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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    *flys in*

    hey guys! having a terribly chaotic Saturday. Hubby starts a weird medical diet Monday and I am trying to figure it out right now. I hope to get to Gimp at some point.


      *runs ins squeeeing like a fangurl*

      OMGOMGOMG!! slizzie just made me some gifs are they.are.awesome!!!!!!! She is SO awesome!!!!!!!

      look! clickty for bigger


        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
        Whew! Talk about a busy Saturday off! Payed phone bill, got a piece of pizza for lunch, got new wallet and went grocery shopping.
        I'll be in and out of here the rest of the night if anyone's gonna be here. But it's okay if you gals wont be, I can always decorate this place.

        Oh, you will. You will. And, at some point you're gonna become a very avid Gimper. Just have Faith.
        Busy Beaver. I've been cleaning, I went for a run, I've been writing a fic, I went for a run (5K baby!).
        Its not that I don't like gimping, I really enjoy it and its lots of fun. I just don't have time. (caught your reference. good ep)

        Yeah, they are awesome on him. Except, they do tend to hide his beautiful eyes.
        WANT! THIS! MAN! NOW!!! (I love that he's wearing cowboy boots.)

        Come to think of it...wouldn't mind a Jensen-playing-guitar-sig...hmm...maybe I'll try making one...maybe..
        LOL!! Yes, they hid his eyes...but shirt and pants do the same thing...
        And me too.
        Looking forward to seeing your sig. I wouldn't mind one either.

        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
        *flys in*

        hey guys! having a terribly chaotic Saturday. Hubby starts a weird medical diet Monday and I am trying to figure it out right now. I hope to get to Gimp at some point.
        *flyingtacklehugs copter* Hi!! Sorry about your Saturday. Hopefully you can have some down time. Gimp is good, but hubby comes first.


          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          *runs ins squeeeing like a fangurl*

          OMGOMGOMG!! slizzie just made me some gifs are they.are.awesome!!!!!!! She is SO awesome!!!!!!!

          look! clickty for bigger
          Oh my word! So cute! Love cowboyDean!


            I have more gifs


              couldn't find aviators gifs, but will this do?



                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                couldn't find aviators gifs, but will this do?

                Heck yeah!!!! *THUD*
                Love it in B&W.


                  RiG, this is the best bow leg one I could find



                    and this one is just for me

                    they are all thumbnails, so please click for bigger


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      RiG, this is the best bow leg one I could find
                      LOL! I love that scene.
                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      and this one is just for me
                      they are all thumbnails, so please click for bigger
                      Heheh. Love it!


                        got go for now....but I shall return



                          Bye Copter!! *hugs*


                            Aw! Not again! I come bearing a coptor sig and again she's gone!

                            Notsure if it's better with or without the border...

                            Well, coptor, hope hubby's new diet works it's magic! And that you figure it out.

                            Love the gifs Grace. And, goody, you caught my reference. Was going to post a pic from the episode but figured that you wouldn't need the hint. Which you didn't.

                            Oh yeah, and great THUDLY pics too!

                            Sig by ME.


                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              Aw! Not again! I come bearing a coptor sig and again she's gone!

                              Notsure if it's better with or without the border...

                              Well, coptor, hope hubby's new diet works it's magic! And that you figure it out.

                              Love the gifs Grace.
                              *ahem* I posted the gifs

                              working on menu/grocery brain hurts.......It will be easier once we figure it out but right now......I need Dean to take me away!

                              I love the sig!!!!! I love them BOTH, I mean! *grabs new sigs, and runs off*


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                                Aw! Not again! I come bearing a coptor sig and again she's gone!

                                Oh. Dear. Dean. *THUD*
                                I dunno which way I like it better. They are both like magic.
                                Love the gifs Grace. And, goody, you caught my reference. Was going to post a pic from the episode but figured that you wouldn't need the hint. Which you didn't.
                                Oh yeah, and great THUDLY pics too!
                                They are Copter's gifs.
                                I am very smart.

