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Doctor Who (spoilers for any ep aired in the UK)

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    Originally posted by BruTak
    Major Clanger, ma'am! Lt. R.J. Beaton, Team SG-999, reporting ma'am!

    The campaign to revive UNIT begins here!
    Under the command of Brigadier Winifred Bambera, UNIT is on the march!

    So far, me and the rest of the nutters at SG-999 have decided that new UNIT should comprise the following members:

    Major Richard Sharpe (Sean Bean).
    Captain Dale Dye, USMC (Ret.)
    RSM Patrick Augustine Harper (Daragh O'Malley).
    BSM Williams (Windsor Davis).
    Sgt. Eddie Stone, SAS.

    We'll try and fins something for Marshal Teague and Ray Winstone to do as well.
    I think you might find that the UK UNIT team is led by a Colonel these days; well, two actually.
    Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
    - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


      Originally posted by BruTak
      Major Clanger, ma'am! Lt. R.J. Beaton, Team SG-999, reporting ma'am!
      ohhhhh... where do you all hang out? Doesn't Major Clanger get to do anything? Take care of the Lt. Col in charge, and the RSM for example?

      Originally posted by Mr Prophet
      I think you might find that the UK UNIT team is led by a Colonel these days; well, two actually.
      Ah, well in that case, we'll be needing Lt.Col Richard Sharpe from Sharpe's Waterloo then.

      And, if Mads is still reading: he's from The (proper) North, too, which is always a bonus.

      Ep two (can't remember the title) was fab - I loved Jabe and the instant connection she had with the Doctor. Pleased that the words Lord and Time were mentioned in the proper order, and was shocked at the fact that he allowed Cassandra to ... well, what happened? She exploded. yeuch.

      Loved CE's angsty portrayal - the manic happy bits seem to be to compensate.

      And I deffo want the TARDIS packaged boxed set of DVDs. The gruesomes might just find it under the Tree later this year. They adore Dr Who - I can't wait until they meet Daleks. They have seen a photo of me, aged about 4 or 5, sitting in a Dalek at a Dr Who exhibition in the late 60s (anyone who s******s or starts to count on their fingers will Get The Spoon)

      Can't wait for Saturday!
      In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king



        Doctor in Oz

        Good News for Oz fans of Doctor Who.

        BBC Worldwide has licensed the new series of Doctor Who to ABC TV in a deal secured by BBC Worldwide's Australian sales arm.

        The 13 part series is due to screen in mid-May 2005 in a prime-time slot.

        view more:


          OK...UNIT coming back sounds cool. Ep 4 would be a good oppitunity for that.

          The Brigidier(almost certainly messed up the spelling) is firstly now gonna be ancient(in one of the books he had his youth restored but that was set in 2010) and secondly, even if they did a Brig ep set in the 1970s, while(in the books I read including him) I could see him and any of the old school Doctors on the same cricket team, selling the Brigidier and Ecclestone Doctor as mates to newbies could be messy.

          Anyway...ep 3 has been aired.

          1. Shouldn't Rose have known enough about the Victorian era to know she would have (to quote the Doctor) 'started a riot' wearing 21st century clothes in the 1860s? It would have been better to have her nervous about that side of things herself.

          2. Nice work with Charles Dickens.

          3. The whole thing with those spirit aliens always came accross as too good to be true.

          Overall, it was still decent but the pace was slowed and the quality dipped a bit. I guess they couldn't keep the hot stuff coming but as ep 4 looks to have us coming back to 2005 with a pretty big bang...


            3. My Firstborn agreed with you. He needed a running commentary but kept correcting me during the middle bit when I was trying to tell him that no, the blue spirits aren't baddies.

            1. Yeah. Oh well.

            I liked it. It was atmospheric and - ( :: does stuck record bit :: ) - felt like Old Doctor Who without being outdated.



              Originally posted by Matt G
              OK...UNIT coming back sounds cool. Ep 4 would be a good oppitunity for that.
              Well, UNIT definitely will be showing up in Episode 5, "World War III." Check it out, it's on the last page description for that weeks episode of Doctor Who Confidential. Apparantly, the Doctor instructs Mickey on how to access UNIT's website and call for help.

