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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Sad news about Ricardo Montalban. I always enjoyed his performances in various shows from the late 60's to the 80's. He was a joy to watch, one of those actors whose performance seemed effortless. No one will ever forget Khan!


      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
      They never mentioned Ford after he helped the team to escape the hive - but Joe Mallozzi has stated on his blog that tptb feel that he died on the hive.
      How convenient. I hate it when shows leave you wondering if someone is dead or alive so they can option said person back into the show anytime they want. Sure makes for a lack of credibility.
      Originally posted by Rac80
      As to Ricardo Montalban-- I watched a biography on him over the break, what an intelligent, caring, talented, and multi-faceted man! He was an asset for star trek
      Originally posted by Krisz View Post
      Sad news about Ricardo Montalban. I always enjoyed his performances in various shows from the late 60's to the 80's. He was a joy to watch, one of those actors whose performance seemed effortless. No one will ever forget Khan!
      Ricardo truly was a mans man type of actor. His machismo oozed on screen in everything he did, which wasn't such a bad thing considering he was a great actor. I admire him more reasons other than his wonderful acting. - He was one of the first Hollywood actors going back to late 1950's that advocated a healthy living style through diet and exercise including weight lifting. The guy was way ahead of his time.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        How convenient. I hate it when shows leave you wondering if someone is dead or alive so they can option said person back into the show anytime they want. Sure makes for a lack of credibility.
        Reminds me of those parasites they never finishied in TNG S1
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
          How convenient. I hate it when shows leave you wondering if someone is dead or alive so they can option said person back into the show anytime they want. Sure makes for a lack of credibility.
          I absolutely despise that. It's lazy and cowardly writing, it's that sort of thing more than anything that turned me off of Atlantis.


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            How convenient. I hate it when shows leave you wondering if someone is dead or alive so they can option said person back into the show anytime they want. Sure makes for a lack of credibility.
            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
            I absolutely despise that. It's lazy and cowardly writing, it's that sort of thing more than anything that turned me off of Atlantis.
            Quite lazy indeed. It not only lends itself to a lack of credibility, it makes for crappy viewing. I think Atlantis suffered more from lack of progression in the storyline more than anything.

            As cool a foe as the Wraith are, they were no Goa'uld. I think the Atlantis writers took that for granted. The premise for Atlantis is wonderful and full of potential that IMHO was sadly not met. Reminds me of Trek's Voyager - a great premise that failed to meet expectations.
            The USS Defiant Rocks!


              Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
              I am working on the final touches this morning, so the quiz is definetly on for Monday.
              Most excellent. I am going out of town this evening for 2 days but I will be back Wednesday morning, I will take the quiz then.

              What the heck happened to Eureka?. They gave us half a season and then dissappeared. I wouldn't call it one of favorites but the wife and I loved to watch it on Tuesday nights. They left us with quite a cliff-hanger at the season 3 half-way break.
              The USS Defiant Rocks!


                Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                What the heck happened to Eureka?. They gave us half a season and then dissappeared. I wouldn't call it one of favorites but the wife and I loved to watch it on Tuesday nights. They left us with quite a cliff-hanger at the season 3 half-way break.
                They are supposed to air the second half of the season sometime this year...but so far there's been no news on when that will be. I don't know why. You would think Sci-fi would want to air it sometime soon, to have a fresh scripted show that is actually science fiction, now that SGA is gone and BSG will soon follow.


                  Greetings my DS9 friends. If nothing has changed I believe their is a quiz tomorrow and I believe it features The Die is Cast. So because I am so kind, I am hoping brother Defiant doesn't mind if I repost review. For the new quiz takers I recomend reading it as they are usually detailied which can only improve you chances on the quiz. Good luck everyone and brother Fifth if I do poorly I have been possessed by a Pah'Wraith
                  Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                  DS9 Season III Episode DiscussionEpisode # 66 The Die is Cast

                  Garak rejoins his former mentor Enabran Tain and the Obsidian Order along with the Romulan's Tal Shiar in their plan to destroy the Dominion by launching an assault on the Founders' homeworld. "The Die Is Cast" lives up to part one (Improbable Cause) - Where "Improbable" was nearly all drama, "Die" ends as a big, bold actioner. These two both succeed, however, for the same primary reason - very meaty characterization.

