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The Trek Trivia Thread

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    Originally posted by Starbase;
    What was the name of the Bajoran "freedom fighter" that tried to blow up the worm-hole with the help of the Lursa & B'Etor?
    That would be one Tahla Los, who sure knew how to talk a good game.

    Switching gears here.........
    What "temporary title" did Picard hold when he accepted to oversee the selection of a new Klingon leader?
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
      Switching gears here.........
      What "temporary title" did Picard hold when he accepted to oversee the selection of a new Klingon leader?
      Picard became the Arbiter of Succession for the Klingon Rite of Succession (which selects a Klingon leader/chancellor)

      What was the name of Klingon leader/chancellor who was poisoned and killed in 2367? (Gowron became the next chancellor after said persons death)


        Originally posted by Weyoun View Post
        What was the name of Klingon leader/chancellor who was poisoned and killed in 2367? (Gowron became the next chancellor after said persons death)
        That would be one rather large Klingon named K'mpec
        the Fifth Race

        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


          Keeping with the "Trek Movies" theme (and the fact the SyFy is showing Trek movies allday, which I'm happily watching)

          From ST: IV The Voyage Home (one of very favorite movies of all-time)....

          What was the name of Marine Center/Aquarium where the two Humpback Whales (George & Gracie) were housed?

          Where was the San Francisco Public Transit MUNI Bus when Kirk and Spock confronted the punk rocker with a loud boom-box? (you can tell by the background in the window of the bus as they were driving)
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            From ST: IV The Voyage Home (one of very favorite movies of all-time)....

            What was the name of Marine Center/Aquarium where the two Humpback Whales (George & Gracie) were housed?

            That was the Cetacean Institute located just North of the Golden Gate Bridge in Sausalito (Marin County)

            Where was the San Francisco Public Transit MUNI Bus when Kirk and Spock confronted the punk rocker with a loud boom-box? (you can tell by the background in the window of the bus as they were driving)

            I love that scene!. If I remember it right, they were on a one of those graffiti riddled SF Muni transit buses going across the Golden Gate Bridge with Alcatraz in the background

            Continuing with the ST: The Voyage Home theme...

            What kind of restaurant did Dr. Gillian take Kirk and Spock for dinner?

            (Bonus point)
            What did they order for dinner?
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
              I love that scene!. If I remember it right, they were on a one of those graffiti riddled SF Muni transit buses going across the Golden Gate Bridge with Alcatraz in the background

              Continuing with the ST: The Voyage Home theme...
              LOLOL, one of the best Trek scenes period!

              What kind of restaurant did Dr. Gillian take Kirk and Spock for dinner?
              It was an Italian/Pizzeria style Bistro
              (Bonus point)

              What did they order for dinner?[/QUOTE]
              Wow, i'm not sure but I think it was a Pizza. I do remember that Kirk drank a Michelob with dinner.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                Continuing with the uber great ST: The Voyage Home theme....

                Kirk used a lot of "colorful" language (especially when he got flustered) that Spock took note of - Give me an example of said language?
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                  Continuing with the uber great ST: The Voyage Home theme....

                  Kirk used a lot of "colorful" language (especially when he got flustered) that Spock took note of - Give me an example of said language?
                  I believe Kirk used, "double dumbass on you" against an irate taxi driver.

                  Which of the the following Dominion members sold weapons, notably torpedoes, to the Jem'Hadar?

                  A. Dosi
                  B. Karemma
                  C. Yaderans
                  D. T-Rogorans


                    Which of the the following Dominion members sold weapons, notably torpedoes, to the Jem'Hadar?

                    A. Dosi
                    B. Karemma
                    C. Yaderans
                    D. T-Rogorans

                    I believe that would be B: The Karemma Good question brother Fuzz

                    Where did we see an unexploded Kareema Torpedo?
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Starship Down.

                      What does Kirk rather impudently ask an energy being in The Final Frontier?
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                        What does Kirk rather impudently ask an energy being in The Final Frontier?
                        There are a few different answers that come. But I think you were looking for the rather famous quote that Kirk so adeptly asked "What does God need with a Starship?". I love that line! Good question brother nx.

                        OK let's play name the Episode......

                        In what rather interesting TNG episode did the Picard and crew encounter a deity that claimed to be a devil of sorts while also claiming all monetary rights from an inhabited planet?
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          That would "Devil's Due" where someone claiming to be Ardra was extorting money from the Ventaxians.

                          Speaking of the Devil, which episode showed us Hell, albeit the Klingon version?


                            Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                            Speaking of the Devil, which episode showed us Hell, albeit the Klingon version?
                            I'll have to use Google to get the title (VOY - "Barge of the Dead"), but I remember the episode where B'Elanna was on the boat to Klingon hell saving her mother from the shame incurred on her by B'Elanna. I loved how B'Elana's character evolved over the course of Voyager and finally came to accept her Klingon heritage...finally...

                            Somewhat open ended question, name two instances where B'Elanna's actions showed the shame\hatred she had towards her Klingon heritage.


                              Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                              Somewhat open ended question, name two instances where B'Elanna's actions showed the shame\hatred she had towards her Klingon heritage.
                              Great question brother Spimman! This one made me think - right off the top of my head I thought of her shame growing up that she was different from other human children. Also the fact that she considered having her and Tom's child altered to look human instead of Klingon (but I would consider that just one correct instance).
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Originally posted by Spimman View Post
                                Somewhat open ended question, name two instances where B'Elanna's actions showed the shame\hatred she had towards her Klingon heritage.
                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                Great question brother Spimman! This one made me think - right off the top of my head I thought of her shame growing up that she was different from other human children. Also the fact that she considered having her and Tom's child altered to look human instead of Klingon (but I would consider that just one correct instance).
                                Great examples Brother Fifth. I'll add to the list from my memory...

                                -In a related childhood story B'Elanna was teased by her cousins which caused her to go off on her Dad while they were camping which caused him to leave her and her mother, that must have been tough
                                -Early in her and Tom's relationship she pushed him away for fear of him seeing who she "really" was
                                -Lack of control caused her to fail at Starfleet Academy

