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    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
    It was meant to be a bit baffleing (which is often good, occasionally bad).....We never did find out who Future Guy was.
    But I think Future Tense and Cold Front were two of their best episodes precisly for this- they both left us kind of confused and hanging in a good way.....
    I loved the Temporal Cold War and I usually hate time travel in Sci Fi. btw, I thought the ratings would have GONE THROUGH THE ROOF if the "Future Guy" was revealed to be Captain Kirk, who learns that he is to die in the future and goes evil to try to prevent all the events that lead to his death (and alter the Federation possibly to create one he rules al la the Mirror Mirror universe).


      Originally posted by Lord Shiva
      I loved the Temporal Cold War and I usually hate time travel in Sci Fi. btw, I thought the ratings would have GONE THROUGH THE ROOF if the "Future Guy" was revealed to be Captain Kirk, who learns that he is to die in the future and goes evil to try to prevent all the events that lead to his death (and alter the Federation possibly to create one he rules al la the Mirror Mirror universe).
      I love Time Travel stories- some paradoxies are so mind-boggling, but that's part of what makes it fun.
      I REALLY wish we found out who Future Guy was. It's too bad that wasn't wrapped up.....never thought of Captain kirk though. At one point I considerd that it might be Daniels pulling the double-fake out type thing (or Daniels did it when he was younger at an earlier time, and when he comes to work with Archer he was trying to fix it).


        i thought it was archer or captain braxton off star trek voyager

        who else thought that the episode where they went to 21st century detroit was great?


          Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
          who else thought that the episode where they went to 21st century detroit was great?
          Actually, it was not too bad, but I kept thinking I was watching DS9's "Past Tense."
          "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


            was that the one where sisko goes back to the Bell riots?

            Actuarly i loved the whole xindi arch. I love on going saga's like that


              ^ Yup, it was a two-part story early in season 3.
              "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                i havn't seen that in a while....havn't got it on dvd


                  Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
                  i thought it was archer or captain braxton off star trek voyager

                  who else thought that the episode where they went to 21st century detroit was great?
                  great episode
                  Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                    This place is great i've never even meta nother person who likes star trek


                      Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
                      This place is great i've never even meta nother person who likes star trek
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        I want to get the DVDs for Enterprise but they are so expensive. We only got season 1 and 3 quarters of season 2 here and I really want to see season 3. I'll have to start saving.


                          join the club
                          Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                            Originally posted by mckaychick
                            unforchanatly yes

                            I have neterprise on dvd but there compressed crappy one's i fully intend on getting the proper ones soon when i can afford it


                              By the time you have brough TNG, DS9 and Voyager. You are broke for the next 5 years of your life. They are expensive. More so than SG box sets. Well here they are anyway.


                                Originally posted by Major Zoidberg
                                unforchanatly yes

                                I have neterprise on dvd but there compressed crappy one's i fully intend on getting the proper ones soon when i can afford it
                                well now you have trekkie friends
                                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig

