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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
    You have to go back and look at my last post again...I was editing it to add more story. You posted to darn quickly.
    Found it! LOL!
    I don't mind the bruises! Really, I don't!
    Until I poke them.
    I just love this picture! It's a great shot! And it kinda looks like someone artsied it up.
    Hehe, wasn't me. But I like it.

    He does have nice lips.


      Originally posted by Grace View Post
      Found it! LOL!

      Until I poke them.
      Then don't poke them.

      Hehe, wasn't me. But I like it.
      I know it wasn't you.

      He so does!

      So. Very. Kissable. Lips.
      Sig by ME.


        More lip service...

        Sig by ME.


          More lips...
          Sig by ME.


            Just a's Friday. If anyone would like to put me out of my misery, I will be checking back with bated breath waiting for spoilers...glorious spoilers!
            Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
            --Angels in America


              OMG!!! Just...OMG!!!

              I'm sorry sis but I simply refuse to ruin the end of the episode for you! It's one spoiler that I'm just gonna sit on and get comfy cuz it's a doozy!

              The ep starts out with some people camping in the woods...a guy is telling a "ghost story" about a woman named Jenny Greentree who died out the same woods...supposedly in a snowstorm. Froze to death. Carved her initials in a tree right before she died. So goes the story.

              The brother of one of the campers stumbles into the campsite three sheets to the wind, causes a stir before seeing the Shojo or the "Japanese Booze Demon" as Dean will call it later on in the ep. You can only see it when you're drunk. It kills the drunk kid...he's then found by his brother. A giant fist sized hole in his gut, blood all over him.

              Enter Garth. He questions the women about the death, posing as a cop. They tell him about the story they were told about Ms. Greentree...cut to cemetary, Garth digs up her grave and burns her bones. She's been Garthed! The next day he's enjoying something edible in his poor-excuse-of-a-car when he hears his police scanner going off. Hears that there's been a second death in the woods. He's shocked, I Garthed her!

              Dean and Sam are minding there own beeswax...driving along (Sam is driving this time) when Garth calls them. Dean doesn't remember him at first. Then he does. Garth tells them what's up and asks for their help. They agree to help him.

              Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 30 March 2012, 08:01 PM.
              Sig by ME.


                *covers ears* Lalalalala! I'll watch the new one tomorrow, until then I'm avoiding spoilers.

                Love the lip pics.


                  Sorry Grace!

                  The boys meet Garth at the morgue where Garth is wearing camos (fatigues) and talking to the coroner. The boys are in their Fedbests. All three talk to the coroner and then leave. The boys are mad when they find out the the two deceased boys are brothers. Garth defends himself...he didn't know until after he called them

                  Um...let's see...the younger sister of the now dead brothers accidentally takes a drink of her grieving mother's spiked orange juice and thus is just drunk enough to see the Shojo kill her mother.

                  It's discovered by Sam, Research Boy, that the father of the dead brothers owns a that makes Thighslapper Beer...with two other guys. A beer that, according to Dean, is drunk...drank? by douches. He rescinds that belief after he and Sam try the beer. WOW! That's actually good! I think that's what Dean said.

                  Dean and Garth show up a short time later and the little girl is not talking. Garth has an idea... Enter Mr. Fizzles. He's a sock puppet that Garth employs to get the girl to talk. It works. Much to Dean's shock. He kept telling Garth the put the sock away, enough with the sock, yadda yadda yadda. Funny stuff.

                  Alright, there's just too much to remember, way to much happened. I need a few re-watches to get it all down/straight in my head. Sorry. I really can't recall everything. Hope you understand sis.

                  Dean got to use a sword! (another spoiler goes here that I won't mention)

                  The boys get way drunk in order to see and then fight the Shojo. I remember Dean and Sam sneak into the Brewery...Dean notices a security camera up in one corner of office, says something funny (that I wish I could remember) and Sam get's to work on the computer to get the security feed up. That done, they rewind a few days and watch. Earlier they had found out about a bottle of Sake that was a gift to someone ...I forget who. Maybe the father. Someone brought it back from Japan I think.

                  Sorry, the rest is a blur to me now. Also, sorry this took so long.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Is it just me, or was Dean looking particularly yummy this ep?
                    Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
                    --Angels in America


                      Its all good. I'm good at avoiding them.
                      Its on my to-do list tonight.


                        Oh, it wasn't just you. I noticed too. Loved gettin' to see him wielding a sword!
                        Sig by ME.


                          AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! IDJITS!

                          Just saw the new one and AHH! Loved Dean with the sword.


                            Hello, everyone. I'm new here, and I joined because I stumbled across your wonderfully entertaining thread and wanted to be a part of it! Now, I'm so new that it won't let me do almost anything. but apparently that goes away soon enough. And I might be sporadic in my appearances. But you guys are hilarious, and your pictures are delightful, and I'm sure I can contribute at least a little! Unfortunately, being so late to join your party, I might post some pics you've all seen before. But it's probably safe to assume that you're all like me when it comes to Jensen pics, and just because you've seen a picture before doesn't make it less enjoyable. As an offering to you all, I wanted to include a picture I took myself from ChiCon last year (featuring the sweater that knew exactly what its job was), but apparently I can't do that. So as an alternative, please accept the most beautiful .gif ever created.

                            I hope this works. Here goes nothing!



                              I do have to say, that was quite a lovely .gif. Thank you.

                              And welcome, it's nice not being the newbie around here anymore.
                              Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
                              --Angels in America


                                Originally posted by bluity View Post
                                Hello, everyone. I'm new here, and I joined because I stumbled across your wonderfully entertaining thread and wanted to be a part of it! Now, I'm so new that it won't let me do almost anything. but apparently that goes away soon enough. And I might be sporadic in my appearances. But you guys are hilarious, and your pictures are delightful, and I'm sure I can contribute at least a little! Unfortunately, being so late to join your party, I might post some pics you've all seen before. But it's probably safe to assume that you're all like me when it comes to Jensen pics, and just because you've seen a picture before doesn't make it less enjoyable. As an offering to you all, I wanted to include a picture I took myself from ChiCon last year (featuring the sweater that knew exactly what its job was), but apparently I can't do that. So as an alternative, please accept the most beautiful .gif ever created.

                                I hope this works. Here goes nothing!

                                Welcome to The Pit, bluity!
                                And love the gif! The smile...*sigh*

