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Torchwood Episode Discussion (Spoilers for all eps aired in the UK)

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    Well from the start I was worried as this was a HR story but thankfully she stayed away from silly monsters (fraking up Doctor Who canon! ).

    I had a bit of a giggle at the army guy when he held up his pyjamas and said something about being a hero wearing pyjamas...*The Doctor, Arthur Dent*

    Anyway, good episode, not brilliant. I didn't want to throw anything at any of them; and Owen is fast becoming a fave character, if only I could completely forget the date*cough*drug he used in series one...

    I think they (tptb) are trying hard to make all the characters more likable, which isn't a bad thing but I hope they don't try too hard as that can end up being worse then when we hated them. Ianto as the teaboy *hugs* but Tosh as the vixen, well homely vixen was a good change and about time she got some!

    The idea wasn't new, I think in more recent times The X Files did a similar ep, probably some other shows I don't watch have done similar things, heck even Doctor Who but I think it was more about the guy then the "scifi" and I have to say that is how I like my scifi, about the people not so much *all* about the tech/faux science.

    Oh, oh Ianto taking it up to Jack like that, on his desk no less was *grrrlll* that will satisfy my slash needs for another week... almost. *I have many needs*

    All in all it didn't suck and makes me really hopeful for the next, what? 9, 10 eps? Even if bf is on next week.

    Funny thing for me about this ep... OT
    the Harriot character has my last name and she was played by an actress called Hewlett. Weird. I almost fell off my chair when they said her name as you don't hear the surname a lot even in British shows. And then to have the actress actually called Hewlett... what a strange world it is. Wonder if she is any relation to David?


      for a tosh episode, i liked it. i agree that they do seem to want to make each character more likeable and i'm starting to like Owen when i hated him in the first season.

      Sig made by Suekay.


        Really quick question. In KKBB there was a line that Capt. John used, "the palace end of the pavement." Is that the curb or is it something like off the property?

        I'm really trying to understand the little things.


          Sorry, I don't remember that line so I can't help there.

          This week's episode - "To the Last Man" - shame the soldier didn't seem as though he came from 1918, wasn't it? It didn't even seem as though they had tried to write his dialogue to sound as though it came from that period, since nearly all his lines could have been spoken by a 21st century character without seeming out of place. Well, o.k., he did need "24/7" explained to him, but that's a very new phrase. I know he'd had about 90 days subjective time to get used to the more modern world, but I don't think his speech would have changed that much in 90 days. They could have tried a bit harder, couldn't they?

          Also, I know they were trying to do character stuff, but the plot didn't seem very original, and I would have liked it if it included more of Jack's first-hand knowledge of the period.
          Please... leave the touching to the experts.


            Well then, with three episodes released, I have to say my intial impression of Torchwood's second season is... not bad. Some daring storylines no doubt, and great character moments. Turning Ianto and Toshiko up a notch and Owen down a notch is a successful move on the writer's part. Obviously the team is much more cohesive and less fractured as a unit, which is a welcome start. Though how they managed to function effectively without Jack is a mystery to me. He is the lighthouse that guides Torchwood through the fog, a job which Gwen seems hardly equipped to manage.

            That Gwen is getting married is nice, but not great. I preferred her better as being more wild, and less domestic. Toshiko's attraction to Owen is pointless, and she can do better. She also carries some fancy new scanning device ala the Ancient handset in Stargate: Atlantis. How convenient. Owen... his "let's have sex" comment in 'Sleeper' was interesting. Ianto has some marvellous one-liners and delivers them with such a deadpan manner that makes it all the more hilarious. And finally, Jack has more bounce and less angst this season, with all the charm and power we've already come to love.

            Antagonists this season so far have been enjoyable as well. Jack's former partner John was a hoot, the sleeper cells were great, BUT the Rift plot is wearing a bit thin, leave time-travel for the TARDIS, I think having it predominantly in the show is a deus ex machina we could do without.


            Criticisms are minimal, I'll mull over them and if I still feel passionate about them I may bring some up. One question that really bugs me though: If Torchwood in Scotland is the original establishment, and Torchwood Cardiff has to deal with the Rift, then what the hell was Torchwood London ever used for? They seemed to be the primary division, but I cannot think how they would of had so much work.

            What do you think?
            Last edited by Dusk; 02 February 2008, 10:37 PM.


