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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by SkeksisGirl View Post
    I love when Jensen "Falls asleep" at the Q&As.
    So do I! Hilarious!

    Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post

    Ah, I see RIG, thanks for explaining! Thought I could help with pics or something... lol
    No problemo!

    Oh God, those gifs!!! I've started getting some money together and I'm going if they get confirmed to be there. What worries me is that Season 7 will be the last and I'll never get the chance!! Crowley's going, I love Crowley, it'd be great to see him... so I do hope the Js end up going! Any idea how near to the con they actually confirm either way??
    No idea, sorry. Just keep checking SuperWiki's convention page.
    One of my fave Dean moments of Season 6... just the way he does this, creases me up!!! LOL
    OMG! That scene was so funny!

    Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
    Yeah the creation cons are expensive but it's the only one I can get to The good thing is that it's the one in Vancouver so Jared & Jensen are always there
    As Dean once said (in "The Devil You Know"): Well, good for yooouuuu! Seriously though, good for you!

    Lovely pics ladies as always

    Ooh, Jensen's pretty in this shot!

    Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
    ^ Ooh, if he looked at me like that... ^ (THUD)!
    I know right?!
    Come on Jensen, stop pulling adorably cute faces and let me know if you'll be at Asylum 8!! lol
    Couldn't he let you know while pulling adorably cute faces?

    Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
    Stupid question(considering I come from the Hewlett thread), but I'd rather ask than embarress myself, but can fanvids be posted in here?
    RAVEN!!! Yes, you certainly can post fanvids in here. I post vids in here all the time. Well, vids that I find and want my fellow Dean/Jensen thunkers to see.

    Sig by ME.


      Cool, thanks. I made these vids and I've been dying to post them. The music is from Within Temptation's new CD, The Unforgiven. All the song on this CD reminds me of Dean.


      The Edge

      This is actually a thunk vid forboth Rodney and Dean and features music by Nightwish.



        I'm checking all the time, still nothing on there at all, even though on the Rogue Events site it says two guests are confirmed! Now on the Rogue Events FB wall it says there are less than 100 tickets left for Asylum 8! Even though still no J&J...

        God that second gif... makes me lose my breath!!!

        So does this - I can't stop staring at it...

        I sometimes cannot believe this man is human!????


          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post

          I feel quite lucky that my only option is a European convention. Just PLEASE let J2 be going!!!!!


          Come on Jensen, stop pulling adorably cute faces and let me know if you'll be at Asylum 8!! lol
          I know that J2 were at Asylum last may. so you never know

          Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

          As Dean once said (in "The Devil You Know"): Well, good for yooouuuu! Seriously though, good for you!

          WOW these are gorgeous, I love the last one

          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post

          I sometimes cannot believe this man is human!????
          I know what you mean, he's too beautiful

          Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


            The two confirmed guests are Jim Beaver and Mark Sheppard.
            The cake is a lie!


              Damn, I'm definitely not going to get there. Looking at the money situation, it's financially impossible! Oh well, I'm sure J2 wouldn't want any fans to bankrupt themselves to meet them, they're too lovely!

              Just pics, gifs and TV shows for me...

              He's obviously disappointed... Aww!

              But they'll still have fun without me...


                I'm sorry to hear that Mrs. W, but it's true as long as there are pics, GIF's and TV shows for everyone to see we'll be happy right?

                Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                  Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                  Cool, thanks. I made these vids and I've been dying to post them. The music is from Within Temptation's new CD, The Unforgiven. All the song on this CD reminds me of Dean.

                  Can't watch this one. Says: Preveiw not available yet.

                  This one is great!

                  This is actually a thunk vid forboth Rodney and Dean and features music by Nightwish.

                  Loved how the Dean scenes mirrored the Rodney scenes! EPIC!

                  Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                  I'm checking all the time, still nothing on there at all, even though on the Rogue Events site it says two guests are confirmed! Now on the Rogue Events FB wall it says there are less than 100 tickets left for Asylum 8! Even though still no J&J...

