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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    How 'bout

    Jensen + tank + backside= all kinds of fangirl happiness?



      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Thank you for this! Made my night!
      Dean + T-shirt = ARMS!!!
      Glad you like. And I couldn't agree more. What this show needs is more GTOY,



      Not to mention NoTOY of course.

      Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
      How 'bout

      Jensen + tank + backside= all kinds of fangirl happiness?
      *THUD* I know, right? And as far as my twisted little soul is concerned, the whump is a factor in making me happy as well.
      Last edited by starg8fans; 15 January 2011, 10:03 PM.

      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


        Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
        How 'bout

        Jensen + tank + backside= all kinds of fangirl happiness?
        Oh, I like this one. I like this one very much!

        But you forgot one!

        Jensen + BTOY + chest + tattoo =

        *THUD* I know, right? And as far as my twisted little soul is concerned, the whump is a factor in making me happy as well.
        If your soul is twisted than so is mine.
        Sig by ME.


          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
          Oh, I like this one. I like this one very much!

          But you forgot one!

          Jensen + BTOY + chest + tattoo =

          If your soul is twisted than so is mine.
          OMG indeed. Yup, that's a hard one to trump.

          Birds of a feather! *huggles*

          Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


            Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
            OMG indeed. Yup, that's a hard one to trump.

            Birds of a feather! *huggles*
            Flock together! *huggles*
            Sig by ME.


              *fans self* mmmm shirtless and tattoo... mmm *purrs*


                Just sorted through the folder on my desktop where I keep snurched pix that I haven't uploaded yet. Here are a couple of con shots that I really loved.

                That last one inspired this avi. It's not much, but I couldn't resist.

                Here's a much better one. Not mine, and unfortunately I forgot where I got it from. If it was anybody on this forum, please speak up so I can credit you.

                Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                  Ooohhhh gods


                    Just found another BRAND NEW one from the Salute to Spn con in San Francisco. Credit goes to Lizz Sisson and the Fangasm website - and to iolanda, who posted the link in the spoiler thread.

                    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on



                      That guy never ceases to push all my buttons.
                      The cake is a lie!


                        Originally posted by iolanda View Post

                        That guy never ceases to push all my buttons.
                        And then some! Incredible how one guy can be so hawt/sweet/cool/adorable not to mention TALENTED all in one. *happy sigh*

                        Sorry, sometimes my inner fangirl just has to come out and play.

                        Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          And then some! Incredible how one guy can be so hawt/sweet/cool/adorable not to mention TALENTED all in one. *happy sigh*
                          He's one of those people that you just kinda want to hate b/c they can do anything. Why aren't there more of those guys in "normal" life? I want one!

                          Sorry, sometimes my inner fangirl just has to come out and play.
                          I don't think my inner fangirl ever goes away Just shifts from one fandom to the next throughout the day. It's amazing I can get any actual work done during the day


                            I once read a quote (and I have no clue where that was, sorry) which went like
                            "I don't know if god was gracious, when he gave us Jensen, or if he was cruel because he gave us just one".
                            The cake is a lie!


                              Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                              He's one of those people that you just kinda want to hate b/c they can do anything. Why aren't there more of those guys in "normal" life? I want one!

                              I don't think my inner fangirl ever goes away Just shifts from one fandom to the next throughout the day. It's amazing I can get any actual work done during the day
                              That's a very good question. Where's some working cloning technology when you need it?

                              Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                              I once read a quote (and I have no clue where that was, sorry) which went like
                              "I don't know if god was gracious, when he gave us Jensen, or if he was cruel because he gave us just one".
                              Very well put, couldn't agree more.

                              Somebody on another forum just asked me for the report on Jensen's Q&A session at the CStoS con without the spoilery material. Since I already have it now, I'm gonna post it here as well. Guaranteed not spoilery, and only a couple of references to already aired S6 eps.
                              San Francisco is a beautiful city, and the Westin St. Francis is a gorgeous hotel. Everyone here at the Supernatural con is in agreement with that, and that the view from the conference rooms on the 32nd floor with a nearly 360 degree view of the city is amazing. However, when fans sat down to the Q&A with Jared Padalecki this morning, the floor-to-thirty-foot-ceiling windows let in so much blinding sun that nobody could actually see Jared. Fans, being resourceful individuals, utilized a few well-placed hair clips to keep the unruly curtains closed. Jared, being the helpful and generous individual he is, promptly took them off so everyone could enjoy the view.
                              Fans: Umm, that’s not exactly the view we’re here to enjoy.

                              Jared: (no doubt blushing): Oops, my bad.

                              We sat in on Jensen’s Q&A a little later, and just as he came in the hair clips began to lose the battle with the curtains.

                              Lynn (being the wuss she is): Ow, the sun’s in my eyes

                              Jensen (being the badass he is – or at least plays on tv) jumps up and does some impressive curtain wrangling, only to be foiled by the hair clips.

                              Jensen: I’m not real good with bobby pins. (looks around the room) Jared???!

                              We asked how Jensen was holding up, since he’s under the weather with a cold courtesy of Mitch Pileggi – but the DayQuil seemed to be doing its job, he said.

                              Jensen: Friday night it sucked because I was working until 1 am, but you just man up and get through it, and hope you don’t look too bad.

                              Fans: Um, yeah, no worries there.

                              Sick days are a rarity in television production, where every second counts and budget constraints exert a constant pressure.

                              Jensen: I’m trying to think if I’ve ever had an actual sick day on Supernatural. I had tonsillitis the first season, and I remember Kim Manners sat in my hotel room with me all day and then finally he took me to the hospital, and they got me all these antibiotics, and that was Saturday and by Monday I was back at work.

                              Okay, the guy actually *is* a badass.

                              We’ve been doing alot of academic writing on fandom recently, which of course means we’ve been using Supernatural as an example of trends and theories and that sort of fun stuff. Hence Lynn’s question for Jensen.

                              Lynn: Supernatural is gaining a reputation for being the show that courageously breaks the fourth wall again and again. Do you think it’s unusual on a show that everyone’s so down with making fun of themselves and able to have so much fun with it?

                              Jensen: Well it’s definitely the only show I’ve been on that I think has had the opportunity to do something like that. I mean, I don’t know, maybe there are other shows out there that poke fun at themselves.

                              Lynn: (vigorously shaking her head) Not as much as you guys do.

                              Jensen: We really do, and I think it’s because we kinda feel like we’re the little show that could. So I think we can take some liberties that other shows don’t who get kinda scrutinized by the suits, the studio execs who hold a magnifying glass over shows. Whereas our show is just off doing its own thing.

                              Lynn: Under the radar, as it were?

                              Jensen: Yeah, and I think this show, as far as the entertainment industry is concerned, IS under the radar. It’s not on the map like Lost or the shows that get talked about on every news channel there is – so we have a little more liberty to poke fun at ourselves and have fun, and we like to do it because it switches things up. That’s one of the reasons I love the show so much, because it doesn’t take itself too seriously.Yet at the same time, it can get really serious, and when it does -well, I’d put some of our dramatic episodes up against any other dramatic show.

                              Lynn: The fans love that too

                              Jensen: And that’s the feedback we get – though some of the executives might be going, what?! I don’t understand what you’re doing…..

                              Fans: (muttering under their collective breath) Idjits.

                              A fan asked if the TV Guide cover had made a difference, and Jensen laughed and quoted their probable reaction as “Oh, that’s still on?”

                              Jensen and the fans in the room were all definitely on the same page, virtually cheering him on as he answered the metaphorical Powers that Be.

                              Jensen: Yeah, we’re still here, and we’re still knockin’ it outta the park and giving it our all.

                              Fans: Damn right.

                              It’s important to the SPN cast and crew that they won the type of awards that aren’t just political – the People’s Choice last year, the TV Guide cover. – the awards with the people’s voice are the most gratifying. Of course, Jensen allowed, that may just be something people say who haven’t won an Oscar.

                              Fans: YET

                              Jensen went on: I do think it was a kinda coup for us to get that, because it gives us some weight as far as the industry goes. I think it was very surprising to alot of people – and it’s thanks to you guys. It was funny because the publicity department at the CW called and they were all excited and crazy happy about this — and it’s like yeah — you guys didn’t do it!

                              Fans: *are beaming*

                              Interesting guest stars this season? Jensen mentioned Mark Sheppard and Sebastian Roche, who apparently grew up in Turkey and is a professional rock climber.

                              Fan: Plus he does a great Julia Child

                              Jensen: Wait, how did you know that??

                              Room: Jared

                              To date, nobody has made a first impression on Jensen that rivals Misha’s.

                              Jensen: But nobody has come on and put me on my heels as much as Misha did that first day. I was just like, who is this guy, is he for real? But then it so worked and I was like all right, you’re alot smarter than I thought you were.

                              A fan asked if Jensen might do a commentary on the dvd for “Weekend at Bobby’s”.

                              Jensen: I’d have a lot to talk about for that one — I’d like that – would you like that?

                              Fans: DUH

                              If Season 7 is a go (and Peter Roth, the big time marketing exec at WB said months ago it was an 80% chance), Jensen would like to direct again. He seemed quite surprised that when he called to see if he might be able to, the answer was simply, sure.

