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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
    Of course it is snurchable!!
    YES!!! Thank you1

    And I am glad to hear that you are back!! It does suck to be without power and internet!! **hugs**
    Thank you. And it really does!

    Originally posted by Grace View Post
    I'm glad it downgraded and that you are safe! But no power really sucks!
    Yeah, I wasn't so happy that it downgraded. I'm odd that way. I mean, I love weather (storms) so when I heard about the hurricane I got so excited, having not been through one since I was barely a teenager. I was really looking forward to all that wind! Oh, well...

    Love this one...the ARM! Just look at that bicep! GUH! And then there's the hand.

    Okay, a brand new pic of Jensen from this weekends con...

    ...the Ackles Ass! Tis a thing of beauty! And I just love the little belly peekage! It's just begging us to stick our hand up his shirt and...uh...yeah.

    However, I don't like what he's doing to the poor duck.
    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Yeah, I wasn't so happy that it downgraded. I'm odd that way. I mean, I love weather (storms) so when I heard about the hurricane I got so excited, having not been through one since I was barely a teenager. I was really looking forward to all that wind! Oh, well...
      Oh really? Haha! I guess it would be pretty exhilarating. I'd be scared outta my wits.
      Love this one...the ARM! Just look at that bicep! GUH! And then there's the hand.
      I know!!! *thud*

      Okay, a brand new pic of Jensen from this weekends con...
      ...the Ackles Ass! Tis a thing of beauty! And I just love the little belly peekage! It's just begging us to stick our hand up his shirt and...uh...yeah.
      However, I don't like what he's doing to the poor duck.
      Whoa!! Lovely...and its pushing me back into the gutter...


        who cares about the duck?? there is butt! and peekage!! squee!!


          Squee indeed.


            Where do you find all the great pictures?
            If you always expect the worst you get only good news


              I am Baaaaack!

              So many lovely pics since the last time I was here, and I love the sig you made Copter beautiful

              That pic with the rubber ducky has an interesting story behind it...and did you notice the message written on it? That was from Misha lol But yes peekage is always what makes a picture perfect isn't it?

              I'll try to get some of my pics to post as soon as I can...Jensen looked so Amazing

              Until then here's something nice to look at

              Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
                I love the sig you made Copter beautiful
                thanks! and hiya! good to see you here!


                  Originally posted by Grace View Post
                  Oh really? Haha! I guess it would be pretty exhilarating. I'd be scared outta my wits.
                  Exhilarating, yes. Scary, nooooo.

                  Whoa!! Lovely...and its pushing me back into the gutter...
                  Yep, that's were it pushed me, specifically the deep end.

                  Oooh, he's staring right at me!

                  Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                  who cares about the duck?? there is butt! and peekage!! squee!!
                  I know! I squeed when I first saw it too.

                  Originally posted by Grace View Post
                  Oh, love the look on his face...and the pose!

                  Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
                  I am Baaaaack!
                  Hi! Welcome back! Did ya have fun with Jensen? Is he as drop dead gorgeous in person as everyone says he is?

                  That pic with the rubber ducky has an interesting story behind it...and did you notice the message written on it? That was from Misha lol But yes peekage is always what makes a picture perfect isn't it?
                  I do know (most of) the story behind it (that when Jensen saw it he just wanted to pop it with his pocket knife - which is so cool that he carries one...and that it's something he picked up from his dad.) and I was able to read the message on the duck but I had no idea who it was from. Oh, Misha.

                  I'll try to get some of my pics to post as soon as I can...Jensen looked so Amazing
                  Oh, looking forward to those pics of yours. And of course he looked "Amazing"... He is amazing!

                  Until then here's something nice to look at

                  Ooh, very nice! To bad his pearly whites are in the way of some tongue peekage, but, I'll take what I can get!

                  While we wait for Lovin' Daniel's pics from the con I'll post two more (from the con) that I found yesterday to tide us over...

                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Exhilarating, yes. Scary, nooooo.
                    Yep, that's were it pushed me, specifically the deep end.
                    Oooh, he's staring right at me!
                    I know! I squeed when I first saw it too.
                    Oh, love the look on his face...and the pose!

                    While we wait for Lovin' Daniel's pics from the con I'll post two more (from the con) that I found yesterday to tide us over...
                    Yum!!! Thanks so much for the con pics Lovin' Daniel and RiG!!


                      Originally posted by Grace View Post
                      So glad I could make you laugh.

                      Yum!!! Thanks so much for the con pics Lovin' Daniel and RiG!!

                      Oh man, he can hold me like that any day!

                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        So glad I could make you laugh.
                        Oh man, he can hold me like that any day!
                        Yeah, I'm with you there.


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          thanks! and hiya! good to see you here!
                          You're welcome Thanks and I should say the same to you

                          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                          Hi! Welcome back! Did ya have fun with Jensen? Is he as drop dead gorgeous in person as everyone says he is?
                          Thanks I did...well as much as you can have while trying not to hyperventilate lol And yes indeed he is, I swear it should be illegal for someone to be that gorgeous

                          I do know (most of) the story behind it (that when Jensen saw it he just wanted to pop it with his pocket knife - which is so cool that he carries one...and that it's something he picked up from his dad.) and I was able to read the message on the duck but I had no idea who it was from. Oh, Misha.
                          Yeah at the breakfast Jensen said he was going to kill the duck but I don't think anyone took it seriously and we were all a bit surprised when he went psycho on it

                          Oh, looking forward to those pics of yours. And of course he looked "Amazing"... He is amazing!
                          Unfortunatley as always my pics didn't turn out all that well but, I'll throw a couple on at the end And yes he is Amazing

                          While we wait for Lovin' Daniel's pics from the con I'll post two more (from the con) that I found yesterday to tide us over...


                          Wow these ones are beautiful, I really need to get a good camera

                          Originally posted by Grace View Post

                          Yum!!! Thanks so much for the con pics Lovin' Daniel and RiG!!
                          You're welcome

                          I love that picture!


                          Originally posted by Grace View Post
                          Scruff! I love scruff

                          Okay here are a couple of my pics the first one is at the brunch and the second is from the panel

                          And this one, is one of my photo ops. I look terrible but Jensen is gorgeous

                          Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                            Originally posted by Grace View Post
                            Yeah, I'm with you there.
                            The more the merrier.


                            Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post

                            Thanks I did...well as much as you can have while trying not to hyperventilate lol

                            And yes indeed he is, I swear it should be illegal for someone to be that gorgeous
                            Ha, I knew it! And, yes, it should.

                            Uhm...not to be a nag but...
                            did ya, you know, say Hi to him for me by any chance? Or, were you too gobsmacked with being in his presence to do anything more than drool at the man? Which is okay.

                            Yeah at the breakfast Jensen said he was going to kill the duck but I don't think anyone took it seriously and we were all a bit surprised when he went psycho on it
                            Yeah, I would have been surprised too!

                            Unfortunatley as always my pics didn't turn out all that well but, I'll throw a couple on at the end And yes he is Amazing
                            Hey, bad pics are better than no pics!

                            Wow these ones are beautiful, I really need to get a good camera
                            Indeed they are. I was instantly attracted to them.

                            Knew you'd like it.

                            Scruff! I love scruff
                            Here here!

                            Okay here are a couple of my pics the first one is at the brunch and the second is from the panel

                            Oh, would you look at those lips! GUH!


                            And this one, is one of my photo ops. I look terrible but Jensen is gorgeous

                            OMG! So lucky to get him to post like that! Love that his head is on the top of your head, such as sweet thing for him to do. I'd be blushing if it were me. Please tell me you felt the scruff (from his jawline) that he's laying on your forehead. Oh, and you look fine. Not terrible at all! You also look lucky.

                            Another S2 promo pic...
                            Sig by ME.


                              little copter and I have made it to season four.......................................OMG!


                                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                                little copter and I have made it to season four.......................................OMG!
                                *applause* Yay!! S3 was kinda intense! Poor Dean.