                  God that second gif... makes me lose my breath!!!
                  Yes, it is breathtaking isn't it?

                  So does this - I can't stop staring at it...
                  I sometimes cannot believe this man is human!????
                  I know. But thanks goodness he is!

                  Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
                  I know that J2 were at Asylum last may. so you never know
                  That's right.


                  WOW these are gorgeous, I love the last one
                  Yeah, that smile from Devour gets me every time.

                  I know what you mean, he's too beautiful
                  Way too beautiful. Is should be illegal for a man to be that beautiful.

                  Oh, his face is lit so beautifully in these pics of yours.

                  Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                  Damn, I'm definitely not going to get there. Looking at the money situation, it's financially impossible!
                  So sorry to here that. I feel your pain. Money is not something I have in abundance these days.

                  Oh well, I'm sure J2 wouldn't want any fans to bankrupt themselves to meet them, they're too lovely!
                  Agreed. I think they'd feel bad if they knew fans did that.

                  Just pics, gifs and TV shows for me...
                  Yeah...for me too.

                  He's obviously disappointed... Aww!
                  Aww, poor baby.

                  But they'll still have fun without me...

                  That is soooooo cute!

                  Reminds me of the convid I saw where they are banging the bottom of their mics on the arms of their chairs, the sound reverberating through the mics. It's a funny and way too cute moment.

                  You have to skip to 2:40 for the microphone bit.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Can't watch this one. Says: Preveiw not available yet.
                    You should be able to download to your computer.

                    This one is great!
                    It's kind of a companion piece to this one: Temper

                    At least until I can gather all the clips where Dean loses his temper and find a more suited song.

                    Loved how the Dean scenes mirrored the Rodney scenes! EPIC!
                    I had a completely different idea for the video, but when I saw how two clips kind of matched up, I thought it looked so great, I wanted to do the entire video that way. Because the song was so long, the hardest part was finding enough clips that mirrored one another.

                    And I'm working on another one.


                      Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                      You should be able to download to your computer.
                      Yeah, only...I've never downloaded a video to my computer before. Youtube?

                      It's kind of a companion piece to this one: Temper
                      Oh, I'll watch it when I get a chance.

                      At least until I can gather all the clips where Dean loses his temper and find a more suited song.
                      Ooh, sounds like a daunting task.

                      I had a completely different idea for the video, but when I saw how two clips kind of matched up, I thought it looked so great, I wanted to do the entire video that way. Because the song was so long, the hardest part was finding enough clips that mirrored one another.
                      Well, you did a great job!

                      And I'm working on another one.
                      Sig by ME.


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Yeah, only...I've never downloaded a video to my computer before. Youtube?
                        Here you go.

                        Ooh, sounds like a daunting task.
                        I'll just have to muddle through.

                        Well, you did a great job!



                          Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
                          Thank you! You officially ROCK!

                          I'll just have to muddle through.


                          Aww, Dean made you blush.

                          I WANT!

                          OMG...0:33, 1:53-1:55, and 2:04-05 made me melt!
                          Sig by ME.


                            Ravenheart I love your vids, they're awesome

                            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                            Yeah, that smile from Devour gets me every time.
                            I know, me too it's beautiful

                            Way too beautiful. Is should be illegal for a man to be that beautiful.
                            too true

                            Oh, his face is lit so beautifully in these pics of yours.
                            Thanks They actually put lights on them that year...the year before it was quite dark.

                            I love that

                            Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                              Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post

                              I know, me too it's beautiful
                              It really is.

                              too true

                              Thanks They actually put lights on them that year...the year before it was quite dark.
                              Welcome. And YAY LIGHTS!

                              I love that
                              It's one of my favorites.

                              Simply gorgeous!

                              A little Smallville nekkedness for from me:

                              Sig by ME.


                                Spoiled for size.


