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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Just a quick catch up then I'm off for a shower....

    OT - my day
    has been hot, sweaty and I have a banging headache... and not in a good way! LOL. The journey was fine (thanks for the well wishes), but when I got to Conference, the aircon was broken so I've had to spend 9 hours in a hot sweaty hotel with 400+ people!! And now I have to pack to go and see my Grandad tomorrow, cos it's the barmy old codger's birthday, and I always go home and cook him a meal and take him out for a few pints!

    Originally posted by Salamas View Post
    I'm not sick! The dog was sleeping on me... And the air in my room is dry at night. I guess that caused the coughing!
    Yay for not being sick Sal!!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    *raises hand* Guilty as charged! Although it takes two to chat...
    Damn, busted!!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Hey, I didn't know that - I'm impressed! Never got beyond mediocre in tennis myself. It just wasn't my game. I did it mainly for the exercise. I do still have some secrets left then? It was a looong time ago. I think it's the kind of sport you need to be really into. It's fun to knock the ball about a bit, but you need to have the hunger for every point or it's not the same

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    I think 'Folsom Prison' was the first ep I watched. Initially I just picked some random ones to see if I would like it, and then I started at the beginning. So it's still one of my faves.
    Guh!! *is goo* Yep, definitely one of my faves too!! As a wise woman said to be recently... I like my prison boys!! *tries to get Blackadder out of her head yet again*

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    I shouldn't start watching '24' on my laptop in bed. Could not tear myself away until 2 am. Oh well, summer hols are only 2 days away, I'll catch up on my sleep then. *pours third cup of coffee*
    Haha, I didn't think you'd go straight to sleep!!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Okay, got the final batch of 'Great Pumpkin' uploaded. There were a few great shots while driving at night. Will be back later with more.
    All gorgeous Stars, but this one... *drools*

    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
    my boys are neutered now so noRammlers anymore. and they don't remmeln each other because they got neutered before they were pubescent
    what does your dictionary say? mine says shagger, buck and male hare ^^
    Er... I think I get the picture!!

    Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
    Maybe we should send in some clones to create a diversion so you can sneak out?

    <snipped for time>
    Oh, I wish I'd seen this before I went back for the afternoon session... it would've given me something good to be all hot and bothered about!! *happy sigh*

    Originally posted by Boo View Post
    Lovely Boo!

    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
    sorry, was at uni *huggles*
    Pft, a likely excuse!! *huggles*

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    Evening Pit

    Yes...that's a great idea.
    I want to wait to start Season 3..I like knowing I have them sitting there...waiting.... the eps go so quickly once you start
    Hey Lizzie!

    I might take my laptop away with me, though I really shouldn't, otherwise I'll catch you up ASAP!

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    I know what you mean...can't say I could name one..but there is something attractive about a guy in great physical condition... something you have to be to play top class tennis...
    LOL, this is true!!

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    but...but they're cute...
    OK, if you say so.... you can have mine!

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    I'm fine..a bit hot and bothered it's been great weather here but not for working though
    The joys of the office life eh?

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
    I'll definitely be watching that one again soon...loved it.
    If you twist my arm hard enough, I'll watch with you!

    Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

    24 does that to you...especially if you're watching Season 7..the best yet I reckon.
    OT - 24

    I reckon the 3 of us will have a field day with this discussion!!

    For me, S7 is defintely up there with S1 *bounces*

    OK, off for a shower now!




      I'm on my brothers PC and PB doesnt work on here


        Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post

        LOL I came here earlier and it looked desolate I left...
        Wait, you had Dean all to yourself.... and left??



          Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
          Wait, you had Dean all to yourself.... and left??
          Nah, he was with me all day!


            Originally posted by Boo View Post

            I'm on my brothers PC and PB doesnt work on here
            Hey Boo!

            Oh no, that's a shame. Enjoy everyone else's pics then... that's what I'm doing... just set some uploads going!

            Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
            Nah, he was with me all day!
            Yeah you wish!! He was with meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!



              *pokes* *smooches*


                Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                *pokes* *smooches*
                LOL, back to the poking? *poke poke*

                OK then...


                Edit: And Jensen, you're still gorgeous... I just can't post pics atm!!

                Gotta go now



                  Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                  LOL, back to the poking? *poke poke*

                  OK then...


                  Edit: And Jensen, you're still gorgeous... I just can't post pics atm!!

                  Gotta go now
                  Fainne has this one smilie that pokes the other in the eye and it always reminds me of Jensen's "Poke her in the eye!" from one of the gagreels XD

                  See you later *huggles*


                    Morning Pit



                      Morning Lizzie, morning Pit *pours coffee & boils the kettle* Lizzie, 1st in makes the brews, you should know that!!

                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                      Fainne has this one smilie that pokes the other in the eye and it always reminds me of Jensen's "Poke her in the eye!" from one of the gagreels XD

                      See you later *huggles*
                      Ooooh, gotta see that one!¡

                      Originally posted by LizzieAnne View Post
                      Blimey, double thunk already? *happy sigh* yum yum yum!!




                        Morning, eveyone! Sorry, no time for quoting, it's crazy busy here ATM. And we're leaving tomorrow, so just wanted to drop of the last 'Great Pumpkin' caps. There'll be some more later in the whump thread too.

                        Anyway, I'm always just posting a selction, the rest are in my PB album (link in my sig).

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Great caps Stars!



                            Originally posted by Fainne View Post
                            buz it's a shiny new toy that needs to be tested
                            Damn straight! I loves testing new toys.

                            Okay, I shall post caps today when I get home... I felt so lazy
                            Awesome sig by Laura
                            "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

                            The randomess that is me
                            Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


                              Originally posted by queen_hathor View Post
                              Great caps Stars!

                              Hey, just got side-tracked again, and found some great Spn gifs at Can't post them here cause they're huge, but there's stuff like 'always with the scissors' and Dean beating up the Impala.

                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                                Hey, just got side-tracked again, and found some great Spn gifs at Can't post them here cause they're huge, but there's stuff like 'always with the scissors' and Dean beating up the Impala.
                                I like it when you get sidetracked!! I'll have to look when I'm back from my family visit... something to really look forward to. Squee!!


