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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    And now into somewhat unfamiliar territory.... I believe this is the point at which I kind of lost track of watching the show week to week, so the remainder of the episodes I've only seen in patches on repeats (except for TATV, which I unfortunately have seen through). So it'll be nice now, seeing episodes more or less for the first time.

    ENT 4.12 "Babel One"
    ...aaaaaaaand comfortably settled into the sort of episodes Enterprise should've been doing from the beginning. Diplomatic and exciting goodness involving Tellarites, Andorians, more Romulan meddling, and most importantly SHRAN!!!!? Sign me up!

    It's a lot of the little moments that, for me, really make the show stronger. Seeing Archer muse to T'Pol about how they (Starfleet) may be in over their heads with regards to mediating the Andorian-Tellarite conflict was really something. I like how it so clearly shows Earth as being new at interstellar relations, hearkens back to the exploration earlier in the series and does a fun job of looking at TOS-ey stuff from a 'younger' perspective.

    Another thing that really pleases me about this season is the....evolution of how things are so to speak. Everyone was afraid of the transporter for the first couple years, but as it became more and more necessary throughout the Xindi season it became old hat and now it doesn't really bother them anymore. Plus, the transporter got some fancy new walls this season lol

    ENT 4.13 "United"
    Hey! I spy Remans! Lots of clever stuff other than that too though

    Well-executed Human/Andorian/Tellarite relations shown throughout the episode as Archer struggles to have them all work together (and with the Vulcans) to create a web of ships. Good stuff.

    Even the stuff on personal levels is pretty well-done. I liked the Malcolm-Trip B-plot, those two play well off each other. I was touched when Shran's girl died, or rather at Jeffrey Combs' fantastic reaction to it in Sickbay. Archer and Shran's conversations are also well-scripted and -acted.

    As far as the hand-to-hand combat though....bleh. Felt forced and unnecessary, and more than a little bit like it was lifting from TNG's terrible Code of Honor episode. I don't feel that it brought or added anything interesting to the episode other than an excuse for a dramatic build before what I assume was a commercial break.

    Another great episode conclusion though. The slow zoom out from the Enterprise window to see the combined fleet was just beautiful. And then the reveal of the drone ship's sickly-looking Andorian pilot, excellent.

    ENT 4.14 "The Aenar"
    Seeing Andoria? Waaaaay too freaking cool I absolutely loved seeing the Andorians as a whole get so developed here. Their frozen world, learning that all their cities are underground, and finding out about this strange telepathic Aenar sub-species (alright, so not just sickly-looking Andorians after all lol). And then, to actually see the Aenar Nothing but props for the CGI team for this one.

    I laughed really hard at this....
    Jhmael to Archer: "Your mind has many facets, some of them are in conflict."
    Shran: "That explains a lot."
    *Archer shoots Shran a dirty look"

    After leaving Andoria, The Aenar takes an interesting turn away from the diplomatic stuff seen thus far and into something a bit like a modernized Balance of Terror. And I think it was nicely played against the more intimate Jhamael-centric story (both between her and Shran and her and her brother[/i].

    And humans still not seeing Romulans face-to-face...excellent work, Coto. Just one thing though: where did the Tellarites go?
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      If the Vulcans are distant relatives to the Romulans... You'd think they'd have some information on them.

      Oh, how I wish a season 5 was made. The Earth-Romulan war story would have been great.


        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
        If the Vulcans are distant relatives to the Romulans... You'd think they'd have some information on them.
        Ah not necessarily. The exiled tribe being lost to the others but holding their own grudge, sort of thing.

        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
        Oh, how I wish a season 5 was made. The Earth-Romulan war story would have been great.
        I'm quite looking forward to the 'relaunch' books.
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          ENT 4.15 "Affliction"
          Feeling a little blindsided here because I'd completely forgotten about Trip wanting to transfer from Enterprise to Columbia. So it's nice to see Columbia again, and Earth. And a plot thread I'd totally forgotten about lol

          Good exploration of other plot threads though. Revisiting xenophobic factions on Earth, the return of the Augment virus and 'smoothing out' the Klingons, slyly referencing Section 31 by linking Malcolm to them....

          Everything Klingon is cool From the new Bird-of-Prey, to the smooth-headed Klingon raid, to smooth-headed Klingons speaking the Klingon language not developed till after TOS ended. Fun stuff.

          Also a big LOL at Uncle Phil as a Klingon general, and an even bigger LOL at a fat Seth MacFarlane as a Columbia engineer

          ENT 4.16 "Divergence"
          You can almost hear what's going through Trip's head as they're aligning the ships to have him cable cross from one ship to another... "Thisissodumbthisissodumbissodumb" Made for a nice and exciting beginning to the episode, but I think I'd need a clean pair of shorts after making that little journey!

          Though it was a bit....over-the-top, I really liked how well the whole sequence of merging warp shells and fixing the Enterprise warp drive was done. It was fun, it was exciting, and it didn't involve a whole hell of a lot of Treknobabble.

          I got a bit tired about halfway through, ran out of things to say. But in a more general way, I'm finding myself really floored by how much I'm enjoying season 4. How much the show has changed in its last year is really extraordinary, and so much better than the preceding three years. This season makes me wish the show hadn't been canceled.
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            The Corbomite Maneuver
            Star Trek TOS, Season 1, Episode 10, Disc 4


              ENT 4.17 "Bound"
              As much as I like seeing TOS stuff and Orion slave girls.... Wooooow, talk about ludicrous and exploitative. I had trouble even finishing this one.

