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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    These are a few of my clones that you will see from time to time.

    This one is called Piglet.




    Surfer (not because he likes to surf at the beach, but surf on the net to buy me gifts. )

    Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
    My My Own Website


      Afternoon Pit! *pours coffee etc* You know the drill by now!

      Wow that's quite a collection you have there Dannii.... I have to say I'm especially impressed with Piglet, Sleepy and Kinky! Can't think why!! *whistles innocently*



        Wow, it's a bit quiet in here... is everyone getting an early start on the celebrating already?

        New Year's Eve man.... us clones and Queen... we're in for a good night!

        You better believe it boys!



          Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
          These are a few of my clones that you will see from time to time.
          My, you have quite a few, don't you! I keep forgetting to get to the store to pick up a couple myself!

          You guys have been posting like crazy in here all of a sudden! Back to previous discussions on this page (too many to multi-quote right now):
          I gave up on Smallville around season 6, got too silly and off-topic (um, isn't this show supposed to be about Clark Kent? Or at least take place in...I don't know...Smallville?!) But I do go back and watch season 4 a lot these days, wonder why? (...Mmmm Jensen...).

          I enjoy the opportunity to gawk at both Jensen and Michael Weatherly while watching Dark Angel. The show as a whole, I thought 'meh' with a few glimmers of brilliance, but those two are great actors even with sub-par material!

          I just started to watch Fringe a couple weeks ago, but I'm not really not feeling the love. I don't like Olivia at all, and so far, 3 discs into season 1, the story is all about her (and Boss Man creeps me out to no end!! He is a scary looking man!). What's this have to do with Jensen? The only thing I like about Fringe so far is Josh. Surprises me because I haven't seen him in anything since The Mighty Ducks! Dawson's Creek is SOOOOOO not my kind of show, but maybe I'll try and figure out which episodes have a good combination of Jensen AND Josh and Netflix them! Any of you who watched the show then, could you at least steer me to the correct season?

          Oh, and speaking of dreams earlier: a few days ago, I had a Jared, Jensen, and Michael Shanks dream. Nice. And why? Because Switch said on Twitter she had one and my ridiculously suggestible mind came up with its own. I'm starting to think I should be worried about how easily my brain takes suggestion.


            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            My, you have quite a few, don't you! I keep forgetting to get to the store to pick up a couple myself!
            Hey Crich!

            There's usually a couple of randoms wandering around... grab one when you see him!

            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            I just started to watch Fringe a couple weeks ago, but I'm not really not feeling the love. I don't like Olivia at all, and so far, 3 discs into season 1, the story is all about her (and Boss Man creeps me out to no end!! He is a scary looking man!). What's this have to do with Jensen? The only thing I like about Fringe so far is Josh. Surprises me because I haven't seen him in anything since The Mighty Ducks!
            Fringe is fantastic... weird, and wacky, but fantastic! I'd really urge you to stick with it. And you have to love Walter... don't you? He's such a sweetheart, I just wanna take him for ice cream! If you like Josh, looky here ... not much going on atm, but we'll get there!

            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            Dawson's Creek is SOOOOOO not my kind of show, but maybe I'll try and figure out which episodes have a good combination of Jensen AND Josh and Netflix them! Any of you who watched the show then, could you at least steer me to the correct season?
            Without checking, I'm not 100% sure but I'd say maybe S5? I think I stopped watching at S4, and having seen a couple of caps of Jensen in it, I don't recall his character... but unfortunately I do recall Jen's ridiculous haircut!

            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            Oh, and speaking of dreams earlier: a few days ago, I had a Jared, Jensen, and Michael Shanks dream. Nice.
            Nice? That's one word for it!!

            Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
            I'm starting to think I should be worried about how easily my brain takes suggestion.
            Send some of that my way then please, I really struggle to get a decent dream these days!



              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post

              Fringe is fantastic... weird, and wacky, but fantastic! I'd really urge you to stick with it. And you have to love Walter... don't you? He's such a sweetheart, I just wanna take him for ice cream! If you like Josh, looky here ... not much going on atm, but we'll get there!

              Send some of that my way then please, I really struggle to get a decent dream these days!
              I am still trying to keep an open mind about the show. I need a new show that is fairly young so that hopefully I get a few good years out of it (as opposed to Lost ending in a few months, Supernatural maybe only having 3 or 4 years left , and Chuck constantly being threatened with cancellation). I know a lot of shows take a year or so to really hit their stride. I do like Walter as character by himself, and love him as a character when interacting with Peter. Of course, I'll have to watch new episodes online since Thursdays, Supernatural takes precedence over all else!

              As for the dreams, any requests? How about I send you one of Dean facing down Jensen in a cage match a la Dark Angel's Alec-matches?


                Hey Pit

                Just a few After School Special caps



                  Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
                  I am still trying to keep an open mind about the show. I need a new show that is fairly young so that hopefully I get a few good years out of it (as opposed to Lost ending in a few months, Supernatural maybe only having 3 or 4 years left , and Chuck constantly being threatened with cancellation). I know a lot of shows take a year or so to really hit their stride. I do like Walter as character by himself, and love him as a character when interacting with Peter. Of course, I'll have to watch new episodes online since Thursdays, Supernatural takes precedence over all else!
                  I know what you mean about something young. Almost everything I was watching either has ended, or is ending... as well as Lost finishing, it's the last season of 24 now as well!

                  Ah, we get Fringe on a Sunday over here ... Thursday is Lie to me... which is another great one btw! The interaction between Walter & Peter is just brilliant, and acted so well!

                  As for the dreams, any requests? How about I send you one of Dean facing down Jensen in a cage match a la Dark Angel's Alec-matches?
                  If I was requesting nightmares, you could do that! Hehe, sorry that sounds like I'm being horrible... I don't do anything pre-Dean. But if you want to send anything Dean centric or Jensen-y from the start of Spn onwards my way, it would be greatly appreciated!

                  Hey Lizzie! Finally decided to become a Dean girl?

                  Great caps! That was a great scene... and as Sammy made quite clear... nice shorts!



                    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

                    Welcome to any newbies I may have missed.

                    Queen, I honestly don't know what you're talking about the names of my clones for? *innocent look*

                    Dean: Step away from the chocolate. Surfer bought them for, SG78fan.

                    SG78fan: Now, now, Dean, no need for violence. Especially on New Year's Day!
                    Thanks to Jumble for the icon and siggy.
                    My My Own Website


                      Originally posted by Stargate78fan View Post
                      Queen, I honestly don't know what you're talking about the names of my clones for? *innocent look*
                      Yeah yeah!

                      Lovely picspam!

                      Happy New Year Pit Dwellers!!

                      My boys have had a drink or 8 ... they got a bit rowdy...



                        Morning Pit! *pours coffee*

                        Just me and the clones so far today then?

                        You know you really didn't *need* to get us up at 8am!

                        After where you ended up after your little 'discussion', did you really think I was going to let you lounge around in bed all morning?

                        But we're so awesome you're gonna forgive us soon though... right?

                        I wouldn't count on it...

                        What Pooch said!



                          Morning, everybody, and

                          Too hung over lazy to multi quote, but great pics, Lizzie and Dannii, and it seems your clones made for a interesting new year's eve, Queen!

                          Pal and Snap never came home last night, I expect they're passed out in somebody's hammock on the island. I'm sure they'll find their way home when they get hungry, though.

                          And if not, I got some shots lined up to go on a 'Missing' poster. Front...

                          ... and side.

                          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                            Morning, everybody, and

                            Too hung over lazy to multi quote, but great pics, Lizzie and Dannii, and it seems your clones made for a interesting new year's eve, Queen!

                            Pal and Snap never came home last night, I expect they're passed out in somebody's hammock on the island. I'm sure they'll find their way home when they get hungry, though.

                            And if not, I got some shots lined up to go on a 'Missing' poster. Front...


                            ... and side.

                            Hey Stars! *squishiehuggles* Happy New Year to you too... sounds like you had a heavy night!

                            Yeah, Pic managed a lot last night by the sounds of it.... turns out he also spent half the night at Lizzie's house, drinking with her Sam clone, Boxer! Mano must've shown him where the beaming device is hidden!

                            Oh wow, those are gorgeous... I'd be careful if I were you... put posters out looking like that and people might want him for themselves! And who could blame them?



                              Afternoon all!

                              Haha suckers! I got to sleep in today!

                              Hey be nice or it won't happen again!

                              What?! Me?

                              Yes you Mr!

                              .. he's still in training

                              Whumpers Paradise


                                Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                                Hey Lizzie! Finally decided to become a Dean girl?
                                Great caps! That was a great scene... and as Sammy made quite clear... nice shorts!
                                Hmmm..3.5 I'm thinking

                                New Years Resolutions should include some work in the gym...maybe

                                Are you ready girls?