                  This episode may sport one of the largest pyrotechnic battle sequences ever on a Trek series, but when it comes down to it, it's all about Garak and Odo, and their common sharing of loneliness. Here are two characters who live on a station in which they are the only ones of their kind, have no real emotional ties, and survive each day by just doing their jobs. David Livingston's direction is superb - again finding the fine line to walk in pacing various elements of action, intrigue and characterization.

                  Garak's decision to rejoin Tain for this mission is completely understandable. Ending his exile is about the only thing Garak would ever have to look forward to. What else would a lone refugee who is surrounded by people who hate him have to look forward to?

                  Tain accepts Garak back, but continues to test his loyalty. One conversation between these two reveals that Garak had quite a knack for extracting information, and I can't imagine that his methods of extracting information excluded torture. There's even a suggestion that Garak took "enthusiasm" in such exercises. That is hard to imagine. Now Tain wants Garak to prove his loyalty by extracting from Odo information about the Founders that may prove useful in the assault.

                  Tain has a prototype device that will create an energy field that prevents any shapeshifter from changing its molecular form. He suggests that Garak test it on Odo. Garak reluctantly agrees. Garak flips on the device and Odo finds himself locked into humanoid form. Unable to revert to his liquid form and with the 16-hour cycle nearing an end, Odo finds himself in a rather uncomfortable position.

                  This torture scene is starkly intense. I would argue that it's even more effective than Picard's torture in TNG's "Chain of Command II," because we've come to know both these characters, and it is obvious that Garak doesn't take any pleasure in doing this to Odo. Odo, meanwhile, refuses to give in to this torture for some time, turning him into a peeling heap on the floor.

                  The interesting part is that Garak practically begs Odo to reveal anything - even a lie - just so he can end the torture. This shows Garak, who quite possibly took pleasure in interrogating prisoners in the past, as an effete agent at the mercy of his own sadistic responsibilities. Both Auberjonois and Robinson are riveting!.

                  One interesting plot twist is the writers' use of Lt. Commander Eddington, who sabotages the USS Defiant's cloaking device and reveals that he reports directly to Toddman. He tells Sisko that without the cloak, the Defiant will have to return to the Alpha Quadrant. Sisko still refuses, sending O'Brien to repair the damage. Threatened with being confined to quarters, Eddington gives his word that he can be trusted - that his sabotage was a one-time occurrence at Toddman's explicit orders.

                  However, the part of the episode's plot that begs the most anticipation is the Cardassian/Romulan attack on the Founders. As the episode progresses and the attack becomes imminent, I became aware that someone was going to be wiped out - either the Founders or Tain's fleet. The payoff does a fine job of getting the blood boiling.

                  In one of the best examples of a character's ghastly realization, Tain is absolutely dumbfounded when he discovers that the Founders have deserted their planet, and set a trap of some 150 Jem'Hadar fighters. The Jem'Hadar charge in with little on their minds but total annihilation.

                  In the episode's coda, Odo visits Garak in his destroyed tailor's shop and recommends that the two get together for breakfast sometime. Played with subtlety and in perfect character, this scene exhibits a degree of emotional resonance. A single, outstanding line Garak has manages to sum up his character completely: "Do you know what the sad part is Odo? I'm a very good tailor." Brilliant!.

                  I loved everything about this episode!, I give it 8.5 rating.
                  Originally posted by aretood2
                  Jelgate is right


                    Star Trek Quiz #21 This Quiz has a Medium Difficulty Level. - With questions about TNG, VOY, ENT, DS9 with a possibility of a Trek movie, Animated series and TOS question or two thrown in for good measure. I am adding a "guess the quote" section to the quiz A perfect score is 36/36

                    NOTE: When filling out your answers in your reply, please just put A, B, C or D next to the number of the question (example 1)A 2)B 3)C 4)D) without "quoting" the quiz. (Same for the Fill-in's). Most of you do it this way anyway. This makes it a lot easier for me when I am grading the Quizzes, and I would greatly appreciate it.

