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Doctor Who (spoilers for any ep aired in the UK)

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    Did TPTB get the idea and personality of Janus from Dr Who?

    I just think the idea of a time machine and a kind of erratic guy must have come from Dr Who influences. I'd love to see Janus come back for a few episodes in a Dr Who fashion `just pooping by` and constantly saying `fantastic` at everything Mckay tells him.

    Granted Ecclestone does play a better Dr but still, I was just wondering if Joe or anyone had ever said where they had got the inspiration from.
    The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic - Stalin
    The viewpoint of one person is not the viewpoint of all - ShadowMaat
    Dulce et Decorum est pro patria mori - Horace
    All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing - Edmund Burke
    Wise men talk because they have something to say, fools talk because they have to say something - Plato
    An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind - Gandhi
    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake - Napoleon


      i just want to find out 1 thing cause i cant find info on it anywhere else, are they going to actually travel to any alien worlds? ive read the plots for most of the episodes and there all set on earth in one form or another. going to other worlds is a central part of doctor who, so i would expect to see it happen.

      i understand creating alien worlds isnt cheap and i dont expect to see it in every episode, but atleast 1 episode this season has to be on an alien world doesnt it? it wouldnt feel like doctor who if all they ever did was go from one time period on earth to another.


        Caught another glimpse of the badge:

        And magnified 300%:

        Still looks like Pertwee to me.

        "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
        "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
        BAD WOLF!!!


          Finally got it downloaded! Loved it, especially the scene where the Doctor walks into the room full of army guys, finds himself on the wrong end of all their weapons, and just starts ordering them around, and they obey! Also loved the effects on the spacecraft taking out Big Ben and then dropping into the Thames. And the "slight miscalculation" - not twelve hours, but twelve months ... very like the Doctor.... and very like the TARDIS.

          Can't wait until next week!
          I'd start a revolution if I could get up in the morning.


            It was brilliant, and IT HAD A CLIFFHANGER like it always did when I was little.

            Saturday's in five more days...



              Oh yes indeed. It felt much more 'right' to have the doctor and the companion in an apparently inescapable situation and then the 'EEEEEEWWWWWW' noise starts and we get the end credits. That's the way it should be.

              Loved the bit where he sorted the TARDIS out by whacking a console with a mallet. Class!


                Originally posted by Madeleine_W
                It was brilliant, and IT HAD A CLIFFHANGER like it always did when I was little.

                Saturday's in five more days...
                I hope they continue this trend because it just makes it all far more suspenseful- though I wish they'd not show the next week trailer on these cliffhanger eps as it kinda ruins it a little!


                  Originally posted by IMForeman
                  Caught another glimpse of the badge:

                  And magnified 300%:

                  Still looks like Pertwee to me.

                  *squints a bit* yup I see what you mean but it's just sooooooo hard to tell! I wonder if they'll in each ep hide a ref to the old doctor who and see if fans can spot it?


                    Saturday 23rd April 2005

                    Episode: Five
                    Title: World War Three
                    Synopsis: With the Doctor, Rose and Harriet Jones trapped inside Downing Street, the world edges towards mankind's first Interplanetary War.

                    You can rewatch the trailer for this Saturdays episode at

                    Also of note - the 6th episode of Doctor Who: Confidential on the 30th April is on the Daleks. For a listing of what is appearing on each episode of Doctor Who: Confidential view


                      The Sun Newspaper in the UK has printed an article regarding the return of the Daleks. There is also an image - for the time being I will type out the article and enclose it in spoiler tags and I will post the image if people wish to see it - which I am sure you willl.

                      Here we go then

                      DOCTOR BOO HOO

                      Sobbing Dalek set free by silly Billie

                      DR Who's enemy the Dalek makes its big return this month - as a CRYBABY.

                      The Time Lord finds a lone pepperpot alien chained up and sobbing.
                      Sidekick Rose, played by Billie Piper feels pity for the creature as its tortured in Utah.

                      But when she strokes it, the evil monster absorbs her DNA - and sets off on an extermination spree. The Dalek - a million light-years from home - is being held prisoner by barmy billionaire collector Henry Van Statten.

                      But when he learns that the Doc (Christopher Eccleston) is also an alien, he tortures the Time Lord too.

                      The episode is to be shown on BBC1 on April 30th, also stars former Corrie heart-throb Bruno Langley.

                      A show insider said: "Rose sets off a chain of events that can only cause catastrophe." The Daleks, saved for the show by The Sun, return in force later for a space war.


                        Originally posted by TheWarrior
                        The Sun Newspaper in the UK has printed an article regarding the return of the Daleks.
                        Is that today's Sun? I don't usually get the Sun but will pop up to get one if it's todays??


                          Originally posted by Egeria
                          Is that today's Sun? I don't usually get the Sun but will pop up to get one if it's todays??
                          Yep its todays Sun. I've scanned the image onto my computer ready if people would like to see the image.


                            Watched the latest ep sitting in Detroit Airport waiting for my connecting flight. What a great way to keep from slipping into unconsciousness at five in the AM. So far the show seems to have a good balance of off-the-wall stuff and intriguing ideas. I hope the US picks it up eventually. Stupid Americans. (and for those itching to neg, that's a joke and I'm an American, myself, thankyouverymuch)


                              Originally posted by TheWarrior
                              Yep its todays Sun. I've scanned the image onto my computer ready if people would like to see the image.
                              Thanks...would you mind giving us a look at the image because my local shop has sold out the Sun (typical isn't it??)


                                Image is abit grainy I'm afraid - wasn't a perfect image in the paper itself. Spoilers below:

