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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Well, I slept late but I'm here. And boy, I missed some tasty pics!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    I'd say ALL of it fits our Dean. Even if the 'outgoing and easy to get along with' is just a mask he wears for 'civilians' - or at least used to wear in the earlier seasons.
    That's what I thought when I first read it in the book. Brought a smile to my face at the time.

    Yeah, I have a bit of a problem with imagining that ATM - with 4" of snow and 25ËšF here...
    4 inches? That's nothing! Try 2-3 feet! of snow. Yep, that's what we have here atm with more snow on the way. It's slightly warmer here too, a mere 31 degrees F.

    Been meaning to post this for ages, back when the discussion about Dean's flannel shirts was going on. I find it adorable that even barely 4 year old Dean already wore them, as we learned in Dark Side of the Moon (picture spoilered for S5)
    Aww. He is so damn cute in that scene!

    And talking of four year olds, Jensen still manages to pull off that bright-eyed, xmas tree look, even today.
    And he does it beautifully!

    Then there was this beauty of a shot.
    Talk about close! Wooh!

    And a bit of neck for vampy's breakfast, maybe?
    I gotta admit, the man has a gorgeous neck.

    Originally posted by CKO View Post
    *stumbles outta bed and sinks fangs into neck* Ohhh what a lovely breaky..

    went to bed around 7pm last night and just got up.. seriously though if i didnt have to wk morn shift today, i'd still be in bed
    Bummer about working today. And the morning shift to boot? Yeesh!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Yikes, morning shift on a Sunday, that sucks. Still, one day less until the (delayed! ) return of Spn.
    That's all? Just one day less?

    And if you get a snack attack during the day, here are two more lesser glimpses of neck. With a side order of lips and eyes for those of us so inclined.
    Oh, I'm so inclined.

    Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
    I wanna know where they found an 'I wuv hugs' shirt that big
    Dunno about them but...we could probably find one at

    EDIT: Yep, I was right... Here it is. You just gotta scroll down a bit.

    I want the bumpersticker that reads: "I'd reather be watching Supernatural" ...the one on the first page that is.
    Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 30 January 2011, 10:16 AM.
    Sig by ME.


      mmm yes.. one more day of morn shift.. tomarrow.. then i got a day off... yippee... and its bloody nippy out right now.. 6F and a subzero windchill, of -7F *scowls* and its a wintery mix.. it was icy out and now its spittin sky dander. next few days are gonna be very nippy... icky... icky icky


        Originally posted by CKO View Post
        mmm yes.. one more day of morn shift.. tomarrow.. then i got a day off... yippee... and its bloody nippy out right now.. 6F and a subzero windchill, of -7F *scowls* and its a wintery mix.. it was icy out and now its spittin sky dander. next few days are gonna be very nippy... icky... icky icky
        I'm off for the next 3 days. Thank goodness! We're getting quite a storm, first part tomorrow, and the second part of the storm will hit on Wednesday. Which means even more snow, and now ice, to shovel. Joy. And it's freeeeezing out right now!

        Ugh...found this the other day...

        Please, tell me this is a manip...
        Sig by ME.


          I think it is. The resolution of his head doesn't seem to match quite right. And while I'm not a smoker, it doesn't seem like his lips are in the most effective position for holding a cigarette. And I think we'd know by now if he smoked.


            Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
            I think it is. The resolution of his head doesn't seem to match quite right. And while I'm not a smoker, it doesn't seem like his lips are in the most effective position for holding a cigarette. And I think we'd know by now if he smoked.
            Thank you!

            Okay, but this is real. Sadly.

            I hope it was just a phase.
            Sig by ME.


              that looks more like a joint than a cig... MJ's all the rage in cali right now...
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                Doesn't look like a joint at all (unless those things are build in an other shape than around here).
                But I am pretty sure that RiGs first pic is a manip.

                Nevertheless - why do you care that much if he smokes? He is a grown-up, it's his decision. I don't smoke (unless I am drunk enough, and that happens maybe once a year) but a couple of my best friends smoke and believe me - that doesn't make them bad persons, just persons with a bad habit, and who hasn't one or some?

                On the other hand, we would probably know if he were a smoker, because there are no other pictures of him with a cigarette than the last one RiG posted.
                The cake is a lie!


                  Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                  Nevertheless - why do you care that much if he smokes? He is a grown-up, it's his decision. I don't smoke (unless I am drunk enough, and that happens maybe once a year) but a couple of my best friends smoke and believe me - that doesn't make them bad persons, just persons with a bad habit, and who hasn't one or some?
                  I care because it's a nasty habit and I don't want Jensen abusing his body that way. I used to think that he didn't smoke...and never did smoke, until I saw that pic. I don't know why this affects me the way that it does. It just does.

                  On the other hand, we would probably know if he were a smoker, because there are no other pictures of him with a cigarette than the last one RiG posted.
                  I don't think he smokes anymore. Maybe it was just a social habit or something.

                  Okay, changing the topic...

                  Jensen in OVERALLS!

                  How cute!
                  Sig by ME.


                    Here's a pic of Jensen doing recording for a PSP game.



                      Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                      Here's a pic of Jensen doing recording for a PSP game.

                      Unh! How cute is that!
                      Sig by ME.


               Jensen some lovin' ...

                        Sig by ME.


                          This man has certainly aged gracefully, if you can call 32 "aged".


                            Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                            This man has certainly aged gracefully, if you can call 32 "aged".
                            Like a fine wine.
                            Sig by ME.


                              Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                              This man has certainly aged gracefully, if you can call 32 "aged".
                              you can when talking about actors... it's like dog years
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                                you can when talking about actors... it's like dog years
                                My favorite bullrider retired at 28. Some careers have weird shelf lives...