              TW1 was clearly the head office. The Scottish one was supposed to be just one old guy in Glasgow (and having seen the preview at the end of KKBB, I'm hoping that turns out to be Richard Briers, because the Laird of Glenboggle as head of Torchwood would be hilarious), so I guess they moved the ops centre south.

              TW1 also housed the purpose built storage facility, R&D labs and administration centre. From Ianto's more recent portrayal, one would suspect that he was that guy in files who knows all the contents backwards. It was also in a newish building, with some construction apparently ongoing, so it's possible that they were still in the process of finalising the move from Torchwood House.
              Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
              - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.


                Was it ever stated that Torchwood House was the location of Torchwood HQ? I just assumed that Queen Victoria used the name Torchwood out of honour and respect and set up Torchwood 1 in London.

                "Five Rounds Rapid"



                  Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                  Was it ever stated that Torchwood House was the location of Torchwood HQ? I just assumed that Queen Victoria used the name Torchwood out of honour and respect and set up Torchwood 1 in London.
                  It might have been the HQ at the very beginning of Torchwood's life, at the end of Tooth and Claw Lady Isobel said she wanted to leave so they may have bought the house from her, this is only speculation of course but it makes sense


                    Goodness! The new and improved Torchwood rocks!

                    I'm stateside, so we just saw Sleepers tonight. That episode was fantastic.

                    I'm loving talkative Ianto, and Owen hasn't annoyed me yet, which is already saying something.

                    I'm with Shadow about the Gwen/Jack shipping though. Hopefully that stops soon: 1. I like Jack/Ianto, and 2. Gwen needs to figure out who or what she wants, and I'm tired of her changing her mind every six seconds. If she hits on Ianto, she'll have tried to date every man in the office.

                    I'm hoping episode three is as good as your reviews imply!
                    "Trust me. I'm a psychopath." Jekyll

                    "And I thought the end of the world couldn't get any worse" Ianto-Torchwood


                      Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                      Really quick question. In KKBB there was a line that Capt. John used, "the palace end of the pavement." Is that the curb or is it something like off the property?

                      I'm really trying to understand the little things.

                      I rewatched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" again last night...

                      this line caught me off-guard... it is actually "the palace underneath the pavement" (which is why it caught me off guard...)

                      Captain John is talking about the location-- underground-- of Torchwood Cardiff... and how huge it is.

                      And do you all think the next time agent we meet will be called "Captain Jim Harper"?????? I think I've noticed a trend there...
                      "That's what you get for dicking around"--Col. Jack O'Neill


                        Originally posted by docballen View Post
                        I rewatched "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" again last night...

                        this line caught me off-guard... it is actually "the palace underneath the pavement" (which is why it caught me off guard...)

                        Captain John is talking about the location-- underground-- of Torchwood Cardiff... and how huge it is.

                        And do you all think the next time agent we meet will be called "Captain Jim Harper"?????? I think I've noticed a trend there...
                        maybe it's a future phase

                        Sig made by Suekay.


                          Finally saw "The the Last Man" and wow! Torchwood is going three for three so far! Another strong ep.

                          I too liked the waking up once a year every year for ninety years, don't think I've seen that one done before, good twist on a well-used theme.

                          And it was a one episode love interest that was very likable- these are the types of episodes that I'm usually rather critical of, but I liked the character, both actorrs did a great job, and I believed it which I usually find near impossible with these types of stories.

                          Between the fact that it was a one off love interest episode, and a Helen Raynor episode, I hadn't been looking forward to it much, but I was pleasantly surprised and am very excited to see the next ep.


                            Speaking of To the Last Man...
                            Wasn't there some snippet on the TW Hub website last year about some guy they had to wake up periodically? Maybe this is that guy. Can't remember the details of the story on the site, though.


                              Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                              Speaking of To the Last Man...
                              Wasn't there some snippet on the TW Hub website last year about some guy they had to wake up periodically? Maybe this is that guy. Can't remember the details of the story on the site, though.
                              Yeah, although I think we were lead to believe that was Jack

                              "Five Rounds Rapid"



                                Originally posted by Flying Officer Bennett View Post
                                Yeah, although I think we were lead to believe that was Jack
                                I figured they decided they liked the idea too much to let it languish there, so having left it out of Jack's story in Sound of Drums they transferred it to its own plot.
                                Behold the majesty that is...GERALD!
                                - Read The Prophet's fan fiction at The Lost Vegas Public Library.