                    Rules: NO Internet searches ... Be honest and have fun ... NO commenting on someones elses answers until after I post results ... Some answers have multiple choice and some answers are fill-in's ... Leave your answers in a reply with a spoiler tag (hidden) ... I will post up results Thursday afternoon to give some of our brethren an extra day to take the quiz. Good Luck

                    1)- Which of the following did Lwaxana Troi NOT develop a romantic attachment to?
                    A)Captain Picard B)Constable Odo C)Commander LaForge D)Commander Riker

                    2)- What did Chakotay's mother only trust him to do?
                    A)Avenge the family's honor B)Give her back rubs C)Uphold family tradtions D)Take care of his sister

                    3)- What was the name of the Ferengi scientist whose esearch was championed by Dr. Crusher?
                    A)Dr. Reyga B)Dr. Kayun C)Dr. T'Pan D)Dr. Jo'Bril

                    4)- From Star Trek: The Motion Picture - When the alien sends a probe to the Enterprise, which crew member is the first to be shocked from it?
                    A)Spock B)Sulu C)Uhuru D)Chekov

                    5)- Who has never been to Empok Nor?
                    A)Garak B)Bashir C)Nog D)Dukat

                    6)- What episode does Tasha Yar get killed in the line of duty?
                    A)Armus B)Encounter at Farpoint C)Silicon Avatar D)Skin of Evil

                    7)- Who helped Tom Paris take back Voyager from the Kazon?
                    A)The Ocampa B)Another Kazon Faction C)Talaxians D)Q

                    8)- Jake and Nog try to get Captain Sisko a vintage baseball card. Who is on the card?
                    A)Babe Ruth B)Willie Mays C)Jackie Robinson D)Micky Mantle

                    9)- What was the name of the shape-shifting allasomorph that Wesley fell in love with?
                    A)Salia B)Losira C)Sakar D)Jelian

                    10)- What is 7 of 9's favorite color (it's also the color she always uses when playing Kotis-Kot?
                    A)Blue B)Green C)Yellow D)Red

                    11)- How long did the Cardassian occupation of Bajor last?
                    A)30 years B)40 years C)25 years D) 50 years

                    12)- When Captain Archer's cabin door chime is rung, what does he say?
                    A)'Come in' B)'Enter' C)'Come' D)'It's open'

                    13)- What 3 items did Mr. Kurros (and his think tank) want as payment to help Janeway and crew elude Hazaree raiders hired to capture Voyager? ___, ___, ___

                    14)- In the TNG episode "Elementary, Dear Data", which fictional villain did Data find himself pitted against on the holodeck? ___ Who accompanied Data in the holodeck to help play along with him? ___, ___

                    15)- ("The Die is Cast" episode questions)
                    What are the 2 similar factions from Romulus and Cardassia headed the seemingly illegal force that tried to destroy the Founders home world? ___, ___

                    How many ships did said factions send to the Gamma Quadrant? (approx.) ___

                    Who sabotaged the USS Defiants cloaking device so they would turn back and not follow the Romulan and Cardassian task force into the Gamma Quadrant? ___

                    How did Garak torture Odo? ___

                    What was the name of the Romulan Col. who was actually a changeling? ___ What did he do for Odo and Garak? ___

                    16)- (all about Garak)
                    What extreme fear did we learn that Garak has? ___

                    What is Garak's connection to Gul DuKat that almost got him executed? ___

                    Why was Garak once jailed for 6 months on DS9? ___

                    Garak was once assigned to Romulas for covert activities, what did he pose as? ___

                    17)- (Guess the "QUOTE", tell me the character)
                    season I: "Now go to your room! And no studying!"