              "There's not a little boy born who wouldn't tear the world apart to save his mummy... and this little boy can." --The Doctor.
              "The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called Aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."--The Question.
              BAD WOLF!!!


                What's these references to wolves? Did I catch Gwyneth saying something about them? Then on the 'Next Week...' trailer, I saw the word 'Wolf' painted onto the TARDIS. What's going on?


                  Sat's ep got 8.34 million- beat everything on tv that day!!! Pretty good going and the bbc must be over the moon!


                    Originally posted by Hywel
                    What's these references to wolves? Did I catch Gwyneth saying something about them? Then on the 'Next Week...' trailer, I saw the word 'Wolf' painted onto the TARDIS. What's going on?
                    Wolves of fenric? Seriously -wonder if it's something to do with the war?


                      Originally posted by BritAngie
                      Sat's ep got 8.34 million- beat everything on tv that day!!! Pretty good going and the bbc must be over the moon!
                      It beat the Royal Wedding :-)

                      Doctor Who (BBC) 8.3 million
                      Casuality (BBC) 8.0 million
                      Grand National (BBC) 7.3 million
                      Ant and Dec (ITV) 7.1 million
                      Royal Wedding (BBC) 6.2 million


                        Originally posted by BritAngie
                        Wolves of fenric? Seriously -wonder if it's something to do with the war?
                        It seems possible... But what I'm dying to know is what really happened to Gallifrey. It can't have been blown up in the conventional sense, or the Doctor could simply travel far enough back in time to help. Something else must have happened, perhaps to erase it from the timeline? I wonder what happened to Leela and K-9?


                          Originally posted by TheWarrior
                          It beat the Royal Wedding :-)

                          Doctor Who (BBC) 8.3 million
                          Casuality (BBC) 8.0 million
                          Grand National (BBC) 7.3 million
                          Ant and Dec (ITV) 7.1 million
                          Royal Wedding (BBC) 6.2 million

                          Yup-it fair warms the cockles of my heart to see geeky sci fi tv wipe the floor with everything on that day and then some! Sci fi goes mainstream!


                            Next Weeks looks interesting - Big Ben being hit with the alien space ship.

                            I read in todays tv guide the next episode is a two parter, then we have the Delaks episode :-) If next weeks and the week after that episode is good - it means we have three excellent episodes on the trot :-)


                              Originally posted by BritAngie
                              Sci fi goes mainstream!
                              Lol! I'm loving the new Doctor Who, it deserves all the viewing figures, in my opinion . It's highly amusing, which helps I love the character interaction between the Doc and Rose, and even though I was highly sceptical about Billie Piper at the beginning, I think she's doing an alright job.
                              Uncontrolled Destiny
                              My Atlantis Music Videos (Shep/Weir and Misc.)


                                Originally posted by Hywel
                                It seems possible... But what I'm dying to know is what really happened to Gallifrey. It can't have been blown up in the conventional sense, or the Doctor could simply travel far enough back in time to help. Something else must have happened, perhaps to erase it from the timeline? I wonder what happened to Leela and K-9?
                                I guess it depends on a couple of things-whether the doctor can't go back to help Gallifrey for some technical reason (whomever did it must be powerful to destroy the timelords so who knows) , or whether he *wants* to go back and do that- remember how he reacted when Tegan asked him to go back and rescue Adric. Or perhaps him going back wouldn't make a slightest bit if difference because it was all too large a war/job for him to make a difference on his own. Maybe for all we know he has been back a few times to try and save Gallifrey but maybe it made things worse or no difference. If so he'd be pretty despondent and might be the reason why he's not been very proactive at saving the day or taking charge so far in the last few eps. He's been very reationary rather than sussing out realy on that something is amiss. Maybe we have a doctor who feels he's been defeated this time on the war issue..maybe that's why he had to regenate? Perhaps that was a result of trying to help? I know there are 8th doctor books and wotnot with a war story arc involving Gallifrey but I've not read them. I have to wonder if the new series will use that or ignore it and do their own riff. I hope they do their own riff.