              And what's with this Kelby guy being the new chief engineer? Why not promote an existing recurring character like Engineer Alex?

              ENT 4.18-19 "In A Mirror, Darkly"
              I don't even know where to start....the Mirror take on first contact, the epic intro sequence, Major Reed, an Agony Booth, Archer and Forrest with black hair, Linda Park in lingerie, a Tholian, a Constitution-class (TOS reference!), a Tholian web, TOS uniforms, GORN! oh man! Just....where are the goatees? LOL

              Fun stuff, all around. I love that Star Trek has the freedom to do completely off-the-wall and wildly different episodes like this. The Mirror universe is always a fun place to visit and I think they did a stellar job of it here. I'm not even going to try to single out specific moments or plot points, the whole thing is great. Perhaps even the single best entry that Enterprise brought to the franchise.

              My only real complaint is how bad the CGI Gorn looked. Other than that, fantastic.

              I'm tempted to do a Mirror Universe...and TOS watch-throughs now And who would've ever thought I'd be a bit sad I only have two episodes left of Enterprise to watch?!
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                I thought thier were 3 episodes after In A Mirror Darkly?
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  Not in my books (Though like I said, I might skip through it to see only the parts set in 2161).

                  Something kind of interesting on-screen during IaMD2, from the ENT universe:
                  Jonathan Archer

                  Rank at retirement: Admiral, Chief of Staff, Starfleet Command
                  Former Assignments:
                  Commanding officer, Enterprise NX-01, 2150-2160
                  Ambassador to Andoria, 2169-2175
                  Federation Councilman, 2175-2183
                  President, UFP 2184-2192
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                    Not in my books (Though like I said, I might skip through it to see only the parts set in 2161).

                    Something kind of interesting on-screen during IaMD2, from the ENT universe:
                    I didn't think the UFP had a president. I thought it was sorta like the Star Wars universe. Every counsel from each world, coming together and working on issues, etc. Not one person in charge. The republic years that is.


                      You've missed a few movies and episodes, haven't you?

                      VOY: Bride of Chaotica!
                      It's a hilaRious episode! "And remember: You're the Queen!"
                      The comedy, the tongue-in-cheek referencing of older forms of sci-fi, Janeway as Arachnia... WOW!
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                        You've missed a few movies and episodes, haven't you?

                        VOY: Bride of Chaotica!
                        It's a hilaRious episode! "And remember: You're the Queen!"
                        The comedy, the tongue-in-cheek referencing of older forms of sci-fi, Janeway as Arachnia... WOW!
                        I haven't seen any of the old movies, except for First Contact. I guess that's why.

                        Interesting the president is human....

                        Ah, okay nevermind... aliens have been president too.
                        Last edited by Alan Wake; 02 July 2010, 03:41 PM.


                          ENT 3.20 "Demons"
                          Oh dear....a baby story. This might've been a bit more shocking if it hadn't already come up back in E², so it falls a little flat here. I like the mystery of how exactly it came about, but as to the subject matter itself....bleh.

                          Fortunately the Coalition and and xenophobia stories being played out in this episode. The politician is appropriately annoying, Peter Weller (Robocop!!) is well-cast as the jerk leader of Terra Prime. And the Travis love interest/TP spy is stunning

                          And while I find that the subject matter of xenophobia is particularly resonant and relevant in today's day and age, I find that the storytelling in part 1 here falls a little flat. There's a lot of interesting things going on, but it just seems to fail to add up to any more than the sum of its parts. Nice to see Mars though.

                          ENT 3.21 "Terra Prime"
                          This whole xenophobic Terra Prime thing is kind of a strange way to spend your last two episodes of the regular series. And I do mean 'regular' series, as even if you count TATV, it's still not part of the regular series storytelling.

                          I'm a bit pizzled at some of the means of storytelling undertaken here too. How exactly was Terra Prime planning to pull this whole thing off if Trip hadn't happened to be the one on the mission to Mars? Dividing up the principal cast into three different groups? Having the last main-story episode be set in the Solar systm instead of 'out there' somewhere?

                          All in all though, not a bad episode. Exciting, interesting, good stuff going on. And a good follow-through to the xenophobic themes first introduced back in Home. I think what might've made the whole thing a bit more interesting though, and hinted at stuff to come, would be if it had been found out that somehow the Romulans had been tied up in the whole Terra Prime incident.

                          But, hey. Not a bad end.

                          On to the novels....
                          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                            The Romulans were the ones supplying Paxton with his alien-derived drugs? Rigelians are close to Vulcans and Romulans... Could Paxton really have been receiving Romulan gene therapy? Did that make him evil? Was the bald black guy really a Romulan, too?!
                            At some point, you can't blame Romulan spies for everything.
                            'Terra Prime' was a sad yet hopeful episode. Not the ideal way to end the series, but it was fitting for the way so many fans felt by the end of S4.

                            VOY: Dark Frontier pt 1.
                            The beginning of Voyager punking the Borg. Emotionally moving for poor 7/9, but... Eh.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              VOY: The Voyager Conspiracy

                              Probably one of the funnest episodes of the series.


                                Most of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock. It's a very underrated film, in my superior opinion.
                                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."

