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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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      *Wonders in* *heads toward coffee*


      Whumpers Paradise


        *spies peekage and drools*

        Hey Julie! Plenty of coffee in here!

        Yep, can't get enough of it!

        Too true Pic! Oh btw Julie, this is my clone Pic... you'll see him around and about. I took him for a visit to PBF, but Merky's clone, Tiger seems to have marked it as his territory! Most of the other guys in here have clones too... I'm sure they'll introduce them once everyone's back in!



          Ooh okay! Where do you go about finding one of these clones then?

          Whumpers Paradise


            Originally posted by MusicalMorphine View Post
            Ooh okay! Where do you go about finding one of these clones then?
            There's usually some random ones wandering in and out. Grab one when you see one... so to speak! It's naming them that's hard... I have 5 now (not all Dean, I'd explode!) and it doesn't get any easier!

            *gasps* More clones?

            Not for me hon, for our newest thunker. Don't worry, I couldn't handle any more!



              Originally posted by MusicalMorphine View Post
              Ooh okay! Where do you go about finding one of these clones then?
              Hi there, Julie, I'm stars - haven't been around for a while due to holiday induced family overload. Anyway, a belated welcome to you!

              My Dean clone is called Pal.

              Hi there, Julie! Do you come here often?

              Don't mind him, I think they overdid Dean's flirtiness a bit in his genetic makeup.

              What? I'm just being friendly.

              Of course you are. And I'm not possessive, Julie, you're welcome to 'borrow' him for a while to see what it's like having one around.

              Off for a catch-up and extended drool over whatever yummy pics have been posted during my absence.

              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                LOL, hey there! (both of you ). Thanks

                Ooh okay, I just might do that whilst looking for my own

                *Wonders off to find a clone or 3*

                Whumpers Paradise


                  Evening Pit!

                  Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                  Hi there, Julie, I'm stars - haven't been around for a while due to holiday induced family overload. Anyway, a belated welcome to you!

                  My Dean clone is called Pal.


                  Hi there, Julie! Do you come here often?

                  Don't mind him, I think they overdid Dean's flirtiness a bit in his genetic makeup.


                  What? I'm just being friendly.

                  Of course you are. And I'm not possessive, Julie, you're welcome to 'borrow' him for a while to see what it's like having one around.

                  Off for a catch-up and extended drool over whatever yummy pics have been posted during my absence.
                  Hey Stars! *squishiehuggles*

                  And helloooo Pal, long time no see!

                  Originally posted by MusicalMorphine View Post
                  Ooh okay, I just might do that whilst looking for my own

                  *Wonders off to find a clone or 3*
                  Whoa, steady on there!! Nothing like jumping in at the deep end eh? A little tip for you Julie.... Dean clones get on very well with Ronon clones... I'm sure you could live with that, right?



                    Originally posted by MusicalMorphine View Post
                    LOL, hey there! (both of you ). Thanks

                    Ooh okay, I just might do that whilst looking for my own

                    *Wonders off to find a clone or 3*

                    You know where to find me. And I got my own wheels too.

                    Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                    Evening Pit!

                    Hey Stars! *squishiehuggles*

                    And helloooo Pal, long time no see!
                    Hiya, Queen, too long time no see! *squishiehuggles back* And nice caps of the *cough* other double thunk.

                    Whoa, steady on there!! Nothing like jumping in at the deep end eh? A little tip for you Julie.... Dean clones get on very well with Ronon clones... I'm sure you could live with that, right?
                    I can attest to that.

                    Oh, I almost forgot - I had my first, full-fledged Jensen dream a few nights ago. Although technically, it was morning since I managed to fall asleep again after waking up at some ungodly hour. See what I've been missing out on with having to get up so early at home? Anyway, here's what it was about (spoilered for length)
                    The kids and I are at a con, and we meet Jensen and Jared who are waiting outside the room. Jared is joking with us, but Jensen is quiet. You can tell he's nervous. Then a woman in a black suit arrives to take them to inside, and as we walk down a corridor I notice that Jensen is missing. My son continues with Jared and the rest of the people into the room, but my daughter - who's much younger than she is now, maybe around 8 - and I head back and find Jensen pacing the floor behind a glass partition I'm thinking of going there and asking him if he's alright, but I know that he's shy and nervous at cons so I give him some space. But I stay where I can watch him. There's a kind of travel supply shop like they have at airports there, and I start talking to a bunch of people when suddenly Jensen is there. He asks us about fishing in Florida, and I must admit that I have no clue about it. The the discussion moves to making having fires on the beach, and suddenly the other people are starting to speak French, which Jensen obviously doesn't understand, so I translate for him. Then Jensen notices my daughter, and his face goes all soft, and he squats on the ground to talk to her. I ask him that somebody will come looking for him soon, but he waves it away and says Jared can handle it. He's tickling my daughter's toes to make her giggle.

                    It must be some time later because my daugter has fallen asleep by my side. Jensen is looking at the toys on display - a tote bag shaped like a fish, a plush seal with a starfish clinging to it's back - and he keeps looking at my daughter, obviously he's looking for a present for her. He rings up the stuff at a cash register, and it comes to over $67, and I'm just getting ready to tell him he doesn't have to do it when he says himself it's outrageous. He's obviously picked up some stuff for himself as well, because he starts calculating how much those would be if he bought them online or at a drug store. I look towards the door to the room where the panel is held, cause I hear loud laughter coming from there, and when I turn back Jensen's standing right next to me. He says that he's ready to go inside now. On the floor in front of my daughter are two little purses, and I want to thank him, but he turns away and I can only catch his hand for a moment, which is quite cold. Then he's gone and my daughter wakes up and opens the purses, and there are matching necklaces in each one. We head over to join the audience for the panel, and as I walk down the hallway I woke up.

                    The only awkward thing was that he looked really young, kinda like this - which is definitely NOT my favorite state of maturity.

                    Actually I don't even have pictures from this age, except for this one... and I'm sure you can guess why.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                      Today I bothered watching an episode of Smallville with Jensen on the opening credits only to realise that was the last eppie with Jensen ( mainly dead, I think).
                      Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket?

                      On the other hand I am rewatching S2 of Dark Angel which has many Jensen eppies in all (almost alll) his glory.
                      ...and Michael Weatherly

                      What posessed you into watching Smallville, uh?
                      I ask myself the same question.
                      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        Hiya, Queen, too long time no see! *squishiehuggles back* And nice caps of the *cough* other double thunk.
                        *squishiehuggles again* You can have Jen's share while she's busy studying! *sends Jen coffee, truffles, gummi bears, good study vibes and kisses*

                        Glad you like the caps!

                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        I can attest to that.
                        And they make a very pretty pair I might add!

                        Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                        Oh, I almost forgot - I had my first, full-fledged Jensen dream a few nights ago. Although technically, it was morning since I managed to fall asleep again after waking up at some ungodly hour. See what I've been missing out on with having to get up so early at home? Anyway, here's what it was about (spoilered for length)
                        The kids and I are at a con, and we meet Jensen and Jared who are waiting outside the room. Jared is joking with us, but Jensen is quiet. You can tell he's nervous. Then a woman in a black suit arrives to take them to inside, and as we walk down a corridor I notice that Jensen is missing. My son continues with Jared and the rest of the people into the room, but my daughter - who's much younger than she is now, maybe around 8 - and I head back and find Jensen pacing the floor behind a glass partition I'm thinking of going there and asking him if he's alright, but I know that he's shy and nervous at cons so I give him some space. But I stay where I can watch him. There's a kind of travel supply shop like they have at airports there, and I start talking to a bunch of people when suddenly Jensen is there. He asks us about fishing in Florida, and I must admit that I have no clue about it. The the discussion moves to making having fires on the beach, and suddenly the other people are starting to speak French, which Jensen obviously doesn't understand, so I translate for him. Then Jensen notices my daughter, and his face goes all soft, and he squats on the ground to talk to her. I ask him that somebody will come looking for him soon, but he waves it away and says Jared can handle it. He's tickling my daughter's toes to make her giggle.

