation about David Tennant's successor.

                                "We’ve got a young female companion at Easter, and then a much older woman next Christmas - someone in her fifties or sixties. I love that."

                                Davies also revealed that he has to be careful about the actresses he uses in case it disadvantages his replacement Steven Moffat.

                                "It’s made casting next year’s four specials difficult because we’re going, 'Well, that’s an interesting actress, but they might want her for series five’," he said. "We don’t want to ruin anyone’s chances of being the new companion by casting her for a one-off."