                              Fans: DUH

                              He had thought he might have to do a little song and dance for them, do a little negotiating, but clearly they’ve recognized his directing talents. Maybe he should have asked for a raise while he had them in such a good mood? Next time he’ll most likely direct an episode with Jared and Misha. If we’re very lucky, some of it will end up on the gag reels

                              Will we see Ben again? Jensen doesn’t know — though he expressed surprise that some bad guy hasn’t used them as leverage against Dean.

                              A fan asked where he sees himself going from here.

                              Jensen: Each year the show has kinda built up a bit more steam, gotten stronger and stronger, gained momentum – and I think if we can continue on that path, and take risks, and getting the kind of attention that we’re now getting, which seems like very positive attention – I don’t read alot of crappy stuff about our show, I think we’ve been really fortunate – I’d really like to continue doing the show – if season 7 is it, then that’s that, or if there’s another year or two, and then put it to bed and try something new. I love working, I love being on set, I love telling stories and working with characters, as long as i can continue doing that.

                              Fans: YES!

                              He also mentioned wanting to have kids once his life settles down, prompting a room full of stifled Awwwws.

                              A fan asked Jensen to describe a typical day on set. Just hearing his answer made us tired.

                              Jensen: We’ll get picked up at 6:30 or so, do hair and makeup, come to set. And we’ll shoot everything from one side of the scene, then we’ll have a ‘turnaround’ and we’ll have a break of maybe a half hour, and then we’ll have maybe some odd and inconsistent breaks during the day (These sometimes consist of “Jensen we’ll need you in 5 minutes”….45 minutes later….”okay, ready for you now!”) Sometimes it’s action stuff, so we’re sweaty and taking advil….sometimes it’s alot of dialogue…alot of it is back and forth to the set and the trailers, laughing with the crew, having a really good time – they really are like family. It’s the longest on set that anybody has ever been on a show. And then we wrap after about 12 or 13 hours, then it’s back to hair and makeup, wash all that off, get out of your costume, get into your street clothes, hop in the car. You’ve got about 9 hours, so you decompress for about an hour, then go to bed. We’re guaranteed a 12 hour gap between call times, so it pushes our call times every day. Monday we’ll start at 7ish, by the time Friday rolls around we’re starting at 1 or 2 in the afternoon.

                              Jensen shares not only the fans’ love for the ‘little show that could’, but some of the frustration of not always knowing where the writers are going.

                              Fan: Death said something about Dean being an intrepid detective, can you tell us what he meant?

                              Jensen: I have that same question for the writers!

                              As the Q&A wrapped up, Jensen apologized for not being ‘as lively as I should be.’

                              Fans responded with ‘we hope you feel better’, to which he replied, “I do – you guys made me feel better.”

                              Say it with me, one more time, readers. Awwwww.


                              Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                                Oh Dean, the things I miss when I'm at work!

                                Anywho, I just got My Bloody Valentine on DVD! I'm slowly but surely building my Jensen Ackles movie collection.

                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                Just sorted through the folder on my desktop where I keep snurched pix that I haven't uploaded yet. Here are a couple of con shots that I really loved.



                                That man never ceases to be beautiful!

                                That last one inspired this avi. It's not much, but I couldn't resist.

                                Love it!

                                Here's a much better one. Not mine, and unfortunately I forgot where I got it from. If it was anybody on this forum, please speak up so I can credit you.

                                I snurched this one a while back...from Fanpop. I think.

                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                Just found another BRAND NEW one from the Salute to Spn con in San Francisco. Credit goes to Lizz Sisson and the Fangasm website - and to iolanda, who posted the link in the spoiler thread.

                                Oh my JENSEN!

                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                And then some! Incredible how one guy can be so hawt/sweet/cool/adorable not to mention TALENTED all in one. *happy sigh*
                                I know right?

                                Sorry, sometimes my inner fangirl just has to come out and play.
                                My inner fangirl is always out playing.

                                Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                                I once read a quote (and I have no clue where that was, sorry) which went like
                                "I don't know if god was gracious, when he gave us Jensen, or if he was cruel because he gave us just one".
                                Great quote but...I can't decide!

                                Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                                That's a very good question. Where's some working cloning technology when you need it?
                                I wish I knew!

                                Somebody on another forum just asked me for the report on Jensen's Q&A session at the CStoS con without the spoilery material. Since I already have it now, I'm gonna post it here as well. Guaranteed not spoilery, and only a couple of references to already aired S6 eps.
                                <unfortunately snipped>
                                Thank you thank you THANK YOU!!!!! You just made my night!

                                Found the link to the site... gotta click on the pics for the close up GUHness.
                                Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 17 January 2011, 02:49 PM.
                                Sig by ME.