                    season II: "They'd even broken into my personal logs to see what they could find in there. I hope they enjoyed reading the sexy letters to my wife..."

                    season III: "The truth is usually just an excuse for a lack of imagination."

                    season IV: "You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Nothing. Lots of people die, and nobody makes any profit."

                    season V: "The entire future of the galaxy may depend on us tracking down Willie Mays... and stopping him."

                    season VI: "There's an old saying: Fortune favors the bold. Well, I guess we're about to find out."

                    season VII: "You know, pally? Some times being a hologram can be a real pain in the asymmetric photons."
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      I think I lost my Top Dawg status
                      1 C
                      2 D
                      3 A
                      4 A
                      5 B
                      6 D
                      7 C
                      8 B
                      9 A
                      10 A
                      11 D
                      12 B
                      • quantum slipstream
                      • Neelix's soup
                      • Seven of Nine

                      • Professor Moriarty
                      • Geordi LaForge
                      • Dr. Pulaski

                      • Obscidan Order/Tal Shar
                      • 75
                      • Lt. Commander Eddington
                      • Preventing him from shape shifting because after a certain amount of time Odo must shape shift to his original form or he will die.
                      • ?????
                      • Allow them escape back to DS9

                      • Claustophobia
                      • He killed Dukat’s father
                      • Killing a Romulan seneator
                      • a gardener

                      • Season I: Rom
                      • Season II: O’Brien
                      • Season III: Garak
                      • Season IV: Quark
                      • Season V: Jake
                      • Season VI: Sisko
                      • Season Vic Fontaine
                      Originally posted by aretood2
                      Jelgate is right


                        Wahey! New quizzie!


                        1)c. Which is a shame. He's a handsome man, he is.

                        2)A, because no one ever trusts anyone to uphold family tradition, especially when there's a chance for revenge?

                        3)D. None of them sound Ferengi though, so I went for hte most alien one...

                        4)B. Cos he's that sort of a guy.

                        5)B. Which was a bloody shame, he'd have been a brilliant addition to the episode!

                        6)A. I know for fact it's not B and well, the ret sound silly.

                        7)D. I've no idea who Tom or these...people.. are, but th idea Q had somethign to do with it is fun.

                        8)B. Cos I'ev no reason whatsoever that the name would sound familiar!

                        9)B (is the new C and it sounds liek a stupid name a science fiction show from the 80s would give an alien who's entire point is for a teenager to fall in love with..... Well, that and Mellora.)

                        10)C. She sounds good in yellow.

                        11)D. Rather round, dontcha think?

                        12)D? cos it's that kind of show?

                        13)Gold, jewels, someone's immortal soul?....

                        14)Professor Moriarty of course, who elese? ; Geordie... and... erm... oh come on! i loved the professor moriarty episode! Picard?

                        15)Obsidian Order and Tal-Shiar. Very unimaginative people.


                        The changeling? garak?

                        he prevented him from liquidating.

                        Col. Somthing-Romulan-or-Other and he basically told them to run away adn they woudlnt; be shot at cos no changling has ever harmed another.

                        16)Clastrophobia! Was that in this episode?

                        Something to dow ith making Dukat angry. VERY angry.

                        Urgh! This question has already showed up once! And I can't remmeber! Was it espionage?....

                        A gardner! A gardner!

                        17)s1: I';m pretty sure it's om to Nog from season 1 cos they in't really ahve any idea what Rom's character was l;ike in season1 ,and not Quark. Am I still eligible for a point if it turns outb to be Quark? *big eyes*

                        s2: O'Brien. For the sheer reason there's no one else who writes sexy letters to his wife but i'm pretty sure this is the episode the Cardassians put him on trial for war crimes.

                        s3: now that is Garak. Pure Garak. And the reason I adore him so. Well, one reason, anyway.

                        s4: Quark. Nuff said.

                        s5: I was right about the card question! I was right about the card question! HUH! But I can't remweber which one of the ridiculous people chasing the card said that. Not the scientist, was it?


                        s7: *shuns Vic Fontaine from quiz*

                        Huh, I think I actually did well this time.
                        Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                        Yes, I am!
                        Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                        Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                        Peter Pan R.I.P


                          1. C
                          2. B
                          3. A
                          4, A
                          5, D
                          6, D
                          7, C
                          8, B
                          9, A
                          10. D
                          11. B
                          12. B
                          13. 7 of 9 - Slip-Stream tech. - ?
                          14. Professor Mor. - Geordi - ?
                          15 Tal'Shiar - Obsidian Order - 40 ships? - Eddington - Stassi field - ? - Let them go
                          16. Claustrophobia - ? - tried to blow up changeling home world - ?
                          17. Nog - O'Brien - Garak - Quark - Nog - Sisko - Vic
                          Great quiz brother Fifth. You stumped me a few of them, I think did ok.


                            Not going to do well on this one.
                            1) D
                            2) D
                            3) A
                            4) C
                            5) B
                            6) D
                            7) C
                            8) B
                            9) D
                            10) B
                            11) D
                            12) A
                            13) Quantum slipstream [which we never quite got to work]. Neelix's recipe for... something [which never worked for anyone]. And, of course, 7/9 [whose catsuit's structural integrity field worked quite well].
                            14) Dr. Moriarty. Picard, Geordi.
                            15)The Romulan Tal Shiar and the Cardassian Obsidian Order.
                            Security Chief Michael Eddington.
                            Garak used a wonderful prototype device [apparently invented by Tain, I believe] that inhibited Odo's ability to return to a liquid state once every 16 hours as necessary [for him]. It caused him extreme pain and gave him a rather nasty skin disease.
                            I had the pic to post from earlier, so no cheating here.

                            LOVOK!!! LOVOKKKKKK!!!!!! LOVOK allowed them to leave the doomed D'Deridex class Warbird in their runabout. Remember, no changeling [at this point] had ever harmed [much less killed] another.

                            16)- (all about Garak, as it chould be)
                            They were both considered traitors to Cardassia?
                            Sticking a customer with a pin.
                            A tailor!

                            17)- (I'm guessing this is DS9, right?)
                            Quark [I'm tempted to go Sisko, but...]
                            I'm tempted to say Nog... or that insane immortality-seeking guy with the device.
                            Grr. Vic Fontaine.
                            Despite the bad score, enjoyable torture as always.
                            Last edited by nx01a; 19 January 2009, 02:05 PM.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              great quiz brother Fifth
                              1) C

                              2) D

                              3) A

                              4) B

                              5) B

                              6) D

                              7) B

                              8) B

                              9) A

                              10) B

                              11) D

                              12) A

                              13) 7 of 9; a recipe?; ?

                              14) Professor Moriarty; Geordi, Dr. Pulaski

                              15) Obsidian Order and Tal Shiar; 20?; Eddington; he used a device that
                              prevented Odo from returning to a liquid state; Lovok; he helped them escape

                              16) claustrophobia; he's one of those responsible for the death of Dukat's father; he tried to destroy the Great Link; a tailor?

                              17) s1: Rom
                              s2: O'Brien
                              s3: Garak
                              s4: Quark
                              s5: Jadzia?
                              s6: Sisko
                              s7: Vic Fontaine
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread



                                1 C
                                2 B
                                3 A
                                4 D
                                5 C
                                6 A
                                7 C
                                8 B
                                9 B
                                10 A
                                11 D
                                12 D
                                13 Copy of Voyager’s database, 7of 9, ?
                                14 Dr Moriarty, Dr Crusher
                                15 Tal Shiar and Obsidian Order
                                20 ships
                                Used a device to stop him reverting to his liquid form
                                Col Lovak, he gave them the security codes to enable them to get to the Runabout.
                                16 Claustrophobia, ? , ?, ?
                                17 Quark
                                Vic Fontaine

                                I'll be keeping the wooden spoon I'm sure but I still love doing the quizzes! Another good one Fifth Race, thanks!