                        It must be some time later because my daugter has fallen asleep by my side. Jensen is looking at the toys on display - a tote bag shaped like a fish, a plush seal with a starfish clinging to it's back - and he keeps looking at my daughter, obviously he's looking for a present for her. He rings up the stuff at a cash register, and it comes to over $67, and I'm just getting ready to tell him he doesn't have to do it when he says himself it's outrageous. He's obviously picked up some stuff for himself as well, because he starts calculating how much those would be if he bought them online or at a drug store. I look towards the door to the room where the panel is held, cause I hear loud laughter coming from there, and when I turn back Jensen's standing right next to me. He says that he's ready to go inside now. On the floor in front of my daughter are two little purses, and I want to thank him, but he turns away and I can only catch his hand for a moment, which is quite cold. Then he's gone and my daughter wakes up and opens the purses, and there are matching necklaces in each one. We head over to join the audience for the panel, and as I walk down the hallway I woke up.

                        The only awkward thing was that he looked really young, kinda like this - which is definitely NOT my favorite state of maturity.


                        Actually I don't even have pictures from this age, except for this one... and I'm sure you can guess why.
                        *is totally jealous* The only dream involving Jensen that I recall is hearing his voice, but couldn't see him!

                        And yes, I can see why you don't have many of those pics! It feels too pervy!

                        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                        Today I bothered watching an episode of Smallville with Jensen on the opening credits only to realise that was the last eppie with Jensen ( mainly dead, I think).
                        Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket?

                        On the other hand I am rewatching S2 of Dark Angel which has many Jensen eppies in all (almost alll) his glory.
                        ...and Michael Weatherly

                        What posessed you into watching Smallville, uh?
                        I ask myself the same question.
                        Hey JW! *huggles*

                        You're brave watching those, I couldn't do it. I'm tempted to start a re-watch of Dawson's Creek (yeah, yeah I know, no comments please lol) but I really don't know if I could watch the eps with Jensen in, and from what I gather it's quite a lot of eps and a good chunk of storyline is in those eps!

                        Lovely cap!



                          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                          Hey JW! *huggles*

                          You're brave watching those, I couldn't do it. I'm tempted to start a re-watch of Dawson's Creek (yeah, yeah I know, no comments please lol) but I really don't know if I could watch the eps with Jensen in, and from what I gather it's quite a lot of eps and a good chunk of storyline is in those eps!

                          Lovely cap!
                          Indeed, I got it from a lady with very good taste

                          I actually like Dark Angel, I am fed up with Smallville and Dawson's Creek...okay, what were we discussing?
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                            Indeed, I got it from a lady with very good taste

                            I actually like Dark Angel, I am fed up with Smallville and Dawson's Creek...okay, what were we discussing?
                            LMAO, I just noticed that in the file name after I posted!

                            I know a few who watch Dark Angel actually, it just doesn't jump out at me. I did find a site with some whumpy caps from it though... it made them more liveable! I'd stopped watching DC before Jensen came into it, but I kinda wanna go back and see it again... even though I'd feel like a perv with both Jensen and Josh in it, looking how they were then, and how they do now!

                            I believe this one is classed as triple thunk...



                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              LMAO, I just noticed that in the file name after I posted!

                              I know a few who watch Dark Angel actually, it just doesn't jump out at me. I did find a site with some whumpy caps from it though... it made them more liveable! I'd stopped watching DC before Jensen came into it, but I kinda wanna go back and see it again... even though I'd feel like a perv with both Jensen and Josh in it, looking how they were then, and how they do now!

                              I believe this one is classed as triple thunk...
                              Triple threat, triple thunk, triple oh my!
                              Later, hun, I am getting tired. I hope you and all the wonderful people here have a wonderful 2010!
                              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                                Triple threat, triple thunk, triple oh my!
                                Later, hun, I am getting tired. I hope you and all the wonderful people here have a wonderful 2010!
                                I'm off soon too! Have a great New Year, and see you in 2010! *huggles* You take care of yourself!


