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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Still feeling a bit sick but the ep last night did wonders for my funny bone. I really enjoyed it...

    (spoilers for 3.03...and perhaps a future ep)

    So many lines and scenes had me cracking up. The one guy with his "don't play with my Jesus" was so silly... Dean's "I'm Batman" was great and poor Sam with all his bad luck. I agree with OS - he did look like a little kid standing there when he lost his shoe. And then the A/C in the hotel room bursting into flames (and then his sleeve!). Poor guy couldn't win.

    So it looks like Gordon will be playing a role this season, too. IIRC he's supposed to appear in New Blood (and he looks pretty creepy, from the promo pics I've seen).

    Originally posted by HyperCaz View Post
    *runs around with glee* Loving season 3 so far.

    Somehow I ended up re-obsessed, but I'm sure that's to do with the season 2 boxset. And now I got my whole FAMILY watching, so I'd say that's a definite success.

    But I think I mostly like Jared Padalecki's hair... ^_^
    Oh, how cool you got the family watching. My mom was the one who originally got me into it and it goes without saying that I'm hooked...

    And speaking from a totally shallow POV, I have to agree with you there. Hee...


      spoilers 3.03

      Damn that was hilarious
      Had no idea it was going to be a comedy, but as soon as the fight with the 2 thiefs started, you know what time it is
      and when Sam and Dean run horoicly down the street with the music on the back ground, and Sam goes down, great

      and of course the lottery tickets at the end of the episode. Well, they can get that money back with credit card scams


        I *so* saw that end coming a mile away but it was great none the less. A good mix of comedy and drama (I am amazed at how well Jensen and Jared can seamlessly shift from one to the other without effort, like it's as natural as breathing) and Dean's little trick at the end was PRICELESS.

        *applauds* Well done, Kripke and co! Well done!


          Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
          I *so* saw that end coming a mile away but it was great none the less. A good mix of comedy and drama (I am amazed at how well Jensen and Jared can seamlessly shift from one to the other without effort, like it's as natural as breathing) and Dean's little trick at the end was PRICELESS.

          *applauds* Well done, Kripke and co! Well done!
          Couldn't agree with you more!! These guys are amazing I loved it such a great ep from start to finish. As always...!

          Poor Sam awww! *squishes* "I lost my shoe... *pouts*"

          ETA: One thing that really buggs me tho... why are the eps only 38 mins when they could be 43? That's 5 minutes worth of storyline that we are missing...
          Last edited by Ronja; 19 October 2007, 10:17 AM.


            a few icons to share.. all made for super_icontest over on LJ..

            feel free to snag, just give me credit and link back to My LJ please, and thanks


            My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


              The ratings seem to be going down for Supernatural


                Quick teeny tiny casting spoiler.

                It's not confirmed yet, but Samantha Ferris (Ellen) did get a call to film something in early January.

                Source: Samantha Ferris' blog


                  Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                  Quick teeny tiny casting spoiler.

                  It's not confirmed yet, but Samantha Ferris (Ellen) did get a call to film something in early January.

                  Source: Samantha Ferris' blog
                  Oh I hope thats true, I love her


                    Originally posted by Nameless View Post
                    The ratings seem to be going down for Supernatural
                    Do you have any numbers? A link I can look at? Would be much appreciated.
                    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                      Originally posted by ShelBel View Post
                      I *so* saw that end coming a mile away but it was great none the less. A good mix of comedy and drama (I am amazed at how well Jensen and Jared can seamlessly shift from one to the other without effort, like it's as natural as breathing) and Dean's little trick at the end was PRICELESS.

                      *applauds* Well done, Kripke and co! Well done!
                      Those two definitely do comedy and drama really well. And the transitions are pretty seamless. I'll happily join in the applause for this episode.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        Was another top ep this week. Was good to have a comedy style ep, after the first two being a bit darker.
                        Science Fiction is an existential metaphor; it allows us to tell stories about the human condition.

                        Isaac Asimov once said individual science fiction stories may seem as trivial as ever to the blinder critics and philosophers of today, but the core of science fiction, its essence has become crucial to our salvation if we are to be saved at all.




                          brilliant brilliant episode!

                          hehe okay i hate funny episodes! but i did LOL @ sam's shoe heheheheehe gave me the giggles
                          off and on for about 10 minutes hehe

                          Jared nailed the younger brother face brilliantly hehe, but I also adored the bit in the apartment when Dean confronts that guy again, and you have Sam being an clutz in the background and all Dean asks is if he's ok before resuming tough guy persona hehe

                          oh man whats with the gore this year? hehe so cool

                          hehe and OMG! the batman line!

                          oh and loved Bobby calling them ijits LOL[

                          so loved the little comment in the lock up about "that was the closest you got to be a boy" or whatever from dean.. man thats right out of fanfic..., just freaking stellar! Also love dean's comment about their dad.. how they didn't really know him

                          Oh and so love hints at their past... gads i need that! More more more!
                          i really want a sammy icon now.. one with a sad little face that says 'have you seen my shoe?'


                          and a dean 'iam batman' one

                          ehm sorry i do believe i just had a fangirl moment lol

                          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                          Card designed by Falcon Horus


                            I absolutely loved Bad Day at Black Rock! I felt so sorry for Sam.

                            Sig by SamJackShipLover! Thanks!

                            Thanks to Vanity_killsxxx on LJ for my profile pic!


                              Originally posted by OrangeSwirl View Post
                              a few icons to share.. all made for super_icontest over on LJ..

                              feel free to snag, just give me credit and link back to My LJ please, and thanks
                              Ooh very pretty!! Thanks for sharing

                              Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                              Quick teeny tiny casting spoiler.

                              It's not confirmed yet, but Samantha Ferris (Ellen) did get a call to film something in early January.

                              Source: Samantha Ferris' blog
                              Oh, I hope it's true. She's one of my favorite supporting characters, along with Bobby.

                              Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                              Do you have any numbers? A link I can look at? Would be much appreciated.
                              Well, according to this link, the show is still getting over 3 million viewers. Don't think that's *too* shabby. I heard the ratings were a bit lower for the season premiere, but they went up a bit again for ep 3.02.


                                Originally posted by JessM View Post
                                Well, according to this link, the show is still getting over 3 million viewers. Don't think that's *too* shabby. I heard the ratings were a bit lower for the season premiere, but they went up a bit again for ep 3.02.
                                Not too shabby at all, especially for the CW. I really hope this show continues to do well, and we get at least another season or two out of it. I really think TPTB have a lot of quality stories left to tell.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

