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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Grace View Post

    *crosses arms* Fine.

    LOL! Cute!
    Yeah...I never really noticed myself. I'm so glad I know to look out for it now.D:

    Heh, LOVE IT! (he can look at me like that if he wants to)

    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
    love that link RiG!
    I do too! I'm still perusing all the Jensen tags. God, how bad is my love for the show when I accidentally type "stull" instead of "still"?

    Chuck: But I saw it anyway. Perks of being a prophet. It's tomorrow, high noon -- Place called stull cemetery.
    Dean: Stull ceme-- Wait. I know that. That's -- that's an old boneyard outside of Lawrence. Why Lawrence?

    off to finish chores....back in abit
    We'll be here!

    Dean's wants a goodbye kiss!

    Or a welcome back kiss!
    Sig by ME.


      *sits anxiously waiting for Copter's return*
      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Heh, LOVE IT! (he can look at me like that if he wants to)
      I do too! I'm still perusing all the Jensen tags. God, how bad is my love for the show when I accidentally type "stull" instead of "still"?
      Chuck: But I saw it anyway. Perks of being a prophet. It's tomorrow, high noon -- Place called stull cemetery.
      Dean: Stull ceme-- Wait. I know that. That's -- that's an old boneyard outside of Lawrence. Why Lawrence?
      Dean's wants a goodbye kiss!
      I'll take that. *smooches*


        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
        We'll be here!
        Originally posted by Grace View Post
        *sits anxiously waiting for Copter's return*
        watch this for me until I get back, okay?



          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          watch this for me until I get back, okay?]
          No problem. *stares*


            *ahem* check out my new sig. *runz off*


              Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
              *ahem* check out my new sig. *runz off*
              Oh my word!?!?! Really? I can't believe you found that one.


                ^LOVE THAT PIC!

                Originally posted by Grace View Post
                I thought it was pretty funny too.

                I'll take that. *smooches*

                I'll take this! *nuzzles neck...nips ear...runs finger through stubble along jawline and chin...traces lips with same finger...places featherlight kisses to freckles on hollow at base of neck...glides fingers of right hand up back of neck into hair while left hand rests flat on chest...pulls head down to taste lips in a soft kiss*


                Originally posted by Grace View Post
                No problem. *stares*
                *stares with Grace*

                Young Jensen in baseball shirt! Absolutelylovethelookonhisface! And (young) bellypeekage!!!

                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                *ahem* check out my new sig. *runz off*

                Hey coptor! Where's my kiss!

                Come on! Two lips, no waiting!
                Sig by ME.


                  Originally posted by Grace View Post
                  Oh my word!?!?! Really? I can't believe you found that one.
                  do you mind?

                  Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                  Hey coptor! Where's my kiss!


                    Yeah...I'm going to pretend I didn't see that either.

                    I love young Jensen. Adorable.


                      Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                      do you mind?

                      Hehe. No I don't mind. Go ahead. I just can't believe you found/like it. It was my first Dean sig. I had made one SPN before that.


                        if that smilie bothered you, then *don't* check out my favorite stories on fan fic

                        off to finish my chores right back....


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          do you mind?

                          Is that all you saw in my post?

                          Originally posted by Grace View Post
                          Yeah...I'm going to pretend I didn't see that either.
                          See what?

                          Did I just type up that whole post for nothin'?

                          I love young Jensen. Adorable.
                          He certainly is.


                          Goth Dean.
                          Sig by ME.


                            Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                            if that smilie bothered you, then *don't* check out my favorite stories on fan fic

                            off to finish my chores right back....
                            You might have to supply us with the link. Which one are you talking about?

                            *waves* We'll be here, partying without you.

                            Don't be upset, Dean. Copter will be back.


                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              Is that all you saw in my post?
                              See what?
                              Did I just type up that whole post for nothin'?
                              No, I meant this.
                              Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                              I'll take this! *nuzzles neck...nips ear...runs finger through stubble along jawline and chin...traces lips with same finger...places featherlight kisses to freckles on hollow at base of neck...glides fingers of right hand up back of neck into hair while left hand rests flat on chest...pulls head down to taste lips in a soft kiss*
                              Sorry, I just painted my nails, and was too lazy to go through and put quote marks around everything. I'm chronically lazy.

                              Yes, ma'am!

                              Dean's gone emo because he didn't get his kiss from coptor.
                              Oh poor Dean. He looks kinda scary though...


                                Originally posted by Grace View Post
                                No, I meant this.

                                Sorry, I just painted my nails, and was too lazy to go through and put quote marks around everything. I'm chronically lazy.
                                Guess you didn't like then, huh? Was hopin' you'd laugh or something.

                                Yes, ma'am!

                                Oh poor Dean. He looks kinda scary though...
                                Yeah, agreed.

                                My favorite video!

                                Okay, off to dinner...back soon!

                                Sig by ME.

