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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by JessM View Post
    I loved that episode too.

    My heart really went out to both of them... Dean wanting so bad to have a good ol' Christmas since it'll be his last one, Sam not wanting to think about it at first but later deciding to give his brother Christmas anyway.

    I enjoyed the WeeChester scenes, too - especially finding out how Dean got his amulet.

    I loved that line too... and when they were going to yank Dean's teeth out and the doorbell suddenly rings... loved Dean's "... You should get that" line
    Gads i adore the weechesters.. that one kid has dean so nailed!

    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
    Card designed by Falcon Horus


      "WeeChesters", huh? Neat.


        The name of episode 3.15 (second to last of the season) is going to be Time Is On My Side.

        Unfortunatly, given
        the casting call for "Young Bela" it looks to be Bela's long awaited sob story. Blah. :/

        My specualtion? Given the fact that a "Demon" is being cast, I suspect Bela using the Colt she stole from the guys to try and kill this demon she's been tracking for possessing her family who she was forced to kill alla Bobby. God, I hope they aren't going to throw away the second to last episode of the season on stupidly trying to make us feel sorry for Bela. I really hope I'm wrong.
        Last edited by GatetheWay; 20 March 2008, 11:05 AM.

        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
          report back on what you watched
          I ended up watching "Devil's Trap" from Season 1, and "Croatoan" from Season 2. Two of my favorites.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
            I ended up watching "Devil's Trap" from Season 1, and "Croatoan" from Season 2. Two of my favorites.
            Oh good choice!

            "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
            ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
            Card designed by Falcon Horus


              I agree - great choice! I think I'm going to watch "Devil's Trap" tonight (watched "Salvation" last night).


                Oh, I'm in such good company then. I watched 'Devil's Trap' tonight because I was in the mood for a bit of whump for the boys and their father.

                The title of 3.15 sounds good but I share your concern and hope it's nothing like you expect at the moment.
                twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                  This show has so many strong episodes, sometimes it is very hard to choose one over another.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    You're definitely right about this, fifth man. That's one thing I really like about 'Supernatural'. Even the less strong episodes have usually a lot of stuff that makes fans happy, i.e. the relationship between the brothers. Just look at 'Everybody loves a Clown', you can like the episode as a whole or not but the brotherly moments in it were heartbreaking and very well done. The only episode that didn't succeed in that corner is 'No Exit'. I really didn't like the ep but what was worse, there wasn't much about the brothers either, so there was essentially nothing that made up for the flaws of the original story.
                    twinchaosblade .......................... ...... ...... ..........................Homepage and FanFic


                      Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                      This show has so many strong episodes, sometimes it is very hard to choose one over another.
                      I agree with both of you. Whenever I'm asked what my favorite episode is, I can't ever name just one. I have so many favorites, most of them for different reasons.


                        It looks as though J-Pad is "all but signed to star [...] as the lead" of the Friday the 13th remake. Ah Jared, you and your B-flick horror movies.

                        5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                          Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                          The name of episode 3.15 (second to last of the season) is going to be Time Is On My Side.

                          Unfortunatly, given
                          the casting call for "Young Bela" it looks to be Bela's long awaited sob story. Blah. :/

                          My specualtion? Given the fact that a "Demon" is being cast, I suspect Bela using the Colt she stole from the guys to try and kill this demon she's been tracking for possessing her family who she was forced to kill alla Bobby. God, I hope they aren't going to throw away the second to last episode of the season on stupidly trying to make us feel sorry for Bela. I really hope I'm wrong.
                          reads. dies. goes to hell [waiting for Dean]

                          oh no! this can't be true. But if it is...

                          I knew it. From the moment when Bella said the 'big mysterious thing' about her family, I knew that this will happen but deep down inside I thought that now without 6 episodes they won't do it. I was so wrong. Does tptb want us to pity her or what? Make us like her because a bad demon hurt her family?

                          I won't hide it. I don't like her and every time I have to watch her I feel like I am the one in hell But why wants tptb explore deeper this character. I was hoping she's only a one season thing. They have so little episodes left and so much story to do. I hope that won't screw up Dean's deal storyline because of the lack of time.

                          I love SPN. A lot. But so far, this season has been IMO not so good comparing to the previouse two. Maybe i'm wrong about the whole thing... but I miss their brother moments we had a lot in season 2. I'm such a sucker for emotional Dean...

                          ... and DALDOM rocks!!


                            What the hell is DALDOM? Anachronisms people! They're comfusing!

                            5th Season of Supernatural Premiering September 10th!


                              Originally posted by GatetheWay View Post
                              What the hell is DALDOM? Anachronisms people! They're comfusing!
                              Dream A Little Dream Of Me

                              don't worry I had a lot problems with this, too


                                ok, so this may be a few days late, but i was so POed on thursday when not only was Reaper in SN's timeslot, but it was a new episode!! wtf! i seriously growled when it came on after Smallville and my mom thought i was nuts. and mistakingly asked what was wrong, so i proceeded to run through the "no SN for stupid Reaper" rant and she gave me another look that said "sorry i asked".. lol.. but yeah, i love how the CW is saying they are trying to draw in the SN crowd, but uh, yeah, not gonna work. we like Sn for so many reasons i can't list, and Reaper is so not any of them, and its stupid.. anyway, end rant.. just needed to vent to people who care, sorta, haha..

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